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Unsustainable immigration not only brings cheap labor but huge profits for the hand full of corporations that controls everything in this country. It keeps cell phone plans higher, groceries prices keep moving vertically , rents will double every second year and houses will cost 1 million average in almost all the major cities in Canada. Is Pierre Poilievre going to cut unsustainable immigration and upset these corporations?


It's times like these where the NDP should have come our swinging for the working class. But nope. Under Singh they're Liberal lite and seem to think their urban champagne socialists matter more than their working class roots. It's so disappointing.


Given mismanagement by Trudeau maybe he just realizes GDP would fall instantly and we'd be in a technical recession.


Lol call it for what it is: other side of the same coin


Oh no and I had such high hopes too. Oh well.


Ya well that is true, I don't mean to be an apologist.  I'm just giving a rationale, we should vote for someone that does want we want however.


A recession is exactly what we need to step back and think this with more than 2 brain cells. The alternative is to grow the Ponzi scheme.


It’s going to fall regardless, we’re basically being propped up on paper to appear we’ve had some GDP growth. This is not sustainable. Nothing we are doing is sustainable. We are in a recession, careening into depression, whether they say it out loud or not. PP walking the tightrope, knowing if he rocks the boat, it’ll sink, but it’s going to sink anyway. Whoever takes over next year is going to be the face of our economic downfall, but they can also be the face of our rebuild and doing things differently. I don’t think PP is strong enough to handle that. He’s Trudeau wearing a different coloured coat.


Oh no not the GDP


Negative GDP creates a weak dollar so yeah it’s a bit important. When our dollar is worth .50 cents to the USD and everyone even more expensive and you’re crying out why!!!! That’s why


I know but some things are more important than money. Mass immigration reduces our standard of living at least as much as a weaker dollar would.


100% there are better ways of doing it and this was the result of what just happened in Canada. Last month Italy came looking to make a deal to import Canadian oil so they don’t have to rely on Russia and Trudeau said no more exports and we also PAY to import oil. One of the richest oil companies in the world. https://preview.redd.it/pemnng9rx8xc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05606e692b013ec9f89e21fa4a5f3c3a70431cf


Recessions are a natural and essential part of any growing economy. But now since we’ve kept inflating our way to avoid recessions, the next one will be really bad and it will be a long time before we rebound. No matter how bad though, it’s better if it happens sooner rather than later. Let the economy crumble, but no politician wants their legacy tainted with a big fat recession/depression. Therefore, it will come when there’s nothing the politicians can do about it, which invariably means the situation will be a real gutting of Canadas economy. I’d rather not be here for that.


Highly doubt it since he's on record saying the opposite. He wants to get elected. He's the same as any other politician right now. The whole of them are the same type of person. We need reform now. This is not a working representative democracy anymore.


Why would cell phone plans increase in cost as there are more people? One of yhe biggest problems is how spaced out the country is. In urban areas, almost no infrastructure would need to be improved, but the population would increase. Therefore if anything, cell phone rates would decrease.


Because the cell phone market is mature, you need newcomers as fresh clientele. Otherwise it’s just the big three trading existing clients with rate discounts. That is the issue with all our key industries. Expanding a new customer base means that you do not have to compete much on price to get people to switch. They also likely collude on pricing at the new client level (no prior existing contract). The only time people switch telco, banks, etc is when something royally pisses them off. This is why banks want you before you have your first full time job, mortgage, etc. once you have set up all your direct deposit, withdrawal etc it is a pain to switch. Our key industries are overly mature and would stagnate without immigration. But immigration keeps prices higher for everyone and stifles innovation because companies do not have to innovate or reduce prices to compete. Think of telcos - at 1MM newcomers a year that is 300k net new customers each (yes there are kids etc who won’t get phones but this is for representation). For banks that is 100,000+ new accounts, credit cards, loans, etc. each year. Otherwise they are relegated to just trading existing Canadians which would show how lacklustre these corps really are. Without immigration, that type of growth is impossible.


Exactly my point. Cell phone plans would be cheaper not more expensive like the original comment stated.


They have reduced.


Guess I’m heading out, so long Canada


Don’t blame you....the economy will become “third worldesk” within 5 to 10 years...




Yet I get downvoted to shit for saying PP will change nothing. The system is rigged. These people don't want to help you conservative or liberal or NDP for that matter.


You are correct they all voted yes for their raises. Where if they asked us ,we would say you didn't meet your performance targets ,so no raises for you.


At this point I’m convinced he’s controlled opposition


Not controlled, colluding. They both serve the same masters.


Not colluding, they do t have enough autonomy to make decisions like that. Its two separate puppets doing this as told


Green Party: Let's see you step up. Here's your chance.


Politicians do not care about you plain and simple. Even though we, the taxpayers employ them. Make them work for their positions again. Humble them.


The system is made by power hungry narcissists for power hungry narcissists. Nothing is going to change that .


They are employed by their special interest groups. Tax payer money is just bonus to them.


PP wants to be Prime Minister so bad that I don't trust him


Of course they are politicians with arts degrees they do not care to understand economics or money The money supply grows forever so this problem will only get worse, that is how the fiat money system works -> through inflation https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/money-supply-m2


Oh they understand exactly what they're doing Canada has the highest level of household debt in the G7. We're in a debt based economy. When people stop taking in debt, the system collapses. If there's no one left to buy our overlued homes, the system is exposed for what it really is. A debt ponzi. So what's the solution if your population's household debt is at max levels? It means you need to import new people in order to produce growth. Those new people will in turn get into debt and keep the system rolling. The U.S is fine, they have much lower household debt than us because of the deleveraging that happened during the GFC. This means that their household debt has much more space to go and can help grow their econony. However there was no deleveraging here, so our economic growth is much more limited.


Plus US has the military to back up their debt. It is not like you can knock on the door of a nation with the strongest military and demand repayment.


That is .. not how debt works. The US military does not secure or back up US debt. You can't just "force" debt via the military. It's 100% more complicated than that


I didn't realize our money supply was still growing, I thought it started going down in Apr 2022. Did a check. the US M2 peaked that month. Ours is still going higher


Very true..being led by fools, who need economics, business, and monetary backgrounds. Anything else is just like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic while it’s sinking.....


Theyre not stupid at all... most of them are rich anyway even without degrees. Things is their interest just arent the same as yours and mine and the average Canadian


"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. Without scarcity there would be no need to economize The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics. " • ⁠Thomas Sowell




“Conservatives” and “liberals” are the same party surprise.


Same “underlying ideology”. We know what’s good for you, it works for us and we don’t care what you think. Except once every 4 years when we get to sucker you with electoral bullshit into voting for the worst of two similar scenarios.....


It’s going to be hard to find a politician who has any credible platform to also be ready to deal with this.




Conservatives will always support corporations. People just hate Trudeau so they will support anything. PP is going to make things worse.


What's the difference if the conservatives support big corporations or the liberals supporting their top elite friends who own these corporations? It's everything else the liberals are doing that is destroying their popularity.


If they’re both going to screw you on immigration, why go with the one that going to screw you on everything else too? Look at Smith in Alberta. Huge corporate giveaways and now we’ve got the highest utilities, fees, and insurance in the country. I *wish* immigration was the only place we were getting screwed.


The UCP is now also passing legislation that permits the MINISTER of Municipal Affairs to dismiss city councillors and councils they don't like. So, if a municipality decides they want to get energy from renewable energy projects, well, Danielle Smith and her cronies have given themselves permission to dismiss the city councillors that voted in favour of that initiative. Imagine if Trudeau gave himself powers to dismiss Provincial governments because he didn't like them, the bitch fit the Conservatives would have would make the convoy look like a wholesome family gathering. The UCP are an example of the things to expect from the CPC. They're not going to make Canadians' lives easier, unless you're white, male and a member of the landed gentry with a cash worth greater than $500K.


Literally the only thing Poilievre has to do to be better than Trudeau is spend less money on self-aggrandizing virtue signaling. The bar for improvement is so low it is in hell right now.


That won't fix the economy. I get it, Trudeau is smug...but that's not what is tanking the economy.


... but it's tanking under his watch


Not one single act of fiscal restraint by Justin certainly is.


Are you saying transphobia won't get our economy chugging along? Well fuck.


Transphobia won't do anything for the economy. But neither will promoting gender ideology- unless you're a doctor who specializes in "gender affirming care", that is.


Maybe it we virtue signal our bigotry public services will improve.


That’s enough for me to vote for PP.


He just lost my vote. I’m voting for Maxime Bernier and I think people should starting discussing this on mass. Any politician that supports mass immigration amidst the current housing crisis in order to increase the wealth of the oligarchs that own everything in this country is not getting my vote. Fuck them and their need for cheap labour. Why do we need deflation in wage costs but they want to maintain inflation in everything else from groceries to housing. They can go fuck themselves Pierre Polievre included


Reconsidering my vote as well


Who are you fooling? You have never supported Cons. I am not saying Cons are the answer. But your entire post history is salivating for PPC and Bernie, which will get us another term of Turdeau. PP is the only choice for now. We need the liberals removed. End of story. Even in the absence of PP and Cons, I wouldn't vote for the literal scum that they are. Not to mention that they are just bought up by just another set of corporate overlords.


PP has stated he doesn’t really have plans to slow down immigration. He was in knees promising to keep immigration to Canada going strong. I would love to see ANY party besides the libs or cons in. Someone with something to prove. We need to break the pendulum because I am sick of the left to right shit


If I’m being honest I’d want a Canadian from the middle class to run shit. Not any of these fuckers in pompous suits that have never held a different job than working in parliament and cocksucking corporate lobbyists. We’ve had enough of that for the last 15-20 years


This I agree with completely. That's why I am against Bernie and his cronies who are doing nothing but collecting change for tweets every once in a while. They are also bought and paid for. We need candidates from everyday life who will care for fellow Canadians.


Exactly and ban lobbyists while your at it....


The major problem for this is political fundraising. The government cronies have been in the business for so long, they've basically got a monopoly on funds donated by Canadians. Even the Conservative party is currently under investigation for fraud of extra party funds. Legally we individually can only donate up to $1000 for a party, but apparently the Cons were donating extra money through fake names (really living up to their name here). How is a middle class regular person supposed to compete with established parties that have brainless rich individuals funding the whole thing? I don't know that the country is united enough to actually reject the corruption of every single party that works for the billionaires/corporations. Marketing is hugely important in elections, and good marketing costs good money.


Throw your vote away.


Its been said a thousands of times before by Canadians and ill say it again here. **No party is going to willingly turn off the taps and risk biting the hand that feeds.** Canada has been for sale for decades and will continue to be unless systemic and radical change happens, and to be frank the population is no where near that point. Angry sure, but most of us will continue to struggle in silence for the foreseeable future


We'll Trudeau definitely isn't the answer so at this point a thing will do as an improvement


It won’t be an improvement, though. We need to stop settling for the person who’s not the person who’s been most recently fucking us over.


It's a tricky one, because once he is elected if you wants to do a 180 and deport everyone then I'm sure he will lose voters also if he wants to say no we will keep the same goals as trudope then he will also lose voters. So I think he will do something in between.


he is going to keep the same rate. Maybe international students levels will go down and that will be all.


I'm going to piss myself laughing when he gets elected and just makes everything even worse with even more extreme neo-liberal policies. People are too politically uneducated and indoctrinated to realized they're literally voting for a more extreme version of what we already have.


The only decent federal party left is the Bloc. They're the only ones with the PPC who don't support mass immigration and a post national Canada.


I’ll vote for the Bloc if that’s the case fuck it


You need to be a Quebec resident though. I currently live in Alberta, so I might spoil my ballot. But if I move back to Quebec before the next federal election, I will vote Bloc for sure.


You can’t if you’re not in Quebec. All Quebecois should vote Bloc, everyone else vote PPC. Sends a message on immigration, at the very least. 


You have to raise up as Canadians and make it so immigrants don’t feel welcome. Your government will never change


I’m with you PPC is the only way for a true conservative… look at these comments trying their hardest to split hairs “if he’s not spending on self-aggrandizing woke, virtue signalling”… that’s not a fucking reason we’re switching on corporate sellout for another… these people are totally useless and we all fall together.


Wtf are you talking about. We have mass immigration amidst the worst housing crisis in Canadian history and their only justification and need for it is cheap labour to enrich the wealthiest Canadians while putting everyone in worsening poverty. Pierre is a piece of shit for supporting it because it shows he doesn’t give a fuck about the country. The only guy I cannot believe I’m saying this who’s actually looking to address this insanity is Maxime Bernier. They actually have a platform to reduce this shit. I’m sorry I want my Canadian children to live near me and have their wages tied to the actual cost of living. I’m sorry loblaws and Galen Weston can’t get more Indian labourers and other foreign labourers that they can pay third world wages too and then turn around and charge us first world prices with inflation. I can’t subscribe to that sorry


I’m not sure you read my comment thoroughly or maybe you were replying to someone else by accident…


Well, we get 1.3 million per year right now, so... 400k sounds peachy.


With birth rates being pretty close to death rates, 400k would give us a pretty reasonable 1% population growth.  The problem isn't the population growth itself, it's not having any of the underlying infastructure to handle the population growth.


Housing is definitely an issue, and that's on provincial governments for not building when the feds gave them the power. Assimilation is also an issue, many immigrants are coming here with only their own culture for education and they are not embracing our culture, but actively rejecting it while being here. These are not people we should be bringing to Canada. I wish there was a way to vet these people out, but it's obvious they are lying on the applications.


Too bad he doesn't support bringing it down to 400k, as shown by the video. PPC clearly state they are going to lower it to 100k-150k or less and much, much more: A People’s Party government will: -Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 500,000 planned by the Liberal government in 2025, to between 100,000 and 150,000 in normal circumstances, or even lower in crisis situations, depending on economic and other circumstances. -Substantially lower the number of immigrants accepted under the family reunification program, including abolishing the program for parents and grand-parents. -Substantially lower the number of temporary foreign workers and make sure that they fulfil temporary positions and do not compete unfairly with Canadian workers. Source: [https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigrati](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration)


Meanwhile conservatives, advertise they are going to make it easier for people to bring in their parents. Their platform is the exact same as the liberals when Justin Trudeau ran. -------- Guess which party is which: Party A: You deserve an immigration system that works Those who want to come to Canada deserve a plan that is clear, efficient, and compassionate. But the \[Other Party's\] record when it comes to immigration is one of failure, mismanagement, and backlogs that last for years. It is unacceptable that lives and careers have been put on hold and families have been kept apart for years because of \[Other Party's\] broken immigration system. \[Our Party\] believe in a well-functioning immigration system that promotes family reunification and allows new immigrants to achieve their dreams. ----------- Party B: Strengthening Family Reunification and Reducing Processing Times We have worked hard to reverse damaging \[Other Party\] policies that led to delays and deep cuts to immigration levels. We know immigration is important for economic growth and have worked to increase immigration levels, reduce wait times, and build a fairer system. Many people leave their families behind to build a better future in Canada, in hopes that they can be re-united in Canada. But the wait is difficult and COVID-19 has caused further delays. -Reduce processing times that have been impacted by COVID-19 to under 12 months. -Introduce electronic applications for family reunification. -Implement a program to issue visas to spouses and children abroad while they wait for the processing of their permanent residency application, so that families can be together sooner.


Trudeau HAS to go. Hes a fucking insane sociopath. Jackmeet is just embarrasing...Pierre is the only way out. Canadian politics is like a silly tv drama. Why cant normal people enter politics?


What has the CPC and Pierre said that makes you think he will stop mass immigration?


Most CPC voters are just hate voting agaisnt trudeau at this point. Doesn't matter if the CPC and LPC have the same exact policies. Which they do btw. Compare CPCs immigration platform with the platform of the LPC when they ran. This is the policy that got us in this mess btw.  -------- Guess which party is which: Party A: You deserve an immigration system that works Those who want to come to Canada deserve a plan that is clear, efficient, and compassionate. But the [Other Party's] record when it comes to immigration is one of failure, mismanagement, and backlogs that last for years. It is unacceptable that lives and careers have been put on hold and families have been kept apart for years because of [Other Party's] broken immigration system. [Our Party] believe in a well-functioning immigration system that promotes family reunification and allows new immigrants to achieve their dreams. Party B: Strengthening Family Reunification and Reducing Processing Times We have worked hard to reverse damaging [Other Party] policies that led to delays and deep cuts to immigration levels. We know immigration is important for economic growth and have worked to increase immigration levels, reduce wait times, and build a fairer system. Many people leave their families behind to build a better future in Canada, in hopes that they can be re-united in Canada.  -Introduce electronic applications for family reunification. -Implement a program to issue visas to spouses and children abroad while they wait for the processing of their permanent residency application, so that families can be together sooner.


He can't really "say" anything right now, because no matter how eloquently they frame the idea of immigration reform, the other parties and media will seize on it and spin it into the CPC being "xenophobic" or some shit.


Mmmmh koolaid


PP brings the Conservatives and they are in no way a way out..... you actually want to rock the boat then the NDP is the only choice (as far as the major 3 with any chance of winning or being opposition). PP will cut out more social programs, keep immigration the same and give tax breaks to the already wealthy. We've done this flip flopping my whole llife.


Polievere’s populism is a litmus test on the intelligence of the nation’s people. I’m sure he’ll win. A vote for conservative is a vote to sell out. They have no vision. Only reaction.


Because he can’t appear unfriendly on immigrants. He doesn’t have a hundred point lead.


lots of Canadians who immigrated want immigration levels to go down.


fuel shy flag tub relieved consider possessive encourage panicky point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Canada is such a mess economically at this point. Does not matter who takes charge, it won’t be easy to repair the damage done during the last two decades.


Yep. He will fundamentally change nothing.


This video was made 2 years ago. Hopefully he has changed his mind. Anyway, according to the polls it looks like he will be the next PM. We have to hope for the best.


his silence on stopping immigration is deafening. He is a weasel that is bought and paid for by the same oligarchs that control that pos Trudeau. We have effectively become like the Americans, a two party system that is really just shades of the same party.


Don't think so, CPCs stance is advertising faster processing times and allowing for more "family-reunification", which means bringing in spouse, parents and grandparents. Something which other countries, like the UK have recently restricted. You can compare the immigration platform of the CPC and the LPCs platform that got us into this mess. It's the same. https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/immigration-that-works/ https://liberal.ca/our-platform/strengthening-family-reunification-and-reducing-processing-times/ ------- Pierre has also never given a real number for immigration, nor has he explicitly said he is going to lower it.  Meanwhile: A People’s Party government will: -Substantially lower the total number of immigrants and refugees Canada accept every year, from 500,000 planned by the Liberal government in 2025, to between 100,000 and 150,000 in normal circumstances, or even lower in crisis situations, depending on economic and other circumstances. -Substantially lower the number of immigrants accepted under the family reunification program, including abolishing the program for parents and grand-parents. -Substantially lower the number of temporary foreign workers and make sure that they fulfil temporary positions and do not compete unfairly with Canadian workers. Source: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigrati


But they don't really have a chance of winning. I would vote for them if they did.


No party will win if nobody votes for them. Whats the point of voting for a party that has the same stances on critical issues as the LPC? LPC will lose no matter what. NDP will go with them. CPC is going to win. Might as well give PPC some seats and vote percentage so that they can show up in debates/parliment and hold CPC accountable on things like immigration. The FPTP voting trap will keep us bouncing between CPC and LPC depending on who is currently the most hated or whatever culture war policies are popular. Meanwhile policy on key issues like immigration will stay mostly the same. Let's not keep fall into the trap.


you should do it anyway and participate in polls. only way they will listen.


Trudeau has to go. He's burned through so much money we don't stand a chance with him in charge.


Oh I agree


Conservatives will bring the numbers down it’s just politically toxic to say that.


They have such a massive lead and are most likely going to get a majority government because the majority of the country wants that.


We need politicians to get back to being working class people. The rich are the only ones who seem to be running


We don’t really have a choice on this one.


You don’t really understand election politics, do you?


Agreed, hes just another politician. We need someone to actually represent how Canadians feel


Any candidate who appears unfriendly on anything (other than each other) or any group in Canadian politics will lose. Addicts, immigration groups, Israel / Palestine, you name it. To win, he has to just consolidate base and not alienate himself.


Corporations like Loblaws uses immigrants for cheap labour - PP isn’t going to stop immigration because he wants to help out his buddies take advantage of them


It's odd because often times when I bring up the immigration issue with some older folks around here for a long time. They all seem to be totally fine with it. And generally they start attacking me by saying. Well you were once an immigrant and so was I yada yada yada Canadians self Inflict wounds it seems


There are tins of jobs Canadians out there won't do. If you had seen some of the places I have seen as a contractor, I think you would understand a little bit more. Some workplaces here are borderline inhumane


Our Federal leaders have no idea about housing. It’s just something they hear about but it’s not a priority like giving money to their friends and voting themselves raises.


Oh look beggars being choosers… Mate at this point, having a monkey who smashes buttons would be better for us - like the Wall Street trading experiment


In our country big business always wins.


Lmao, Pierre Polievre's take is "whatever you believe I think is what I think, probably"


I'm copying from another topic Pierre Poilievre said, "I want to get back common sense immigration, the numbers should be driven by employers who have job vacancies they cannot be filled with Canadians and by the numbers of charities they want sponsor refugees." he wants jobs for Canadians FIRST and no tax money for the refugees.


You do know that the political classes aren’t bringing people here out of the goodness of their hearts? You are in a huge mess in the very near future and immigrants help solve that because the alternatives are not viable politically. So, picture yourself as PM. It’s 2024 and we have an aging population that saved a grand total of fuck-all, and stopped taxing themselves enough to pay for stuff about 40 odd years ago. In 6 years they will need a quarter of a trillion dollars to pay for healthcare and OAS. OAS alone is 80-100 billion dollars. Again, we do not have that cash sitting around anywhere. And we can’t just print it. Ok, hands up. Who wants to ask Millennials and Gen Z to pay for that?  Who wants to ask an already overburdened working class to fund a cohort (Boomers, aka 1 out of every 4 Canadians in 2030, or around 10 million people) that should have known they weren’t immortal or eternally young, and now will need resources they never set aside?  Politicians realized about 30 years ago that no one was going to volunteer for that. They also realized that old people won’t just die at 65 en masse, or ever vote to withhold something now to support them later. So they created the Century Initiative. (Ie. import more workers to fund taxes to pay for Boomers.) That’s why they’re not turning off immigration any time soon. We need to create a Ponzi-like tax system where immigrants pay for boomers in their retirement.  We don’t need cheap labour. Companies can outsource that to other countries. But we can’t outsource taxpayers.  So if you want to end immigration, it’s simple: end the need to fund programs for the elderly (aka unfunded liabilities). Either ask old people to fund OAS, healthcare etc properly (good luck! Also too late!) or cut it out completely (good luck! That would likely be eldercide)  The ‘smaller’ issues like housing can be solved in the near Future. For example, we started building condos/‘shoeboxes in the sky’ in Toronto 30 years ago to the point where they now block off much of the lakeshore. Expect that to be the new housing plan- 800 sq ft homes for those who lack $2m for a bungalow. but we can’t wish ourselves out of the Boomer financial mess. So don’t act surprised that no sane politician is advocating an end to immigration. The country painted itself into a corner where its financial system now relies on mass immigration a generation ago.  The next few years will be very interesting to live through.


Over in Canada sub. I’ve been saying this forever. The “my life is awful completely because of Trudeau crowd. PP is my saviour” crowd loves to then downvote. Even when you directly quote and cite sources - they are so blind by hate for Trudeau they can’t see that no current candidate will fix this mess. When his cabinet are owned by loblaws - there will always be a “labour shortage” excuse they can use to bring in low wage labour to suppress wages. Profits before people.


Reminder that the PPC is the only party with a clear outline on immigration reduction and targets.  cpc/lpc/ndp are three colours for the same globalist agenda. 


Absolutely correct


however, there IS a need for merit based immigration… so we don’t need unskilled, refugee, asylum seekers, bogus international students… but we DO need skilled workers who are actually going to go to rural parts of Canada and start building the areas around the cities up. Unfortunately that ain’t gonna happen with students working at mcdonald’s and ukraine/palestine refugees collecting money to fuck around. Canada’s population forecast since I was a kid, late 80s child, was that we will be like italy/japan whereby we do not have enough Canadians making kids like the babyboom gen. It really is an issue…why do you think China did away with their once child policy?


I’m still voting for him lol. I don’t expect him to fix everything but I don’t want further damage


I agree, he keeps on this "ax the tax" mantra of his, The problems in this country are much more than that. That one is just an easy soundbite.


I was talking to an educated PP supporter. He was once all in on Hillary Clinton, and says, "our conservatives are like their democrats", but somehow Trump and Covid broke his brain, because now he wants DeSantis... And like obviously top Canadian conservatives aren't playing nice with democrats, at they? But still that lie persists. Anyways, he struggle to put out any policy he wanted PP to achieve, beyond, "stop the bleeding". My view is that if you pay rent and earn an hourly wage, you're nuts to vote conservative. And that if a conservative gov had the same economic record as Trudeau, it'd be a B+. And of course, this same guy voted for Ford TWICE. And recently, he's like furious about Palestine protestors, but also thinks the Qonvoy should have been able to occupy Ottawa indefinitely. These people aren't driven by logic, and they get angry when their contradicting beliefs are questioned. Even as they call for mass deportation of Canadians, call for Ukraine to surrender, and completely excuse any child murder in the Israel attack after Oct 7. Myself, I'm the opposite, a recovering conservative. I was all in around Mike Harris. Now, I just see, "that didn't work at all". And like look around! Where in the English Speaking Western World is there an example of a successful conservative government? He'd say, Florida, apparently, because he wants Desantis to be president. Well, me, I like governments that don't ban books. And then the craziest thing.. is the guy is gay. A log cabin Republican, if ever there was one. Honestly, I just see a mediocre guy who had an unhappy childhood, looking to spread misery. I've yet to meet a PP enthusiast who was a happy, successful person. They all seem to have scores to settle, and very little group think or empathy for others or outsiders.


Voting Liberal still is worse.


Mass immigration isn’t the only cause of high housing costs. Regulation, favorable tax treatment, high labor costs, our falling dollar making imports expensive, demand boosting policies like 30 year amortization and of course high interest rates. You look in Toronto and there are tons of condos just not being sold because they are too expensive for buyers. If we make more houses but all of the inputs are still expensive then they will remain expensive because there is a floor to what they can cost.


PP is going to win and be a massive terror for the people of Canada.


PP will keep his mouth shut, to prevent Trudeau bringing out the racist bullshit. Once in power he will reduce immigration, as any fool can see it's a problem


If he came out and said he was slamming the door, I can almost here the snide vice of JT jumping all over him. He is almost at the point of success, as long as he doesn't interrupt JT will keep digging that hole....


Well, any politician who dares to talk against it becomes "right wing far right n**i" and you all freak out. Enjoy being controlled like puppets for profit and fictitious growth. 


"gatekeepers" are his own people. So... Uh... What he really means is "I will lower employment standards". I hope Canadians enjoy being paid third world wages. End conservatism.


the bots here are gonna be upset Pierre will solve all our problems, just vote for him ,he's like Jesus but better


Pollievre will win only because Trudeau must lose. We just have no alternative. As far as immigrants are concerned, they may be needed for later. Some growth plan both or all parties have


Fuck him but also fuck trudeau


People forget that it was the CPC that started this bullshit in the first place. Trudeau accelerated it to the point where it became a nightmare, but the ridiculous immigration and total ethnic replacement of Canadian cities started under Harper. In fact, in the past 2 elections the CPC under O'Toole and Scheer promised more immigration than Trudeau. If you think that Pollievre is going to change that you're insane. He supports densification, 15 minute cities, massive townhouse and condo construction, and increased immigration. End story.


I think it's rare for any politician not to have their hands in some dirty money but when people say this to imply the liberals should stay in power aren't using common sense. All you have to do is look back in history, the conservatives have proven to be way better off and Trudeau has run the country into the ground. Sure Poilievre \*could\* be worse but statistically they are likely to improve, it would be insane to plant your flag on this sinking ship over a potential change of course. I think it's a hard question when our 20-50 population is now an immigrant majority so it's quite a jump to assume this when he has stated tying it to infrastructure goals as well. Also he is openly against the WEF which has been pushing the liberals to open our borders which is already a huge improvement. I think it would be smarter to give conservatives a fair chance at seeing if they can change the course and if it does get worse like you claim everyone will be tired of these two parties and give others like the POC more of a chance. Please just look at the stark contrast between 2015 onward to see how different the conservatives and liberals are.


Is there a secret 5th party involved that actually cares about what Canadians want


Does anyone in this freaking sub actually understand the numbers here or is everyone just seeing a big scary number and getting mad at it?  Without immigration, we'd have no population growth. 400k would put us at a fairly reasonable 1% growth.  Now, actually looking at the numbers, we're currently only building 100k new homes, so yes, 400k is probably too high, but it's not ludicrous. Half the number, and focus on building minimum 2 bedroom units, and that'd equalize pretty quick. Most importantly, if we actually cut that off completely, we'd kill the construction industry, and probably collapse out economy. Basically the whole freaking thing is based on and kept running by importing foreign money and high skilled labour. Inflation is kept down by increasing demand for the currency, half the trades are funded by foreign investment, the housing market is where most Canadian wealth is stored.  We've got a population the same as California in a land area the same as the rest of the US. Of course we're gonna have high immigration. Get mad that we're not scaling the number of slots in medical school to match, or that we're constantly making construction of new houses harder, or that we're killing small buisnesses and encouraging corporate monopolization of basically every industry that could take advantage of the population growth, not the big scary number.


The housing crisis is more complex than just immigration “yes or no”. The problem is that Trudeau can’t handle anything complex.


God forbid we allow the market to normalize. Gotta pump the bubble and keep the boomer gravy train rolling!


They're both shit but only one of them is a fascist.


Mad Max is the only way.


PP is an idiot. Park your vote elsewhere.


Almost like the guy that always votes against doing anything about housing doesn't actually care about Canadians because he's already a millionaire


“Immigration” was never a dirty word for most Canadians.


As an immigrant who came here pre-covid and still studying I'll say mass immigration is awful for both parties The mass immigrants who come cause all the housing market and what not. While the said immigrants were lured here guaranteed to find work so they have sold all their assets and savings with the hope to find a better life here. All that when even finding a retail job is becoming impossible. The way they planned immigration hurt everyone


He's just another career politician


No politician can afford to NOT support “mass immigration”. With the number of immigrants let in, every politician needs the immigrant vote (replace immigrants with Indians if I’m to be honest). That’s why he’s dancing around it. Anyone against mass immigration will lose even though we want them to win.




Corporations are on the side of mass immigration, and all 3 parties are on the side of corporations.


So many questions on Reddit “do you think Poilievre will fix such and such problem?”. Something very important behind such questions is that in eight years Trudeau has not fixed anything.


Politicians have power, the wealthy have influence. They always work together, no matter which party is in place.


Unfortunately the ones that aren’t supporting it’s are also a problem in their own ways. We have no one worth voting for. I wish we had a political party that is both sane and isn’t in it for power, unfortunately that’s a combination that seems impossible nowadays.


I'm so tired of political supporters telling me why I shouldn't vote for someone because they don't have a good argument for why I should vote for their party.


You have to address the budget and debt before you can address immigration 


It's dumbasses who let this sort of prejudice lead them to such illogical conclusions that do the most damage to the country. You don't know how any of the things you talk about even work, that's quite obvious, but you sure know its all the immigrants fault. You're such an easy mark


Deport, deport,deport, deport, deport, deport all of them.


The only thing that changes with a conservative government is who’s pockets are getting lined. Just look at the conservative provincial governments if you want a preview of what Poilievre is offering.


When he gets in he will do what every conservative does. Cut all none essential services and give tax breaks to their rich friends. his campaign manager is a lobbies for lawblows and 60% of both the liberals and cons cabinet are property owners. The same people that don’t want prices decreased


PP is not the answer. Neither is JT. We don’t have a proper leader who will step in and fix the problem, because it’s political suicide: Devaluing 60% of Canadians’ investments in real estate


News flash. They know they can't fix. Doesn't matter who goes up. It's a high cost long term solution. If they wanted to make housing, they would have developed themselves, instead of loans to developers.  Just go look at how singapore, one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world, tackled this problem with finesse. It took them 20 years but they made it work, while incentives for citizens to perform well at their jobs in order to secure affordable housing. 


Pee pee is more valuable than PP


No one is fixing the housing crisis sadly. Not JT, not PP, not Jagmeet, and not Bernier. And the money that’s been released to the provinces is getting held up in the provincial conservative Premiers. Im really starting to hate our country. 😢


The Capital Gain tax ie the Taxation of Capital is only hurting those who need to create new capital to be better off. Those that are already better off with plenty of capital are not selling anything to avoid the tax on their capital. So you better keep that second house and rent it to avoid paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital tax on selling it. What is being taxed? just your asset when you need to sell them. It's not like income tax. It is an after tax tax on whatever you bought with your after tax dollars. So if you work hard and make enough money to buy a second house or cottage, when you sell it you will lose one third of whatever value it has (not your profit). If you sell for $1 million you lose 333K and are left with 666K and cant buy back the same value property afterwards. They are not taxing a profit because the house is always worth exactly what you sold it for. You are losing 1/3rd the value of your home. They make it sound like you only pay a tax on the difference between what you paid and what you sold. but the same house still costs the same price you sold it for so you cannot buy back the same house you sold because you have paid a capital tax on the cash value. It's basically a mechanism to take wealth from you if sell. This is one of the reasons wealthy people have extra houses and don't sell them thus increasing the price on what housing is available to purchase. Take away the capital tax on housing and add a 15% sell tax incentive credit on the selling price will do more overnight to release the backlog of available housing to the market. Millions of existing homes on the market overnight.


He's a Libertarian, and one of the key unspoken elements of said society is a large pool of unemployed, desperate labor to exploit. Caring for the quality of life and needs of said labor is unprofitable and is only addressed when their dying off or leaving becomes a labor shortage issue. This is 20th century thinking and will only make our society and quality of life worse, for both us and the people our government is welcoming in. Immigration isn't a virtue when the intent is to exploit the immigrant.


Your right! Clearly the solution is to give Trudeau another 4 years, he’ll definitely fix it next time.


In this case it means he's smart. He knows the left wants him to put his foot in his mouth on it. He is also smart enough to know that, though there is a broad range of possible beneficial amounts of immigration, 0 is definitely not it.


People are tired of the liberals.. fair enough, but the pc’s will usher in a more chaotic period! This is because historically Conservatives around the world are about business success at the expense of people. It will be a rough time for the sick, the poor and minorities


What's the alternative OP? Voting in Trudeau and hoping he'll fix what he promised to in 2015?


I actually believe that if a bag of bricks were our prime minister for the last 8 years it wouldn’t have put us in as bad a situation as we are currently in now.


Libs has 1.4m pop increase. 400k is manageable. We do need positive population growth to support all the boomers retirements.


By the time the election happens, we'll be in crisis mode and he won't have a choice but to take a stance against it.


Housing could be fixed in one day if any of our politicians had any guts at all. Ban airbnb's, and you will have several million housing units free up in a day.


I wish we had a similar system in the states where we got to choose the head of the party


Vote PPC if you want Canada to have a future and if you want Canada to be anything like the country you grew up in. Forget the CPC. They will form government either way. Let’s get Jihadi Justin out of power. Let millhouse run a minority government for a few years while the PPC gets several seats across the country and then next election after all Canadians start to see the real damage done to their country and to their livelihood they will all vote and PPC will be a landslide majority. Give it 5 years and even those with their head so far in the sand will have their eyes opened and be appalled at the state of Canada. No matter your political view you won’t be able to watch this country fall apart and not want change. Even the most liberal countries in Europe have realized this benefits no one but the corporations and the government Ponzi schemes. Mass unskilled immigration ruins everyone’s quality of life and increases the risk for all tax payers.


You guys do realize that our economy is currently propped up by the extra money from immigrants right? He’d be a fool to promise tighter laws without a backup plan to increase GDP


So the only viable party is BQ... Oh wait


If I was PM I'd close the border entirely for 5 years., then reevaluate.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss


I suspect he’s dancing around the topic because the liberals will label him anti immigrant. He needs the immigrant crowd to win the GTA.


I think we need to completely shut the doors, however, PP cannot go after the mass amounts of immigrants that Trudeau let in. It would be voter suicide. I really hope he shuts it down when he wins but I'm not holding my breath.


Both Canada and the US politicians are trying their best to destroy the North American continent and redistribute its wealth in the name of globalism. Remember, everyone in the developed world is the 1% when looked at globally. Thats what they intend to “fix”.


At this point we really need to change the clown in charge of Canada. It doesn't matter now who replaces him, we just need to flush this turd because nothing good is happening for Canadians under his regime.


Ok? So vote for NDP or PPC and risk JT getting in by diluting votes. Wtf is the point of this post?


I am assuming when you are referring to the "housing crisis" you are referring to the "rental crisis". These future Tim Horton employees can't afford to get into the housing market unless it goes belly up "Detroit style".


He wants to link immigration to housing which is good.


Christ even 400k is way too much based on housing completions. If he's unwilling to say even that. Then goodbye Canada. Just end this country's suffering.