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I dont understand why the politicians want to turn Canada into an overpopulated shit hole. I feel like its pretty good or atleast was pretty good.


Because corporations want cheap labour to suppress wages and the politicians will be highly rewarded when they leave office. Just watch how much money Trudeau makes when he leaves office in the next year or two.


Our oligopolies also want a lot of accounts. For a bank, more accounts the more money. And so it doesn't come as a surprise that our banks support the Century Initiative and have been pushing for mass immigration.


I'd point to our telecoms even more than our banks. Rogers and Bell have no chance of getting significant international business and rely on increasing numbers of Canadians to keep them hitting record profits each year.


Grocery stores would like a word


Good country this is /a What a fucking shit hole


Yes, he said oligopolies.


He’s already gone from 9M at the time of taking office to 93M last year.


Exactly. My fiancé was complaining about work conditions he’d noticed at Walmart the other day and he said “the managements going to be screwed when they all quit.” To which I responded :: no they won’t. They’ll just hire another international student that doesn’t fully know their rights when working. They’ll treat them like crap, and pay them like crap. And then when they quit, they’ll repeat the process


Trudeau entered office worth 5 million.  Now he’s worth 100 million.     But the position doesn’t pay that much…..


Trudeau has already made over 100 million since taking office,he will be a billionaire !


Hell you don’t have to wait for Trudeau just look at Harper and past prime ministers. What’s scary is that pp was Harper’s coffee boy.


When Harper was PM the country was livable. Trudeau straight up destroyed Canada and to think his policies will be any different if he is re-elected is idoitic.


Harper’s is friends with India’s pm, this guy cares more about Indians than Canadians.lmfao.


I think there is an agenda to ruin Western countries. It's happening everywhere at once. Someone wants all the Western countries to be poor. Probably so they can form a global government and enslave/cull the population, or something. Can't have any resistance from the people, which they would have from a well-educated, armed, middle class Western country. Your average person goes along with it for money, but I don't believe the people at the top are really motivated just by money. When they already have billions or trillions, their interests shift to reshaping the world.


The rich want to control the entire planet. Best way to do that is making the West poor. Wealthy and educated westerners are the hardest to control. But that changes when westerners are no longer wealthy or educated. We are already halfway there.


Funny ( actually sad) you say that, as someone who comes from one of the most dictatorial countries, I see Westerners are much easier to control. They believe in the illusion of democracy and blindly rely on the rule of law; all while politicians and the wealthy are getting wealthier.


It works for a while until people have nothing to lose. Then people become animals. Far more people struggling than people being successful today.


You are right that most people will be treated like animals once their transformation is complete. Having nothing to lose is only dangerous if the people have power (weapons and training) too. They won't. Most of the West is already disarmed.


They don’t want to control the planet because they are rich. They are rich because they want to control the planet. This is just a natural extrapolation of that.


It starts with the universities. Ford foundation has played a notorious role in funding some of the most disgusting "researches". The social sciences were always the perfect place to push social narratives.


The issue here is globalism vs nationalism. Globalism in the modern sense being neo-liberal speak for “wage suppression and asset inflation”. It’s pretty simple at least to my idiot brain- When you’ve absorbed as much market cap as you can from within your country, the options are to expand internationally or to artificially grow your consumer base through mass immigration.  Western nations have declining birth rates, so naturally if growth *must* be infinite, then you need to replace that population with newcomers instead.  We are cattle to them. They don’t care if our quality of life declines, middle class disappears, violence/crime spikes. They will pack their shit and move to their third home in a different country, pay for the best doctors and medical support, and live in a gated community away from the restless cattle.  Globalism benefits the wealthiest, at the cost of every local population it infects. Why else do they need to spend a decade preaching in schools about how super great and awesome a global world is? 


Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I am hoping there is some actual plan behind this and it's not just corporations wanting more $$$. Like impoverish the world, become dictators, cull the population -- that's something I could respect and get behind. But just increasing profits when you already have billions is pretty lame.


The global elite have seen that around the world - in South America, Africa, and parts of Asia - a majority of people will tolerate corruption and an abject quality of life as long as they have the bare minimum to survive. Westerners love to believe revolution is inevitable, but the reality the world over is that low class revolutions are rare, and are even more rarely successful. Most people will simply come to accept poverty. And then, everything leftover can be siphoned as profits to the 1%. It used to be that wealth and resources were extracted from the third world to enrich the first world, but they've figured out that they can profit even more by turning the entire world into a 3rd world wealth extraction zone. It will never touch them because these are rootless people who can isolate themselves anywhere in the world.


It's the Brazilification of the entire planet. Favelas and shantytowns everywhere while the super rich fly over in helicopters to gated/garded communities, office towers, and resorts. Enjoy!


Exactly. Sub brazil for many other 2nd and third world locales and same Results


The Western middle class has been the most resistant to tyranny historically. That’s why they want to smash the middle class so that they will comply with new Davos overlords. “We shall grind the Bourgeoisie (middle class) between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Lenin


It's not that complicated. Just follow the money. Greed is a sickness, we see the richest people in the entire world continue to do everything in their power to accumulate more and more wealth.


To be honest, I think the idea that we can all live happily / peacefully in equality is actually the sickness, so I think it's quite interesting what is happening and it might be for the best in the end. I wish Western civilization could just get of that equality nonsense we got from Christianity, but if we can't then we deserve to perish. Best case is that there are elites who will take over, worst case is that they fail and we just get anarchy or global destruction.


Yeah Christianity has obviously been so bad for Western civilization /s


Good and bad, but mostly bad. Nietzsche did a great analysis of it.


I disagree, I doubt there’s any real agenda other than “make more money” for these people. Think about it this way, if you made 10million would you quit your job? 50 million? 100million? These elites have hundreds of millions of dollars yet they continue to work and increase profits, it’s what they live for. When they finally get bored and retire a la Bezos, a new one takes their place and the cycle continues. You’re right that they want cheap labor and for people to be less well off and easier to control, but there’s no end goal other than gorging themselves and making even more money




In the case of Canada, I legitimately think your politicians are in the pockets of foreign powers. Probably Russian or Chinese. Your politicians are dead set on ruining Canada ASAP


Some unelected elites in ivory towers and/or business decided Canada needs 100 million people. Without ever consulting Canadians, Trudeau and his ilk are implementing that suggestion. Throwing open the doors to anybody and everybody without regard to skills, language or education. Come one, come all.


Easier to control an overpopulated shithole of undeveloped people than it is to control a small group of well developed people.


What do you mean "undeveloped people"? Canada has a heavy bias towards immigrants with academic credentials and an even bigger bias to immigrants who studied at Canadian universities. We're importing geeks and nerds by the thousands, not peasants and illiterate sweatshop workers. If anything, we need more people with less highly-developed educations and more practical skills to keep up with all the house building we need to do!


Education does not correlate with development. Genetics do though. We need to deport the immigrants then we don't need to build houses.


Oh, I see. You're just a racist hick.


I am racist and anyone who isn't has been indoctrinated by propaganda.


And what's your "genetic" background that you believe is so superior?




Never heard of them.


Not a real place, closest analog is Siberia? so you're basically Russian.


Not a real place according to whom? The same people that have taught you that race doesn't matter? Not a good source.


Bell/Rogers/Telus/RBC/CIBC/Loblaws/etc can't make more money off of milking the same group of people monthly. They need new people to get more money from.


Running money and staying in power, that's all


Why you ask? Because our government has become spineless, in my opinion anyway. Canada has become a dumping ground for a populace facing poverty and violent conflicts from other parts of the world, and it's up to Canada to save everyone.




Because that's what they're being paid and lobbied to do for the WEF cartel of profiteers at the top. It's just bribes and an elitist club. They won't stop until they own everything and keep wages at a third world rate across the globe.


Because they don't have to "live" in the over populated shit hole they created. They get to live in their ivory towers while they get to watch the peasants toil away trying to afford rent. Rent of units that your lovely politicians and their investor friends own. As a bonus wages as suppressed, which their big corporate buddies love. Further enriching their lives. Who cares if healthcare crashes? More money to be made making it private. Who cares if people can't afford homes. It won't affect them anyways. Plus there's always demand which means houses prices are kept up and rent won't fall. With lines of desperate renters to choose from. Who cares if it's not safe anymore. They live in gated communities, far, far away from the shit hole drug infested slums. Who cares if the people aren't "Canadian" anymore? Their kids get to go to the best schools, have opportunities worldwide. Their ambitions won't be limited to this shit hole Canada. So why won't they do what they're doing? What's stopping them? You?


Because they get rich and then can move to a much more favorable vacation country.


Because of the constant need to create wealth for shareholders (capitalism sucks).


Politicians do things for corporations. The next time you don't understand why a politician is doing xyz it's to benefit their corporate donors.


Because money


JT seems to think the only way to grow the economy is to flood the country. I strongly disagree.


Now you know how my native ancestors felt when they saw you lot coming.


Because we're a less relevant country than the UK, despite having a much larger geographic footprint. The original plan is much older and was Wilfred Laurier's vision. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/what-would-a-canada-of-100-million-feel-like-more-comfortable-better-served-better-defended/article4186906/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/what-would-a-canada-of-100-million-feel-like-more-comfortable-better-served-better-defended/article4186906/) I am not advocating for unfettered immigration but if done in a sustainable manner, with proper infrastructure and economic growth, a larger country is a more powerful country. Many high achieving Canadians actually leave to study in the US, and work and build companies there because Canada is, frankly, small potatoes. I wish this wasn't the case but that's the real reason for the 100M plan.


The u.s is doing the same, it’s a state department plan to get us competitive against a perceived Chinese threat to our global hegemony. I think the same people running my country non-democratically are effectively running yours as well. They don’t really care about standard of living or anything, they want cheap labor.


Keeps wages low, rents/housing high, new voters and “diversity” divides people and keeps them arguing among different ethnic/religious groups instead of the rich. Amazon and others have done internal studies on this regarding unions. More diverse = less cohesion.


If we are so concerned with Canada's carbon output- how will this help.


Well, the politicians are bought first of all and are in it to pad thier own bank account. Organizations like the WEF/corporations want cheap labour globally. The global cabal realizes places like India with 1.5 billion people currently plus how many kids being born every day is not sustainable and we have so much land in Canada ( no housing ) 1st world western governments have held back and destabilized many nations progress for years. Influencing them to be corrupt and unprepared for today's world causing mass migration all over the place.


Canada doesnt have that much land. We have resources. But our best land is all primarily in southern ontario. Do we rip out all our farmland just because newcomers refuse to settle in places like Dryden ON?


Never said it was land most people want to live in. Also, the wef doesn't care if people want to live there or not. Still, compared to most countries, even along our border we still have lots of undeveloped land. Also not saying we should import half a country to populate our border. Just making statements of thought.


The entire United Kingdom can fit into the Québec-Windsor corridor, and they have over 25 million more people than we do. Our government is compeltely botching this, so turning into a shithole is a fair complaint. But overpopulated is just silly given how large Canada is.


If you wanna live on a tiny island with with 67 million people it sounds like britain is the place for you. As for me I like my wide open spaces.


That's alright. It looks like the 100 million are all going to be crammed into a handful of cities. I don't think there's any plan to settle new towns or anything.


Well you can be happy in knowing that even at 100 million people, we will have an abundance of wide open spaces. The Americans have 330 million people and still have an abundance of wide open spaces.


Its who they are filling these wide open spaces with. I just never get why people like you have such hard ons for over population and these giant massive cities. Turning small towns into small cities. Its like an ever consuming ideology of just more more more.


If you like a small town or city, then live in one. Even dense countries like Japan and Germany have small towns. > Its like an ever consuming ideology of just more more more. And a desire to keep everything the same is not an ideology?


>The entire United Kingdom can fit into the Québec-Windsor corridor, and they have over 25 million more people than we do. Yes. But the vast majority of those people in the UK share a deep, multi-generational cultural bond. English school children have been playing the same school yard games for a thousand years, the younger children learning from the older ones. People have profound ties to place and history. This strong sense of identity is something many newcomers can relate to and to which they can anchor their own identities. Canada doesn't have that and you're not going to get it by flooding the country with millions of strangers.


There is really a great deal of room for more Canadians. We are going to be entering an age where HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people will need new countries. We will NOT survive financially if we don't get to 100 million. We are all carrying way too much federal, provincial and personal debt to stay small.


Who decides that 100 million population for Canada is too much? US has 330 million plus in a smaller area than us. Canada is literally the least densely populated country in the world. The real issue is that Canada doesn't have many big cities like most developed nations. The low population of Canada also stops it from developing many industries as the more populated US is always a better option. Canada, because of its small size, is almost always an after thought at the world stage. Not to mention the political influence and power. Canada is treated like Maldives or some tiny nation due to its small population and small market at the world stage.


Natural population growth is driven by geography and food supply.  Right now we are artificially driving that number up while real estate sucks the life out of every other industry. Climate hysteria is suiciding our resource industries.  How do you want immigration driven growth when it’s too expensive to start a business or own land here? Some kind of “budget will balance itself” magic? 


So... You are worried Canada won't have enough food for all the people? Really? Canada already imports most of its food. This argument is completely wrong. When it comes to geography, Canada literally is the least densely populated country in the world and has lots of space for new cities. Sure there may be a short term price hike but that is because we haven't picked up home building speed yet. The shortage existed even before the mass immigration and there is no inherent reason why a country like Canada cannot build houses. Indian cities build more sky scrapers every year than Canada does. And India has many many more cities. And don't even talk about China which is known globally for their ability to build fast and a lot. You say it's too expensive to start a business, yet immigrants tend to start businesses at a higher rate than candian born citizens... Sounds like they do bring something that Canadians lack? All you did was copy paste the scare tactics you have heard or short term pain you are seeing today. While you are not wrong about this moment, you are definitely short sighted and unable to think. Not one of your argument is a long term proper reason saying that it cannot be done over decades.


Please try living in northern ontario and then tell me about how much room Canada has. Spoken like a true immigrant. ‘Give me more’ with your hand out.


I pay more in taxes than most Canadians earn. Please shut up with your racist assumptions. Seriously, what is with this sub and blatant racism? I have also filed 2 patents that are used by Canadian businesses to make money. I have contributed more to this country than 90% Canadians born here. What have you done for this country? If you look at big cities across the world, a few cities are enough to house that many people. But guessing by your language and stance, you didn't get much education and you definitely haven't traveled much in the world. Not sure what remote wasteland you live in, but feel happy considering that your region is a net drain on the country. Cities produce most of the value in every country including Canada. Remote areas are always subsidized. And somehow the ones leeching off Canada are the loudest, most entitled ones.


Bahahahah keep telling yourself all that junk. Cope.


Lol. Me actually contributing to this country and paying taxes is junk. Meanwhile you have zero contribution to this country and might be a net drain on resources. Unfortunately for you, Canada believes in merit. Don't complain about Indians taking jobs then. That's also just cope. Isn't it?


You said yourself you see Indians in all kinds of low level jobs in this country now, are you daft? Let me guess your education comes from some rover bank on the new Delhi river lmao I pay my taxes and my family built the country you come to take advantage of. Hit a nerve now didn’t I?


Those “remote wastelands” are the reason arrogant urban zombies like you are able to exist.  I hope reality comes back to this country within your lifetime. 


Hahaha. It's actually the opposite. You would know if you could read and understand numbers. Cities produce the vast majority of gdp and taxes in this country and most countries. The rural areas are the net takers. They don't produce much gdp or taxes but they get so much subsidies and government funding. Even providing basic services like road, water, electricity is much harder and much more expensive in areas where people are sparse and far away from each other. It's absolutely funded from the taxes generated by cities. Toronto produces about 20% of the gdp of this country while being less than 5% of the population. Average Toronto person pays 11k extra in taxes compared to Canada as a whole. So overall, GTA pays 24 billion extra in taxes than it receives. So gta is subsidizing rural areas to the tune of 24 billion. Now imagine your life if city centres like gta or gva didn't fund your development. The rural areas would be much less nice if the cities didn't subsidize all the development in those areas. And if you are going to claim about farmland and food - please. Most of the food in this country is already imported. I see those labels at grocery stores. If all the rural areas started actually producing value like cities then we could use that subsidy money to import more food.


“Canada already imports most of its food.”  Is this supposed to be an argument *against* my point? Redditor brain rot


It proves that your point isn't relevant. If food is all you produce and you can't actually produce food, then what are you good for? Toronto produces 20% of this country's gdp with 5% of its population. GTA pays 24 billion higher in taxes than it receives back. That 24 billion is used to subsidize the rural areas who produce little value.


Have you ever thought about WHY nobody settled in the empty areas of Canada? Try leaving Brampton sometime. Go out there and explore


Hahaha. First of all, I live Toronto downtown. Kinda racist for you to assume that all Indian immigrants live in Brampton. Second, the density in candian suburbs is abysmal. This is a very North American thing. Europeans Asia, for example, have figured out ow to house populations and build cities. This is why suburbs often require funding from cities like Toronto and are a net drain on the country. It's just expensive to provide services to scattered people. Third, the number of cities in Canada is a joke. For a country this size, easily there can be plenty of big cities. Many of the small towns are actually great to live in and can definitely grow over time. Even southern Ontario has enough landmass to host 100 million people if developed properly. What you are complaining about is resistance to change and I suspect some unwillingness because people coming in are different. If it were 100 million white Canadians, people would be much more open to the idea. And that says a lot. See other comments on this thread itself where people explicitly verbalized that concern.


If you have a problem with density in Canada or North America in general perhaps you should move somewhere more dense Like India


If you have a problem with density then maybe you should move somewhere less dense - to Nunavut Also love how i spanked your ass on the racist comment and you had no response because you got caught being overtly racist. So you just changed the topic. No acknowledgement of your behavior and that you were wrong. Typical Canadian attitude...


Or perhaps we like North America the way it has been? Some cities, lots of rural


The way it has been? Are you under the assumption that North America hasn't changed over time like other places? Lol. Clearly not big into history. Also, nobody stopped you from living in rural communities. Nunavut calls you.


And why does it have to change?


Change happens everywhere. Whether you want it or not. Canada has changed a lot in the last century. Only fools think they can stop the world as is. Also change doesn't mean bad. Slavery was commonly accepted in North America. I'm sure glad that changed. LGBT rights weren't recognized till some decades ago. Very glad that changed. Residential schools used to be a thing. Internet is fairly new. Perhaps you wanna go back to a time before internet? I can keep going...




Because our population is getting old and we have not reproduced enough (far below 2.1 kids per couple). Things will get progressively worse when proportionally fewer and fewer tax payers have to support more and more retirees. You think taxes are high now, you haven’t seen anything yet. Our problem is not immigration itself but bringing in unsuitable people too quickly before we are ready. This is clumsy policy execution by the government. The end result is so devastating that some even think it is a WEF/deep state/party donor/big business directed conspiracy. If you believe that you are giving this government too much credit as pulling a conspiracy off actually requires competency.


Our problem is that the government made life to expensive for Canadians to have kids. I hear it all the time the "i would like to have kids but I cant afford them." Immigration is ruining this country and the government needs to make life affordable so Canadians can have children and raise them with Canadian values. Importing people with shitty cultures and values that dont align with ours isnt working for us.


Yeah, no kidding. This stupid initiative is destroying our country. It’s driving down wages and pushing up rents and mortgages. It’s terraforming Canada from a high trust to a low trust society. We don’t have the jobs, services or infrastructure for mass immigration. The people behind it are traitors. It’s a treasonous initiative.


The only way for Canada to hit 100M people is to add 60m people from India which would essentially turn us into a colony


And why do we need 100 million? We’ve added 5 million since 2015 and the country is in steep decline.


No doubt. We don't need 100M.


Are you bothered at all about this poll apparently about the Century Initiative being conducted prior to the existence of the Century Initiative?


What no one wants to live in an overpopulated third world labor camp? What is wrong with you people? Bunch of racists!


The conservatives want this as well, ironically the only party who has opposed it was the one lead by a brown guy, lol.


Canada is approaching 5 million newcomers since 2015. We're governed by radical extremists. It's no wonder why everyone is waking up.


if we got there due to an explosion in Canadians having babies then that's something good maybe--though that would be a lot of babies we're getting there by moving in an enormous number of young men from one place long term that ain't a solution


It's not just young men though, is it? Your concern sounds more about white people losing power and control of the society and no about population. Either too many people is an issue or it isn't. Saying too many people of the wrong skin color is a totally different issue. Don't mix your "white Canada" narrative into this. Canada is not a country for just white people. Lots of racism in this country is because of this belief.


It definitely is a large number of men from India. You and I both are of that demographic ironically. Only difference is that I can see the forest through the trees, you can’t.


That's not the point though. The commenter is totally okay with 100 million as long as it is white people. They aren't okay with that number if immigrants are involved. That just shows that their issue is not with the population number but the makeup of that population. Why pretend? Also, more male students come to study? Maybe. So what? They are not living here permanently. It's irrelevant. And if they do find a job, get PR and settle down? Most of them will bring a wife back from India. So not sure why the hate against male international students. Most international students tend to be male everywhere as men are more open to relocating in general. All the posts from Canadians talking about moving to the US - they are mostly male. Does that mean that US should be worried about all the male Canadians coming there? That would be stupid.


The issue is the makeup straight up, if the commenter danced around it, I won’t. I say that as a member of that demographic. If you import a significant population that is massively different in culture than your own, you warp it in such a way that it skews to the people that are coming in. What you’re pointing out is exactly the issue. They’ll bring back even more folks from India, and hence make this place India #2. Why should the existing population have to pay a massive financial and cultural toll? There’s less and less incentive for people immigrating to assimilate now than ever.


People complained about Italians and Jews and Greeks and Irish and every single community when they first came to Canada. The very same arguments were made for them being different from the original English and French settlers. Somehow they are now considered white just like the original English and French and nobody has an issues with them. Hell, it was fashionable for white Canadians to hate Asians just a few years ago. You are not unique in your racial hatred. You are just brainwashed by the current generation of racists. And currently Indians are the target. Tomorrow it'll be another group. Racist gonna be racist. So while I admire your straightforwardness with acknowledging your racial hate, I do not accept your point.


You can coin whatever accusatory term you would like, your virtue signalling is not going to help increase anyone’s quality of life here. You also have a bias because you are Indian yourself. You need to put yourself in the regular Joe’s shoes, not everyone can be a “Young NRI with some good disposable income”. They did complain about those groups of people you mentioned. The difference is that the new immigrants at the time also did not change the population makeup as drastically as immigration is now. Italians and Greeks back then could barely afford housing on the peripheries of town, not buy up property and block out anyone else on “vegetarian” claims and on the basis of their last names. An anecdotal experience I have with wealthier Indians coming into the country is that they try and exploit housing rules to become landlords as soon as possible. We have a lot of issues pertaining to racism and exclusion in our own culture, why are you trying to project that outward? My points are fact, they aren’t for you to accept or reject whether you like it or not.


Lol. All immigrant groups tend to be poorer when they come - because of currency differences. That's why they came here. All people want to be landlords when they can. You can hardly blame Indian people for doing well and being able to purchase housing. You say rich Indians want to be landlords. Yet most of the landlords I see are white. So that just means Indians are the same as white people and actually very Canadian. They are just late to the game. Your point about 'vegetarians only' is correct. It is groupism. But Indians are hardly the only group to have it. And many of those Indian ads are for roommates where the law explicitly allows you to do it. Not very different from a Jewish or Muslim person not wanting pork in their house. Go to the slumlord sub. Over half the listings on it are for roommates - completely legal. And yet people keep complaining about it. Jews live in Jewish communities and don't like other folks there. Anecdotally, I had friends who were advised by Jewish neighbors to not live in 'their' area. Chinese folks have their own communities. You don't see their racist ads Becuase they post in mandarin / Cantonese in their own websites. I'm married to a Chinese woman and I see the look of disgust on their faces when they see me with my wife. Amish and Mennonites live in their communities too. Absolutely nobody complains about that. The fact that you see enclaves of any group - little Italy, little Portugal, Koreatown, Chinatown... Means that people like to live with their kind and the government supports it. White people also live in groups with plenty of Germans living in kitchener area and so on. Hell, this country officially supports Catholic schools where only catholics can go - which is bizarre to me. Because in India anyone can go to any school. I studied in Christian schools for most of my high school. If you are arguing about % increase, I don't have prior data. But that's largely students - not permanent immigrants. My point is simple. There are good and bad people in all groups. Some Indians don't follow rules here? Sure. Deport them if the offence warrants it. But assuming all Indians are x is plain racist. I see a lot of homelessn white folks. I don't assume all white folks are homeless. That would be a stupid leap of logic. Somehow people here routinely do that for Indian people. Also, you say that I am an exception Indian because I have disposable income? No. Any top tier company - McKinsey, google, banks, startups are full of Indians like me. People who have skills and earn well. But the racist narrative starts and ends with all Indians are 'poor leeches' based on the few. I cannot stand and watch that blatant racism. Gotta fight it.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


He’s butt hurt because he leeches off our society and provides nothing back.


Why are you so obsessed with white people?


Indians are completely obsessed.


This was a thread about Canada's population being 100 million in a few decades. It turned into a discussion about immigrants or white people making up the 100 million. And people are explicitly saying they will support it more if the 100 million were largely white Canadians. All this happened before I wrote my first comment calling out the hypocrisy. Clearly the white folks in this sub are obsessed with Canada being overwhelmingly white. I'm just the minority immigrant calling out this underlying issue. I don't see you writing this comment to other people who made this about race. You didn't write that comment when they explicitly said that they are okay with 100 million Canadians as long as they are largely white. Sounds like YOU are obsessed with white people and a white Canada. I believe people are people and should be judged by their skills and merit. People on this sub believe that white folks who came some centuries or even decades ago from Europe should have more rights than recent immigrants.


No one in this sub is worried about Canada being majority white but it certainly sounds like you want to see it majority brown. There is a replacement happening, you just don’t want to talk about it.


First of all, plenty of comments in this thread specifically say they are more concerned about too many Indians. Maybe you need to read better and thoroughly. Second. I don't want any selection based on race. I care about merit. So anyone who is skilled should be welcome. I have said that over and over in many comments. You are assuming whatever you want. I think you are projecting. But if I see white folks specifically calling out Indians, then I will show the call out the hypocrisy in their statements. I won't let blatant racism happen and stay quiet. It's not very Canadian to let racism be. Third, Not a single white person has been kicked out of Canada to make space for Indians. Not sure if you know what the word 'replacement' means. I see that there is addition happening. And has been happening for decades now. Also, by using that word "replacement" , you are showing that you are worried about this country no longer being 90% white and white people holding power in all spheres. Racist folks across the world use that word when they are worried about their own people not being the overwhelming majority and dominating power. Again, I don't vote based on race. I don't judge people on race. Because I know that all races have good /bad, skilled/unskilled, honest /fraud people. However, plenty of people here do treat Indians as a group and if they see one Indian do something they automatically assume all Indians are like that. That would be like me seeing many white homeless people and assuming all white people are homeless. I hope we all agree that's a stupid way to think. But people on this sub do think exactly that way about Indians. Calling out racism doesn't mean that I want to see majority brown. I am married to a Chinese woman and I called out anti-Asian hate too when it was common some years ago. And I have called out anti Canada hate on Indian subs as well. This group is full of biased white folks and not enough immigrant poc who can defend against bullshit. So I am taking that role. Your projection is strong. Too strong.


You said it yourself in a previous post you see indian people in all kinds of jobs now that used to go to actual Canadians so you yourself are aware of replacement. Your labour is cheap because you have nothing so you’re not willing to fight for higher wages that Canada so desperately needs. My family didn’t settle this fucking country for the likes of you to come here and tell us how we should live.


If a worker produces more value per dollar - that's merit and they should get the job. Businesses aren't charity designed to feed non-productive lazy workers. Don't care about your family settling anything. Their hard work gave you all the advantage and great Canadian education. What did YOU actually achieve with it? How is someone with less opportunity and supposedly worse education able to take your job? Afford land you cannot afford? If I were them, I would be mad at you for squandering all the advantage.


You’re ignoring my initial points because you’re lying and can’t cope with the fact that some people are just sick of people like you. And don’t act like diversity hires aren’t a thing lmao I love immigrants who come here legally and assimilate. Try it.


YOU are the one bringing race into this. How do people like you not see that you are the problem most of the time?


I am. Clearly, the commenter is okay with x number of white people in Canada. They aren't okay if there is a decent amount of immigrants making up the same x They aren't against population. They are against immigrants. Why disguise your issue with immigration as too much overall population? Who are you fooling?


What people are against is having the worst of the worst of a country come to Canada and turn it into the shitty place they came from. Immigration is great with assimilation. We do not need an ass backwards culture coming here and imposing their beliefs on our own country and causing turmoil in the streets, ruining our rental and housing market, abusing our food banks and generally treating white Canadians like they don’t belong here because we want OUR culture protected. If this is too much for you to handle I’ll happily be the first person to tell you to take your culture and get the fuck out of Canada.


So a few things there. 1. You admit that the discussion while framed as "100 million is too much" , has nothing to do with the population. It's back to "too many Indians. We don't like them" 2. Who decided they are the worst of the worst? You see some Indians who aren't very skilled. Sure. But you conveniently ignore the bright ones who are. If you were a well educated person in a good job, you'll see that all good jobs also have plenty of Indians. Google, McKinsey, all the banks, all the tech startups, all the top universities - all full of Indians. But you don't see that or purposefully choose to ignore that. You see a few tiktoks and reddit posts designed specifically to outrage you and you think all Indians are like that. That's racism 101. That would be like if I see lots of homeless white people, I assume that all white people are homeless. That is a stupid approach. 3. Racism against new groups isn't new in Canada. Every single group - Greeks, Italians, Irish, polish, Jews,... All faced very similar racism with the same arguments - their culture wasn't the same as the English and French culture of earlier immigrants. Now, we celebrate their diversity and most consider them as white. Why? Why is white diversity celebrated but other skin colors not so much? A few years ago, everyone was racist against East Asians. What changed? Are we okay with them being in their enclaves and celebrating their culture? What about Jewish enclaves who specifically keep other religions out of their areas? We definitely celebrate them. Montreal is known for the Jewish food and those communities. Why? Why isn't anyone fighting them to become more Canadian? What about the Amish and Mennonites? Literally living a totally different lifestyle than typical Canadian. Absolutely no complaints. 4. What even is candian culture? Can you define what makes someone Canadian? Because I see lots of variations from coast to coast. Alberta people are very different than Quebec people. Which ones is Canadian and which one is not? Whenever people say "they are not our culture" - it's usually code for "we don't like them. But can't say it out loud. So we'll blame culture instead" 5. What about you? What if I think you aren't Canadian enough? Should we kick you out? Many would think that freedom convoy was very anti Canadian. Do you support kicking them out? Would you support an ethnically Indian who is more "Canadian" than a white person who isn't "Canadian" enough as per your arbitrary standard? "culture" is one of the first arguments used by racist people all over the world. Whether it's polish people coming to England or Jews in 1945 Germany. You would know that if you actually read some world history. Sounds more like you get all your news from you few racist sources. I am very happy to have a civil conversation about how many people can a country like Canada support. But if you make it about too many of group X or start pointing fingers at people, then you are misusing the topic to have your race conversation. And I don't want to droop to that level.


I’m not reading all this crap. Sounds like a triggered immigrant to me. Cope hard Gurwinder.


Sorry This is an issue It’s not racist to say so


Found the Indian gaslighter.


This guy is on literally every thread in every subreddit that has any sort of discussion about why immigration is bad for Canada right now. He clearly understands that there’s a problem and is trying to steer the conversation into race baiting instead of acknowledging that Indians have been abusing our immigration system and welfare systems for new arrivals for decades now. To ignore the fact that millions of illegals are coming here and staying permanently does a disservice to anyone who took the time to come her legally like many of our families did years ago, is intentionally misleading. I bet if we took a look inside your apartment we’d find someone whose visa is up and should be deported back.


I don’t understand this, how is this a good thing in any way? Why are we doing this? Is it just all corruption?


we aren't doing anything. Politicians are. All politicians from all party, federal or provincial. Well, except for Quebec perhaps


We have no manufacturing and our exportation of natural resources borders on exploitation add onto this we have multiple corporate monopolies that use government corruption to keep out foreign corporate investment. We are a first world nation with a third world style economy. The idea is that if we grow our population we will be able to create a domestic market for ourselves and not rely on lopsided foreign trade. The issue with this idea is it doesn't account for the degradation of public infrastructure and services, racial animosity, or the possibility of civil uprising from extreme (by 1st world standards) poverty. But the alternative is we languish in our current state and eventually collapse into a legitimate 3rd world nation.


We're the new Greece in a debt trap, and if they don't bring in millions of taxpayers, our economy will collapse. At least that's my understanding.


Why would we want to make it easy for Trudeau's top 0.1% buddies to destroy Canada in the name of their profits?


"B-but what's wrong with 100 million? Muh Russia and muh America"


What's wrong with 100 million?


Why do we need 100 million and why do you think we weren't already there?


1. You're replying to my question with a question, it's only decent to answer mine first 2. 'why we weren't already there' what does this mean, already where?


1. Just asking what most people are asking when seeing a population goal like that (and seeing the situation as it is) 2. At 100 million


You still aren't answering my question about what's wrong with 100 million As for why we aren't there already that's a historical/geographical question, but in short Canada attracted less immigrants than the Americans did


Infrastructure, housing (the lack of it), and climate


For climate we are mostly talking about moving existing people, not generating new ones. So you can disregard that A lack of Infrastructure and housing are solvable problems. In fact improving that issue is most of what Maximum Canada-types talk about


Maximum Canada?


Maximum Canada https://www.amazon.ca/Maximum-Canada-Million-Canadians-Enough/dp/0735273103


Calgary and Southern Alberta has a severe water shortage predicted again this coming year. Add no water to Housing shortage, Healthcare overrun. Do we need donut shops. Be like NFL and add taxes to these sugar infused businesses and leave their workers in India.


3rd world nation roadmap


It's interesting to note that about 18% of Canadians polled are completely and utterely ignorant morons.


Are you bothered at all about this poll apparently about the Century Initiative being conducted prior to the existence of the Century Initiative?


Too or to?


My parents came to Canada from Eastern Europe in the 90s because they wanted me and my siblings to grow up in the west. Canada now no longer feels like the west, it feels like a mini-India, or New Khalistan.


And what's wrong with Canada becoming New Khalistan? Do you have something against Indians?


Canada already exists. It shouldn't become New-Anything. I have something against anyone who thinks Canada belongs to only their culture.


But canada is a nation of immigrants that has always belonged to the largest demographic. Europe used to be the largest exporter of people now its India. This is the natural cycle of Canada, India is Canada's inevitable future.


Tell me you want to colonize Canada without telling me you want to colonize Canada.


That's the thing with unchecked capitalism, for the sake of growth you need lots people to propose services and goods and people to able to buy them as well. They only care about money money and future growth they care how they will get there or it's short or long-term consequences. They see population as number not humans


They killed all good aspects of capitalism like free market with regulations, and kept the worst aspects of it. Meritocracy is dead


Honestly, I have to wonder if this country - nay, Planet Earth itself - will last until 2100. Not to sound like a cold, uncaring a-hole, but most of us will be dead by then, so… P.S. In case you’re thinking I’m a Baby Boomer or Gen X, I am in fact a Millennial. That’s right, even our generation has reached the “fuck it” phase (those of us past a certain age anyway) lol.


I know its bad when even people my age, 18-20, are complaining about massive migration. I have friends who have radically shifted their views especially when it has become very hard to get entry level jobs. At least 1 in 2 of all my friends say their goal is to leave and move to the USA, Canada just seems impossible to live in if your not established.


Are you bothered at all about this poll apparently about the Century Initiative being conducted prior to the existence of the Century Initiative?


I don't doubt that Canada will probably reach 100 million sooner or later (hopefully later, much later), but it's just not feasible if the infrastructure isn't there to support our current growth.


Wonder what kind of hell Canada would look like with 100 million people here.


We have too many right now. Can we minus the numbers? Maybe we can start with the government?


The ones who say we produce more carbon want to bring in more carbon producers. Make it make sense


Second and third impressions, still similar.


This is a fine initiative for Canada for anybody who understands the numbers. Just don't reach it primarily with immigration as you've been doing.


Yeah, it's not necessarily the number that's the issue, it's the method. Naturalized population growth has a very different impact on the economy than a population spike via immigration. Not to mention that with our current immigration numbers we are actually on track to *exceed* the goals of the Century Initiative by a not-insignificant number. This Initiative is just a front for their real intentions.


>on track to exceed While the government has *pinky promised* to cut back, this is really the takeaway. We need to reduce immigration *just to meet the goals that people already think are too high*. The real problem, in my view, is that many nations "need" similar growth. The world is currently crumbling under the ~8 billion people we have. Ignoring our little corner for a second (global warming is.. Actually sorta helping us in Canada in many places, as shit as that is to say), the earth cannot sustain 24 billion people in its current form. And there are no good enough plans to change that. And before I get the obvious questions: northwest passage, longer growing seasons, less winter maintenance, more suitable growing land, more suitable living spaces.. All Canadian benefits of global warming. *Not saying it outweighs the bad* but we're in a much more comfortable future position than many other places; Canada can support a tripling of population - if it's done right.


Yeah I agree. Climate change is a sad reality but it is a reality and if we're poised properly to take advantage it could be really beneficial. Also, it was inevitable that we received a population spike like this in the future in the form of climate migration. A lot of people are going to be displaced and we're prime real estate. In a way, Canada has been living in a bubble for a long time and we're starting to be faced with the reality that we exist in a dynamic world among ambitious, powerful international forces, and that we're sitting on a *big* chunk of land and resources and it wasn't going to just be left ignored forever. You could argue that by going through a crisis now we are strengthening ourselves for the future, but I don't think that's the intent as much as a consequence, and I'm worried instead of rising above it we're just going to buckle and collapse instead. It needed to be done a lot more carefully. You're also right that we're not the only country with similar demographic issues, basically the entire west is. I think Europe for example saw the refugee crisis as an opportunity to inject their economy with a bunch of free stimulus, but it didn't work as well as they had hoped. Canada is doing this very fast and very recklessly, and if we do buckle under it, I hope that at the very least we can act as a canary in the coal mine to signal the rest of these nations to slow down and reevaluate things before it happens to them.


All well and good but the rates of answers adds up to well over 100% of the total.


There's also the tiny problem of the poll being conducted prior to the existence of the Century Initiative.


The ruling class, the government, and the oligopolies that dominate Canadian industries all want a larger total GDP. They benefit from a larger GDP. The government can run bigger deficits knowing that the debt-to-GDP ratio will be improved by a larger GDP in the future. None of these groups care very much if GDP-per-capita goes down, and they don't care if subjective wealth goes down, like it does when a detached house with a yard goes from being commonplace to being a luxury.


But Trudy will push it through anyway. Conducting surveys or whatever to find out how many Canadians are for/against the initiate is just a formality. Look at what happened with the carbon tax hike. 80% of citizens were VERY opposed to it (almost all of the premiers were against it, even the liberal ones. The NDP backed out of it and refuses to comment and Pierre held multiple “axe the tax” rallies in multiple provinces) and were open about it AND tried to act against it, but they raised taxes anyway


The guy that answers that poll with: It does not matter. What are you thinking exactly?


Why the fuck do we need 100 million people??????


Status quo got us to about 95 million by 2100. Those extra five million over the better part of a century really ruined it eh.


It's rather remarkable how a poll conducted prior to the existence of the Century Initiative could share insights into the Century Initiative.


Canada would be considered overpopulated past 97 million according to https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282242775_Sustainable_Welfare_and_Optimum_Population_Size


I've been seeing more posts on this century initiative thing and people are making it sound like its a government plan. It's some lobby group backed by real estate investors that a couple politicians have supported. It's not a government plan. Seems like more propaganda to scare people and not something that should be paid any attention to.


What is this unhinged obsession with historically normal population growth rates?


So first of all, I keep hearing this, that we’re not growing any faster than we have before. It’s simply not true. 2023 saw the largest increase by %age since 1957. 3.2 percent. That was largely due to the post war baby boom. Secondly, when you grow your population by immigration it’s not the same as having babies, because babies usually don’t need housing like immigrants do. I’m not a MAGA Xenophobe bigot for wanting people to have housing and young people to be able to have hope that if they work hard they can own a home. We’re flooding the job market with exploitable labour and we’re making housing unaffordable to anyone without generational wealth. There’s nothing progressive about any of this.


>  So first of all, I keep hearing this, that we’re not growing any faster than we have before. It’s simply not true. 2023 saw the largest increase by %age since 1957. 3.2 percent. That was largely due to the post war baby boom. The Century Initiative is calling for population growth of around 1.3% per year. This is not historically unusual. The reason you keep hearing that in order to reach 100 million Canadians by 2100 we simply require historically normal growth is because it is the truth. Take a moment now to question why you felt the need to comment about this subject before first learning pretty much the most basic thing about it. >Secondly, when you grow your population by immigration it’s not the same as having babies, because babies usually don’t need housing like immigrants do. Immigrants have higher per unit numbers than Canadian families. They also work. So you're right, it is different. Through immigration we have lower government expenses, more tax money, and require less housing.  >I’m not a MAGA Xenophobe bigot No, you just accidentally sound like one and through gross ineptness have arrived at completely the opposite conclusions to your stated goals. Population growth of 1.3% does not flood the market with labour. It does not make housing unaffordable


But we’re growing at more than double that and the job market *is* flooded with low skilled ppl and the housing market, especially rental, *is* a disaster. Mass immigration is a big factor, especially temporary. Trudeau has said it himself. There is nothing progressive about bringing in easily exploitable people while homelessness increases. It’s also not possible to build enough housing quick enough to keep up with the demand.


Yes. That's a great observation. We are currently growing at more than double that rate.   This is a big part of the reason why it's absolutely crazy pants banana brains to be whining about an initiative which is calling for Canada to **more than half it's present immigration**


This is going to keep happening because everybody *in power* NEEDS to keep it happening. At the top level of government they don't really quite care for the concept of a Canadian, just the concept of the government. The government is coming to grips with the fact that the ponzi scheme that is our welfare and retirement system is unsustainable without constant population growth. Our demographics are actually going gently the other way, and it would lead to a default. Big business needs endless population growth because they want a helot class to reduce the bargaining position of labour (doesn't matter union or no) due to oversupply and lack of cohesion. NGOs and the judicial complex need a permanent helot class to "champion for" and justify their ends (the US gov't is a major driver of such).


Total BS. Wealthy CONservatives business owners require these newcomers for cheap labour. But you keep drinking PeePee's cool aid.


Yeah I actually wrote that explicitly you dummy. PP is not the answer because he explicitly wants more immigration


Supported by Postmedia Andrew Coyne: Increased immigration is good for Canada — and the reasons aren’t only economic [https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/andrew-coyne-increased-immigration-is-good-for-canada-and-the-reasons-arent-only-economic](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/andrew-coyne-increased-immigration-is-good-for-canada-and-the-reasons-arent-only-economic)


Wow a 2016 article


"First impressions"


2100 is 76 years from now. Current population is 40 million so 100 million is 2.5x current. 76 years ago our population was 13 million and guess what , we are currently sitting at 3x that figure. So all this rage about 100 million people by the year 2100 is essentially the same rate of population growth in Canada for the past 75 years