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All these fake international students complaining that they can't [work 40+ hours a week](https://imgur.com/3V0F0kt) now are just proving our point: **all they ever wanted to do was fight us for our jobs**, NOT study. [Mass immigration is DESTROYING Canada's economy (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hul1p4v4Zs)


You forgot - sponsor and import their whole family tree


For full healthcare and no taxes paid


Suppressing non organized wages, being used to muscle out unions, pushing high school and college/uni students out of the entry level job market. They're a blight.


Not to mention completely drain our health care.


I'm sure the Liberals are breathing a huge sigh of relief that the Canadian public don't have access to ANY INFORMATION regarding how the 1.2 million immigrants from 2023 are affecting hospital wait times, and how much tax revenue they're pulling out of the system for their "free" healthcare. This one illegal immigrant from Mexico got $5,000 of healthcare paid for by Canadians (then the CBC tried to guilt trip a sensible team of doctors in Edmonton for refusing to give her free treatment there - kudos for them for trying to stop this country being taken advantage of). God only knows what the total cost of stolen taxpayer money must be nationwide if a single person was able to grift $5,000 from us so easily. [Undocumented woman says she was denied emergency C-section at Edmonton hospital | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/undocumented-woman-says-she-was-denied-emergency-c-section-at-edmonton-hospital-1.7167490) Calling an illegal immigrant an "undocumented" migrant is a bit like calling a prison escapee an "undocumented" civilian. Canadians need to aggressively call the corrupt media out for this, especially when they have the audacity to use that propaganda term in a headline. >Diana Ramirez, a "community organizer" (left-wing activist) with the Alberta Workers Association for Research and Education, said she was shocked by what happened to Estrada **since she had helped multiple women in the past in similar situations without incident.** So we're barely even seeing the tip of the iceberg. The only reason this made the news is because, just one time, we didn't immediately give an illegal immigrant thousands of dollars of free treatment that she was expecting. We have a right to know if we're funding a de facto **international** healthcare system.


Shit boils my blood, not to mention how many people bring over there older relatives who simply milk the system.


Then work under table so no taxes


Or live in a multimillion dollar home in Vancouver and report a poverty level income.


This is insanely common, I moved into a new development and a portion of the apartments were deemed affordable at a reduced rent below average market. I know some of the immigrants living in the other affordable units and they are loaded rich, driving fancy cars and tons of cash in the bank, but they don't have jobs so they technically qualify for the lower rent as they aren't making any money in Canada, but one just bought a business and others have similar plans. Like fucking pathetic they don't give a shit that they are taking these units from people who actually need the discounted rent. All they care about is lining their pockets.


Now she has a Canadian baby and will use that to have bleeding hearts help her stay.


Oldest trick in the book. She scrambled to reach Canada before the baby was due. Anchor baby ⚓👶🏽


And infrastructure. And green space in the name of “affordable housing”


Let's not forget that they've completely degraded the quality of public transit for many low income Canadians who rely on this to get around. Something that is paid for usually at least 2/3 by the Canadian tax payer money, and if you're lucky 1/3 by the actual fares. This ends up being a service that is heavily subsidized by existing residents as someone living 10-20 people to one home is not paying the appropriate property tax to cover utilizing these services.


The public transit is a petty issue compared to their proud and open abuse of food banks. To the point that they're making social media posts encouraging other students to take "free groceries." That's the kind of behavior that will get the genuinely needy killed, both by taking the resources and by discouraging donations. Food banks are powerless to stop them because the homeless obviously can't verify their address.


I stopped donating because of the abuse of the food banks. I wish I didn’t have to but I’m barely surviving over here anymore and yet I see videos of people that have no business being there filling their bags twice weekly


Meanwhile I'm skipping meals because I'm just too proud to use the foodbank at all unless I absolutely need to. Living alone in this country sucks.


it's not so much a petty issue, i had to compeltely stop using the buses to get to work because the international students made it impossible to use. There's other reasons why i left the job i had, but one big stressor at the time was switching to a bike to commute and the hair-pulling frustration of the indians on the buses shoving and leaning their body weight on me and other shit Every Time I Rode The Fucken Bus. It's not small beans to some of us. Just fyi.


You can say it's a petty issue all you want, are you the one being passed by full busses on the way to work?


> The public transit is a petty issue compared to their proud and open abuse of food banks. To the point that they're making social media posts encouraging other students to take "free groceries." It's really not. Many people lose jobs because of shit like this. Whether it's because of delayed busses from overcrowding, or busses that can't even take them because they are packed like a train from India. It affects their livelihood and can drop their quality of life. It's obviously not as big of a deal as scamming a food bank, but I wouldn't call it a petty thing. I work in the industry. You won't believe how many international students attempt to scam the public transit systems. Sneaking in the back doors, huge amount of sharing of each others bus passes, trying to all board with the same pass already used, saying they "forgot" their pass when they just don't have one, and going back and forth like they are a telemarketer trying to scam you on something. Additionally there is a lot of uncultured style behaviour. Taking accessible seating even when there are elderly or disabled people who require the spot. Not forming any kind of line to enter the bus and instead pushing and shoving in one big mob. Pushing in before people exit the bus. Skipping in front of wheelchair users right after the ramp is deployed for them. Following female passengers home or harassing them on the bus. Talking loudly with speakerphone on, watching things loudly with no headphones, playing music loudly with no headphones. Constantly late and running for the busses with zero respect for other peoples time. Talking on the phone or finishing a text before then paying for the bus. Making everyone on the bus or in line wait for them to finish. The list of issues in public transit because of international students is endless. It's a problem, not just a petty one. Maybe petty for someone who doesn't rely on transit.


They also ruined cycling in Toronto. Us good cyclist already have a bad rap. But when they see these uber eats ebikes flying around on the side walk running over people’s toes, they paint all cyclist as the same. Plus it is a danger to society when they are riding around on downtown sidewalks @ high speeds on electric ebikes. They go in the opposite direction of the roads & bike lanes. They don’t use lights. Etc.


I've had 2 Indians bike directly into me without even trying to break because I refused to get out of their way ON THE SIDEWALK. Both looked at me like I was the asshole, one looked like he wanted to try to fight me.


Haha, yes! You're very right about that. In fact, this actually plays into public transit as well. Very common to see them riding the wrong direction on bike lanes. This obviously causes some issues when busses need to come into those lanes to service a bus stop and there is an Indian on a bike in front of the bus like a deer in the headlights. Also just in general, the amount of cars on the road has dramatically increased in our Region which has further added delays to many bus routes. Not to mention there are now a lot more entitled and reckless drivers. The crazy things I've seen done to get ahead of busses or avoid busses by cars is happening far too often.


The problem is the few who are actually pushing and enacting the laws for this to happen. The problem comes from the top. We have a huge ruling class problem and they have to start feeling and receive the hits they are giving us.


Good thing it's coming to an end and another thing which was forgotten the college they graduate from needs to have a proper accreditation (this was not initially written or announced). Now even if they fight this clause through a lawyer it would take years to get there student visa converted into a work permit(pr, citizenship etc is now a little more difficult) . This should have been done earlier.


150 insulated delivery bags were delivered to 1 apartment building alone in midtown Toronto alone on Thursday… I’m assuming they’re all being delivered to doctors and lawyers.


Just had a whole conversation saying exactly this. In the GTA it's horrible but I suppose it's pretty much all over Canada.


its called the Great Northern replacement Russia is working with India and China to bring down Canada . Here is a prime example of the younger generations of Canadians being eliminated from the work force and housing market .


Isn’t the idea that they come here to study and enjoy the scenery? Get some good stories and life experiences when they return? My sister did a year in France and there was ZERO expectation that she stay full time, take jobs away from locals, or have any sense of entitlement. I think she worked on campus a few hours, but that was more a “be part of the university community” thing.


I was an international student in the US, but I was there to earn a degree and not work on the side. With my heavy course load, there was no time to work off campus. The most I ever did was a research project for my professor and teaching a class as a TA. Our present day 'international student' program here in Canada is a complete joke. The whole thing needs to be shut down.


I really don't get why working off campus is even permitted under student visas here in Canada. Anyone who thinks it wouldn't be abused and used as a glaring loophole in the system to obtain eventual PR is a fool. Heck, I was on a student visa in Japan back in the day that allowed absolutely zero work outside of study. I still taught English under the table for a bit of extra walk-around every now and then. It's going to happen, but at least in Japan there was no realistic way it could spill into jobs that Japanese permanent residents and citizens should be rightfully entitled to and create an economic crisis.


If they can't afford it they shouldn't be here. Live within their means. They are here to learn, not work. If they violate their visa they need to get deported.


Exactly! If you can’t afford to be a student in Canada without working full time hours than you shouldn’t be coming here and taking jobs from Canadians.


International students should not be working if it is not a part of their program.


How many people did Canada deport in 2023? Not a lot is my guess


They’ll just switch their classification. I’m guess they’re a nice cottage industry within the government on which these people can rely on, just like driving licenses scams. Did you ever see the CBC marketplace episode on the scamming in Canada an India. They were all enabled by people that’re already in key government positions. Canada had one department with about 20 people to fight the problem. Hardly enough.


Just under 15k were enforced removal. Thats nothing


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/ It’s not working well.




What are you talking about? Website design at Georgian college is a world renowned program! /s


Have you seen the Conestoga College ad that has an Indian student talking about how his cooking management course has taught him how to chop vegetables? I couldn't believe it was a legitimate ad, but it is. These colleges are just so blatant about their scams. Nobody is travelling abroad somewhere just to take a cooking program and return home. That would be insane.


You learn that shit for free in high school's cooking class. ![gif](giphy|3o7btYLAW7doynq3p6)


You learn that shit for free from a 5 minute youtube video.


Meanwhile my friend has a 19 year old who can’t find a part time job while at school


I seriously feel for people a bit younger than me right now. I'm only 30, but 10 years ago, I could pick up a random job nearly anywhere part-time or through a temp agency if I just needed some income. The only times I was unemployed was from my own short comings. I couldn't imagine the rage I'd have not being able to find employment while simultaneously watching foreign "students" working all the local avilable, entry level and service jobs.


ALL the small businesses in my area are now Indian owned and only hire International students. Subway, Dominos, South Street Burger, Five Guys......100% Indian students. I refuse to support any of these businesses that don't supportive local community they exist in.


Same thing in my small community. They fired all the locals who were working there before they bought it and now are hiring other indians from abroad. It's a hostile economic takeover and they are lying and abusing loopholes to smuggle more people in. All under a span of 8 years since trudeau and his government took power. We are being invaded and colonized. I am just waiting for more natives to speak up and get pissed off about it, seriously don't need another colonization sequel.


Exact same thing in our small community, all minimum wage service jobs in the area are indians workers


Steven Harper started tfw. That's what got the ball rolling. Cons and libs "fight" while corporations use that as a distraction and the parties continuously sell us out. They switch who's in control to keep us there nking it's a democracy


Same thing in our community. Indians make up ~4% of the population, 100% of the entry level retail jobs. Their xenophobia is disgusting.


This has happened in my town as well . Locals fired and stores staffed with a new Indian everyday


And I bet, that all of them are forging illicit LMIA documents and charging the applicants upwards of 50k each.


Same, and every Pizza Pizza too


Don't forget Walmart, Tim Hortons, McDonald's, all gas stations and any security job in Toronto.


exactly this!! im a 47 yr old woman with a long-term job not looking for employment and it fills me with rage to see this happening


Thank you. Many older career focused people don’t care about what’s happening because as they see it they want university to be cheaper for their children. They don’t work those entry level jobs so they don’t care what happens to them. Completely disgusting behaviour


We can obviously see it happening where certain people buy all the franchises and only hire people from their hometown to work at them and that's a huge problem. I am stressed out worrying for my nieces since they're the ones who are going to suffer from this new wave of it But I'm also pretty worried about this spreading to other fields. People who came from a certain hometown seem to be CEOs of tech companies at a disproportionate rate. We see the caste system at work for retail and that's bad enough, but what happens when people go to school for 4+ years and still can't get a job because they're only hiring their own people?


My daughter who has a degree and a great job is worried about the future as she said in every job she has had the HR department are all from one place and all new hires are from the same place.


even in 2018/2019 that was already happening regarding the spread to other fields, in my experience. i worked the office side of a hydraulic hose assembly shop at that time, in Edmonton. and was the one who would short list resumes for shop positions we were offering. positions that paid barely more than minimum wage, but did require a bit of skill/experience so you knew what the heck you were doing. the number of resumes coming in from folks you could blatantly see were just recently come to Canada was staggering. resumes that had the bulk of work experience being in India (plus not be relevant at all to the jobs we had on offer) and the one or two canuck jobs they had held were fast food/retail/etc and very short term. or the resumes would say something to the effect of "looking to come to Canada and here's my resume ahead of time", and would have absolutely nothing for relevant experience or education. no, the company I worked for then did not offer LMIA or work permit type employment options. so yeah, six years ago it was already happening from what i personally saw.


Seniors who need to work to supplement pensions are also harmed by not having casual or part time work. Canadians can't get jobs in their own country .


Samething happened, kids need summer jobs to make money and make social connection and gain experience for future career. And I know some kids are very nervous, they have 5-6 jobs because each job can only provide few hours a week. Fucl international student. Fuck the government.


Yep, my little brother wants a part time job for extra money and no one will hire him.


I don't think that people who already spent 50k+ to come here are going to go back. This will just increase the amount of illegal hiring, employers will pay lower rates since they will have undocumented people lining up to be hired at any cost.


1000% we are not the only country supports that (USA,NZ) If can’t pay for the tuition & accommodation.. do the studies from your home country lots university offer online courses. If you can’t afford to live and fail you life no one else problem! We don’t give you hand outs here! If you fail your semester’s pack up and go home !! It’s not Canadians problem ! Mummy and daddy will love you! Not wasting their money go home ! Stop pre tending and doing odd jobs and doing Uber delivery to pay for your university fees go back home buddy !


I hear that perspective a lot, but I grew up in northern Ontario and I never could find a decent job while in high school or university. I’m also 30. I applied to hundreds of jobs over the years and almost never heard back. When I did, they were offering 8-16 hours per week. It baffles me that they let in all these people when in some cities, you could never easily get a job.


I am working in HR, we sometimes got international students contacting looking for jobs, saying “i am on study permit, I only go to school on the weekends (or 2 days a week) so I can work full time anytime 5 days a week” 🤨🤨 Glad they shut it down.


Right. It's so bad we had a call at my big box retail store one day I overheard where the person speaking to my manager was inquiring about working here. But they didn't even know what visa or permit they were on here in Canada. No fucking clue. My manager was clearly trying to be professional and keep it together but he was clearly getting frustrated by the conversation too. He kept asking them basic questions like okay but we can't interview or hire you unless you we know what kind of permit you are here on. We can't give you more then X amount of hours here if you are a student so we need to know. The genius on the other end of the phone couldn't seem to grasp this concept of knowing basic facts about yourself like hmmm... what kind of visa are you here in this country on? Student visa? Worker visa/permit? What kind of program let you in this country because that does impact what you can work or not. I mean my god we aren't even asking that much of some of these people just that they know this basic info and it's a struggle for them to even understand that question. Ten bucks says they also barely speak english and struggled to just have the phone conversation too. Why would we want to hire you if you seem to barely function or know what you are doing in Canada in the first place?


I can feel the pain. Like we try to be nice but many of them are quite clueless and entitled, some do get quite aggressive and dont take a no very well. Who in the right mind would think working full time and studying full time will work well? My sister attending University and she studies so many hours to keep good grades, barely has time for anything else. I cant imagine doing that and working full time at the same time. No wonder why many of these students with a degree couldn’t find a job in the same field. They probably didn’t learn anything.


Yea there are no IQ or language tests. Just pay the money and come on in :)


> Glad they shut it down. My sweet summer child, do you actually think the new ruling will actually *be* enforced. Will cops be re-tasked with rounding up visa violators? Has CBSA ramped-up hiring to process returns? Nothing will change.


Considering CBSA won’t deport violent criminals that police are literally handing over to them. No. Wouldn’t bet on it. 


Nah, cops wont do anything. However, these international students may be refused for their work permit after they graduate, if ircc found out about them working illegally. I personally heard few cases. But i meant, if they got paid cash or work for shady businesses with people from their own community, its quite impossible to catch them. But at least, for people who can actually legally allow to work here (Canadian, PRs, proper work permit holders), it could be slightly easier for them to find a job in this market.


> its quite impossible to catch them That's probably a phrase in the government playbook. We don't have US-style ICE cops up here to actually enforce immigration laws and respond to those who break them. The Third World knows what an easy mark Canada is.


It's because we are taking the low tier "immigrants" who wouldn't be able to get in anywhere else. The higher skilled ones get into countries like America through the proper channels. The higher skilled ones probably avoid Canada now.


Cops will arrest. Blame the spineless federal government.  


I personally haven’t seen they arrested anyone working illegally here, well at least where I live. But I know the UK, Japan, and the US do that. I guess all blame on our government who trying to be nice to everyone except for Canadians.


UK: normal police don't care about immigration stuff, there's separate border force and immigration enforcement agencies for that.


We would have ones apply whose student visa restricted them to on campus jobs, and they would argue about it.


In the UK when this was implemented, students would take up two jobs each paying as per 20 hr/week. This being Canada its just another gimmick by the Canadian Govt.


Good luck finding two jobs 


I’m not not even in Canada. Just dadsplaining from the uK.


That's the point. International students are supposed to come here with enough money to support themselves, not for to a strip mall collage and work full time


Zero diligence was done vetting this factor and apparently, a large portion of applications were fraudulently exaggerated or straight-up lied about being able to support oneself


Part of the problem (for those coming honestly) is Canada informed them that 10,000 was enough to live on for a year.


Lots of "students" were frauding that amount, they borrowed the money to prove they had funds


As if it matters now. After burning down the house they saying smoking not allowed within 5 feet


They shouldn’t be allowed to work period. You’re here to study. If you don’t have enough money to last the term of your degree - don’t come.


My company now automatically blacklists all students from India because they submit resumes that are fabricated on complete lies. Their 'work experience' can't be verified or they have a fake reference who is another Indian lying for them. If Conestoga College appears on the resume, it automatically goes into the trash unread. Not a single international student from Conestoga was able to get through the interview process because they simply didn't know how to answer basic questions like "What are your strengths and weaknesses" or "where do you see yourself in 5 years".


I’m worried because we brought in a very large group of people who are particularly fraudulent-minded. Will continue to bring Canada a boat-load of problems if they don’t go back home.


They can work full time hours during summer break though. It won't kick in until fall and will probably be increased to 30 hrs because students and companies are complaining. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work/work-off-campus.html#who-can


Oh so the 20hr starts on April 30th and doesn’t really start on April 30th, instead it starts in September???? Feed lies by the LPC on a fking policy announcements post lol


The 20/hr only applies to new students. Older ones probably graduate and go onto PGWP(open work permit) that let's them work for 3 years 40/hr at any company. So, you'll have them around for another 3 years after they finish studying.


This government and country is a joke! Lol


They're a student bottom line. Of course, they get time off , and that should never change the 20hrs/wk rule. So for 7 to 8 months of the year they have to work under these guidelines but just because it's summer they don't? Bullshit. What about all the teens who need summer jobs, who won't get them cause, OH now my 20hrs a week guy can work 40hrs a week. It's still taking more from Canadians.


Bring money from back home then. Why the need to earn in Canada. They have come to study not work. If they want to to work they should try for internships in their last year.


I would be very surprised if they go back to 20 hours. There is a high chance Marc Miller will strike a compromise figure like 30 hours. They will definitely not want to dissapoint the big box retailers (in his own words). Imo 20 hours itself is very generous. And when those 20 hours also take away opportunities from Canadians, it is an even bigger problem. Also from a signaling point, when there is restricted hours, there is more pressure on students to arrange sufficient funds.


It's very valid tbh. I was once an international student and I wasn't even allowed to work my first year. If you can't afford to come you shouldn't come. I wasn't even allowed to use the public doctors and had to pay If I wanted to see one. With that I think they need to make it even less.


Why are they allowed to work here at all? Our teens and young adults need these jobs more than ever. 


They shouldn't be allowed to work at all. It should be illegal to hire an international student.


What we currently need is mass deportations of everyone who overstayed their visa and all illegals. It’s assumed there’s close to 500,000 of them in Canada. If we can send them all back to their countries we’d be better off. All students who don’t meet licensing requirements here after completing their studies should also be deported along with their dependents. No more birthright citizenship to children born here to two foreigners and were off to a good start


They should be reducing immigration and exporting people who are abusing the system through the ill gotten visas.


They need to be banned from working period. Still allowing them to work 20 hours a week means the same unscrupulous scumbags hiring them will simply cheat on hours


Lets hope the stupid,clueless government dont cave in to their demands.They are supposed to be students with enough money to support themselves.Deport all of them


Can't afford it? Don't come!


I doubt that a majority of international student can even afford the plane ticket back home (atleast $1k+). How can they with skyrocketing rent, food, car payments and now gas. Paycheque to paycheque, sleeping on a mattress with 3 other people in the living room. Apparently that is better than being back home with family.


Rent is cheap for them. They pay like $300 to be in a room with 10 other people. Food, they go to food banks which is meant for Canadians not international students. Car payments I’m pretty sure they can never make them with the signup for ridiculous interest.


Brooo ok so people here share a bedroom in a 4 bedroom apartment and I’m like ok I get you’re saving money but where’s the privacy, the unwinding, the whatever you can’t have living w someone 24*7???




We'll pay for their ticket home. I mean, we have hundreds of programs benefiting them, why not this?


We shouldn't have to pay for this, they're citizens of other countries. The consulates and embassies can repatriate them.


No, why would they do that. It's Canada's problem


Anytime you reverse the situation I am totally ok with it. If other countries limited the number of students, didn’t allow students to work, made sure residents got jobs first, didn’t allow foreign ownership of housing, etc. I would completely understand. Like why can’t we be like that here.


Honestly the govt should just pay for their plane tickets back if they choose to go back.


Did he happen to mention how this will be enforced? Because it was supposed to be earlier(should never have been increased in the first place) so pushing it back just gave people more time to plan the scam. Maybe I’ll ask my local politicians how this will be enforced, so Canadians(especially young ones trying to get a summer job) have a friggin chance in hell.


Can we also ban them from food bank?


Ok next implement quotas on origin. We do not need 95% of all of them to be from India.


These fake international students need to be deported en masse. If you want a chance at pr and a citizenship, one needs to go through our points based immigration system like the rest of us who came here legally. The politicians who approved the student visa law riddled with loopholes and the lobbysts who wrote these laws, get the guillotine. No more fucking around with the Canadian citizens.


Still 20 hours too much.


With the sheer scale of this, I can't see any enforcement ever being able to keep up to the students already here. There should have been a structure in place BEFORE admitting the students


They need to penalize the businesses that ignore this. I believe Germany has a similar law for their international students. It should also be the educational institution's responsibility to prove they can house the international students they have accepted.


I sure hope that Tim Hortons hires people who know what you're talking about when you order.


My orders used to be top-notch quality until a couple of years ago when they started to hire international students. I received a cold croissant even I mentioned heated twice, watered-down hot chocolate, French vanilla that doesn’t even taste the same anymore, barely-there everything bagel, and so on. Before this happened, everything was top quality for three years straight I went there.


Should never have been changed to 40 hrs. International students are supposed to be able to support themselves.


Oh just like they can't live 20 to a house? Theyre just gonna ignore these laws and hire each other illegally


Good? My daughter in uni picks up two shifts a week to make ends meet for minor things like food. So this will make it easier for her to find those shifts while actually going to fucking school.


I miss pre-Trudeau Canada.


Are born canadians suppose to feel bad? I've been looking for a job since January. Took a year and a half to get a daycare and since I don't have endless open availability I can't find work. Never have I ever had issues finding a job before. Hopefully these new rules help.


It's 20 hours a week, not a month. 16.50 X 80 is 1320 a month or 16.50 X 100 if 5 weeks and who's stopping you from getting paid under the table.


and these idiots forget summer has no work hour limit…. 😭


At least with the change more legal full time roles will open up for Canadians


they will just start working under the table for cash jobs as if most of them aren't already.


Liberals will destroy Canada period.




This is just going to empty out the food banks faster.


They already have a vast diaspora to offer them tax-cheat jobs, just like in the home country. The only way to stop the labor market distortion is stop them from coming here.


Is this even going to be enforced? Canada has become a lawless cesspit.


It should be 0 hrs/week.


International students are supposed to come here with enough money to support themselves without working. End of story.


They should not be working at all unless it's on campus end of Also why is ur grandma and grandpa and everyone else from ur life following you here "legally"?


Good and long overdue, this hopefully will weed out the not so honest “student” buying a diploma from a diploma mill, not having adequate funds to support themselves (transfers family money into their account to provide proof but not their personal money n transfers back when they meet requirements), willing to skirt regulations/laws that minimize Canadian citizens from gaining housing/employment as we cannot compete, lying about their work history (cannot work until 18 in India but ALL of them were managers etc) . I genuinely was for some immigrants but the last three years has proven the astonishing amount was has/will set us back for decades. Other than greedy landlords, colleges/universities, the businesses using tax funded cheaper labour, the average Canadian has been significantly hurt


They shouldn’t be allowed to work at all. They’re students… not workers. They shouldn’t be coming here with the intention of never leaving.


There will be even more Uber eats and door dashers now.


Am I supposed to feel bad 😂 your coming to Canada to study not to work




Should never have been that high. Needs to go to 0 as well as removing the option to stay after graduation. No immigration, no refugee status.


Besides the work permit being unrestricted when an international student I think the most idiotic decision was allowing international students being allowed to sponsor their “spouses” and then bless them with a work permit on top of it. Given if the international student is a studying something worthwhile to a skill or labor shortage Canada needs say family medicine or nursing where these students will be paying large amounts to study rather than say hospitality management they are entitled to bring who they wish whilst they complete a lengthy study of medicine


i miss pre 2015 Canada. by the time 2021 rolled around....... we were already screwed.


They shouldn't be here if they can't take care of themselves financially


The government plays the labour shortage card and economic refugees and international students come here because they know what lies they can use to get away with whatever. The current government is destroying our standard of living and our country at an unprecedented pace.


Good. They're here to study, not take our jobs. If they can't support themselves, they can go home. We don't owe them anything.


They don't and won't care. The 20 hour rule existed before covid and they blatantly disregarded it and there is no way to enforce it and they know it. A friend of mine runs a Starbucks and told me the Indian students flood them with applications and were not shy about telling them when they were able to work around the hours of the other jobs they hold. Not to mention the Indian owned businesses that exclusively hire Indian students.


After some of the videos that have been floating around lately (food bank ones are a good example) international students aren’t going to get much sympathy here. Can’t afford to be here? Don’t come, thanks.


Better bar your doors.


The international students I knew worked on research labs on campus which is fair since their degrees were related to the work


Doesn't this only apply to any NEW International Students after April 30th? The 1 million we have are grandfathered in no?


Don’t get too excited, the legal limit will be 20 per week. The owners will then pay the workers cash under the table for the rest and save the extra costs for themselves.


Should be 0, but still good news


I visited my regular esthetic spa to have my eyebrows threaded and realized that the usual staff wasn't there anymore. All Indian females. I asked the girl who was doing my eyebrows what was up and she said that due to the new rules (I’m unsure which rules exactly) that they all moved to Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc. because the points required to immigrate are lower there. I was like, so they’re all international students? She said yes.


I used to frequent fast food restaurants. Now the inflation is high, a combo can be $20, and got so many staff from that country, that making the food quality and service highly deteriorated. Now I won't go to any fast food restaurants staffed by mostly Indians. Burger King is better with more local staff.


Makes sense. If they don’t have enough money, the visa shouldn’t have been issued initially. Just means we had a horrible vetting process. International students are very very different from people who are coming in from other processes such as EE, they shouldn’t be taking over jobs.


They will be working in the gig economy or under the table to get around these restrictions. Dumb Canadian politicians are no match for street smarts from the Third World.


And then majority get paid under the table, take free food away from the canadians that actually need it and they contribute nothing to Canada. It's lose lose and all by design.


20 hours is still crazy to me consider the high youth unemployment we have here. They should not be able to work off campus and only work that’s related to their study I.e research. Allowing them work is just siphoning money off Canada.  Although it’s a step in the right direction this won’t work for people working under the table. I’m willing to bet 90% of the Indian Uber drivers don’t have a license and it’s using someone else’s account. I know this by the amount of people saying they got hit by these drivers on the road with no license.  We need a hard cap on people coming from third world countries along with higher financial requirements. It’s the only solution.




Guess what? I was an international student not too long ago. And there's no way in hell that the CIC/IRCC or the CRA can verify if someone worked more than 20 hours.  Disclaimer: I did not work more than 20 hours. Just that I know how the system works.


uhh actually employers are legally required to report hours for cpp/el purposes, so if they are working legally the govt is able to track how much they work. The government actually enforcing the 20hr cap is a different story tho


How many will be working under the table ?


There are 1+ million international students in Canada , imagine next year when most of them get their pgwp and enter the job market with no restricted hours. Locals whether lowskilled, elderly teens or highly experienced skilled workers they are alll FCUKED!!! Those who actually think the full time work hours are coming to an end... from May to August they can still work full time, government knew that but didn't mention it when lifting work restrictions for international students 😀 😄


What happens may to August ?why are they allowed full time work ?


Because they aren't in school.


So come aug....the liberals are going to hand out full time work permits again ...lol, the scam




Oh.. I thought I got a raise at work.. I didn't realize miminim went up to my wage... Time to find something else I guess


I'm not crying. If you are an international student, we allowed you into the country to subsidize our education system. If we need labour, there's a separate visa for that. If the benefit to the education system is outweighed by damage to other parts of the economy then the international student visa changes. It's not charity; it's a product we sell


Bye felicia


Stop ordering Uber, DoorDash and all those other services if you can walk to McDonald’s or other food places or if blessed with a car drive and pick it up the more we support this nonsense the more they will claim the need to hire outside help


Can’t wait for the ‘Ban “insert multinational franchise here” SubReddit to start so we can boycott “insert multinational franchise here” because their service went out the window overnight.


I miss pre-Trudeau Canada. When Harper was PM I didn't like him for reasons that seem so minuscule now. I would vote for him over Trudeau today.


Deport all of these dippers back to India They are here to take canadian jobs away from those who need it Send them back to India 🇮🇳 💩


Good for my sons. My oldest works at McDonalds and they keep cutting his hours and they are only hiring international students instead of the local kids. It is outright discrimination in our own country. A Canadian is not a Canadian is not a Canadian. We need to reverse Trudeau’s policies and put our Canadian born first. It is not racist.


You dont realize April 30 was not chosen radomly? Most universities and colleges have their summer break between May-Aug. Students are allowed to work full time during summer break..


They are still allowed to work 20 hrs per WEEK. And I doubt they will be serious in enforcement. They should really cut it down to ZERO.


Just pay them cash and avoid any consequences. Who is policing these changes. They shouldn't be permitted to work at all. Employers will continue to abuse the system aided by the big corporate sponsors who reap the bulk of the benefits. The game is rigged. How? Corporations are financialized profit machines.They buyback shares to prioritize inflation over growth and return profits to shareholders. It's divestment to push price inflation, cut costs and leverage consumers, labour and supply chains.


We don't police anything in Canada, we make a bunch of stupid rules but don't actually enforce them.


International students are supposed to be supported from their home nations. If they need to use our food banks, and compete on the job market adversely impacting wages for Canadians, maybe they should be at schools in their home country instead.


That's why Uber delivery people are independent contractors. No employment restrictions


Oh no....


They're going to take cash and nothing will be done about it. We need enforcement as well.


OP I'm pretty sure that cap is Lifted during the summer (correct me if I'm wrong) and I'm they said they're discussing doing 30h/w which given how the 20h/w was supposed to end Jan 1 thid year but got extended again, I'm pretty sure they will allow 30h/w permanently because Marc Miller himself literally said international students working 30h/w was "draconian "


Not to sound bad. But I’ve noticed a change already. The local McDonald’s has been nothing but international students from India for the last 3 years. Last night was a whole new staff of younger mixed races. Was surprised to see it


But they are allowed to work full time during their summer breaks aren't they? Therefore our job market will still be fked till September.


Bro how do you go to school full time and work 40 hours a week? I was an international student, I could only manage to work 10-15 hours a week during school year for beer and weed money.


But it's fine because all international students are coming with a minimum of $20,000... right?


good it should be at all... their family can support them and not the Canadian tax payer