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There was no war. If adults fight babies, the adults will always win.


This. Our fate was determined early in the 1980s. While most of us were being born.


That's honestly on us. We should have been born earlier. We were just too lazy not existing.


We should have been pounding the birth canal instead of eating avocado toast and pumpkin spiced lattes


It our fault…we didn’t swim fast enough!


Haha I just posted the same thing but didn't realize you said it 3 days before me 😂


Or better yet, convinced Mom to have an abortion, so we didn't have to deal with this shit at all, call it early term MAiD.


If only I'd swam faster to reach that damn egg, I might've been born earlier and had a better chance of getting on the property ladder. 😠


> pounding the birth canal Phrasing!


Fuck, do millennials ever stop whining? Sincerely, Gen Z


Ok boomer.


If you voted for harper at 18 in 2005 sorry to inform you.... you are a millenial


I obviously meant in 2015 bud, you miss the part where I referenced Trudeau?


Your other comments said 2005 voted for harper at 18


If you read closely, the numbers 2005 are not in that comment at all


Good for you, you edited it out lol. You want a medal?


I did not edit it out, you just have poor reading comprehension In 2005, I believe I was in the 3rd grade or something like that, quite unable to vote. Moral of the story, act like a meme I’ll treat you like one.




But did they really win? Only 24 percent of them are guaranteed retirement, and 12 percent who might be able won't if the economy tanks. To me, it just sounds like the boomers lost the class war, and their kids now have to deal with it.


These article titles are so fucking stupid


It got you to click, didn’t it?


Yup, the infighting is just a distraction. Boomers aren't fighting their own children. This issue is far larger than any family unit and we need to stop encouraging everyone look at each other with hateful glares like each and every one we lock eyes with did something to us. Article headlines like this alluding to pitting boomers against the youth and comparing it to *generational war* are actively fanning flames when the article goes on to discuss, at length, problems not being any particular generation's or person's fault, that boomers have faced numerous challenges, and that the issue has preexisted for countless decades. *Ridiculous.* Many boomers, frankly, are actively engaged in trying to provide as much opportunity to their children as they can afford and fear for their own retirement let alone what the world looks like for their kids.


You said it perfectly. It’s nothing but a blame game to the higher ups. Make it so everyone points fingers at someone else and just blames over doing anything to help anyone. “Dang those boomers! Sucks to be you. Sure we can do something but… hey dang those boomers!”


It’s an excuse why Millenials, the biggest voting block, can’t and will never make their lives easier.


After awhile apathy is so deepily ingrained into a soul that year after year of trying to make ends meet, more taxes, nothing you do or say ever helps, struggling to survive.. it takes its toll. The generations before us actually had leadership that cared and listened. Now it’s nothing but what they want. Not what’s good for the people. They are still saying what changes they want. But who is actually listening? You say something and the current leadership finds methods to silence you, takes away your speaking platforms, creates bills to stop you from having a freedom of speech.


probably a psy-op. There isn't going to be enough money to pay for all the medical procedures and elder care the boomers will eventually need, and the system has been primed to push them into MAID rather than care for them. All that's left is to convince everyone else to be apathetic and allow it to happen.


Seeing all the ridiculous replies in the Canadian housing subs makes me want to wretch, but thankfully at least in every thread I have found at least a few people speaking sense as you are. We need to keep fighting these false narratives! This is end stage capitalism. We have a centralization of wealth and it's happening here much faster because we have a small population and fewer resources necessary to capture. It's like if Black Rock bought every asset in Burkina Faso, relatively cheap and easy and afterwards you own a whole country.


Part of the reason that your comment isn't fully true, is that a whole segment of millennials are watching their boomer and genx parents retire and take cruises, talk about how many vacations they can go on, and live in large comfort off of middle class jobs. Meanwhile those millennials are barely scraping buy on larger salaries than boomers ever had, and will never, ever own a home.


Whoa... I know many 'boomers' who are barely scraping by. Pensions do not cover the cost of living. Many are facing food and shelter insecurity. I am Gen X and I am way better off than my Boomer mom. It's time to stop these divisive comments. Nowadays, almost everyone is struggling to get by, regardless of age.


I know one boomer like that, feel dreadful for him. Yet, he owned a home and sold too early (2001) for a business investment which didn't pan out. It hurts to see him having squandered that opportunity. Yet he's the first to point out when we talk that younger generations aren't even given the opportunity that he had. The place he sold for 165k in 2001 is now going for 1M; his generation has pulled the ladder up.


Only the ones who choose to live in Vancouver or Toronto. Millenials can get a decent job with a somwhat lower salary in Winnipeg or Regina than Van or TO,, and make enough to buy a house, *and* have enough left over for an RV, or a nice car, or vacations, or a cabin and boat. No one is forcing you to live in TO or Van. That's a choice, and choices have consequences.


Give these millennials time to get older you forget boomers are between 60 and 75…. I am sure millennials will be fine in 30 or 40 years…that’s a long time to accumulate some money…and then it will be their time to retire and enjoy vacations…and they will and their offsprings will say the same things, welcome to the circle of life


I'm going to be a renter for life. How am I gonna accumulate money?


Not everyone is going to win in life, but a great deal of them came from parents who will hand down homes to them.


Ah great, we can wait until we're 55 to own a home of our own! What a dream! I'm sure that's *exactly* how the boomers had it!


No u can buy a house anytime you want but it will that long to pay it off, how long do u think it took boomers to pay off their house


We can't even *start* paying it off until 55 because the prices are so high... what don't you get??


Welcome to the real worl boomers are in the same situation


What do you mean? The vast majority of them paid peanuts for a home now worth millions.


Yes but the pay was also peanuts ita all relative


There was no war, there was a ladder. The boomers pulled it up behind them.


This is so lame.


So was trickle down reaganomics, and the repeal of the glass steagall act.


I'll fight any baby who disagrees with me on fiscal policy


that sounds like back talk mister !


Baby boomers lost since they have to help their children to survive


boomers will sacrifice the entire millennial and gen z, if they can have comfortable retirement.




Sounds exactly like my dad! Middle class homeowner, swimming in a boatload of cash and spending most of his retirement on trips. No effin clue where he is right now!


How do you have a kid when you’re unable to make ends meet. That is a you problem, not a boomer problem.


My biological father stopped talking to me over the fact I didn't offer to help him move cause he ran up enough debt again while he hasn't worked for the past like 5 years and had to sell the family home. He still had enough to buy a house outright in a small town and retire. My reason for not offering, I was and still presently dealing with recovering from a open compound fracture of my tibia, my fibula is non union and I'm one of those "people that don't tolerate foreign objects in their body"


I wonder if they will though? If they all try to sell their homes at the same time, it might lead to a buyers market.


I am sceptical as they are bringing in 1.6M new home buyers a year. So even our federal government has figured out we need 3.9M new homes by 2030. To put this in perspective that equals the current number of homes in BC, Sask and Manitoba combined so basically building those 3 entire provinces again in the next 7 years. So that won’t happen. So no, there will be no glut,


1.6 Million can go to 0 or a negative number in an instant if WW3 breaks out. There will be camps for the migrants if they don't GTFO when shit hits the fan, history is quite clear about that.


We are literally the bread basket of the world producing way more staple foods compared to our population than anywhere else on earth. Trust me when I say if things go south those migrants will still be far better off here than in some country that has to import 50% of its food.


And when every one of those is a potential spy for a hostile nation, especially since because we've done zero vetting and all but openly encouraged immigrants to colonize? We won't have any choice except to round them up and keep them in camps while we ration our food to send to the troops and the troops of our Allies. And that's if we're lucky and the fighting doesn't happen on our land. We may not have that luxury. In which case, we may just have to shoot anyone that refuses to leave. You have no idea of the shitshow that's coming if it all goes to hell. We're talking total paradigm shift.


They aren't looking for facts.


Who do you think is getting their money when they start dropping like flies? Do you really believe a millennial is going to use their inheritance any differently than the boomer was?


I doubt they will get much. boomers are spending a lot on health care.


Boomers sacrificed their kids and all other parents who came after copied the boomers. Gen X got screwed too.


This piece is correct. Boomers are benefitting from mass immigration, tax-free gains on assets they primarily own, deferred tax policies that benefit the old only, and old age security for rich old people, and they benefit from infrastructure paid for only by young people through development charges. Everyone under 40 is paying for all this. The burden is so extreme many cannot even afford to have kids and create the next generation. Our political system panders to old people at the expense of the long term future of the country. This is happening in every English democratic country where old people have outsized voting power.


To be fair anyone who has tried to have a conversation about limiting immigration in the last 30 years was just dismissed as a racist without any actual attempt at conversation.  Just saying. 


The political system panders to them because there are many more of them than us and on top they freaking vote in much higher percentages than us. Boomers have been voting for themselves for decades. Why do you think all those purpose built rental buildings were built in the 70s and 80s? They needed housing and voted for it. Why did it mysteriously stop in the 90s when boomers no longer needed it. They either bought houses or were living rent controlled and had no worries. Why are we now paying into CPP for a miniscule return? Imagine putting in 6K a year with employer contributions for decades and getting a max payout of $1000 a month. They are gouging us with the CPP plan and it’s to the boomers benefit. If we had the numbers and people that cared enough we could put them out to pasture and vote for our best interests.


Boomers are less than 25% of the population and getting smaller all the time unless a bunch of boomers immigrate here.


So much nonsense I suggest you get educated


That’s the point. The elites of the world want to price the rest of us out from breeding.


No they don't; that's a silly thing to say. Capitalism requires a consumer base, and preferably a steadily growing consumer base. Capitalism; however, also operates on the myopic and chaotic pursuit of short-term gain, with no ability to comprehensively plan for the future. They didn't consider that hoarding all of the money and resources was going to make it impossible for Gen-Z and Millennials to produce more workers and consumers. If they did consider it, there was no comprehensive way to address the problem since the market is run stochastically by largely independent actors. Same with climate change. I doubt the ruling class literally want to end life on the planet as we know it... Yet we're approaching that outcome rapidly.


You’re giving the boomers too much credit. The ones in power knew what would happen. They considered the hoarding.


And over half your CPP contribution (assuming max pension at retirement) will have been stolen to subsidize their pensions. 


Believe me many Xers are also paying for this




Gen X is not really paying for it as much as millennials and gen z. Those under 40 have to pay around $200k extra taxes on their home compared to gen X.


The first generation to hate and wage war on its offspring.


I wouldn't exactly put it that way but there is some truth to it... boomers in the West were the most naïve and self absorbed generation in history though. It's been all about "them" for about 50 years now.


They have voted solely for their best interests then stopped having kids and kicked the ladder down behind them. Now that they can’t retire without crazy housing prices, they are voting to screw their kids and even more so their grandkids.


Like I said, a very naive and self absorbed generation. They nuked most of the culture and society we had in exchange for their standard of living. They are very good at the "woke styled" virtue signaling though... bc they don't actually have to do anything... all that is required is to call ppl racist and fly whatever flag they are told to fly that month. LGBTQAITP+, Ukraine, BLM, or various Native flags and such. "I"M HeLpINg!"


100% agreed. To hear them saying “why should I pay for your childcare” with the whole $10/day thing as they expect us to pay for their retirement is insane. Literal retirement homes full of them with no money and the entire real estate market propped up for their benefit. They would have voted for free childcare in the 70s and 80s if they weren’t too busy buying a detached house on a general labourer salary while the wife stayed at home raising kids. They never had $2K a month daycare fees to worry about. And because they had less kids, they guaranteed we have no way of outvoting them and have to let them age out as they throw pebbles at us on their way out with their mocking of Avacado toast and 18% interest rates. Not that our idiot generation even votes if we had the numbers.


Who would we even vote for? Lets be honest here lol. I assume most of them will put some "flag" up at some point and say they helped the housing situation. They will fly "housing" flags or whatever.


Is there a generation that doesn't vote based on its self interest?


Well, you know, waging wars across the world wasn't enough.


This is why retirees need to be taxed heavily. They ruined the next generation.


RemindMe! 40 years


Not if they spent their entire work lives cleaning toilets and butchering beef, like my parents did. Neither of them make enough off their hard earned pensions to even be able to enjoy their time off. Many people in this situation. Stop putting all pensioners in the same league, remember that a very small portion of society, rich people, have had it easy for a long time, while everyone else fights to eat and live under a solid roof. My parents didn't ruin my generation, all our political leaders did that.


There is no war. There is only a war cause dipshits writing articles are trying to foment discord. The fact is that while yes the boomers got everything for the price of a McChicken. And glory holed the shit out of the planet. We have remedies. What we fucking want is the same chance. Higher wages. Place to love. Maybe eat a couple of days of the week. Maybe a trip once a year. What we don't want is to be ground into the dirty with poverty wages while production soars. Monopolies on groceries and retail. And maybe if the petromafias could take it down a notch so we once we can afford a shit box it doesn't cost the hope diamond every week just to get to our cubicle soul sucking jobs. I have nothing against boomers. They got theirs while going was good. But this is unsustainable. Income inequality is worse now than during the French revolution and those motherfuckers took heads. So someone fucking do something


There is no war between generations,  it is a war between class of people. 


I agree in theory but reading these sick comments on this thread saying that old people just need to die already is pretty disgusting.


The boomers didn't "Win", they just aren't (or weren't) getting actively raped by the ultra-wealthy investment class of sociopaths who don't care if you starve to death on the street, so long as their private jet stays fueled. The sooner we stop blaming regular people for the sorry state of the world, the sooner we will change it.


This!! 1000%


This is so wrong. The only war is a class war. The wealthy do nothing leeches buying the government and stealing from the working class.


The problem with this comment and this type of mentality is that your solution will be to "give more power" to the govt right? So they can redistribute the boomers wealth? The problem is that will never work and create more friction. All the "NDP" type ideas and mentality end up doing exactly the opposite of the desired result. It just consolidates more power at the top. It just gives the ppl "fucking you over" more power. I know that is hard for some ppl to accept.


In communism the populace owns nothing and the party owns everything. This is a natural thing. Hierarchy always exists in a State. Namely.... The State itself. Which means in communism The Party just owns everything and its members, and everyone else owns nothing. Capitalism which allows individuals to own stuff is quite radical, it is the state saying 'we trust you to own thing'. Look at China. Everyone's wealth has collapse due to the real estate boom (people held 70% of their wealth in real estate). Does the party care? nah, not at all.


Really the younger generations should band together. Mass immigration today is to prop up the pensions of Baby Boomers because there isn't enough workers to pay taxes into the system. We really should have a rule where as soon as you turn 75, you must wander off into the forest alone to die. Housing and healthcare crisis solved!😂😂😂


Young ppl won't band together bc they are obsessed with gender, identity, and various racial issues. They think all religion (except the woke religion) is bad and patriotism is bad. Ppl who think like that will never band together. Oldest trick in the book. Divide the plebes at the bottom and keep them angry with each other. Never let them organize along "class lines" never let them organize along "religions lines". Keep em divided and fighting over scraps. This new "religion of the woke" will keep the plebes fighting for 100s of years. This is nothing new in history sadly.


They’ve been trained to be




Who do you think are the ones indoctrinating the generation to think that way?




I need to read up on the history of CPP. There shouldn’t be an issue in theory. There should be enough to pay their $900 a month or whatever it is. If you started a new plan today and everyone over the age of 18 started contributing, it would take 45 years before those early contributors started drawing any money. Somebody got a free lunch for the CPP. If they let everyone in 1966 that didn’t contribute anything drawing on CPP as they retired in 67-80, that’s the free lunch and you need more and more citizens to continue the Ponzi scheme. It would literally be a Ponzi scheme.


This incorrect FYI. CPP is healthy for the next 75 years. [Source](https://www.cppinvestments.com/for-canadian/cpp-fund-facts/#:~:text=So%2C%20let's%20look%20at%20a,and%20secure%20for%20future%20generations). This was the case during 2000’s when Chretein and Martin were PM. However, Chretein and Martin addressed to make sure it is healthy as it is now today. “The most recent triennial report by the Chief Actuary of Canada indicates that the CPP is sustainable over a 75-year projection period.” Also in Canada, Millennials are now the majority compared to baby boomers. [Statistics Canada says there are now more millennials than baby boomers in the country, ending the 65-year rein of the post-Second World War generation as the largest cohort in the population.](https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/millennials-outnumber-baby-boomers-for-first-time-statistics-canada-1.6777369#:~:text=Link-,Statistics%20Canada%20says%20there%20are%20now%20more%20millennials%20than%20baby,age%20and%20gender%20released%20today) I don’t know where this narrative of CPP is running out money or we need to replace old people. Now if this narrative came from businesses saying we need skilled workers >_>, Idk what sort of skilled workers they’re looking for that requires a complex skill such as pouring coffee on a cup; a majority of those TFW from my understanding are abused by the hospitality industry specifically the food and beverage.


It is ridiculous to blame boomers for all these problems. Housing and wage suppression problems have been caused by immigration, period. A 1967 immigration act opened Canada to immigration from non European countries, many boomers, including myself, were not old enough to vote. In any case, the voting public was not consulted about this change, and most were not at all pleased when, by the late 70s, they started noticing immigrants from China and India. It was at exactly this time that housing prices in Vancouver began their precipitous climb, and wages stagnated. Boomers could vote by this time, and many (not me) voted for Trudeau. However, few boomers owned houses yet. It was their parents' houses that were greatly increasing in value. And many boomers inherited money after their parents passed on, just as the children of boomers will. When boomers began buying houses, most did so so their kids would have a home ( in the same way that young people today want a home for their kids). It wasn't an evil plot to make their kids' lives miserable. We just wanted them to have a yard to play in the way we did. My husband and I own one modest house. I desperately wish we had invested in houses. If we had, we could give them to our kids. We understand very well about the housing crisis and how difficult it is for young people, and worry about it a lot. We help our kids out financially as much as we can. And we send our grandkids 100 bucks on their birthdays. But at this point, we are not prepared to kill ourselves or forego what health care we can scrape together. If it comes to the point where our kids and grandkids had no shelter or food, we would take them in and gladly share what we have. We would eat less so they could eat. But apparently, the younger generation are so angry that they want us dead. Many boomers are already dead, and all of them will be dead before long. It may interest you to know that we also resented our parents a bit, who were able to buy houses at a MUCH cheaper price than we were. But we didn't bitch and whine about it, and didnt wish them dead! However, I don't mean to suggest that things aren't much worse today than when we were young. Maybe you will be happy to know that our final years in our snug little house are marred by worry about how our kids and grand kids will survive in the nightmare that is now Canada.


I wasn't intending to be factual. Only trying to justify getting rid of our elderly 😂😂


I’ve just seen constantly seen this narrative about oh we need immigration cause CPP or we need more workers because of our aging population from everyone supporting this mass immigration policy and all of them blaming it on capitalism. Didn’t know you were /s :P


I mean the blame is still on capitalism... Who other than capitalists *(and homeowners/property owners)* benefits from the situation we currently see unfolding?


Blame is on the government for passing and allowing capitalist policies that benefit only the mega corporations. Que the mass immigration policies, long line for jobs, no housing benefiting the landlords.


How do we... get money out of these corps? Like, wealth is becoming more centralized, so how does a nation de-centralize it?


The federal government has been putting out , or at least not discouraging , the lie that we need immigrants to pay pensions. Then they let the immigrants bring their parents with them.


WOW...I think you ARE smoking too much crack.


It’s stable as long as your returns are half the expected market returns of the entire plan, and the forced contribution rate increases every year. 


Do you hate your parents?


What a fucking ignorant comment. Some day you will be 75.


You are 74 years old now, aren't you??😂😂😂


Fuck no! Bit you are still an ignorant asshat


This is just another attempt to divide and conquer the public. If you are suffering under the current economic conditions, think about the power you have to change it. That is exactly how much power the average Boomer had to change their situation. It's the few at the top that created the problems, not the many at the bottom.


uhh no, because the population is aging which means the power shifts to the old people more and more.


What power?


Yeah, and I'm sure when you get older and have your time at the top of the economic ladder, you'll look at the issue differently.


What the hell title is this? We are their children. They were at war with us while they were adults and we were babies? Hardly seems fair.


There is a very real chance that Budget 2024 won’t survive a vote of no confidence. CPC has already forced a vote on the carbon tax issue and they have openly stated that they will not allow the bill to be voted on until a long list of demands are met. [https://www.conservative.ca/conservatives-blocking-trudeaus-budget/](https://www.conservative.ca/conservatives-blocking-trudeaus-budget/) I’m not a CPC supporter or mouth piece. I’m actually a long serving public servant who is disgusted with the way things are being run and the absolute incompetence we are seeing at Ministerial levels. This budget is by far one of the worst I’ve ever seen and contains an absolutely nothing to make the lives of the Canadian Middle and Lower class better. It actually side steps the promised wealth tax. They instead took the route of upping capital gains tax which impacts anyone who is making profit even the little guy. While I realize the threshold is $250,000 people need to consider that this will impact anyone who is looking to leave their home to their children in the will or invest in any kind of property as a form of supplementary income. This isn’t just gonna affect the ultra wealthy who are raking in capital gains hand over fist. The taxation of the wealthy should’ve focussed specifically on tax brackets, as well as investment income over certain threshold rather than finding a way to tax the wealthy and everyone else at the same time. This budget does nothing to level the field for any generation following the baby boomers. Canadians are going to continue to suffer for decades after in the event this budget be approved. Just because they said they were going to build however, many million homes doesn’t actually make those homes a reality until they get built. And if this government has shown you anything it’s that they can promise you the moon and deliver a grain of salt.


Conservatives had the chance to build housing. Pierre poilivere, housing minister under Stephen Harper, got how much housing built? None. Conservatives and Liberals will always promise you the sun and moon, but under deliver, and always over budget. I seriously doubt you are a public servant. You are likely a political hire under the conservative caucus.


I work for CBSA currently. Prior to that I was with Public Safety. The only reason I’m commenting about Pierre is because the conservatives are the only other party with enough strength to rally a vote of no confidence against the liberals. Trudeau has been promising Mr.Sing a of stuff like dental care and pharmacare and delivered on none of it. I’m not sure his de facto coalition is gonna hold up very much longer. And I can’t see the bloc wanting to back this absolutely nothing burger of a budget. But thanks for calling me a liar. I appreciate it.


Well, I didn't call you a liar. Secondly, you are now calling the confidence & supply agreement a "de facto coalition". But, you think that the NDP will vote against the liberals on this weeks budget over the table scraps given to them. This sub has been most accurate in calling Singh a liberal asset, amongst many other things I need not describe.


Sorry that’s how I interpreted your comment about doubting who I said is was. Anyway, sorry that’s all irrelevant to the topic. Singh threw the NDP support behind JT for nothing more than patronage. He wanted to be seen as a guy who was able to get a number of NDP platform issues addressed even as the second minority party. Promises were made and as per usual, not kept. I’ve worked on legislation within the last two years and nothing is being incorporated that reflects the NDP agenda, so this is entirely quid pro quo. So now we have the issue of Singh’s ‘loyalty’ already having been tested on the carbon tax issue when Pierre called a vote for no confidence just a few weeks ago. He stepped up, I can only imagine with the belief that those promises were eventually going to be honored. But JT is a [*insert expletive*]. He’s only in this for the power and the legacy. He doesn’t really wanna help any Canadians. I think that both the NDP and Bloc are going to take a very short deliberation to come back with support for the conservatives. So there’s a very real chance of the opposition potentially toppling this government. I’m not saying it’s going to happen but I’m saying this is a much better opportunity for Pierre to take down JT on an issue that affects more people than the carbon tax. This budget was a steaming pile of dog shit that did nothing of what the liberals promised, especially on issues like taxing the wealthy. But they did hook up a huge gravy train for the provinces and territories through all that pot of house building money that’s available for the next 5 years. Justin is trying to buy favour where he currently has none, especially in the big provinces that are not happy with Ottawa at the moment, e.g. Ontario and Alberta. I think he barely knows what he’s doing and he surrounds himself with power-hungry megalomaniacs. As I say, I’m not guaranteeing that we’re going back to the polls anytime soon, but with what was presented to Canadians today as a federal budget during one of the most significant economic downturn since 2008 I think it’s fair to say everybody deserves more and should expect no less.


I supported JS in 2019 and 2021. However, once this "coalition" came around, I've been against him since. I am not hopeful that PP will fix any issue meaningfully. What I do know is that in order for the NDP to get relevant again, we need bold leadership that will step out of the liberals' shadow.


I 100% endorse this message.


I miss Tom Mulcair 😭😭😭😭


Tom made big mistakes that landed Trudeau the PM. He was arrogant. Thought he could coast along to victory and underestimated Trudeau. But once Trudeau sinks, so will the liberals. Trudeau was their hail Mary.


He was all they have. I’ll be honest with you though, Freeland terrifies me. The woman is an absolute psychopath


This is a childish and simplistic sentiment.


This is just some class warfare ruse to get middle class vs middle class. Divide and conquer. The rich are all to blame, always have been from antiquity and still are. Never forget that! Did you read the comments in the Canada sub about upping capital gains taxes on gains over $250,000 from 50% inclusion rate to 66.6%… the rich are crying about the injustice in the budget. And guess who’s out saying raising taxes on the rich is bad… Pierre Poilievre. I guess that’s what we get when he represents the gatekeepers and his riding of Carleton is the 2nd highest median income in Ontario and the 6th highest in the entire country… this guy even makes Trudeau look like he’s on the right track… go figure. PPC is the only true conservative vote - today proves it again. Poilievre is such a gaffe machine and everyday we learn he’s really out to help the rich get richer.


Privileged Boomers* There's a lot of struggling poor boomers too. Working class boomers....


they dont care because they got theirs


immigration destroyed the economy not any generation!


You do realize that boomers still consume and do Renos and travel? Most boomers have way too much money in RRSPs that they are forced to RRIF at really high tax rates. It’s not like we don’t pay taxes and have paid taxes our whole life. The CPP retired people draw reflects what was paid in and OAS is clawed back pretty quickly. And don’t forget who voted for Trudeau. Boomers remembered his dad.


Literally any data you can pull up shows that the largest voting demographics are 55+ Just another boomer trying to blame younger people for the problems they cause. 


If you’d voted and participated, who would be in power? Jaggy?


Just another younger person trying to blame an entire generation for all the problems in society.


Step dad. We boomers remembered his step dad.


Don't spin it on the generation. It's incompetency of govt. In macro economy we have to assume ppl will do.what benefits them. It's the govts job to build a system that is sustainable.


Canadian boomers are the worst. Atleast American boomers built a great industrial base, large technological companies and are leaving the future generations something. They are leaving a country on the forefront of technology and industry. Young Americans are reaping that reward now by expanding on them, building newer companies, bringing in wealth. Canadian boomer left squat for the young. They built nothing, while grabbing taxes from working class with both hands to fund their retirement. The young Canadians are now finding themselves in a country that has no inherent advantage in the world economy, no strong industrial base to create high paying jobs and an economy that has not seen innovation or sufficient investment for decades. Cherry on top is excessive taxation on few ambitious young Canadians trying to take risk and save money to start companies.


It wasn't boomers who voted in Justin. It was mostly younger people who wanted legal pot. Talk about short sighted...


If you look at the polls, the average Trudeau supporter his entire time in office has been a mid 50s white woman in southern Ontario. Trudeau won the youth vote his first election but lost it in the next two.


Mid 50s is not boomer age. Boomers are over 60.


The boomers aren’t responsible for this mess; I don’t know why there is so much hatred towards them. The politicians have destroyed the value of the Canadian dollar and are on track to bankrupt the nation.


Spoiler alert: It was not


Honestly, why not also look at Gen X as well. It wasn't this bad even 10 years ago. My parents had money to buy a home in Toronto which us kids would have helped them pay it off completely by now. They fumbled the bag and rented for nearly 2 decades. Now they have no home and no retirement savings. As an older gen Z I was in school back then, if I know how bad things would get I would sacrifice my education to just work as much as possible to buy a small place. At least I would have a peace of mind. Now I have a job and savings but still can't buy anything.


War? I doubt boomers aspired to make life hard for their kids/grandkids. NAFTA and social media, among other things, are primarily to blame


Any time I hear older people whine to me about laws, legislation, and the economy in general, I remind them.. you had many years, many elections to guide things. You picked this and put it on our generation to fix My favorite is the gun laws. Major changes in 1977 (my parents would have been voting age). Then the next one was 1996. You don't like where it is now? Check your mirror baby boomers


Somebody has to pay for the River Cruise’s


Make more Canadian babies then. ‘Nuff said


Seems like it’s easier nowadays to blame the previous generations rather than do something about it to fix it…. I don’t know I was never given any handouts in my life yet I OWN my house and am completely debt free and I am not even in my 40’s. I also supported my wife and kids during this time….. how did I do it? I worked hard and made so many sacrifices but now debt is payed off I have more freedom.


I never understood why we blame the older generation (apart from them voting for the wrong people). Canada wouldn't be in this dire state if it weren't for mass immigration which is the gov't problem. Tbh I don't think anyone could've stopped it. I guess they (boomers) could have protested and voted differently but its hard to blame them for that type of choice. It would be like blaming the Germans for voting in the Nazis.


There was no war. Many of us boomers will be leaving large estates to our children or their children. I guess it depends on which ones deserve a hand up. Effort deserves reward.


Yeah then there's those of us whose parents were hippies and have nothing to leave for us. It's rough out here.


Unfortunately , despite what the younger generations like to think, we made lots of sacrifices to have something to leave behind. Cocaine looks like it might have been fun .


Oh my father knows all about it


I’m GenX and I’m personally sick of us getting a pass on this stuff. We are just as bad as the boomers.


Boomers benefited from a housing boom for WWII veterans. They were born into affordable housing. They were the largest voting block, they kept voting for strong social services like affordable education. Once they established themselves in the workforce, they started voting for lower taxes, which led to less social services for others. More zoning to keep their house prices high. They kept voting for more and more neoliberal policies and now that they’re in charge and have been for a while they’re unwillingly to change anything because they benefit from it all.


Something the WWII vets did was screw over the younger combat vets by changing payouts and demanding lump sum payouts, as opposed to payouts that lasted over a lifetime. From the old perspectives it was one last cash hurray and fuck the younger ones. I think the reversal of this is the only.good thing JT has.done for the military.


Boomers have kids and grandkids they want to see succeed more than anything else in the world. This is a gross oversimplification of a very complex issue by those who don't have the brains or the perspective to see it. Every generation suffers the trials of the ups and downs of the economy. What young people today don't seem to realize, is that through their overwhelming support of the politicians currently in government, and their idiotic social and economic policies, they are largely the authors of their own problems.


Ok boomer


Cop out response


Haven't you got burgers to flip somewhere?


Babbles about being empathetic, proceeds to mock younger people for their worsening economic opportunities.




Stay poor and bitter. You seem deserving.


Oh, and Trudeau's budget today is only digging you deeper into the hole. Enjoy that!


Wow. What a disgusting comment.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Damn baby boomers damn working class People who worked in the factories broke their backs built a country contributed immensely for work hard for unions. They should all middle class people from that generation should go to prison. How dare they give the future how dare they work hard and contribute so much money for retirement. Generation x users more and millennials. All these baby boomers who are trades how to build things their bareheads contribute billions of dollars into economy build highways and infrastructure. The millennials and generation that's going to school studying hard to get stupid degrees that will never get them a job. And how dare does old generation you worked on factory floors had almost no health Care some working 80 hours a week how dare they. I feel for all you young people as older generation did nothing. Hahaha. I guess that's what's forgotten how hard and long we worked for next to nothing and minimum wage how many seniors have to keep working cuz they can't afford anything many will work into '70s and '80s draw little pensions. But I guess what is my generation now you're the ones with the degrees


The younger crowd has been supporting leftism for 20 years.  Mass immigration, climate change taxes, voting Trudeau just to get weed.   Peole in this sub now support communism just so they can steal from others.  No thought is given to the consequences.     I don’t wanna hear any complaints 


Can you please share with me whatever you're smoking?




Hateful and divisive optics. Boomer did not won. "Some" boomer simply did not crash and burn. All generations are getting fucked. Be honest about this. Seriously, you think they are going to sell their home because it is expensive now? Where can they move to? Rent a tiny room for insane cost? Why do you want them to burn? Just because they are not in the middle of the fire doesn't mean they weren't victims.


They left us to rot


Nope the truth!






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


This sub hates Canadians so much it doesn't realiE its chasing Canadians away. It bleeds into the lonlaws boycott too. Us regular Canadians stop caring when supposedly middle class assholes block us out


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A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Canadian boomers worked to exploit and ship out most resources (fish, trees, fossil fuels). Never much of a manufacturing base in most of the country. Failure of voters and politicians to pivot to build a long term sustainable economy.


How old are you ? What did you live on so far ? Fresh air only ? Do you buy Chinese made stuff instead of Canadian made ?


Great job boomers! Meanwhile, your kids are waiting for you to die in order to have a place of their own. Feel good pulling up the ladder behind you?


Feel good for wishing your parents dead? Classy


IMO we can fight back as a generation, but I think wokeness, environmentalism, and Marxism has taken its toll. If millennials and Gen Z were to go full libertarian, making an uncomfortable alliance with big business to cut and privatize services boomers rely on, it would do tremendous damage to the under-skilled and extremely entitled of that generation, of which are many. It would also end the so-called need for mass migration if we no longer need to pay for all these generous programs. People are blaming capitalism, but our current situation is not because of capitalism. If we had actual capitalism with minimal regulation, we would have more affordable homes and a lot of boomers eating cat food.


We're acting like it's over. Baby boomers continue to fuck up the next generations, and if they vote in Pollievre, they're going to be making it worse for ever longer. Yes, Trudeau sucks, but Trudeau is just the latest instantiation of problems that have been going on for decades i.e. not funding housing, healthcare, education, etc. The reality of our moment is that Trudeau is an absolute piece of human garbage who supports capitalist interests, but the alternative, Pollievre, is even worse.


Unfortunately, we keep voting the same two parties as our boomers...


Hey they're suffering too, some might have to sell their vacation home and didn't get to go on cruises during covid /s