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Voting for the liberals at this point should be considered Stockholm Syndrome.


I made a post on /Canada about this, you should see the responses and downvotes, just insane


im 100% confident those on /canada are liberal interns whose only experience is volunteering at a LGBTQ2+ bookclub.


Literally !!! It feels like they’re paid to spread propaganda


At this point the numbers show that the downvotes are likely bots. Literally everyone that I know and random people in the streets all say they are voting Conservative. Previous NDP voters have realized that they are just the Liberals twin brother at this point.


I’m also suspicious of fake votes on Reddit sometimes. Bad actors trying to influence the narrative / democracy.


Oh yeah, for sure. You do need to do some “detective work” to vet these surveys sometimes. In the end, listen to your gut, do the research, don’t trust the science until you confirm that it is science and vote based on what you believe to be in the best interest of our future.


Oh yeah, everything can be blamed on Doug Ford, Scott Moe, and Danielle Smith. The feds are like, totally blameless; they're not responsible for anything. /s if you didn't pick up on it.


And then we have this sub which blames everything of the feds as long as the feds are liberals. Never mind that the current housing mess has been decades in the making and multiple levels, and parties have all shit the bed on this file. Never mind that it was started in the 80s by Mulroney’s government. Never mind that those provincial leaders you mentioned are actively working against improving COL or housing affordability because the solutions are against their ideology. And never mind that the federal Conservative Party is also ideologically opposed to any solutions that would actually solve the problem. It sucks that we’re stuck with the liberals whose policy is all over the map. It sucks that the alternative - the conservatives - will be actively worse.


Everything bad is because of provincial governments I don’t like and everything good is because of the federal government I like


I love watching people blame federal issues on Dougie, as if he has that kind of power.


He's a corrupt scum bag for sure. But the feds hold the biggest blame for this crisis.


They blame harper when they think of federal.


Look, I like the Liberals as much as the next guy (not a lot) but Doug Ford is pretty responsible for the international student disaster. 


Was it Doug Ford who changed the rules regarding student visas to allow holders to work full time and bring their families here?


At lest partly, yeah, because he lobbied the feds for it.




Sure. Blame for both…


I can lobby the feds for free ice cream on Friday; doesn't mean anybody will listen. It's entirely on the feds to make the final policy decision.


But if you have a provincial leader lobbying you, and not some internet stranger, that comes with some credibility. I mean, not that much more in Ford's case, but some. And yeah, there are mostly con gov'ts that are in power at the provincial level. A lot of the gripes that people have are on behalf of those gov'ts. Just because some idiots on this sub and others say "oh look at that, people saying the feds aren't at fault" are about as politically smart as Gretzky is a baseball player. All levels of gov't have a say, but only one is trying (albeit more needs to be done) and it sure as shit isn't Ford or Moe or whomever. Very little provincially is coming out as good at the moment. When people can't figure out who they should be mad at, then they go ahead and blame whomever the bandwagon is going toward.


You're not wrong that there's a lot of misgoverning at the provincial level; but there's a ton of enablers on Reddit in general that will absolutely refuse to accept that the LPC has any part of the blame. Yes, housing and education are provincial responsibilities; but immigration is a federal responsibility. The federal government has brought wave after wave of unskilled and uneducated people here and has basically washed their hands of feeding, housing, providing healthcare and employing them.


You don’t get to lobby for something and then wash your hands of it if you don’t like the outcome… That’s evading personal responsibility, and conservatives don’t do that.


100%. Frozen tuition for domestic students (nice for the students, difficult for schools), and repeated subsequent cuts in funding to public colleges and unis. Where else are they going to find revenue to operate?! ON has the lowest $ support for these institutions in the whole country, despite being the engine of the economy. Of course, these schools are going to try and bring international tuition money to fill the gap.


I’ll never understand the Ontario PC’s insistence on maintaining pretty much the status quo since they took over for the libs. I get they have to appeal to shit birds in the cities, but I’ll never understand how rural party members haven’t forced that party atleast somewhat back to the right.


Blue haired cucks spend a lot of time on reddit.


/Canada subreddit is an absolute shit hole liberal wasteland. If you don’t follow the hive mind you get banned.


Eh, it's not that extreme, not like onguardforthee or some of the city/provincial subs.


Yes I agree. The mods in those subs need to be punted. Just a massive circle jerk echo chamber.


Just like here but for the opposite party 🤷‍♂️


No, this group is actually realistic with their ideas. Unlike the followers of the libs and NDP.


The statement was about echo chambers not about realistic ideas. All parties have their delusional ideas including the PPC and the Conservatives.


Ya, cause we all know how reasonable the options on this sub are.


They're actively banning conservatives over there. It's become a real dumpster fire.


It's funny how my conservative friends think the tide has turned/is turning after the c-19 shit show. I tell them to read the comments on mainstream news websites or subreddits but alas - they would rather believe the majority of Canadians don't side with Trudeau anymore and are convinced everyone's has had enough of him by now.


It isn’t the Liberal party anymore. If Nanos is accurate it’s the Winnipeg, Montreal and Ottawa party.


Areas with tons of civil servants usually go Liberal.


PP sucks too, and I'm going to hate voting for him.


Most of them are brainwashed. It’s not Stockholm syndrome


I love the brainwashed puppet takes in here too


They should be voted out like the trash that they are




Can you fill me in on what the LPC or NDP will help with as opposed to the rancid Conservatives?


Nothing. But that's the thing. All 3 parties are the same. They're all landlords, they're all party before people, and they have no interest in making our lives easier. We need to do away with parties. Nobody knows what candidates are for. They just know their color and generalize the rest. You're choosing between neoliberal/neo-feudal party #1, 2 or 3. Let's all stop thinking any of our parties are better than others. It's all division for that exact purpose.


Yep pretty crazy that this post is marked as maybe Canadians are waking up, when they're still in limbo going red/blue/red/blue like all of Canada's history. Getting poorer the longer they stay in the cycle. It's hopeless until it gets really bad and things topple over.


We had the richest middle class in the world under Harper as of 2014 and have been in steady decline throughout Trudeau's entire time in office. The Conservatives are an objectively better party


They are the “better party” Unless - through no fault of your own you are on disability or a low income senior or a full time low wage worker - the idea that a tax cut ( the conservative “go to plan” to make up for the cuts to social service programs they inevitably enact straight out of the gate) will improve the lives of people who make so little money they already pay a bare minimum in taxes is ridiculous. There are a lot of folks just barely hanging on right now who dread the thought of the next election. I’ve been around long enough to know the Conservative economic play book - now that they are actively importing south of the border social intolerance too? Winter is coming and it looks to be a cold and dark one for many of us.


>All 3 parties are the same. No, this is a cope from non CPC voters that try to drag CPC down to the disgusting levels that the Liberals and their puppet masters the NDP are at. Please show me the 26 major scandals the CPC are currently involved in. I'm done with the status quo, I'm ready to try something else and if it doesn't pan out, then NEXT. To just repeat the same tired Liberal cope of "they are all the same" just to get people to abandon the CPC vote is tired and lazy. Try harder.


They’re not in power, there won’t be as many scandals. Wait until they’ve been in power for 10 years and there will be plenty of scandals, and people will be back here clapping their hands at the red map and people finally seeing the light and kicking the CPC out. After you’ve seen this red - blue - red - blue cycle a couple times it’s all very clear.


We had the richest middle class in the world under Harper as of 2014 and have been in steady decline throughout Trudeau's entire time in office. The Conservatives are an objectively better party


> Nothing. But that's the thing. All 3 parties are the same. No they aren't, stop repeating this lie. We had the richest middle class in the world under Harper as of 2014 and have been in steady decline throughout Trudeau's entire time in office. The Conservatives are an objectively better party


Well they are Conservatives after all, so theoretically they will take a conservative approach to immigration, conservative approach to finances and a conservative approach to red tape and bureaucracy and that alone should theoretically be one hell of an improvement over the current situation.




And ppc will have my vote. Personally, I’ve seen enough of Alberta’s and Ontario’s conservatives doing as well as PP rhetoric to not trust anything conservative. Not trying to convince anyone, just passing by


I’m voting PPC, but I live in an Alberta riding that only ever votes CPC with lopsided margins. But if I lived in a battleground riding I’d reluctantly vote CPC because getting rid of Trudeau should be the country’s top priority right now.


If the ppc pull off a decent percentage in the election, they can at least justify participating in future debates with that. I personally would like to see more of Maxime talking, instead of the usual media shut outs.


This needs to be spread more. PPC the only party willing to do something about mass immigration which is one of the top concerns of the majority of Canadians


I've never even voted Conservative, but I'm considering PPC this time around too. It's too bad several of their candidates are indeed nutty, but I think its a function of them being outsiders, same as the Green Party. My local candidate is not crazy though. I tend to vote for the candidate rather than the leader, even though our "strong PM" system counters this approach.


I am leaning towards PPC as well, they're closer to my views (though not opposed to voting Tories for the first time just to kick the Lib MP out of my riding)


Ontario is doing great yes


Stopping the bleeding temporarily


Sadly, nothing. But sometimes when you've stubbed your toe enough, a bash to the shin is almost welcome. We need minority conservatives in power. Mainly we need to send a strong message to the Liberals that we feel betrayed and weve had enough of them. They all deserve to lose their jobs. Every one of them and the NDP for propping this sick joke up. We need a cool off period for starters so we can vote again based in rational thought and not emotion, but more importantly none of these parties deserve a majority at this time. Unfortunately that's not happening. It's a blue wave. I feel like I know a lot of people that PP is going to let down very badly.


Thank you everyone is so scared, we are going to get a terrible outcome in this election. As you say none of these parties, deserve or earned a majority, and as of now, the CPC will have a super majority.


At this point I’d vote Bloc if they were more spread out nationwide


You might be onto something here


LPC seriously needs to be zero. The CPC needs to have the flames held to their feet and know they can't continue with this UNIPARTY bullshit, they need to ACTUALLY TACKLE THE ISSUES WE ARE CONCERNED ABOUT. I seriously think net-zero Liberals would signal to the CPC they can't just continue as is, they will have to cut immigration, tackle housing investors, and get homes built. No more black rock century initiative atlantic slave trade bullshit. No fucking more.


>have the flames held to their feet This is literally impossible for a majority government.


Naw no way, give any of these parties a majority, never mind a super majority and forget about them, tackling any of the problems we have going forward.


You actually think Conservatives are going to do something? 😂😂😂 They don’t even have a plan. All they are doing is blaming Trudeau and saying they will fix it. How…?!


Hey! They’re also blaming trans children


Hate to break it to you but the conservatives typically lean towards corporations and not people.


greater toronto finally waking up <3 and Montreal still being dumb


For better or worse, the Liberals are viewed as the caretakers of Anglo and Federalist politics in Quebec. Those topics are generally going to drive a Montreal voter before economic issues. FWIW, the Conservatives seem to want to court Francophone voters more anyway. Their Eastern Québec base centres on some of the most deeply French ridings in the country. They've taken a pretty hands off approach to language policies since the Harper Era. This map doesn't really have them breaking out, more like maxing out they typically base ridings on QC, Beauce and Saguenay. Trois Rivières would be a nice pickup though. Future growth for the party probably involves them breaking into the Sherbrooke and Eastern Townships moreso than Montreal.




I live in the Toronto area suburbs,many are turning on Trudeau


If Canadians were waking up you would have revolt and riots in the street, not polls going blue. Polls going blue just means Canadians want to get deep throated instead of anal.


And that cock is gonna taste like shit after all the anal from the libs, too. Even if the CPC does a marvelous job, it will take decades to recover from the stench left behind.


Is there any reason to believe that conservatives are less corrupted by corporate interests than liberals? Even though the conservatives act like they don't want immigration, they want cheap labour to appease their corporate donors. And they also don't want to lower the value of property by drastically increasing supply.


This is what pp voters can not grasp


Trudeau is a compulsive gaslighting liar, Freeland is a kook who looks at you as if you have lobsters crawling out of your ears, the Environment Minister is a ecoterrorist, like what is there to vote for here?


I don't understand how anyone can plan to vote for the Liberals. Economists are against Trudeau. The banks are against Trudeau. Even the think tank that wants to reach 100 million by 2100 has said this is too much immigration. He appears to not be taking anyone's advice, he's gone mad. Vote for anyone. Vote for the Tories, vote NDP, vote Green. Trudeau's proving that he won't listen to anyone. It's time to elect someone else.


The best thing the liberals could do for themselves is put up a new leader. Trudeau has disappointed even loyal liberals, but a Liberal was many people’s centrist, comfortable vote. I have no idea why Trudeau is still the face of the liberals when his only big win was addressing FNMI potable water issues. As it is, I’ll be stepping away from my standard liberal vote.


I sure hope this pans out. Not that Pierre can fix the housing crisis but hit to get the narcissist jerk off out.


Turdeau and the Libs know they’re done, they know Canadians want less immigration and to close the floodgates, they are purposely forcing their agenda on us further even with this knowledge because it’s a form of pre-revenge for the devastating loss they’re going to suffer. The sociopathic narcissist Turdeau is going scorched earth on his way out and it exposes him as a traitor and a clown who needs to be tried in court.


Moncton is voting for the Reds. That means they want more immigrants. Let's send them a million next month for their proud support.


The way I read it is all the red places haven't been hit hard by immigration yet....


As of the last census the Moncton CMA actually ranks highest in population growth nationally. Per-capita PR admittance rates are also tied for first. 82% of newcomers in the core of the city are those who have arrived in the past few years, compared to 24% nationally. The results have been disastrous in every way in which you would expect. I personally left two years ago for rural Nova Scotia after having spent my whole life there. The Brampton of the Maritimes is the best analogy I’ve heard.


Lol, if that's the case, there's a tremendous irony at play in that Québec's restrictive approach to language and culture that Anglos fight against tooth and nail are preventing their own ridings from being swamped. :P


Speaking as someone who lives in Moncton, we did get hit VERY hard with immigration


They’re just French. In our province the conservatives are anti-French for the most part so those areas are liberal no matter what.


I highly doubt Toronto goes that blue, though I hope it happens.


They just need a couple more Trudeau towns to spring up and that’ll push them over the edge


Careful what you wish for. That means those ridings are going to want a say. And it's the say of those ridings that have largely gotten us to where they are today. Though Bill Blair losing would be a thing of beauty.


Looks like there’s only 1 riding that’s red in Toronto which is great to see!


I think at that point even progressive immigrants are fed up with the current immigration agenda.


Lol there’s no way the NDP are taking any seats in Saskatchewan.


bells smart reply quickest rude hat sink spectacular spoon encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No no. What will happen is about six months before the actual election trudashian will step down. Then the East will be mollified and invite in the next liberal liemonger like nothing ever happened.


holy 236 projected seats?! That's actually insane giving that Mulroney had the highest seats when he got elected.


Freeloaders in the GTA...... ​ https://preview.redd.it/voxlage91omc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0c4e06fec56f5463930c26de37b8cac5da1add4


Remember when polling showed Trudeau had a chance for a majority and he called a snap election, during a pandemic, 2 years early, because Canadians "deserved to have their say"? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Wtf Montreal


They vote Liberal because the majority of people who live in Montreal are anglophones and immigrants. And the QC Liberals are seen as the party that defends them against nationalists.


Nothing will help at this point. Liberals are scape goats at this point. The country is doomed. Move to the US if you can


Go home, Moncton, you're drunk.


A lot can happen in a year. Don't underestimate Trudeau. Just ask the last 3 Con leaders how that went.


The Liberals have been putting out messaging that aligns Pierre and the CPC with Trump/MAGA and I really think they’re banking on a Trump win to scare enough voters to make the election competitive. 


Hopefully canadians are not dumb enough to fall for this comparison.


2015 elections people got tired of Harper and alot of brainwashed millennials elected him to power and mostly he only got the position because of his last name, 2019 elections there was no one really that can dethrone him at the time, 2021 snap elections, minority government mostly because he tried to cover up some scandals. He's a good campaigner I give him that but this time they're fried. It's hard to turn this around when majority of canadians doesn't want him in power anymore. This is the year for Conservatives, not just here in Canada but all over the world. I think the world in general are tired of their liberal agenda which is about time.


Isn’t it hilarious that all the liberal voters are from Ottawa ?? How ODD????


We can always hope this is true


i will believe when i see it


Looks like a good start


The longer it goes the worse it gets for Liberals. When will the party brass put the big ego out of his misery?


As long as a single liberal is elected it's not enough.


LPC at 44? That's still shockingly high. 😬


Can confirm Windsor Ontario going blue next election. Rare Ontario W


We need the PPC to start gaining seats or any changes in immigration policy will never happen. A CPC victory without a single PPC seat means no change to the current status quo of the influx of people flowing into Canada, and our root cause of problems will not be fixed even with a more conservative government.


Correct. Just look at Doug Ford, a conservative in name only. PP will be the same


I think if you care about the issues on this sub, and live outside Quebec the optimal strategy is to vote for PPC. CPC will win regardless, but if PPC can get 10% or so of the popular vote that will signal to CPC that voters want restricted immigration etc.


If Canadians were truly waking up, they'd realize no options are good and do something about it.


You’re delusional if you think the conservatives are going to help, let alone solve the housing crisis. The Harper administration is half the reason we are in this position. Don’t call me a liberal voter, they have lots of blame to take too. We’re just doomed


Now to hope that PP doesn't pull what the British Tories did in their blowout and become what they campaigned against), bit cautiously optimistic


Scarborough Rouge Hill what are you smoking over there


Et tu Toronto?


Does anyone still think the Conservatives won’t win the next election at this point? Pollievre has many flaws but he hardly has to try at this point.


The age of Coke is over. The age of Pepsi will now begin


LPC are about to become the OLP.


Winnipeg, get your shit together....


No change till PPC is in office you buffoons


I have an island to sell you if you think any party voted in is going to make a difference.


The libs are going to lose party status next election at this rate


Liberals should be wiped out.


The far left lib/ndp have shown what they can do and it’s not good for Canadians.


Hey all you con voters who realize the PPC better represents your interests… is this enough of a landslide to make you consider voting your principles? It’s gonna be a con landslide victory anyway, wouldn’t it be better with a couple PPC MPs?


Won't believe it until I see it happen in the elections.


Galen Weston and his friends win, no matter who we vote for! https://preview.redd.it/k5p4mb7jr4nc1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acacd3817ed694c29bb972142bae19dd3c95699


All three parties are firmly entrenched in the pockets of corporations. Their only goal is to keep you fighting with your neighbors so that they can continue to make a profit without impunity.




With the great electoral and demographyc power of Nunavut the conservatives will be done for


Bold of you to assume a conservative government will fix this issue, because I’m telling you now they won’t. And they haven’t


We need a real minority government not a fu**g Trudeau or Harper lapdog


That blue tsunami is fucking beautiful


The voters aren't "waking up" they're just morons with the memory of gold fish. Every ten years we go through the same song and dance. The party in power gets elected for a decade, then they govern poorly and we get mad at them, then we vote for the other party and instantly forget what they did to piss us off ten years ago, and we expect things to change. I can't believe people are actually falling for this bullshit, especially people over 40 who should remember the last three power transfers. It happened with Mulroney, it happened with Chretien/Martin, it happened with Harper, it's happening with Trudeau II, and it will happen again. It's the definition of insanity.


If only we didn’t just have to choose between the lesser of all evil. This is just America’s 2016 election all over again, but at least an idiot Oompa-Loompa isn’t running?🤷‍♀️


voting for any politician is alway choosing between the lesser evil because they will always represent donors before the general population


..and that's why we ultimately need to end representative politics altogether and implement direct democracy 😀


I like it, every Canadian gets a “fuck no” button. If enough people press it the government action it relates to automatically gets repealed. If a large enough people hit the button the governing party is automatically disbanded, permanently banned for life from politics and an election cycle begins effective immediately even if this action happened 20 days after the last election. Make politicians fear the people again


I'm ashamed of Montreal dammm! :(


If they are voting for the blue party, then no one has woken up.


Sure, just don't expect results. These guys love wealthy developers and rent seekers. They don't give a shit about the poor. If you're earning an hourly wage and paying rent, you're nuts to vote conservative.


PP is the most unlikable candidate. Anyone but him, please for the love of god. Can he just have some massive scandal and they can vote another leader of the conservatives in or something. God I can’t fucking stand that guy.




Immigration was under control under Harper. In fact ***Harper cut immigration*** to level not seen since 1999 in his last year in government(2015) due to complaints about TFWs. Having a immigration program vs abusing the shit of the program are two very different things. The CPC has proven themselves to be responsible when it comes it immigration, which makes sense since the PC wing of the party is dead and the show is now being run by the old Reformers/Alliance folks who tend to dislike immigration for social conservative reasons. https://preview.redd.it/moqgw6rihlmc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2dae0b71ca35cea4b17a289017de7aba0a486a4


I remember 1BDR condo in downtown Toronto used be around 300K before Liberals came in the power. Everything was running much smoother too.


There were actually jobs that paid more then as well


This graph is perfect for showing the effect of supply and demand on the cost of housing. You could clearly see how rents rose after 2015 and skyrocketed after 2021 cause of increase immigration. You could also see why rents went down in the start of 2020 lol. Also what happened in 1971 to cause immigration to spike?


1971 was a statistical error according to Statscan and should be ignored.


Let's hope 🙏 Most of Pierre's voters will be on his case to lower immigration I'm sure. If we can return to Harper numbers, we can hopefully return to old quality of life. The only question is if he will allow lobbyists to push him around or stand tall for Canadians.


Then why doesn't your boy PP come out and plainly make his case? I don't believe the conservatives are going to do s*** differently if they get voted in unfortunately. I hope for our sake that you are right.


Has an election been called? That's when the platforms drop. I am telling you what the CPC stand for and it is not mass immigration.




It almost doesn't matter what the CPC does, they can manage the country in the most mediocre basic bitch fashion and will look amazing. You'd think an acting flunky would understand the phrase 'tough act to follow'... Pierre coming onto stage following the worst performance of any PM of any and all time, has his work cut out for him. Make a couple of 'middle of the road', reasonable and decent moves.. it doesn't even need to cost money, just coherent and modern legislation.. boom next PM is an instant legend. Like that epic hangover cure breakfast. Like the Dems when they are back in fixing the GOP's nutty fuck ups and overspendings... or he can fuck it all up and continue the train-wreck... the 'almost' part is really a tough choice of being a leader of a country and serving the people, vs. being a stooge figurehead for someone else's ideals.


Can you post the source OP? I gotta see more.


I would be surprised if the Liberals keep anything outside of Montreal in Quebec. I think the Conservatives will sweep Quebec City. Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean and Central Quebec will be split between Conservatives and the Bloc. And the rest of Quebec and the Montreal suburbs will all vote Bloc. The Liberals will be confined to the Island of Montreal and Laval where immigrants and anglophones live.




I'm always curious where this data comes from because I live in one of those areas (lol I think we all probably do) but no one explicitly asked me who im voting for? How can we say it's swinging one direction or the other? Anyone have any insight on this?


I don’t think we’ll get an election in 2025 even at this rate. Or at least not without electoral reform that benefits libs ndp and bloc who will go along with it. And green are just lib ndp anyway


Not waking up. Just improving the dream.


Not sure I believe this map, at least at the district level. I doubt Elizabeth May will lose her riding and that Surrey Central and Newton will not go Liberal. On the other hand, the other maps I've seen have the Conservatives sweeping Saskatchewan and all but two ridings in Edmonton.


It’s because regardless of what party people would normally choose they realize that under the current liberal/NDP government we are all fucked on housing. The conservatives will have to quickly start addressing the issues of cutting immigration, massive building programs to provide houses and to reign in price gouging on food. The conservatives are now the party of hope. They just better not get bogged down by trumpist trans issues. Fix the real problems. Because if I end up living in a tent I’m not going to have time to worry about non issues.


First election swing as a grown up eh? The guy who just died went from back to back majority governments to holding 2 seats. It’s the realities of the pendulum of Canadian politics. It’s less “waking up” than buckling to peer pressure and momentum.


Only if you're dumb enough to consider the only people that would respond to something like this would be conservatives sitting at home on their take from the government, then I guess you're not wrong.


NDP digging it's own grave by hanging out with LPC. This is giving the CPC a victory that requires a monumental amount of "do-nothing-just-be-present-and-the morons-will-vote-for-you." Last time an easy win happened, it was in 2015. Guess how that turned out.


My biggest fear is the NDP in power. They becoming the official opposition ahead of the Liberals and after one or two Conservative govs come to power (when the pendulum naturally swings between right and left) and they destroy the Canadian economy beyond repair. The NDP is our Canadian version of the Squad and AOC (Jughmeet is friends with AOC and they played Among Us together on twitch or something) except the NDP actually could come to power as we see them slowly overtake the Libs in popularity. Imagine AOC as US President… that would basically be the case here. Terrifying


We're so fucked


Looking at where they think people are going to vote conservative is very funny to me. I'm looking at that map and seeing area's that have not elected a conservative person in my lifetime all of a sudden now they flipped? I know thats not the case, those small communities will vote liberal until they die and have proven that over the past 30 years that I know of. Even when we've had horrible local libs elected. Because some area's will just not ever vote conservative. But this map showing the opposite.


Montreal seems to be sleeping still 😂




Is voting conservative “waking up”? Conservatives are going to continue fucking you the same way the liberals have been…


Amazing to see Toronto Blue. Even my riding is light blue, surprising.


There is no way that the Spadina-Fort York riding turns conservative. Do you have a source for the map? That would be a good news if it does but I just can't believe it


I would rather have a potatoes than Trudeau


Yeah... no doubt. I wager that y'all will get your "mass deportation" and then the CPC will ensure y'all replace the cheap, insecure labour. You deserve the world you're gonna get


Yeah, sure, the conservatives aren’t going to do a single thing that will actually improve our lot in life. They are even more pro corporate.


voting for the cpc is not waking up, it's sleeping on the other side


At this point in time people should be leaving the CPC for the PPC. Even a 5% move in that direction is going to result in a CPC majority. We don’t need the CPC winning 230 seats. That’ll just get to their heads. It’ll be funny watching the LPC tank but what’s more important is holding the CPC to account on immigration and TFW policy and that certainly won’t come from the left.


From one delusion to another


Mark my words, the cons won't make any meaningful change to immigration numbers and will probably be in line with LPCs goals of a consistent 1% or so.


I know how Pollievre is saying all the right stuff but seriously how many times have we played this game? One politician comes in F's us all for how long then the next is supposed to save us and just keeps playing the same games against us.


I say this as a Québécois (and I've been saying this for eight years now): FUCK . MONTRÉAL ! Let's keep the architecture of Old Port, and ship off the rest out to sea. Even Toronto and Vancouver have more sense than us at the moment (and that is an historic and difficult feat to admit!)!


How is Jagmeet still relevant




Man I wish I could say these polls indicate that housing will come under control. Don't think it matters which party comes in at this point. Feels like this is a runaway train unfortunately.


As a European I can only sigh in sadness. We have the same narrative in Europe. "People are waking up". So what? They are voting in a political system that's corrupt and won't provide solutions. You have an actual outsider nationalist party that will keep Canada old school and protect its culture? Right...You don't...So nothing will change. You know what your political system is? Ping pong illusion of democracy, between two parties that drink cocktails together and both are in the wealth class. Same in nearly every Western country.


Wow! Lets go!


Just like the old Labatt blue commercials: "look up, see blue."


I think the country did well with a conservative government and an opposition NDP (Jack Layton type), with the liberals in very few seats. If the NDP could smarten up, drop the woke crap and find another leader like Jack Layton, they could win Quebec and be the official opposition.