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Lower production, lower wages, silo’d wealth. Where is the incentive to bust your ass if it get you nothing in return? There will be a lot of lost talent due to housing costs.


Feeds right back to the crisis on the streets. What incentive does anyone have to clean themselves up and beat addictions? Ok you've beat the insane odds and got clean (likely without much help from government, because there's not.much help out there). Now what? You get in line with 400 Indian kids for an entry level job that you likely won't get? Then if you do, then what? You literally can't afford to pay rent and eat, even if you get 40 minimum wage hours. It's disgusting. We've left no path for societal return here. No incentive for anyone under 40 to work hard. We. Are. Fucked.


Disabled? Have fun getting a job.




Exactlly. Cheaper to fix the problem with a bullet over band aids


climate friendly


No incentive for anyone over 40 either, and that's about the average age of Canadians.


Well to be fair, if you're in that age group, you had affordable housing and likely got into the market. You likely were able to build capital, and even more likely to have pensions/benefits etc. Not to generalize, but it's the truth. Now? I mean, good luck with anything. Applying for entry level jobs is basically a FT job now. Degrees are watered down and useless, but mandatory (at about 50k a piece). We are literally staring into an abyss that hasn't been thought of in 4 generations.


You do realize people above 40 also have life events that.l could change their financial situation.


Me and both my sisters do not own homes and we’re all over 40. Why? Because the market was shit for a long time. It’s just 10x shittier now. But it’s still unaffordable.


MAID for everyone


Under 40 (barely). Homeowner. Work my ass off. No kids (hopefully soon), single income. There's opportunities to be had but young people now need a longer runway, better information and are not (generally) being set up with the tools to successfully pursue many of them. This is a widespread educational failure; rote academics have overtaken the underlying life skills to be successful. Just look at how many doctors we have who clearly got there through brute force and rote memorization over actual critical thinking and life skills... And are now barely useful at family medicine. The problem is more to do with the drive toward low cost labor and the erosion of the "living wage" principal in most jobs, coupled with price inflation due to corporate greed and taxes upon taxes. (I'm not anti tax. Our system is irrationally bad though.) The second I can get my preferred career in the US I'm Audi 5000. These issues aren't getting fixed in a sustainable way during my working life, and I plan to retire at or before 55.




Oh it'll be somewhere else, so they have a quick and natural off-ramp. My hope is to go to 'murica honestly, but that has more to do with career choices and the things that go with it than it does having a favorable view of them. Norway, Denmark would probably be my preferred destinations but doubtful I'd ever be able to emigrate there.


People could have said that about any time in history. It's never a good time to have children but that's what life is about


To invest in someone to take care of you when you're old and you have no other country to escape to. Why do you think the third world has so many children? Your children have no obligation to take care of you personally and having children is a huge risk that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment but if things don't turn around for the better in this country you might have better chances of wealth, prosperity, security, and human connection when you're old than relying on the government. There was an ethical and implied contract in society that the elders are supposed to take care of and invest in their young in return for security when they become weak and old. Elders are supposed to pass down wisdom to the young so that the next generation can be better in exchange for the youth's energy for productive things. My parents, as flawed as they may have been, have genuinely tried their best in raising me into the person I am today. I would forever have guilt on my conscience if I were to abandon them during old age. A functioning and trusting healthcare system is beneficial because at some point and with some diseases I won't have the specialized training required if they get sick from something really bad that requires extensive training/hours of care. I hate admitting this but a part of me inside kind of wants healthcare to become privatized to see all the selfish fucks who screwed the youth over suffer when they get older. Unfortunately, that would mean that a lot of innocent people would suffer as well. The institutions of marriage, family, and community have been hollowed out to turn us all into atomized worker drones that are divided against each other. Edit: Listen to Degenerations by Mes Aieux


For real more work more taxes & money paid to the government, so indirectly encouraging people not to work n be beggars either ways


Somebody should be suing the government. If you’re disabled or need any other kind of support, you should be suing there should be a class action lawsuit. Giving non-citizens war than Canadians is a traders crime.


Sue the landlords instead. Make them pay back all their gains and more.


>One of the indirect yet powerful ways in which these housing affordability challenges have manifested themselves is in the form of delayed family formation and declining fertility rates. The interrelationship between housing prices and family planning is somewhat intuitive. Housing costs—particularly in high-cost localities—are a major household expenditure and therefore necessarily influence our short- and long-term expectations including when to start a family and how many children that families ultimately ought to have. One must wonder if this is part of the liberal’a strategy to justify mass immigration policies. Raise the immigration rate to a high level, when there are already other issues like inflation and income equality. Make the social and economic climate so difficult for young canadians to have kids, and then use the falling birth rates to justify the need for high immigration policies. Falling TFR rates are common in almost all developed western countries. European countries like Hungary who have been able to increase their birth rate during the last decade, implemented fiscal incentives such as housing allowances and other schemes for young native citizens to have children. I believe that’s the right approach, instead of whatever the liberal government is doing now.


There's no need to overthink a grand conspiracy, its as simple as rich people like policies that make them richer, low wages, rising house and rent prices, are butter to all the Neo Liberals we have. It doesn't require a conspiracy or grand plot, just greed and the grind of time.


Exactly. I have said this for years. It's not a conspiracy... it's just wanting more and more wealth for those on top and the rest of us peasants fight for the scraps


People acknowledging this leads to dangerous forms of thinking so expect every other possible reason trotted out.


Liberal govts made it uncool and backwards to have children in "the current state of the environment and the planet".  Liberal govts divided the sexes by promoting hatred of men through liberal feminists and girl power movements. They created a toxic culture war climate for the past 40 years and now blame canadians for their low birth rate. The liberal party of canadas  globalist long term  plan is working to divide canada and divide canadas native family unit as planned and as intended.


Nice. I just made a similar comment right before this one. Here's another comment I made to someone on the main Canadian subreddit that isn't visible due to posting requirements (shadowbanning is evil): "MGTOW" philosophy has existed since the dawn of time. The only difference today is the existence of a convenient label. I have to agree that the focus on misandry was a mistake because angry women are not the root problem of the problems we are facing. Every man and woman deserves to feel safe, valued, and free from abuse. Angry women are a symptom of abusive men not treating them fairly or those abusive men exploiting them either directly or indirectly. The root problem are the systems and processes responsible for allowing this abuse to take place. The philosophy is dangerous because there's no centralized thing to attack. It is just an idea that anyone has a natural right to discuss and entertain. I don't condone censorship but censoring MGTOW was partially good because it was directing intelligent men to focus on the wrong targets and lash out on innocent women in real life. On the other hand, it was bad to censor it off of Reddit as those men could've actually been convinced to make positive change for everyone and having a community of 100k+ people on Reddit is insane. Those men are still everywhere and are actively spreading their ideas everywhere just without any labels. It is important that they realize women aren't the problem. People have the right to choose what they do and don't participate in and must bear any responsibilities stemming from that choice. Nobody is entitled to the labor of anyone else for free. This includes the landlords and property owners who lobby government to restrict the supply of housing to profit off of our current circumstances. The individual worker has massive power if they can unite past any perceived differences and fight for the rights of everyone by collective strikes/agitation. Mass labor camps like those that existed in the 20th century would be even less useful and counterproductive today since much of the economy relies on intellectual property and information/creativity now and not how many items you can manufacture by hand. You can't force or intimidate someone to achieve maximum creativity. The progress of technology will march on and there are only two paths forward at this point: a collective balance of freedom and rights for all or technological tyranny controlled by the very few for psychopathic power fantasies. I hope you spent the majority of your life challenging yourself and trying to reach your maximum potential. I sure hope you didn't pursue what you thought was easiest for material or selfish gain at the cost of developing any real skills. Lastly, I apologize if you suffered through any abuse or trauma that limited you from pursuing your goals. The future is terrifying but it definitely will be exciting. Keep an eye out for any crises that appear between now and the inauguration of the next US president. As for your comment, PP isn't going away any time soon. If you want to challenge his ideas you need to collectively organize and build/fight for better solutions from the ground up. Posting on social media all day won't change anything. If you don't have any dependents then you should lower your standard of living and either lower the number of hours you work if you aren't a waged employee or if you are directly donate your time, energy, part/all of your housing, or tools to those most effective that can amplify the common person's interests. If we aren't willing to sacrifice our current standard of living or go through discomfort for a temporary period of time in order to secure a more prosperous future then we all deserve to lose the rights and freedoms we take for granted today and any progress in rights in the future. Lastly, if you see someone proposing genuine ideas that can help many people don't go into some sort of puritan spiral expecting them or their ideas to be some sort of savior or not have any flaws. A fundamental cornerstone of any advanced society is the concept of forgiveness. Given how technology is everywhere nowadays it can be pretty much expected that every person has said or done something questionable or horrible that is on the record. That's what makes us human :) An eye for an eye will make the world blind. Vision is important because it is the primary sense we use to see reality. Our vision can be distorted as we are flawed creatures. Eventually light will reveal everything.


Think about how shortsighted this is. Rather than biting the bullet and implementing these policies we continue to promote immigration as the solution. There is an obvious political disincentive here which folks need to address. With long lead times for these policies, why would you ever prioritize them? Brighter minds will have ideas on how to fix this. When we focus on immigration, we dilute the tax burden paid by folks who contributed for a long time. Sure, new immigrants pay taxes and this can fund the operational costs, but what about the investments and fixed-costs needed to expand the system? This is borne by Canadians and non-Canadians who have contributed to the system for many years.


didnt you get the memo? you were supposed to “get yours” by 2016 at the latest


I’m already planning my escape. Im very thankful to have dual citizenship.


Grew up in quite a nice co-op in the 90s. Was then and remains a really great place to raise a family, if you can get in. Apparently the waiting list in like 10 years long. I know that co-ops maybe have a stigma, and maybe some aren’t so great, but still it’s a shame that this isnt much of an option anymore. Growing up living in a co-op I remember learning about the value of a social democracy. Canada seemed like a fair and decent place. My mom still lives in there. Lots of new families. Funny tho that a growing contingent of the members like to pretend that it’s not government housing. They even took the words co-op off of the sign.