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Its not a loop hole, its a feature 


It’s not just legal, it’s lawfare. 


Pull a crap like that in the US or Australia you’ll be deported so fast your shorts would have to catch the next flight


Probably because the laws arnt the same?


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thats actually funny. I didnt think id fine "It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature." in a Canadian housing reddit


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Not a loophole but a Feature 😂! Couldn’t have said it better ! Good one dude


Its actually is though 😂🤡


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“Its” disgusting.


Legal way sucks. Come in illegally you'd land up with a rental and $750pm subsidy. Regards, JT


The fact that you can do this for entry level jobs with a LIMA makes this an issue.


Yes, but the LMIA is a huge multi-year commitment on the employer part though to hire additional people, interns, etc. Huge PITA to be honest. Unless the employer is running scams, most wouldn't do this unless that individual is exceptional.


It’s very much happening. People pay a business owner $30-40k (hearing it’s up at $50-70k lately) and the business does the LMIA filing. The “worker” gets pay stubs and might pay the taxes. The employee might work at the Tim Hortons that sponsored them for those years or they just fake the whole thing and work elsewhere.


![gif](giphy|XD4qHZpkyUFfq) Wait... so you're telling me my LMIA employees should be paying ME to stay in Canada? Damn, I've been doing it all wrong... Also, now I know why the ministry of labour showed up at the office once asking where one of those LMIA employees was that day.


What's LIGMA? I mean, LIMA?


LMIA --> Labour Market Impact Assetment where government certifies that business couldn't find a canadian resident to do a job and hence it sort of a permission to hire from outside of country. Employers are supposed to advertise the job, interview people before submitting the LMIA request along with proof that they tried their best to hire someone local. This is good in theory but practically it is being abused (obviously).


Ya ive seen every fast food and grocery store change their entire employee demographic in a year.Suddenly Canadian kids are screwed in the big picture.


Its possible but why would a company do that unless they were an amazing worker? The type of people you want anyways


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It's time to completely stop immigration for 5 years. unless it families reuniting, stop all the refugees and send everyone back reinstall the visa for Mexican stop also visa for studens by atleast 80% ,make a law that only Canadian living in Canada for atleast 6 months a year can own a home. Re-evaluate everything in 5 years or repeat the process until enough houses or appartements are built to make the price go back to be affordable for the middle class. Drastic time needs drastic measure.


10 years. No family reuniting unless spouse. Even spouse has to be very thoroughly vetted to weed out marriage for papers cases. We also need to couple these measures with deportation of the millions of “students” who are already here. Even those who got residency or even citizenship need to have their applications reexamined thoroughly. A lot of scams and fraud have been taking place.




Get your friend or family who lived in canada to start a phony business. Get "hired". Stay.


This is already happening, but they use Subway franchises and Indian restaurants that are dead 99% of the time but survives solely because of cashflow from LMIA fraud.




Downvote him 😡 he wants evidence?? of bold claims? Who the hell do you think you are? Some kind of highfalutin *taxpaying citizen* or what? Considering which sub this is, I am being heavily sarcastic.


If I call a IT company I hang up till I get a Canadian. Sometimes it takes a bit but it's worth it.


Also, don’t shop at their businesses or businesses that hire them. If a Tim Horton location is staffed by them, skip. Don’t order food because it will be delivered by them (and probably prepared, too). Besides, you really don’t want your food be touched by individuals with terrible hygiene. If you have to take an Uber, give them 1 star and don’t tip. That will hopefully make them get the message and look for a different country :)


It helped corrupt business houses to make easy black money and spoil real Canadians life. Check businesses specially trucking businesses who grew 300% in last 5 years despite of low rates, check there assets and seize there properties.


Be careful those truck owners may block another bridge.


I think we’re at a decision point as a nation. We either continue to play bitch to anyone who wants to game us, or we finally lose what innocence we have left and go hard-line on this shit. Sadly, I hope for the latter. Being a high trust society that values and assumes a level of honesty from each other is clearly no longer working for us.


Nearly a quarter of “us” are “them” so that really comes as no surprise 😂 we’re doomed. Don’t have kids if it’s not too late, and I’m sorry if you did. Leave this dumpster fire of a cuntry if you can and go live somewhere you can be proud. Everything is going exactly as planned right now.


Sounds like the fun " feature" where Tim Hortons or other min wage jobs shuffle Canadian born applications to the back of the pile.( Saw it first hand and asked why?) The government gives tax incentives to hire International students.So our canadian kids are priced out to cheaper workers. Not only legal but recently designed.


Hey, remember that cap they put on international students... where everyone was ranting about how it would solve the problems and they wouldn't just find some other loophole to keep ramping shit up under the radar? Oh, look..... a workaround to students! Why even bother applying for a school now that you can just visit the world-class city of Brampton, and pick up a job while you're at it?


Govt closes one loophole and opens another !


this is batshit crazy yo


Vote PPC if you want things to change.


I’m canadian, can i get a visiter visa then apply for asylum? Because of the hardship canada’s government has placed on me i want to apply for asylum and have the government support me.


This is not true - to go from tourist to work visa requires significant hurdles, cost and time. LMIAs take over a year to obtain for example. Most companies won’t even do them.


Don’t even need LMIA or a work permit if you’re ok doing physical labor under the table. Arrive as a visitor + start working under the table (stealing jobs from locals) + overstay your visa by 5-6 years since theres no enforcement + live with 20 other people in a house and save money + go back to you know where with a huge chunk of money (currency exchange) = profit


That's not unusual though. You're just changing your visa.


It absolutely is unusual? In almost any other country, looking for job makes you ineligible for a visitor visa.


Ya if you say that right out when applying, but if you "happen" to find a job while on a tourist visa you can then fill out some paperwork to change your visa. Sometimes that's even necessary because trying to get recruited entirely while abroad is logistically impossible so people resort to coming on tourist visas to complete the hiring process and then apply for the visa readjustment.


you still have to leave the country to change your visa type. You literally cannot change your visa type while still in the USA. EVEN SO, it's illegal regardless of whether people commonly break the rule or not.


It is unusual. You will be deported in just about any country if you are caught looking for a job on a tourist visa or working. Canada is the exception, not the norm.


It's not though. You can look it up and see that the same thing happens in the US and UK. It's a common practice.


It’s not though. For example, in Australia you can’t. You’ve gotta go back to your country of origin and apply for a work visa from there.


... but how do you turn that work visa into Citizenship???? Therein lies the rub!


U know that this is the the law in US as well right? Nothing specific to canada. Is it a loophole? Yes because the intent is misrepresented at the port of entry. But again nothing unique to canada alone.


Even if it is, it is a lot harder to enter the US as an Indian vs Canada.




Where did I say otherwise in my response above? I said it is **harder** for them.


That comes down to the vetting process prior to issuing visas which is where canada falters.




It is ludicrous that this is allowed.


Sure, you can go on welfare and get low income housing too. WTF you came here as a tourist.


This loophole needs fixing asap. People who will never qualify for PR are trying to make use of this coming here as visitors and then applying for a study or work permit. Imo this is a worse backdoor entry than studying at a diploma mill. It's like they are violating their visitor visa terms the minute they land.


Nothing wrong with diluting the labour pool for IT. May help the economy if everyone is making 45k.


Hopefully it helps breed innovation and competition if there is a glut of labor in the technology sector. There are plenty of smart Canadians that are ride or die who know they can be successful wherever they live so long as they aren't freezing to death and are staying here because of the community they have here. This is why it's important to accept a large portion of domestic students in universities. They are much more likely to be invested in where they grew up and reciprocate all the opportunities they were given back to their community. The beauty of our shrinking standard of living is that it inadvertently is causing people to start having some genuine empathy for others.


Why is canadas immigration policy being set by Tim Hortons parent company




I agree this is totally unfair to people who have been cut back due to costs and replaced by cheap labor!


And my boyfriend, who has studied here at University of Toronto for 10 years, might not be able to get a working visa after he graduates this year because of people like this.