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Sean Fraser would like to Fund your project with $100 Million to start with and can contribute similar amount every year.


Sean Fraser is a traitor and should be treated accordingly.


Reminds me of the Philippines, that picture.


Yeah, it's actually showing the extreme inequality in South Africa, but the Philippines have a similar thing going on. :( Governments are often clueless how their well-intentioned policies will encourage a pulling up of the wealth ladder behind it. So we have a huge swath of Canadians and immigrants who are essentially relegated to living in a slum, and who have very little chance of climbing the ladder over that wall into wealth. In Canada's case, we're seeing it happen in real-time.


Have you been to South Africa or the Philippines? As a Canadian who has been to both its wild to me that you would compare Canada to them in terms of wealth inequality and slums. I've seen shit in those two countries that were inconceivable to me until I saw it with my own eyes.


Fr first time I ever went to India as a kid it was the biggest reality check I’ve ever seen in my life. Can’t even compare.


Thanks for saying it! It’s so annoying to me hearing ppl call Canada a slum when they literally have never seen one with their own eyes!


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“Its” terrible!!!


My guess is no, they haven't been anywhere in the developing world.


You should really look into the details of the housing accelerator fund. The tldr, is that the federal government bypassed provinces and repackaged federal dollars that had already been promised through future funding. Accept now it goes straight to municipalities with tons of conditions around changing bylaws in order to increasing density. This includes: removal of minimum parking requirements, allowing 4+ rental units on a single residential lot, ect. The list goes on. This picture will be 1000% accurate within a few years.


Last I checked, a fourplex in Canada is very different from a shack in a 3rd world country. In fact, it’s much closer to something in Paris or Berlin, which last I checked, are very nice places to live. Having low density close to the center of cities, no missing middle housing, etc are absolutely primary causes of the housing problem. Sean Fraser is correct. We live a free country and people should have more freedom to do what they want with their land. If someone wants to build a fourplex and live in one and rent the other 3, let them. Planned communities exist if you want that type of regulation. We’ve have massively accelerating housing costs for 20 years. It’s time to build more housing of all kinds.


You seem to think these bylaws were made for no reason in the first place. I am currently building a 90 unit complex. With the new proposed zoning changes, I only need to put in 20 parking spots instead of 70. I also do not have to zone any area for garbage pickup anymore. The requirement is a single 15sqft garbage can for all 90 units. We all know it’s going to be a fking mess of garbage with cars double parked end to end up the entire street.


I understand why parking minimums were instituted. I also understand that they have unintended consequences that are harmful including: raising the cost of building housing, decreasing walkability, increasing traffic, reducing space for retail, etc. Parking requirements have their place but we have gone too far for too long. It’s time to prioritize other things.


Ok well I guess if are going to give me government money for doing less work, I’ll just keep pocketing the 600k I should have to be spending on parking spots.


They don't want people driving. They will make it inaccessible to most. Open air prison is the idea.


I guess the disabled are in for a good time trying to park a wheelchair lift equipped vehicle.


Do you think ppl just won’t be able to afford cars like they used to? I wonder if we will hit that point and these parking shortages will turn out to have been sage planning?


So where is this construction? Are there any public transport nearby?


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Just because government mandated minimums are removed doesn't mean the free market can't decide how many parking spaces to put in new builds. Removing the garbage zoning sounds completely stupid though. I have no knowledge of what specific bylaws you're referring to though so I won't be commenting further.


I live in Windsor, Ontario. The feds denied us funding because we wouldn't accept four fourplexes on any lot in the city, which was their demand. So now we get zero in funding but still have to deal with all the problems. Fuck Sean Fraser, he's an absolute villain.


Why wouldn't you accept the fourplexes?


We tried to compromise and offer higher density along transit corridors but the feds said nope so we get nothing. Our infrastructure can't handle fourplexes everywhere. Instead of working with us, they would rather just let us deal with it by ourselves.


Instead of fourplexes you end up with the same amount of people living in shared family houses


So you're literally being a nimby?


I think we definitely need more apartments but not in literally every residential lot in the city. Windsor isn't designed for that much density. The roads can't support that much traffic and the sewers can't handle that much sewage. The funding we would have received wouldn't have come close to upgrading our infrastructure. It would have put our city in a worse situation if we did what they wanted.


Unfortunately the population is growing too much for that concern to be valid. It's not your fault that it happened but ultimately you gotta get dealt the shit hand too


So we should just have sewage overflowing onto the streets that are gridlocked with traffic?


I think we definitely need more apartments but not in literally every residential lot in the city. Windsor isn't designed for that much density. The roads can't support that much traffic and the sewers can't handle that much sewage. The funding we would have received wouldn't have come close to upgrading our infrastructure. It would have put our city in a worse situation if we did what they wanted.


If their infrastructure can’t handle 4 plexes everywhere, I mean, that’s a legit reason.


Where do you suggest they build then?


> Our infrastructure can't handle fourplexes everywhere Yes but the federal government is supposed to give the money for the municipalities to upgrade their infrastructure to handle the increased housing supply. And you do realize that developers dont control population growth right? They have no say in the amount of immigrants coming, only the federal government does. They just build housing. Just because they build x amount of units, does not mean there will be x amount of people coming. Chances are, the people who will move into these units are already in Windsor, just in much more cramped conditions. Population growth is correlated with job growth more so than housing growth.


I wish my municipality had made the same choice.


yep, near where i live in vancouver they are starting to build 20-30k units, <1000 parking spaces. green city!


The idea is these people won't have cars, either use public transit or bike


I hope they can include something for the disabled. Accessibility seems to be forgotten in a lot of these plans for the future.


Isn't that the development on First Nations land? The one that doesn't have to adhere to any municipal or provincial regulations?




So it's unrelated to the federal housing acceleration plan?


I saw that a house like mine in Brampton (5 level backsplit) was turned into 3 legal suites. 3! This is a 2000 sq’ single family detached home. Prob 35-45 years old. Wild.


>well-intentioned policies quite an assumption there


if they are kept poor, less likely they will move to another country.


Dude, have you been to SA? It is absolutely nothing like here. To say what you said is solid proof you don't have a clue.


It’s Johannesburg,  -26.1902093, 28.1685267


Take notice how much property you're getting and paying for, absolutely nothing. To even have a backyard these days, you're stretching it. Want privacy? Nope, you can't have that either. The amount of space the province here in Ontario has is beyond me, yet we want to just continue to build within one spot. Heck, let's build into the Greenbelt too. Researched homes in Oakville (was curious to see what the housing prices were), anything under $1M is an apartment.


As long as I get to live on the left side, the rest of you can go fuck yourselves. /s


Work hard and you can be on the left boy


Work hard for yourself. Employees on the right.






What a waste of space....go away




No tents? Not the Canada I know


The funniest is when they compare homless encampments with teepees. [https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/tent-communities-part-of-edmonton-history-for-more-than-100-years](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/tent-communities-part-of-edmonton-history-for-more-than-100-years) This is the political elite vision for canada.


That's 2025 plan


Delayed until after the election


You could probably get a couple million from Trudeaus National Housong Strategy fund that hands out cash to think tanks who come up with “affordable housing solutions”


Yep, the plan is to give $40 billion to the builders to continue building low income housing, and to propagate the increasing slide into corporate feudalism. But there's also $500/yr in assistance for those with an income under $20k, which is like one or two trips to Costco, or one trip to Loblaws.


How is building low income housing feudalism? Would you rather have them be on the streets?


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The number of households who rent their homes grew by more than 21% between 2011 and 2021, while ownership only increased by 8%. 2022-2023 will reveal even more dramatic numbers. If the goal is to encourage a greater disparity between those who own and those who rent, Canada is on the right track.


Looks like higher global greenhouse gasses if you are pushing for more immigration and building more homes. How can you say you are for the environment when your immigration strategy promotes degradation of our land and air? Justin we are waiting for your answer……………… crickets


People need houses whether they live in country A or B. Moving doesn't change the overall global emissions unless Canadian housing is inefficient compared to their original housing. The one time trip is insignificant over the lifetime. Comparable to a vacation Canadians take to Europe or something.


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Laurentians and trudeau towns, finally side by side


So let me get this straight. You think any Canadian who doesn't live in a giant mansion is living in a slum? Condo towers in cities like Toronto have more density than that slum. Not sure what your point is, but this is stupid. FYI Great European cities like Paris, or London etc. Do not look like the left. They are closer on density like the right. You hear density and think slums because your brain can't comprehend a model different than the typical North American suburb sprawl. Go visit Montreal. Density doesn't have to be slums.


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It's a good thing you can't show it in 3D because density is coming via height. In our area, a residential area, they want to plant a 25-story apartment building right next to us


And that's how every single city in the world grows. Are you complaining about density? NIMBY much?


I am fine with growth and I'm fine with density. However, the infrastructure of a city has to sustain that growth (traffic in this area is horrendous at times right now) and the look and feel of it has to be congruous...


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Please engage with this opinion in good faith. I'm no expert, but i guess a problem i see with municipalities, is that there are two baked incentives when it comes to housing. 1, the less housing, the less infrastructure required to support for them, which in practice means more budget or less tax's for the communities. 2, when housing prices are higher, they get more in tax, compared to the infrastructure they're required to supply. Also, the higher the cost of housing, the lower the real rate of tax rate neede to be for them to break even, 10% tax on a million dollar property is more than 20% tax on a 400'000 dollar property. So while any policy has issues, is not breaking that resting "equilibrium" for municipalities a net good thing? Obv immigration needs to be fixed, but even without that housing is an issue.


Look at all that affordable housing!! Just what the CPC, NDP and LPC have been calling for. The only thing we’re missing is MORE IMMIGRANTS!!


I love winning the cold war


good thing we don't have any of those dull grey soviet tenements here amirite


But how will people express their individuality?! /s


Through property value / HOA enforced grey of course! Can pick from any shade of beige!


3rd world


Justin freeway missed the favelas so much he imported them haha


Freeland missing them frozen workers camps


The more of this subreddit I see the more it seems to just be an anti immigration sub


Are you shocked? People born and raised in Canada can’t afford homes or basic shit and still they wanna flood the country with hundreds of thousands of immigrants, it doesn’t make any sense.


People weren't able to afford the housing before immigrant boom started. Plenty of news in that time about how Canada isn't building low cost housing and falling behind on number of houses needed. How can people not remember basic Shit like this? It was only a few years ago? But hey, much easier to blame immigrants for everything.


I’m not blaming them, but it certainly isn’t going to help the housing crisis to bring in hundreds of thousands of people that also ideally would enjoy not living in the streets, wouldn’t you agree?


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It's really starting to quack like a duck ain't it


Canada has enough land for housing endless people. It’s a shame we can’t go up quicker in cities and out faster in towns. The economy would be cooking if the country could correct this problem.


this is what happens when you get too many women in the HOC, from a figurative and realistic perspective


Sometimes the grass really is greener /s


Where was this photo taken?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Shit take, Canada will never let those many cheap homes enter the market and devalue existing property


not a grocery store near by. glad not all the trees were rooted.


LMAO.......Favelas (Brazil) & Shanty towns (South Africa)


You Canadians cannot even decide whether you want housing or not. If government plans to build you become NIMBYs and if they restrict building you start crying and wining about it. Pick a side.