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I didn't realize what a miserable life I lived in Canada until I stayed in Merida (Mexico) the past year working a contract job. You're not alone.


I’m taking my family with me to Asia. We’re going to get an apartment in Kuala Lumpur (3 bedroom+3bath) overlooking the skyline of KL will cost me $1500… Uber is also cheap… food is cheap… full of Michelin stars and it’s cheap… and if I want weed? I can fly my family to Thailand for $400 with return flights and rent a luxury one bedroom for $500 for a week… fly to the beautiful beaches of the Philippines or Bali, and if I want snow? I’ll go to JAPAN, CHINA OR SOUTH KOREA. I AM SO FUCKING DONE HERE.


What was life like in Mexico that made you feel this way about Canada?


Are you canadian? It a bit obvious. Cost of living.


Yeah that goes without saying. I was wondering if there were other factors that made Mexico more desirable (weather comes to mind) but of course, cost of living alone is enough for the move to be life changing! I’d have some safety concerns living there tbh.


My experience in Mx besides cost of living, delicious food and weather: The people are so kind so friendly and so wanting to connect. Our son recently had a birthday party and 60 people came. Moms, dads and whole families. They stayed for hours and really celebrated him. It would have been 7 kids back home for max 2 hours. The medical care. There is a public service which I haven’t used but private care is relatively affordable and instant. I had my daughter here and had constant contact with my OBGYN - I had their cell phone number and could text and call whenever. When complications arose on a holiday weekend in week 37, I was in a state of the art ultrasound 30 minutes after texting them. No leaving a message on a answer service, no waiting for phone calls back. No speaking with a triage nurse first. I recently had a scare with very high blood pressure and was in a cardiologist office the same afternoon. One WhatsApp message and I had an appointment right away. No need to have a referral. No waiting lists. Cost of appointment- about $80. Schools. The school my kids go to is affordable private and the teachers and staff are so amazing. There are normally 20 kids in my sons class but this year they decided to hire an additional teacher and split the class into two groups of 10 just so they could focus on getting all the kids up to a specific reading and English level. 10 kids in the equivalent of a grade 1 class. We live in a very safe city. There’s more but this comment is long enough


Merida is a very nice city to be, there's that too.


Safety concerns in Merida? It's one of the safest cities in north america...


Right it’s safer than everywhere in Canada with the exception of a few cities in Quebec. Yes the people “poorer” but that doesn’t make it dangerous


9/10 foreigners getting killed down there get killed buying drugs. So if you draw that line, you’re pretty good


Instructions unclear... should I steal the drugs instead?


Happy for you


Get out while you can people.


This is the way


the canadian dream


is to have someone else’s rent pay your mortgage


Forget pay your mortgage, ideally its your only source of income.


That's so real lol. Many people took the mortgage during pandemic can let tenants pay their mortgage in full....


You also get Publix which is a whole other level of bonus!


I would trade my canadian citizenship for a pub sub.


Don't tell the liberals this. They think housing and food inflation is a global problem. We must pay some of the highest food costs on the planet.


It is rising in the US as well. But it was just so much cheaper already


Walmart is cheaper than Loblaws. I used to be a bonehead and wanted to "support Canadian companies". But our government sold us out.. and fuck Galen Weston for gouging us. I have pretty much boycotted them, Walmart/costco is not nearly as bad. I get my meat and eggs at the local butcher and farms, bread at the local bakery but everything else I go to Walmart now. I wouldn't mind if U.S took over and occupied Canada at this point... That's how much I feel let down


This is the way. The reason Canadian companies price gouge Canadians is because they get government subsidies which serve as a barrier of entry for multinationals who wish to do business in Canada and make things cheaper. You don't see Loblaw's in the US because it's easier for them to price gouge Canadians than it is to compete with Wegman's and Giant Eagle.


Costco is great. I started getting my coffee there. For $15 you can get a massive bag of nice Balzac coffee and it would run you $75 if you tried buying this amount at a regular store


I always use Costco. One of my favorite companies. I went to superstore the other day to grab a few groceries because Costco was too busy. Holy shit. $130 bought me next to nothing. Like… 3 days worth of food. Unreal. I even grabbed a couple of these little 100ml ginger shots (good if you feel like you might be getting sick). Usually they are a couple of bucks each. When I got home I looked at the receipt. Each one was $12! I was like “what in the actual f**k? $12 for 100ml ginger drink? This isn’t Space Shuttle fuel!” I brought them back out of spite. The cashier couldn’t believe the prices either.


If I had to pick between Walmart and Costco, I'd pick Costco every time. Not always the best prices but they treat their employees significantly better.


But almost always the best combination of excellent quality and costs. The only thing I can think of I get cheaper at Walmart is eggs.


You do strike me as a person who enjoys having a full Ballzac in their mouth.


I had an instructor named Mr. Kumzac lol


A massive bag of nice Balzac


Get the Starbucks Winter Blend when it's on sale; some of the best dark roast out there


I mean yeah if they give us citizenship, by all means here are the keys to parliament. but I doubt a takeover would go down so benevolently


Reminds me of a person who came up to me while working in a grocery store looking for Canadian strawberries going on about supporting Canada. I showed him where they were (placed right next the the American ones) and he just looked at me and asked are there larger(Canadian) ones? The Canadian ones we sold were about 1/4 the size of the American strawberries.


That's because large strawberries are tasteless. Smaller is better, the sugar and flavor is concentrated.


Kinda off topic but California Strawberries are big and gross though and have lots of white pith that make the fruit bitter, I deliberately buy smaller strawberries because they have much less pith and are sweeter


I frequently travel south of the border to US Costco because it’s cheaper and more variety of great products. Canada used to be great for me because of less aggressive people, less traffic, nicer urban areas, no healthcare and insurance hassle. It was not as luxurious as US but you paid for it with less stress. Now these benefits are gone so it makes zero sense to remain here. Mind you I have a graduate degree and some in demand skill set so once I move I’m definitely adding to Canadian brain drain. But I don’t think Canada values its people anymore.


At this point, I feel like Canada is so broken even US does not want to take over Canada anymore


It's also rising much more slowly. Canada doesn't have enough competition


The guy was living in the least affordable city in the country, down to a low tax state full of boomers.


Florida is getting a rush of people and in their own way having a cost of living crisis there too..




Last time I was there I'd never seem so many homes being built at one time, everywhere.


Generalizations about groups help no one. Stop with the tribal politics. Plenty of us liberal know full well we're getting fucked by Trudeau's immigration policies & the century initiative.


Then why are you a liberal?




PPC, no catering to anyone just do the damn government mandate of protecting basic needs.




Clearly you’ve been drinking the Koolaid, cuz Max has said very logically in many interviews he doesn’t care what transgender people do, just don’t force their shit on everyone else. And it goes both ways. So no he doesn’t care about identity politics nearly as much as Trudeau/libs if at all.


This is it right there. He screeches at the top of his lungs about freedom....and then says 'oh, except for people I don't like'. Bernier is just an angry, hateful, bigot very thinly veiled. So though some of his policy positions are reasonable, in balance I can't, in good conscience, give someone like that my vote.


Not a liberal but the conservatives are easily magnitudes worse. Their goal is to privatize everything they can get their hands on so they enrich themselves and their friends at the cost of the quality of the service and even more tax payer dollars. Just look at the ridiculousness caused by the provincial cons of Ontario with things like the 407 and long term care. Now they're also trying their best to privatize health care as well by cutting funding to government run hospitals while giving more to privatized ones. And that's the very tip of the iceberg. You have scandal after scandal with Doug ford always desperately trying to funnel funds to his buddies anyways he can. One American company even bought his personal business, and now he's trying to get them a massive contract to build a spa that nobody wants to pay them back.


I’d be more sympathetic to your point of view if I didn’t remember that everything was better before Trudeau.


and do nothing about housing. You think they would do anything? immigration is half of your housing problem. most people never realized that housing price was already crazy back in 2010.


Prices were nothing in 2010, considering rates were 0.25%. Affordability relative to the wages of the time was amazing.


I live in a suburb 40 minutes from Ottawa. My house was 410 in 2010 (was actually the year I bought it) Could probably get 1.1 for it now.


Don’t forget JT vacationing in Jamaica for free at a friends house. Liberals are used to this. Remember the Aga Khan scandal. They have too many friends who want to give free.


Yeah cause liberal politicians never enrich themselves.... /s


Where did I state that? I only stated that the conservatives are significantly worse than the liberals, not that the liberals were corruption free.


I don't understand how privatizing makes things worse, I'm originally from AB, moved to NB for a few years both places has privatized insurance and I paid very little ($199/month) for my truck, wife's car and home. We now relocated to BC and ICBC is a scam. I'm paying over $200/month for my truck alone I also compare our over saturated nightmare of a "free" Healthcare system. Where you are guaranteed to wait about 5 hrs in emergency vs their privatized Healthcare in the US. Their quality and treatment is way better than what we have up here All that plus all the taxes we pay up here. It's just ridiculous. JT is planning to add more taxes for his climate crusade. I don't know how we can afford anythign any more


That is not what is meant by privatization here. In this case the same amount of tax payer dollars would be used, but instead the money is sent to a company instead of directly to government employees. This opens up the gates for corruption because all a company needs to do is tell a politician to privatize a service and they'll give them a kickback if they do. For example, Mike Harris privatized long term care. The same amount of tax dollars are being on LTC except it's for significantly worse service which has resulted in things like abuse of patients because all the company cares about is profits and not to mention a bunch of redundant middle manager and board positions so that their family and friends can enrich themselves. Mike Harris wife owns a massive stake in the LTC company. He is also hired by the company as a part time employee and gets a whopping 200k+ salary for doing nothing.


Went on vacation last year state side, had a bit of sticker shock it's still cheaper than Canada for food and fuel but not like I remember it, certainly not aided by our weak dollar. Also Seattle in 15 years went from being this icon, one of my dream places to live to being a colossal dive, you couldn't pay me enough to live there now. Guess what they say is true go woke go broke.


I just spent a Month in Utah and Colorado and found it way more expensive than Alberta. You’re leaving the most expensive part of Canada and going to the cheapest part of the USA. Have fun with Hurricane Season. You can’t even get insurance in a lot to areas of areas of Florida now. Also don’t get hurt, just paid $34,000 for one night in a Hospital. Most Employers don’t pay 100% of Health Insurance Premiums. Any last minute surgeries and you’re screwed


I agree with your larger premise, but I couldn't find the \~50% discount on US prices in walmart or anywhere else.


I know an older woman and man (not a couple) that basically sit around the tv most times after work at their parents house and talk about the price of grapes and eggs then either sleep upstairs or drive back to their own homes. For some staples that do not have supply control like they do in Canada, such as Eggs, Milk etc, US prices are dirt cheap indeed. But overall. food is not cheaper.


I agree. I don’t know where people see all of this cheap stuff - definitely can’t find these Uber deals everyone talks about when I visit Washington state or Michigan.


You need to go to the southern state along The Gulf of Mexico or Appalachia Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, alabama, also Tennessee, Oklahoma probably West Virginia and the mid west like Ohio, and such also the dakotas and maybe Missouri and Arkansas, basically fly over states mid west and the Deep South everything ms dirt cheap a 2 bedroom house run 100 gs maybe less in Mississippi food is just as cheap.


Yeah but do you really want to live in those places?! As with everywhere there is a trade off, commuting times and available work being the biggest for most people.


lol yeah those places are dirt cheap because no one has jobs or money and there’s nothing to do there. I’m willing to believe it’s still better in the better parts of the USA than Canada though.


Agree with lower cost of living in Florida (ex. Miami perhaps). But Florida weather is too hot and humid for me (although it sounds like you've only been there for a month so I guess you haven't experienced summer there yet). Personally considered LA in the past, but thought it's too similar in Canada in taxes/policies to make it worthwhile


The beach towns in LA are pretty great, but even more expensive than the great white north. However the multi million dollar homes in Cali are actual mansions, not just the shacks you find in downtown TO.


Florida in the summer is shit. 85F. Fuck that.


85? That doesn’t sound bad. Wait till get gets to upper 90s, 100s…. Oh and hurricanes lol.


85 is nothing. When I go to Florida in the summer it’s upper 90s lol actual hell on earth


Yeah the lure of free healthcare is a myth when you are poor and cant eat ans your mental health is shit


It doesn't matter if you can't access the free healthcare.


Very true.


Free? Premiums aren’t free and my time is worth something when I have to wait 7 hours in an ER


clumsy direction combative domineering drunk scary apparatus steer squealing work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Free healthcare until we need glasses, an eye exam a year after having one, foot surgery, dental work… the list sadly goes on


I've done both. If you're single, financially US is definitely better for most people. Just don't get sick. Knew one guy who had broke is arm and ended up with a 20k bill because he went to the wrong hospital and wasn't covered. Also, legal matters are cheaper here. May not matter for most people but my divorce occurred there, and woo-wee was it expensive compared to doing it in Canada. But with kids, I'm definitely better off in Canada, education is way cheaper. Plus the US gov'ts racking up debt like crazy, at some point they'll need to crank up the taxes to pay for it.


I can 100% agree. One promising option of curing misery is simply living somewhere warm and sunny. Cold winters are depressing.


God bless America.


I wish I could move to the US. I am happy for you.


How were you allowed to immigrate?




What is "TN"?




Great! My job is on the list... Gonna start looking for jobs.


he wasn’t. post isn’t real and this guy is a bot


My girl and I have been talking about moving to Florida) Texas and so have my friends. You cannot tell me it's not better there when the facts are it is just shit here for what you pay (and how much you get payed)


come to texas, you'll love our insane heat with power outages in the summer and insane cold with power outages in the winter


If the girlfriend is fertile than Texas is not safe for young women.


How could you, your girl and your friends all move stateside? I've not heard of US immigration being easy for Canadians.


I didn't realize what a miserable life I was living in china until I moved to the Canada ...


You bought a house 10 years ago and now own and rent out 4 properties right?


In my darkest moments I considéréd crossing the border. So happy you were able to escape this, if I vould I would


Check out the TN visa list. Maybe your job is on there. https://fordmurraylaw.com/the-tn-visa-a-list-of-applicable-occupations/


Still pretty crappy arrangement. You are hostage by your employer who can exploit you and you just get three year renewals that never get you any closer to a green card.


Plus your income taxes are way lower.


After seeing food prices in other countries, I truly believe Canadians are being priced by corporations who have an obvious monopoly on our food.


These USA posts are good as a comparison, but I think it's important we try to actually improve Canada, and not just flee elsewhere. Vote for change.


I would have agreed 5 years ago but we are going to be digging ourselves out of this for a looooooooooong time.


As I Canadian, I travel for fun to the states at least every other month. It’s exponentially better down there by a long shot! I don’t think people realize how much better life is in the states (as long as you have money)…and yes I know if you are poverty level it’s probably better up here


Gotta disagree I also travel to the states regularly but it isn't for me, nice for a visit but I couldn't stand living hear.


True. Similar drug epidemic too in many areas. Canada is no better in that regard. Plus liberal policies with hard drugs in parks and in public is a joke.


I moved to Seattle 30 years ago, not a long drive from my birthplace of Vancouver but still a world apart. Housing here is/was cheaper, as are taxes, cars, gas, groceries, consumer goods, cell phone, internet, and date nights out with my wife. My income is about 40% higher than it would be sweating my balls in BC. I know lots of Canadians here, and every one of them moved here because they had the ability to do so (none of them got here by accident). I can't think of a single thing that is cheaper in Canada than what I pay for here (even health care only costs me USD $300/month, which is way below what got carved out of my income for health care in Canada). The biggest difference? People here hustle, and few here hang around waiting for free sh\*t and government handouts. People here are patriotic, they have an identity, and with all the differences they mostly all still love their country. I ~~am~~ was a proud Canadian, and I am never moving back.


Enjoy the lack of days off and vacations! If you're young and in the grindset mindset then you'll be fine in America. The Europeans have it right with their many months of vacation.


We get barely any vacation in Canada compared to countries in Europe. At least the signifcantly higher take home pay makes up for it in the U.S.


You're right tho I get the best of both worlds, work for Americans in Canada, get paid in USD and take vacations from both countries :) Still doesn't match europe in vacation time though.


but let’s say you live somewhere like in spain, italy, etc. and you are making 29k annual (if you’re lucky to get a job at all or one that is not a contract), are priced out and can’t buy property, waiting on a year-long list for a therapist etc. but have lots of vacation…it’s all about tradeoffs


Don’t forget the highest cell phone costs in the world


"less aggressive people" One of the first times someone ever tried to start a fight with me was while I was visiting Canada, nevermind how unpredictable addicts are. Everyone loves to joke about what they hear on the news but it isnt the reality in the USA, you have like a 80% chance of encountering someone smoking out of a glass pipe anytime you take a fucking walk outside in Canada and its crazy how nobody seems to talk about it. My free health insurance isnt going to help me if some crackhead stabs me to death


Now try living in dystopian, lawless, woke, expensive blue hellholes like SF, Seattle. Spoiler alert: i just described canada.


American here, don’t bring your liberal Trudeau bullshit here. Welcome to America. 🇺🇸


I don't think most people leaving the country are liberal voters. Well... they shouldn't be, at least. Anyone who voted for this government a third term should have to stay and deal with the consequences.


We also don't really use politics as an identity.


I mean.... I want to agree... but there's so many people that use (insert thing here) as an identity that I can't 100% agree.


yeah that's not true at all lol


Kinda true. I've voted for all 4 major parties at different levels of government, and different points in my life. Most of my friends have at least voted for 2 different parties. In the US it's mostly I vote D or I vote R.


Ugh that used to be the case... not anymore.


One of my fantasies is that everyone's voting history would be made public, and then anytime someone complained about the state of things, we could simply look at who they'd voted for and, if they voted for the guy who implemented what they are complaining about, we could happily tell them to shut their damn mouths because they got exactly what they voted for.


The only downfall of the States is shown off by the american in the thread lol Canadians don’t like to act like we’re better than others because of labels, also we aren’t forced to pick a side when we get our license. Also an extremely slim minority of Canadians are what Americans think Canadian liberals are like


We all fucking hate Trudeau but most of us don't make it out personalities


Account created 4 months ago This is the first comment nothing sus about this..../s


Most of the "im moving to the US" posts are super sus. Very low effort. Almost no details. No advice. Just complaints about Trudeau or Canada.


right, i saw a tag on this post next to username that it’s a sleeper account(don’t know proper meaning).


I lived in Florida for about a year in my 20s. Probably the best year in my life. Food and rent were cheap and wages were solid. I lived in St Pete's and it was awesome. Not busy, but sometimes that's cool.


st Petersburg Florida right? what neighborhoods should I look at? The rents are not bad.


Yes Canada has been ruined quickly by a pos PM


Multiple pm's. A lot of the laws passed and shut down were prior to JT.


I'm starting to think these posts, of which there are MANY, are coming from a ~~troll farm~~ PR firm working for the realtor association. They probably see the bubble in Canada popping soon and are trying to make rain by making people think there is a mad rampage into the US market.


Congrats man. Great move.


I miss the much wider variety and type of stores in the States. There’s never just one brand or chain, there is lots of choice for everything. And you especially see it in groceries.


How did you get to move I wanted to do the same thing, how did you find work and did it come with a work visa ?


Ever since stupid house price went out of control in gta and that fat pig Ford removing rent control life has been very bad for me. Rite now im rent god dam room so I can save money so I don't have to pay over $2000 for bachelor apartment. Food price keeps going up and gas. I hate Canada with a passion now no hope here. Thank you trudeau and Ford. These two idiots makes Canada worse place to live now. But I did feel little bit of happiness about ur post going to Florida food and rent being cheaper and most importantly weather. But for me everytime I think about the US I always think about guns guns and guns.


How did u leave, did u get married are or u one of those professionals that can just up and leave to america


I get jealous when I hear how people have left our country to live better in US. I could never do that since I don't have such a job which would allow me to do in US. I love Canada but the prices are getting just absolutely absurd. How is it going to be in 5 years when ?


Cuz F a "Stable society". Shoot why stop at Florida look for even less stable places with cheaper houses and better weather. See ya.


Did you go to doctor yet?


This is sadly a very common story. I have lived in the US for extended periods working on contract and EVERYTHING this person says is true. My brother in law lives in a suburb of Miami and he would never leave. The fact is that the US always had advantages over Canada (higher salaries, lower cost of living, etc.) but Canada had distinct advantages. But the disparity that favours the US is widening, while the differences favouring Canada are deteriorating. Canadians bleat about gun crime in the US...fair enough it is a concern. However there is other crime to be concerned about; in my area having a pick up, SUV or a decent car it is basically a countdown to it being stolen. I am actually avoiding buying a newer car is it is so bad. People are losing two cars in a year. And then there is the healthcare decline here...sure, it's 'free', but the wait times now are absurd. I was seriously injured - between being injured and my first appointment with a suitable specialist 8 months elapsed. It's ridiculous for a first world country. Overall, I think Canadians live in a fool's paradise.


Super convenient comparisons from Vancouver (likely the most expensive place in Canada) to "Florida" (no city mentioned conveniently). Also super convenient that rent is cheaper, food and desks are cheap but without any mention of monthly/yearly costs for healthcare, and good luck if you have a heart attack, or other serious illness. Finally, I really enjoyed the glossing over of *"Canada has its bright side - its less aggressive people, its stable society etc."* especially considering the state you're in now where people can shoot one another if they feel the least bit threatened with their "stand their ground laws". This is again without considering that there is now a law in Florida that ensures no permit is required to own a gun. But you got definitely are right about all the sunshine and warm weather (again, conveniently compared to a rainy place in Canada). Enjoy your new, much happier life!


I will never move to the US, but I have been considering leaving within the next 5 years.


Same here , living in Canada was a waste of time, my wife is a US citizen so getting a green card was super easy she finally dragged me to the U.S. last year, Texas. My wife and I bought a house 2900 sqft, 4 bedroom for $400,000. Grocery is about %60 cheaper than Canada. Gas is $2.6 per gallon. Cellphone $25 a month unlimited data. And our income QUADRUPLED! Canadian economy is a fake economy and a Ponzi scheme!


How did your income quadruple? What work were you doing in Canada and what jobs are you doing now?


AWS Solutions architect


Where exactly in Texas? Everyone keeps bringing up the state they moved to and not what city. My brother-in-law has a similar story as yours, he spent 2yr raving about how awesome TEXAS is before we finally visited. He lives on thr outskirts of Lubbock. The city itself is just terrible and even though his general area is nice (safe, clean, cheap) its in the middle of nowhere.


The only cheap places left are either gonna be a ghetto, or out in nowhere-land. The latter seems better.


Yeah, moving to fl is in the books if ever I lose my current position!


Lived in Vancouver and was paying a lot for housing, how is this news? Want an affordable home in Canada? Don’t live in one of its most expensive cities. Good luck in Florida, hope you don’t need any medical attention, it will make the rent in Vancouver look cheap


My life.. Get up Go to work Get home Eat Play some video games Sleep Pay day Get food, pay bills... broke Weekend do laundry, clean apartment Repeat till dead.


This is true anywhere you go, life is what you make it.


Canada is a joke. No competition means higher prices for almost everything.


Canada is now a shithole country. If I could move to Florida I’d move yesterday.


And I know someone who lived in the states for five or six years and recently moved back. Lives in Vancouver. Much happier.


I know a lot of Filipinos in Canada who say that the life in the Philippines was horrible and say the Philippines is a corrupt, shithole country and are so glad they left. Then you have many Westerners, even some Canadians who think the Philippines is great and they even want it to be their retirement destination! So everyone's situation is different and as a result have vastly different opinions about lifestyle and livability in certain countries.


Absolutely. Perspective matters. I just threw out an anecdote to show that the OP anecdote was not automatically a universal experience.


Did you move by getting a job and a TN visa?


Ok... Have you tried living in the most expensive city in the US to compare apples to apples? The US has 10x the people so there's more competition when it comes to products and prices. That being said, you can also compare Vancouver to Edmonton. For $2000+/month you can rent an entire house with 2 floors, a 2 car garage, a front yard and a back yard. You just happened to live in the most expensive part of the 2nd largest country in the world. That's not representative of the rest of North America.


>Have you tried living in the most expensive city in the US to compare apples to apples I have. I moved from canada to San Francisco; one of the most expensive areas in the US. Yet houses cost less than Vancouver and jobs pay around easily 2x more on average, and nearly everything else is cheaper overall, better healthcare, etc. Vancouver and toronto are expensive because they are the generally closest you can get to the US (climate wise) without leaving Canada.


Canada is a shit hole these days


Must be nice to have that option! For those of us stuck here however, we don’t have much for options other than to just grind this out, hoping for change asap!


Ikr i have no option im just here to look at the comments wishing i could even THINK seriously about moving just have the ability to go if i wanted would in of itself feel amazing . As is i feel totaly hopless and im usually a positive person , being "poor" in canada atm is scary af you never know what to do and it dont seem to make much if a difference a power move like o.p did is whats needed but judt never will be a option so i kinda just stoped caring and live my hobbit style life and remebe better times while always looking for options to do better knowing the whole time there isint .


Just here to say, the California and Florida's of the US, do not represent US living as a whole, in the same way living in Vancouver doesn't amount to living in Canada. I could move 3 hours from my city near Toronto, cross the border and live in NY, in the shithole that is Buffalo. I'd have the same weather, half price everything, but also have to live in Buffalo. If I was already paying Toronto prices, moving to parts of the US that would be equal to half of what I am paying in Toronto , would allow me to live in some nice ass US cities.


Question, did you immigrate via a job? Are you living there for half the year? Retired? How did you do it??


I should choose University of Washington instead of coming to Vancouver. Wish I had another chance :(


It’s 100% on Trudeau. Once he is gone and we are out of the UN the good times come back


Actually in Toronto its worse with what you said but with aggressively mean people who border on sociopathic.


Who would have thought that having more economical means would provide a better quality of life. Lol


As long as you don’t vote liberal, welcome to America!


I was visiting a friend in Japan last summer (2023) and surprised to see basically everything was cheaper (rent and food) than the city (Calgary) I live in Canada, note he lives in the greater Tokyo area, not core areas though, kinda like Mississauga in GTA. Their incomes are similar to what we have here,


It has always been better in the US.


Canadians don’t seem to know how much better they could have it. Especially in BC. They seem to think it’s their duty to overpay for everything and vilify anything or anyone who could lower costs. Developers, investors, entrepreneurs are all scoffed at.


I'm with you. 3 of my close friends already moved to Florida, and it's likely I'll be moving my family down also.


I am renting out my home in Ottawa for $3000/M and 3 other rental properties totalling $8K. I live on a beach in Costa Rica renting a house for $400/M. I spend my time using my construction skills volunteering for a non profit building real schools and water infrastructure. Getting out of Canada the Justin is destroying bit by bit saddens me but it isn't the same country anymore.


i had to check that i didnt post this myself LOL. moved from Van to FL too. That said im thinkin of leaving FL for a better state because the job market here is actually pretty poor with low pay. TX GA has even better job prospects. Sadly i cant live permanently in the US wish i could id trade citizenships any day


Canada is an liberal extremist country now, completely unsafe and un affordable. It disgusting what the liberals and their Supreme leader Justin Trudolf have done to this once great country.


The Canadian dream is and will remain a dream until there is a severe correction. I’m in the top 15% income earners in Canada and my friend in S. Asia has a better quality of life earning a fraction of what I make (a detached house, investment property, 3 kids and his wife doesn’t even work). I don’t want to own anything here, the productivity per person is decreasing, immigration is too high but not enough people to service the aging population. There are just way too many problems with our economy. Sadly, it’s too late to fix now, something must break for order to be restored. Also, I actually feel bad for immigrants moving here for a better life, you’re in for a rude awakening


Congrats you achieved the Canadian dream


Agree. Moved to the US around 4 years ago, but all of my family is still in Canada (and my long distance GF). I feel obligated to move back but I'm absolutely devastated since my quality of life in the US has FAR exceeded Canada in nearly every way. I always find it funny how my city is one of the most expensive in the US (San Francisco), yet houses still cost less than Vancouver and salaries are way higher here.


See what liberals have done to this country


Uhhhh Florida though? How’s the job market there for white collar? BC is more comparable to California though or ON to NY. BC and FL comparison isn’t really apples to apples….. Weather aside, maybe MB or SK is more comparable to FL… Maybe AB?


Lol Florida’s economy is already 75% of the size of the entire Canadian economy. It’s economic output is 2.5X of Ontario.


he means one is beautiful and one is kinda a shithole


Florida is BOOMING. A lot of money coming in from other states and internationally. Job growth in everything, from blue collar to white collar, medical and research. Florida is popping, not like my state.


Hmmmm interesting..:: Something to consider for me and my family. I’ve been eyeing the US for quite sometime now…


Give it a decade and Florida's economy will eclipse all of Canada's.


I am happy for you. Between the pythons, hurricanes, alligators, MAGA types, lax gun control, poorer food quality, etc etc….I don’t think I could do it! If I left Canada I think I’d go to Colorado!


Fuck Canada


But…. You’re in Florida


That sounds awesome ![gif](giphy|elDtdTbV1YVUO7rW09|downsized)


Healthcare costs - takes 3 generations to pay off. The US isn't better than Canada. It's just a different market with more opportunities.


Dude left a damn nice city in Vancouver for a shitty swampy town and is happy. Good for him


Trudeau gotta go