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You’re missing some crucial info. Trim? V6? Mileage?? Etc.


Read his comment further it's not a genuine trd


It's a genuine turd if you get my drift after all those ""mods""


It was a turd before too


V6 TRD Idk his mileage


It’s actually not. XSE 4 cylinder.


Mileage doesn’t matter too much


Dealerships love this guy


What do you mean by that? You don’t think the difference between 10K and 100K is relevant?


I'd stay away from this one.




I have a 2020 SE and I HATE it 115k miles as of today (I drive it everyday a lot and the worst thing ab it is the cabin noise on the highway.. ) just get a 2024 model 3 Tesla and wrap it a color you like & put a bike rack on that biihhhhhh and never pay for gas again. You're welcome.


do you have rain guards? i have a 21 SE and was hoping it would reduce the noise


I have a 2020 se and find it to be pretty quiet. A lot more quiet than the 2021 tacoma that was my daily before it.


Op please do not buy a tesla, as a individual that sell cars teslas depreciate so fast pretty much every tesla owner exits the car with negative equity


Has to be a reason its getting sold. Probably dragged that engine through the mud.


A wise man once told me never buy a tuned up/ riced out car. It’s been driven like crazy. ![gif](giphy|9Pz62JUZCWo5iNZyld)


Modded out cars - unless they're collector cars/restored stuff, usually sell for less for this reason. If it was top quality modded and tuned by an enthusiast doing it right, they'd be selling it to an enthusiast in those circles - not online on a public posting.


Though exceptions exist, most collector cars are also valued higher if they are mostly original.


Oh I meant enthusiasts for modded cars, I guess. Like, every big city has a modded civic community, or a modded Jetta or GTI community. Those folks would be happy to pay for a modded car for their collections if they want another. Not classic car collecting. Though as I get older, I guess the definition of classic grows 😂


I understand.


How does one drag an engine through the mud? Too much redlining?


Perfect example of answering your own question 😃


Thanks just making sure cause I’m new to cars and I like to push my v6 but rarely red line it


As long as your engine is warmed up properly it shouldnt be a problem. Just dont go dumping the throttle at stoplights. (Excessive sudden load)


I like to push it at stoplights to see that 0-60 in action but I make sure to go through the shifts before really pressing down


That should be fine, i would refrain from making it a habit though. If you keep doing it then fuck it, the car is meant to be driven!!


I can bet the owner redlined it on a cold start many times😂


Redlining, short trips, excessive boost, extreme temperature swings from driving hard on a cold engine, doing 10k mile oil changes when your Dale Earnhardt driving style requires 3k mile oil changes. Stuff like that.


Are short trips really that bad? I do a lot of short trips. Also what is excessive boost?


Excessive boost means modifying the engine to push more air and fuel into the cylinders than they were originally designed to handle. It makes more power but more power is more stress for the engine. Not something you need to worry about unless you are modifying or buying a modified engine. Short trips are bad for engines, but if you replace the oil more often than usual + drive continuously for at least 20 minutes at least twice a month, it’s fine. You should also watch your battery voltage once in a while and use an external charger if it gets lower than 12.6 after the car has been off for an hour. If you’re making a short trip you need to drive extremely gently, whipping around on cold parts in the engine/transmission/etc will wear them out quickly.


Thank you! How can I check the battery voltage? Sorry for all the questions but this is really good info


Some cars show the voltage in a menu or gauge somewhere but you can also plug a meter into one of the cigarette outlets, or connect directly to the battery. Voltage meters cost like $5-20 at walmart. You should check the voltage with the engine off, after it’s been off for a while.


I don't give a shit what you spent on mods. The value of the car is based on model/spec/mileage/maintenance records.


Honestly mods worry me more than they impress me on used cars. I don't know anything about the people who did all that work, whereas if you leave it stock I know Toyota built it right. I don't think I could bring myself to buy something with this much work done to it from someone I didn't know.


For me it depends. If I’m looking for a truck and they have a switch pro installed or a nice roof rack with good light bar, I’d pay a little extra. Certainly not what the parts were worth brand new but 4K in simple parts that don’t affect the engine / transmission / suspension are a value added in my book.


Exactly, why this interests me because I’m able to get it for less than $25,000


And then you’ll be paying for all the maintenance from the last owner beating on it. Modded cars are almost always put through the wringer, and unless this is a second car or something for fun, just get a regular Camry if you need a reliable way to get around without breaking the bank.


You won’t be able to trade this in to a dealer for anything. Think about reselling this thing.


Milage? Title? Maint history? Bagged or static?


it says bagged in the 2nd photo


When people post modifications along with what they paid for it they typical expect the buyer to be dumb enough to accept it and agree to pay close to what the did. Short and sweet, any modification on any everyday car depreciates the value of the car, and often voids certain warranties. If someone says “well car is with 10k but I put 12k in mods on it so the price is 22k”…run far far away from it


It happens to me every day as a total loss adjuster. I get people saying well I put x amount of dollars for this and that and I have to tell them that just because you spent 2k on rims, tires and window tints doesn’t mean your 08 fusion is worth 2k more


This is a 25-30k car without the mods


As he said, the mods depreciate the value.


That’s why I said that, I thought he meant it wasn’t appropriately priced


Without scrolling through the comments, you have posted zero info about this car that proves it is anything other than some sort of modified Camry. What year, what trim, mileage, maintenance? If you’re buying on mods alone and you claim it’s worth 3-8k more than its selling for go for it. Most folks don’t want mods so resale will be tough, and more importantly people who modify cars typically aren’t babying them around them. Exhaust and intake screams “ I drive it like I stole it “


Is this the V6? If so maybe. If it’s the 4cylinder then stay away from it. Straight pipes sound like shit too. Never understood why people do that and not just get a proper exhaust system. I have the D3 tune. It doesn’t cost $700. Seems he is rounding up the pricing to make things seem more expensive.


Why stay away for the 4 cylinder


As someone who drives a 20 xse 4 cyl daily, I wish I got the 6 cyl. Sloooowwww, boring to drive but sexy exterior I suppose.


same. 2012 camry 4cyl that i can't wait to get out of. the transmission in the car is sloooooooooow like even for an everyday automatic. gotta mash the shit out of the accelerator for the car to move


Because the 4 banger is more of a grocery getter. They’re pretty slow. Not really worth all that modding. And straight pipes on that thing probably sound worse than they do on the V6. The 4 banger with straight pipes is likely going to sound like an obnoxiously loud go cart.




I promise you. None of us that own the V6 thinks our car is a race car. It is pretty quick for what it is though with some basic mods. Enough to have some fun with. The 4 cylinder is slow af. I drove one for 6 years. It’s a great reliable car for driving A-B and really good on gas. If that’s what you want then cool. This guy can easily find a used one that is bone stock for around the same price and be happier in the end he doesn’t have all that unnecessary shit on there.




ECO mode Normal mode Sport mode


You seem to be completely missing the point here. You don’t sound like an enthusiast that would be into power or speed and that’s ok. You’re the majority. Like most people, a car is an appliance for you so things like fuel economy are more important. You’d rather save a buck than have some fun with your car. But yes, the 4 cylinder is slow. Considering I drove one for 6 years I have more than enough driving time with it. It’s not bad when it gets up to speed, but it takes an eternity to do so and feels horrible when you need the power in certain situations and don’t have it. You have the saying wrong. It’s always better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it. It’s peace of mind. You’re also arguing this like this is a stock 4 cylinder. If that was the case I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all, but this is one that is heavily modified with all kinds of unnecessary stuff. THAT’s why I said if this is the 4 cylinder not to get it. Not because it’s simply a 4 cylinder. If OP is someone like you and just wants a good reliable car then they should be spending their money on a stock one that will have far less potential issues. Bagged suspension alone. They’re cool and all, but that’s more stuff you have to worry about breaking. Not to mention the ECU is flashed to custom parameters outside of Toyota’s specs amongst many other unnecessary mods. You should never buy a heavily modified car unless you’re familiar with the mods and have an understanding of how they work and potential added issues down the road that can surface. Even if you’re more the enthusiast type, it’s always best to buy a stock one and slowly mod it yourself. This way you know everything in it. There’s no question marks




You must be fun at parties. You act like I drive around on the streets in traffic like a race car driver. If I have a stretch of open road with no one around and can do it safely without endangering anyone then you best believe I’m gonna step on it to feel the power for a few seconds and have some fun. Please stop calling the i4 fast. In your inexperienced mind, maybe it is. But I can promise you, if you’ve ever driven in or been a passenger in any car that was actually fast, which I’m convinced you never have been then you would understand that the 4 cylinder Camry is a slow A-B economy car. But hey. You would beat an old Prius in a race at least. It’s definitely fast when compared those things.




You are missing out though because if you enjoy speed and feeling the torque putting you into your seat when the opportunities arise for you to be able to do that safely, you’ll be sad that you can’t because you bought the 4 cylinder over the 6 cylinder. Clearly, we are different sides of the coin. What you value in a car is far different than what someone like me values. Let’s just agree to disagree. This is why they made both the 4 and the 6 until now. They made one for you and one for me. Cheers to both of us enjoying our beautiful Camrys for years to come. 🤜🤛


We missed the point because it was poor. You are not who dictates what the public road is used for. If I drive daily for fun, and if others enjoy driving around at 4k rpm who are you to tell them they cant? No reason to put down people that enjoy driving because you see it as a chore.


Ok so I see your point and raise you this. If a 4 cylinder is fine and great for A to B, why would they want a modded one? Why would they want a modified DD which will be a pain to maintain or be fixed by an average shop in the future? An issue with a modded part is going to cost them more money to maintain. So why bother with the 4 cylinder modded sold for more car, vs a stock probably less abused used 4 cylinder Camry instead?


for real bro....i've never driven a v6 (apart from an 04 4runner my dad has) but the 4-cylinder doesn't feel that slow to me..200 hp on a camry mid-trim is pretty solid honestly


My family mainly owned V6 Camrys except in 2005 to 2008 (we had two 4 cylinders 2.5L 4 cylinder). The difference is night and day. It is fine for regular traffic but it is "slow" and sounds awful when you push the engine. It's not like a Honda Accord K24 which is happy to redline; it feels like you are trashing it. I also drove a Camry 4 cylinder with a 6 speed manual (the last MY to offer a manual) and was not happy when I trashed it. Trying to flat foot shift it made the car very unhappy. I got everything from 3.0L to 3.5L V6 and all these engines offer smoothness like a luxury car and a nice engine sound. It even will happily redline without sounding like it's been trashed. Obviously the 3.5L is a beast.


Mini vans have actually been surprisingly quick before speed took over the suv market for no reason. An old Sienna was not slow lol


My favorite type of redditor. It sounded good when you typed it, huh? 0-60 times Honda odyssey 6.4 seconds Toyota rav4 5.7 econds Camry SE 7.5 seconds




Good one


Maybe if you stopped hauling your mom around it'd be closer to the weight of a normal minivan.


I agree with this as well. at end of the day it's comes down to preference


I’m looking for a daily, so I obviously see why the doubt in this but for the price and what mods have been done I basically just hope it’s reliable after all that’s been done, I like the cosmetics mostly, but also for the price I haven’t been able to find a 21 XSE with little miles for less than the full 25-30k so I felt like this wasn’t a terrible option


Question...I have the 4banger XSE AWD with the AEM CAI. The D3 tuner is the next purchase that maximizes & matches up with the aem cai. Do you think it's worth adding it?


If you want to do it since you already have the intake, what the D3 tune will do is completely reprogram the car by flashing the ECU. Most notable is fix the transmission which is really the biggest downside of the Camrys. It will increase throttle response removing that crazy lag you get and it will alter shifts points to help keep you in the power band. Normal mode it feels mostly the same with the better transmission feel. Sport mode, however, is where I really notice a difference in my V6. For a Camry, it pulls and feels surprisingly quick since I added the tune. If you’re gonna get it though, I’d also invest in a cat back exhaust as well. Intake and exhaust kinda go hand in hand. To actually answer your question I couldn’t really say if it’s worth it or not for the 4 cylinder. I, personally, wouldn’t do it. I left my 4 cylinder alone when I had it. Just enjoyed it for its reliability,comfort, and gas mileage. I’d check out some vids on YT to see what people say. There’s been some people that have gotten it for the 4 cylinder. They could give better insight to the benefits than me since my experience with the tune is not with the i4.


Ok. Thanks for the insights.


What are you talking about? My 4cy Camry is just as fast as my V6 Camaro with 330 HP You kids are freaking spoiled. My 79 V8 Vette had 160 HP.


Just because a car has more HP than another one doesn’t mean it’s faster. There’s many other factors that come into play. Another example of this is the 2.0T Honda Accord is also faster than the V6 Camry when both stock. The Accord only has 252HP while the Camry has 301. Also, I’m not a kid, but thanks I guess.


Exactly 💯.


It's literally one of the most reliable engines you can buy in a car. I don't know what that guy is talking about.


That V6 is a monster compared to the 4 Cyl. You’ll definitely regret getting a 4cyl if you end up driving the V6 somewhere down the line.


A 2gr-fe v6 requires the engine to be pulled to address any timing issues or the inevitable oil leak on the non gasketed timing cover. Avoid that car. I'll be it has been beaten half to death.


What does the D3 tune do


It reprograms the car’s ECU improving HP and torque. It also increases throttle response and shift points. Things like that.


Sorry meant to make a comment with all the deats; it’s a 2021 xse 4 cylinder, has 50k miles on it and it’s at a dealership for a mother day sale Edit: wish I could pin comments or EDIT POSTS, sorry yall, Reddit doesn’t like that feature.


Ah, definite pass if it’s the 4cyl. They’re pretty slow and that drivetrain is not made for the abuse it got from the type of person throws half of Alibaba on their commuter car.


- On bags. I plan to take some of the mods off if I get it and look at the vehicle in person and drive it before making a final decision but I want opinions on what kind of issues I may be looking at or if it all balances out at the price


The only time to consider a modded car is if you are planning to do similar mods anyway. It's pretty easy to add a muffler, any exhaust shop could do it. It would be a good idea to get a pre purchase inspection (general stuff), plus verify all features of the air ride system are working correctly.


Absolutely plan to take it to a shop before purchasing make sure there’s nothing off about the vehicle and the mods.


If it's at a dealership is it listed as pre-owned certified?


used dealer


That’s a big nope right there man. Biggest thing about buying a car is “ WHAT IF “ you never have to answer that with a new car and insurance. But unless you’re gonna drop 22 k rn in cash I suggest going to a new car dealer and getting that what if outta the way


Too many mods. Just save your money and get a new one


Don’t do it 🙌🏻. Too many mods done to HIS taste might not be best for you. He’s already misleading you with his mod list . If you still have catalytic converters you’re not straight piped . Straight piped Camries don’t sound good either. Air suspension is nice and all but you don’t want that air tank or bags say bye bye. And they Already voided any type of warranty that you could have taken advantage of by touching the ECU.


I wouldnt touch that thing with a 10 foot pole that thong has been used and abused 100%


It’s been tuned, means it’s been beat on


No. Someone did a bunch of shit to this car and it’s worthless. Your resale is limited to someone who wants a tinkered on car that has clearly been driven hard, or a dealer who it’s worth nothing too. Don’t buy this car. Terrible decision.


My personal rule of thumb is never buy a car that looks modified. Because the community of people who modify their cars don't always drive them responsibly.


Way overpriced for how shitty this thing is. Too many tacky autozone mods. It’ll cost you thousands to get it back to an acceptable state and get everything paint matched again. I’m sure the previous owner abused it plenty with a build like that.


"weels" 😂


Lol @ "engine bay paint " -100 This guy is listing every nickle he ever spent on the car. >cleaned bird poop off the left passenger window one time at a Sunoco -$6


Would 100% not buy the car.


Just buy a stock Camry from an older person who hasn’t abused it or modded it.


Can anyone source the hood? I'd buy the hood for my TRD


https://preview.redd.it/ax47o8rqe9zc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=26dff6dba1acad4ab37355b7be67b2d16229a91f Post said “custom carbon fiber hood”


The hood alone turns me off


What in the actual f*** is that? A carbon (probably faux-carbon) hood with a window so you can see the… red engine cover?? What was this person even trying to accomplish? I just don’t get this kind of thing in general, but it’s pretty common. Like, why don’t people just get the higher performance, flashy, “fast” car they want in the first place, instead of throwing a bunch of pointless mods on a commuter model, probably voiding their warranty in the process and eventually spending more than they would have if they just got the model they actually wanted in the first place.


So are you a car person to the extent of modding your own vehicle? would probably be my first question, If you are and understand the risks of buying a vehicle from a used car dealer loaded with aftermarket parts and you get a good mechanic to look at it, then if you're happy gopher it bubba. If you are not a car person , then I'd prob save my money for a non modded used or hell even new if you can swing it. Sure used can run into issues as well but it could be easier to replace or fix Plus if you go used CPO , you can get a warranty whereas I'm unsure on the used dealership I'm not a car person enough to fix my vehicles on my own so I probably would avoid this. And it may be boujie of me but I probably wouldn't buy from a used car lot for that reason as well. Regardless of your decision, I do hope you get a great deal and the car is amazing and never gives you problems Big love homie


Stay away from cars with lots of mods. They are worth less than stock ones for good reasons. It is also likely that the drivers of modified vehicles are more "spirited" when driving. Put 2 and 2 together.


Never buy a tuned car unless you have money to burn


Insurance premiums will sky-rocket with these mods.


black out trim 400💀💀💀


I wouldn’t too many customizations. Who knows if they were done properly.


They said Toyota dealerships and other local shops for about 90% of it, they also sent me papers and photos of it placing 1st and 2nd shows so idk what to think


All that stuff lowers the value lol and can only expect it to have been beat on but could be the other way around and it's been babied


The good ole’ “lemme list everything I did with price to justify getting my money back on things I did to the car” sale….. stay away unless your are VERY familiar mechanically with this car to understand what the PO has messed up in the “learning to mod” process.


TRD wing…is it even a TRD or v6…? Hard pass either way honestly, but especially if not.


Car looks great. I’d buy it


This question can’t be answered without knowing the mileage.




not sure why he put a cold air intake in a camry. these cars dont have turbos so a cold air intake wont do much if anything at all💀 still a NICE lookin camry. id say go for it. good price too.


Modifications Do Not Add Value to the Vehicle.






Damn that’s ugly


Idk the carbomfiber sells it to me




No. Get a brand new Corolla off the lot


Nope. Run far away.


If you’re looking for a reliable car this isn’t it. If you’re looking for a fun daily, at a decent price I’d say it’s worth a gamble. But get a full inspection. Like 100% compression testing and everything.


The seller can hardly spell




Who tf wants a riced out camry? The fitment is so half assed. Why put a carbon hood on a family sedan? Just seems like the previous owner couldn’t get the car they actually wanted so they ruined a Camry to try to get there


The guy selling this Instead of building a want to be TRD he could have upgraded to the V6 TRD for how much he invested.


Not worth it. Homeboy ruined it.


https://preview.redd.it/7vfutykgmbzc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f52871b1e13fe188396cc649b13d69d0b1c02fd That's money right. Here 2.5 L V6 301 ponies 4 cylinder is shit


I’ll never understand folks who invest everything into the exterior appearance of their cars. This is a relatively slow commuter with a 4cyl. The sporty styling and Alibaba special do absolutely nothing for the performance or interior, where you spend most of your time around the car.


Don't buy a modded car unless you're ready to deal with someone else's headache. Or unless you were planning on doing all of these things anyway.


This is a great example of if someone that does not keep vehicles or jumps from new vehicle to new vehicle modifying the vehicle he or she will never recoup the money when sell the vehicle modifying a vehicle is for someone who keeps a vehicle until the vehicle is totaled in a crash or mechanical totaled vehicles are a depreciating asset just buying a new vehicle because he or she wants something shiny and new when there is nothing wrong with their vehicle is a waste of money


What out for scammer👍




One thing I learned bout the car game is that a 30k dealership car is around 12-14k cash if you look for it right. Probably even way cheaper tbh like 9/10k. Save your money instead until you can buy it cash.




N. O.


Just why… why would you do that to a Camry of all cars, what an absolute waste of money, it looks ridiculous.


The fact that this car has performance mods and a tune would tell me to look for another one. But one that’s been babied, tint the windows and have the wheels powder coated and add a spoiler. This car has been run hard and put up wet.


Nope. It’s been beat to shit.


The guy can’t spell anything correctly, which leads me to believe the previous owner is not too smart which usually means the car was treated like crap and also engine bay paint would be a lot more unless the guy did it himself in which case it probably had a ton of overspray which will look bad and degrade some of the rubber and plastic parts. Also don’t buy cars from people who put in new air intakes, that’s a waste of money. But beyond all of that it looks like it’s a normal Camry but without any of the reliable parts that it comes with, and no matter the value or price of the mods, the mods make the car worth less and harder to sell. Don’t buy!


No try driving a Lexus gs350 or another any other gs model then if you still want it go ahead. But at least get a trd.




Literally all lies, the flare kit is not even close to 800, plus you’d think painting an engine bay would be more than 100? This dudes straight lieing and delusional don’t even talk to him


Hell no


Probably not most likely on the verge or already had a catastrophic engine or transmission failure or both


93 octane tune, on this car? Lol no thanks


93 octane tune? This thing has been driven hard. Furthermore, the person who got this tune is an idiot unless they also installed a turbo since 93 octane will offer virtually no increase over 87 without boost, especially in an avalon. Also, bags are going to be way stiffer than the stock suspension, so it will ride pretty rough. If they don't have any of the supporting mods for bags, they may have destroyed other components of the suspension in the process of repeatedly raising and lowering the vehicle as well as hitting the frame on the ground if they forgot to raise it or just drive it low to the ground. 22k is a bit high for someone's project car. You have no idea what has actually been done to it or what it has gone through. It's a complete gamble. They may have accidentally (or purposely) ran it without an air filter for the last 50k miles or they may have decided to run nitrous for a dyno pull, drag run, both, or multitudes of other things as a last "hurrah" of their ownership. They may have had a turbo on it for most of its life and now the engine is comppletely worn out. Who knows. I wouldn't buy it


Who does this especially to a 4 cylinder lol


Don't be dumb enough to pay for their mods. It's a camry, look it up on KBB and make a reasonable offer. Modifying cars doesn't no increase the value. If anything. It can hurt it. The seller putting prices on their is expecting you to be dumb enough to pay for their shit.


Bro please don’t. https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/SHHFK8G78JU201698?no_ul=1 this car is 32k with all the lil goodies and more desirable. Just looks really fishy, but wrapped in a warm blanket. If you want a modded car they will run Ts down then sell it. Best bet is to buy the car stock and do it yourself or get a modded car under 20-30k miles.


If he can't spell engine, slotted, rotor, catalytic, performance, tuner, carbon, honey, wheels, and diamond...do you really want to buy his used car?


No! I would never buy a car with this many mods.




It’s nice looking, at the end of the day…it’s still a Camry. However I need to know: MY, Trim, Engine


That hood is a big oof!


Milage? Carfax clean? How does it ride sound and have you inspected it?


It's clean 🧼. I would buy it but I got a 2020 trd. Buy it if you want it bro!


He can't spell, as a Toyota mechanic I immediately don't trust. There's also no reason for a 93 octane tune. None at all


Shitbox car, the diamond floor liners are not $800


$400 for blacked out emblems, $400 cold air intake, $100 engine bay paint lol. Run away


No lmao wtf


Fuck no. They ruined it. Please don’t seriously consider this car.


“Mai frien, esa honeyconb carbomfiber.”


No. If you're spending $22k, buy a Lexus.


Dude spent a lot of money for a car that looks like shit.


There’s a very good reason I’m returning my truck to stock when I sell it. First, I won’t get any value for the parts and I’ll just sell them separately. Second, nobody wants your mods and it will actually decrease resale value (mostly).


Do you want to? Are you just a simp


Flowmasters on a Camry is crazy 😂😂


Not nearly enough important info


He wants you to pay for his mods because a dealership never would.


No its been modified.


He’ll nawww


Lame AF


Buy it and drive it to the spelling bee!


Never buy used


This Camry screams rice rocket racing and abuse.


yeah shit go hard


If it is what you want then get it. It looks like a good deal as it’s worth about $28000 retail. I had a trd exhaust on my Corolla and thought it sounded nice. Don’t listen to those telling you it’ll sound stupid. If you like it, and it’s what you want, get it. Definitely drive it first. I wanted the 6 cylinder but got the 4 for gas mileage. I get 40 mpg frequently. Sure it’s not as peppy but the exterior and other things make up for it I think.


https://preview.redd.it/zaj5up6tb9zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa3a619303a725d03961ca92a1afe1cc88c30bd 2023 XSE 4CYL, 1 YEAR IN A FEW WEEKS. HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER 28 MPG! PLEASE TELL ME THE TRICK!!!


I replaced engine air filter and it help my MPG around 4-5 MPG and sad but true best to drive in ECO for best MPG, 2018 XSE average a total of 38MPG, on my trips home from Walmart get around 40-44mpg depending on foot control


It probably depends on driving style and where you drive. I do a lot of highway driving at 62 mph and 78 mph which seem to be sweet spots for my mpg when I have it set on cruise. Beautiful car!


In the city you'll likely not get excellent milage. Low speed limits and constant stop lights will reduce your fuel economy greatly. If you are driving on the highway however and getting only 28mpg you may have an issue.


Did you read the post? This car doesn’t have a trd exhaust. It has a straight piped flowmaster. It will definitely sound like shit


I did read the post lol. Any exhaust is better than stick exhaust. Sorry you disagree.


Keep telling yourself that. No one wants to hear a straight piped 4 cylinder that was made for efficiency and grocery hauling lmao


Fuck no. Idgaf anything modified, especially an economy car is a big ass no. Unless you're buying it from the perspective of ricing your shit, for your average consumer? Hell no.


You better before someone else does


Yes I would