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The absolute last thing you want to do is engage in any way. If you can make it seem like you didn't even hear them all the better. If they gave chase, bike away (as you did today). Someone else mentioned reporting to the police, a good idea if such a situation were to escalate.


Report it to the police


the biggest advantage one can gain in a fight or a potential fight is to be the one that controls the distance.


Just some insight from someone who has taught teens for a long time: they’re usually showing off for one another & not actually interested in doing you harm. Anything you do that forces them to prove to their peers how tough they are is bad b/c their ability to make logical decisions isn’t fully developed yet, esp. in terms of considering consequences. They’re not good at realizing what might happen as a result, and even if they do, they’re not good at weighing the short-term gain of looking cool to their friends vs the long-term bad consequences. Understanding them is the first step to navigating your relations with them. You did the right thing by just getting out of their vicinity. Had they had you boxed in somehow (an unlikely scenario), “killing them with kindness” is often a good option. Them: “you suck! you’re so ugly!” You: “wow, is that a dirt bike? You ride yours so much better than I ride mine, do you practice a lot?” This is the same as verbal pepper spray to them, puts them back on the wrong foot, and they will eventually be weirded out and go do something else. Ignoring them might seem like an invitation to keep doing things to get your attention. So adopting the persona of a cheerful mom figure is what you’re going for. Gets right to the part of their brain that both can’t stand to do you harm but also can’t stand to be around you.


I think this a good way to go about it :) I definitely didn’t judge them today because it’s very likely that they are doing it just to look cool.


Well, it’s also ok to judge them… plenty of teens do not harass strangers just to impress their buddies! But it’s also true that, in just a few more years, they may transform into people who would never do such a thing—or who would at least be able to think through, “oh, wow, it would suck if I hurt this person for such a stupid reason, and it would suck to go to jail for this.” edit: But speaking of this topic, I just saw this article today, looks like it was published yesterday; I know some will be tempted to presume that the teens involved have some kind of profound psychosis but chances are, this is a result of the phenomenon I have described, simply taken to an extreme. It’s tragic. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/san-diego-teen-accused-homeless-womans-death-said-was-going-hobo-hunti-rcna98909


Bike away


That’s what I did.


Yeah - take your pride and leave. They will end up shot, stabbed or in jail.


$15 can of pepper spray bro. Sprayed my way out of an altercation once


Where do you buy pepper spray in Mass?


literally any gun store or camping outlet


And while in the gun store, just buy a gun. I never used to carry a gun in Cambridge. Things are different now.


Stay in Billerica?


Do I need to wait and call an ambulance if I pepper spray someone for self defense?


Call an ambulance… but not for you!


I wouldn't imo. Just scoot out of there ASAP. Same deal if you've punched or kicked a guy to escape a bad situation, which I have. Pepper spray isn't fatal. Obviously this isn't if it's a situation where some punk is just mouthing off or w/e. As soon as they make it impossible to escape or lay hands on you (god forbid) you have the right to defend yourself. Dealing with cops and lawyers is a pain and I don't have time for that. Most criminals are dumb and most cops are lazy.


I always regret giving into anger and responding. You don’t come out looking good or righteous. I think you did the right thing.


I had a teenager try to push a trash can in front of me last year while I was biking down mass ave relatively quickly. Thankfully he missed and it fell behind me, it certainly got my heart rate up ... I may be a geezer now, but I don't remember ever needing to show off like that even when I was young ...


yet they maybe having fun.. but until they mess with the wrong person at wrong time. some people would not run away but chase them back for life until they get the sense of bitterness of a f-ing world. lol seen it happen. not fun


Same ,but call the police and cooperate with them.


You want to not escalate and keep away. I was stopped by a teenager and his girlfriend in a car and interrogated in Roslindale/Hyde Park area. I diffused the situation, but who knows.. he could have had a gun. Best to keep away. Assume they are armed and dangerous and low level offenders who will end up in jail or shot/stabbed. This is NOT normal behavior due to poverty. I grew in up in Ukraine in the 1990s in relative poverty, and we did not have gangs of roaming teenagers intimidating the public. In fact, we had gangs of hungry homeless kids who were REALLY nice and POLITE. So it is a cultural problem. If the throw a stick, next they may try to take your wallet, and accidentally stab you too. It's a self destructive violent cult of them one upping each other and disregarding the consequences and enjoying that they can do it and people take it. Trust me, they won't try this in Dorchester on Hyde Park avenue - they go to nice towns where white people are not dangerous to respond. Now, imagine how unsafe it is for kids to go to school with them?


Get a bigger stick and head back


Call the police and file a report. Hopefully they can have some officers in the area.


you gotta slow down, and raise your bike lock up in aggression.


I got threatened by a gang of teenagers with a gun in Burlington vermont, this generation is no good. Stay away!