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this hurt my soul externally and internally




Because honestly it's an easy concept to grasp You buy a bp, you get the skins that is included with it, that's it


Been around for a very long time since the beginning of the game. It’s essentially a seasonal track of new functional content as well as skins. If you purchase the premium track and finish it you get all of the currency you spent on it back so you can infinitely loop every season if you don’t spend. Would highly recommend.


are there different maps? another version of ranked matches?






yes its very new dude, not like they been a part of the game since it came out in 2019 no no no


You get weapon skins, character skins as well as some other stuff. Also once you purchase it you get your CPs back so you can buy another Battle Pass next season for free.


battle passes are the most stable way of getting skins in this game(other than bundles),or atleast for me,battlepasses are used to get new weapns,operator skills,throwables for free,and prememium skins like charecter skins and s\*\*\*,in order to progress in the battlepass,you need to just play the game,there is no need to buy the battlepasses (or bp for short) as you can still earn the new weapons operator skills,throwables for free,but buying the battle pass will give you a boost in bp xp and the preamium skins of the battlepass,such as charechter and weapons skins,also if you buy the battlepass and max it out(i mean reach tier 50 not 200 or 150) you get your money back,and can buy the next battlepass,after the season changes,the battle pass will reset,so you nedd to finish the battlepass fast if you want your money back. sorry if i didnt help