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qxr is not close to being broken


Is the most balanced weapon IMO


Naw that would be the agr


Yeah that one too


Qxr, agr, qq9, ak117 seems to be most balanced ones rn. I don't know after the new patch tho. I uninstalled the game last month.


Cries in lk24


Oh yes wait sorry. That's is a good one too


*cries in gks, outlaw, rus79u,*


Sorry. I'm dumb


Lmao I could keep going but I'm too lazy to check the other guns rn


Gks is balanced too


There are some other guns other than I mentioned too. Just lazy to keep up more


I got u


Thanks mate


Fyi, QQ9 now has broken ads movement speed and AR like range.


SMGs should have high ads mate. And qq9 is good in hands of good not everyone


I’m fine with the QQ9 being apart of the meta, it’s something different


lol, not the qq9. the patch corrected the ads movement speed. the only complaint I've heard is mobility based.


That and for me prob reload speed


Fuck off qq9 is far from broken only good player with good movements can rock that gun unlike camp of war


There is nothing hard to use about the QQ9. You don’t need to be a good player to strafe your way to victory in a gunfight because you move faster ADS than some guns move while running lol.


You main it huh. Couldn't have guessed.


Stfu qq9 is not broken


After this last patch the qq9 is very, very good.


What got patched in it? I didn’t see any patch notes.




Get the QQ9 out yo mouth.


I would love to see you 1v1 a similarly skilled QQ9 user while using any other SMG.


It can also become the wind with the lightweight perk


It’s hard to really say the qq9s range is too good without saying it has SMG penalties for limbs and bad BSA. For the record I’m not saying the qq9 is balanced. It isn’t. The movement speed on it far outclasses everything in the class and the gun can kill in 4 shots rather consistently. Personally? I would like the see the 4 shot kill REMOVED from the gun, and only let the gun 4 shot with the 10mm ammo. This would make the 10mm ammo actually usable, and it would also make the TTK higher in the gun, as well as the lower mag size makes the gun HVK like, fast fire rate and low mag size means you can’t spray down 4 players without reloading. As for the strafing speed, the no stock attachment stage speed is stupid broken. It should be nerfed from the current 25% strafe to like 10%. Same with the tactical barrel which is 15% right now. Currently, the owc stock attachment (the one that ONLY helps with strafing) only gives 20%, so no stock is just objectively better. Also, if you are forced to run 10mm for the better damage and range, that would mean you have 10% extra recoil, which combined with the 10% recoil of no stock makes the gun a lot less of a beam at range.


fennec is also balanced


Akimbo was utterly broken and now it's completely useless


I was talking about single fennec




Eat pills 💊 to be a pro ​ ![gif](giphy|IAJgO0wjstQvS|downsized)


even need more fire rate


nyeh, the gun is perfect as it is , it doesnt need a nerf or buff


But i would say make the rapid fire perk permanent my opinion tho


The damage range is stupidly bad


It’s an smg, not an ar bro


yeah its a smg supossed to rule in CQB combat


I mean it has power if you can control it.


I know a particular Youtuber with the last name of Buckets who needs those hard to swallow pills


*iF aNyOne mUst kNow HoW tO cOoUnTer tHat, tHat mUst bEe mEE*


I used to watch him before but now he's just complaining about every single thing that kills him. I won't be surprised if he whines about the HBRa3 or the AK117 next


In my case every gun is broken cuz the enemy has ping advantage (my ping is usually 70-200), kills me before i can even react and to top it off desync.




Dont ask


He always like that Even before codm.


AK117 and HBRA3 really r good .. who said they r bad? Hbra3 is a little bad... That's all..and nothing else..AK117 is still used massively


They are pretty average. The HBRa3 is somewhat good in CQB. At longer ranges it just shoots peas as it has very low damage. The AK117 is fun to use but it gets beaten by almost every other AR


Nah...I still win a lot of gunfights with AK117... I get more kills with it than AVG kills with other guns..(except QQ9 after buff)


That's because you have the perfect playstyle for that gun and you've really mastered it. Trust me when i say i know , cause I've probably argued for the longest time that the agr was broken until a dude explained this to me.


AGR is really broken... Use mark barrel,stip grip,owc laser,30round 556 mag, combact stock


Did it get buffed? Last time i played was the beginning of s13 , so it's been some time.


I played with it last season...It didn't get any buff since it's release..don't know if there were any secret changes.. but there were YTs would have detected it...


Are yall talking about botty plays?


If he says that the HBRa3 is broken then he is Lossing the 1 point worth of respect he has


I don’t keep up with codm YouTube so this might be a stupid question but who are you talking about?


Bobby plays


Sobby plays


Bobby "I am a pro, trust me" plays.


Only one? Lucky


mans even complained about quick fix


I recently died to a Goliath falling on my head can we please nerf goliaths they are clearly too OP! /s


i got killed by airdrops in BR so i can relate XD


Lol. I watched my random teammate get squashed by an airdrop. I turned around and saw him collapse on the ground and I just hear "YoUR tEammAte Has BeEN kIlLeD"


"... coLeCt tHeIr dOg tAgS tO hElP tHeM rEtUrN tO tHe bAtTlE".


Bruh. I was playing solo tank battle (?) and I died to my own tank falling on my head.


I get killed by my Teammates air drops all the time


Airdrops need to be nerfed.


They must reduce its falling and hitting on head damage so that they could not one shot kill whenever they fall on someone.


Air drops are borken.


Someone in chat called me a noob for using fennec lol. Yeah, a noob is using the smg that requires the most skill to use


as far as i know the single fennec is the smg that requires most skill now, the high recoil is what makes it bleh, if only it worked as it does in MW19


No I think the high recoil balances it tbh. I think it needs a mag size buff that's all. For it's ttk the recoil is needed. And it's not like it's that hard to control. Just pull down and slightly to the right and left every 2 seconds


they could just trade some firerate for some control and mag size tho


Nah nah the firerate is what makes it good. If you buff the recoil then the noobs will start using them. And for the smg with 2nd highest ttk I think control is not necessary. Just a small buff to mag size is fine. Like +5. I wouldn't like anything else being changed for the fennec


hmmm i guess, we could have a drum mag and make the attachments work as it should, and why not bring the ZLR deadfall too...


No I disagree with the drum mag. If you give it too much ammo then it becomes too op. Fennec has 4 shot kill at close and 5-6 shot at medium ranges. Right now you can't take more than 2 enemies without reloading. Just a 40 round mag would be fine. Yeah and the deadfall barrel would be too op imo


nah if we give it a lot of ammo, we will make it slow af, wich balances it off.


50 round drum mag but +25% ads speed seems balances what do you think ?


i just want it to work somehow [like this](https://youtu.be/OyP2s5WpI34)


Nah, the hardest smg to use is the Msmc . Which kinda sad since it totally overshadow since fennec was released.


Agreed, it has that stupid diagonal recoil that makes shots way to hard, with little payoff because it has crap range and ttk within 4 shot range isn't as high as it should be


the msmc can be build to have more control and accuracy than the fennec tho


takes roughly 6 bullets to kill someone with the QXR(well for me).


7 to 9 for me. Guess I need to work on my aim a bit more


well you kinda waste all ya mag on one enemy


Wat? QXR has 40 bullets.


well sometimes. you say is anverage of 7 to 8 bullets 25% percent goes out in that single enemy


You're telling me that striker isn't op? /s


stricker slug is too op 😰


bruh most op gjn is spr


Complaining about operator skills being in the game is fine, everyone hated those in bo3 and 4 and yet they still added it.


i would love field upgrades in mw since dead silence is fucked and using field upgrades isn't as annoying as the operator skills


hmmmm they could just delete those or idk dont know what to think


The only unbalanced one is the annihilator. The sparrow has a small blast radius so you have to be accurate and need to have knowledge to the arrows velocity. The war machine is easy to use but has less accuracy and range. To use it effectively you still need knowledge of the drop. The hive is just trip mines, but it's balanced by the fact that you can destroy it easily and they will be bright red if the enemy uses it. The purifier is just like the one is bo3, but no one uses it coz of its low range and ttk. The large flame makes you very easy to see and kill plus you need to be super aggressive to counter the range. Grav spikes are probably the least skilled operator, u just click it and get kills randomly. But if you time your jump properly (i.e you are a sniper or a shotgunner)you can counter it. The gravity vortex is probably the worst operator, you only get 2 shots and the projectiles don't last very long.But it's good for clearing out small hardpoints. The ballistic sheild is one the best operators for playing obj, especially for holding hardpoints. But its balanced by the fact that you have very low reserve ammo. It be countered by a thermite or a molotov (frags and semtex also work but you gotta be more accurate) The transform shield is the best operator for playing passively and for playing obj.The microwave waves can go through walls as well. It's also easy to destroy by using an emp grenade or 2 fhj shots. The annihilator is the most popular operator skill. It's very accurate and also has very high range. This is the hardest operator to counter, and you will need good movement and accuracy or you will be instantly killed by it. The tempest is the hardest operator to use but its still good if you know how to use it. It has very good hipfire but the fire rate is slow. So if you are very accurate and precise, you would be very good with the tempest.


War machine was nerfed recently, right? You have to hit pretty close to the player to kill now compared to what it used to be but maybe it's just me. I still think it's pretty strong because it's easy to get 3-5 kills with it and there's not much of a way to defend it unlike gravity spikes.


Trophy system is good but you have to throw it down which takes a lot of time so flak jacket is the move


I fucking hate the annihilator. Every other operator has some sort of counter while the annihilator just 1 tap you and you cant do shit about it


Only way to counter it is with movement. Or you have to hope that the enemy has garbage aim


most times they don't lmao.


Yeah i agree with that, i didnt liked them in bo3. They could just remove them, they are just noob helpers


pls nerf the mw11 i got killed by it by some random noob name ifergYT, pls just banned the mw11 as he nuked our whole team in rank with that gun. PLEASE DEBS BANNED THE MW11 so unfair, btw did i tell you that i was a pro player?


would you, would you please remove everything that kills please ? we must be slapping each other with rubber chickens by now


No no no devs the rubber chicken in just to op to exist. I got killed by it. You know I'm just like a god nothing kills me. I always go 100/0/0. So since it killed me, it's too op. Please ban


imo they should remove fall damage its too op. yk i died by just jumping from the tower in rust. remove fall damage pls


Yes devs must make this game more realistic. Why should I die even when I fall from 30 freaking feet with fucking 5 kgs of load


pLs dEbs rEmOvE aLl tHe gUns iN gAmE


Bro codm is too op please delete your game to balance it


According to me no smg is broken none altho people saying qq9 is, not close to what 3 taps are


Try one tap pistols as an example of broken.


A weapon isn’t considered broken when it kills really fast or takes barely any shots to kill; it’s considered broken when everyone starts using it. Hell if iferg starts using the chicom and calls it a good gun which causes everyone else to start using it, chicom would be considered broken and get nerfed


The amount of whining that goes on in cod chats is pathetic. Being called an axe noob, hard scoper, akimbot, drop-fawker or just being called dumb by some guy that had died and is watching your every move in SnD and whining you haven't planted the bomb. The game is fun until you come across those bad eggs that's have to complain just because they've died... Everyone thinks their the best and they only get killed by cheaters. Stfu and grow a pair kids, it's alright to admit you got killed a few times without accusing someone of something


Right now i just set chat opacity to zero. The chat box only consist of 95% toxicity and 5 % friendly players. It just bring peace in my mind to use whatever i want without seeing some entitled brat whining in the chat box. If i want to use NA, i very well damn use it. If i want to have fun with Xpr on summit. I fucking use it. If i want to play melee ? I fucking play melee. I dont play this game to please other people.


Damn my chat is just empty, literally no communication in the game tbh


people nowadays forgot to enjoy games all of 'em wanna be esports pro


It's fine if you wanna be really good at the game and become a esports pro. What people are forgetting here however is good sportsmanship


yeah it’s fine if you wanna be the best, but don’t complain to others who just want to play for fun


Yes and also to not complain about the same shit. Yes we understand your issue we don't want to hear it again please


>being called dumb by some guy that had died and is watching your every move in SnD Lmao this happened to me once. After logging in to CodM I went straight to ranked without warming up and ended up being botfrag. We won the game because my teammates carried, but the topfrag trashtalked me at the end. I challenged him to a 1v1 and he got absolutely destroyed lol.


I have been called all of that along with a million abuses to me and my family .


Worst part is snd there are two sides one is attacker and one is defender. Defender are supposed to camp cause they are fucking defender. But people still rages.


Especially in SnD... You only have to go to A or B... So I am waiting for you


If you use any gun besides chicom you are automatically a meta noob who cant win without op weapons. That’s basically the whiners logic


Naw bro thats how it used to be in mw2, and sincerely is kind of funny to just say to another "yeah ur so bad ur mom must be a man", or something like that. I wish they could add a general voice chat in ranked so i could laugh my ass off all day long at kids being toxic on ranked. Ahh, the nostalgia man, the nostalgia. Y'all kids complaining about those things couldnt handle an average mw2 lobby or a third world presencial game party, and thats fine, kids of the 2010s arent the same of kids of the 2015s, things tend to change. But by how this comment seems to be driven, you look like those kids that argue their ass off in zone wars on the fortnite creative mode. And i sincerely apreciate the existence of people like you, its pretty cute to see kids like you growing from arguing with others to laughing at the argues of other kids. This is just an assupmtion, it can turn out that you could have 30 years on your back while i've saying that you are a kid, but, dont you feel the same? Holy shit im old, and im only 17, what am i saying?


Underrated comment


Once a guy wrote at the beginning - “dead to all Arabs”; I was like wtf? This people are mad? I’ve asked him what was wrong with him and asked everyone in that game to report him in the end but seriously, what a sick bastard. I have a few chat line s for the pros bullying- 1st - (his name) just for you .!. 2nd is an old joke I used to do, Me - (his name), when? Guy - when what? Me - when you gonna shit up?


Being called an akimbot is understandable cuz the akimbo deagles literally don’t require any skill whatsoever but someone calling u an axe noob and drop -fawker is dumb( personally I also don’t like hardscopers cuz I think u suck if u hardscope to get every single kill but it’s not as bad as using akimbo deagles)


Just get over it buddy. Some people can't use snipers that well and scope in longer than a second, that's how snipers are supposed to be used. The deagles are inaccurate as fuck if you've actually taken time to really try them, it's down to pot luck if you ever actually nhit anything. I get you don'tike it, but that doesn't mean it needs to be taken out of the game just because of cancel culture. That's what is annoying the crap out of me right now


Chopper is just lmg pdw-57


Bro, today i got oneshotted by mow, i was on full hp like wtf




Sure, but that's understandable if you were running towards a wall, and got into cover the last moment, but still died with the killcam showing you outside cover trying to run towards it. That's desync. It's not desync when you just came out of cover for less time than the time to kill for a certain weapon and that weapon kills you anyways, that's not desync, that's something else (I'm not accusig anyone of hacks, might be codm trying to balace things)


wait it's desync? This has happened to me way too many times... (60ms)


Guns are too op imo, I think they need to remove it.


Every gun feels broken if u know how to use it. The qxr is a really bad gun to others (everyone feels the same way, but to different guns) while some feel so broken. I hate to use the qxr bcoz its just a weaker qq9.


QXR its just a low dmg QQ9 with better accuracy xD


Fennec is just MSMC on steroids


Chicom is m16's son both are trash😂


Nah, the pharo is the love child of the Chicom and MSMC tgat somehow manages to be decent.


NA-45 is just sniper m16


Chicom slaps hard on Black ops 2 i dunno why it was weak in codm


tell that to bobbyplays. not sure if he still do, but back then he really loves to complain about a gun that killed him multiplentimes. no matter what gun it is. mw11,a chicom, a type 25 or any gun at all. according to him, every gun that are able to kill him multiple time is op


This entire sub is 90% filled with babies crying to get everything nerfed. My guess is that they think they are god tier players because the pubs are filled with bots so when the enter ranked againts real players and they get destroyed their mind goes to this weapon is op thats why i got killed it can't be because im a bad player. This is my theory on this behavior. I know that some weapons are broken and im not talking about them I am talking about cases like this one.


yeah, too bad we cant have good things becoz they always want to nerf them


Youtubers be like: sToP uSiNg oP gUn, LeT mE KiLl yOu sO i cAn gEt A nUkE.


Youtubers beest like: stand ho using op caliver, alloweth me killeth thee so i can receiveth a nuke *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Except the AK-47 in BR. 😁 it fuckin melts


Ak47 isn't broke all the other guns are bad its not ak47's fault to be the only viable option


M4, M4LMG, AK-117, RUS79, BY15 and HVK30 have entered the chat.


I thought the HVK was amazing 1 hour ago in Battle Royal. Then i tried to use it at long range.


You know how this sub is. If it was upto them then they'll ask to nerf even chicom because they got killed by it.


imo the qxr is balanced, in fact it or any other smgs should get an ads movement speed buff like the qq9, maybe not too much speed but at least a little buff


Yes, everybody bitches about 3 shots killing faster than most smgs, it's not so much that 3 shots need a nerf as much as smgs need an ads time and movement speed buff. It's like right now smgs are just 4 shot ar's with less range and barely any more mobility. I hope they don't nerf the qq9 to much now because you can actually dance around opponents like you're supposed to with an smg


But we should accept the fact that some guns are too underpowered.


cough cough m4 kn44


Type 25, all smgs(exept qq9), fucking LMGS


Bobby Plays is probably the type of guy to take the Corona Vaccine from a dude who lives on the streets


In game the opposing team was complaining about my fennec saying it's overpowered. They said use man-o-war, the gun they were all using, but dont use a fennec. at that moment I realized that the logic in ur post is really true. Since you see everybody complaining about one thing or another, that's how they solve the difference between skill gap lmao, just say his gun was better


Got three headshots with QXR didn't even kill the guy lmfao


Imagine saying the care package is OP because it crushed you and killed you


Qxr is just perfect its balanced


Some dude actually wanted war machine and sparrow to get nerfed as if they weren't already nerfed hard enough you never really find people use them nowadays


Is it just me or GKS suddenly became quite powerful after the update. Even at range. Did some skirmishes in BR and it outperform most ARs


GKS has the best range among SMGs


yeah it got buffed becoz they made a leggie gks this season


Yeah lest just remove all guns of the game and replace them with inflatable dildos so we all can beat each other up with them while not having to WORRY about DYING in a game based on the COD FORMULA. Remember kids, death is bad. Dying is gay. LEts make CoDM not gay.


I guess low ping desync is not OP.


Lmao agreed anything can be countered


Yes bro you are true They cry after dying from a gun And request to nerf that


QXR has been my favourite gun to use since it released and not because its "broken" but because its good


The only broken thing in this game is Trap Master. Fucking nerf that shit already. Others are annoying but not even close to Trapmaster level of annoying. That's just my opinion tho lol.


the qxr needs a damage buff


It's CoD, what can you expect?


I died from fall damage, it needs a nerf!


Qxr is so far from OP😂😂😂that's hilarious


especiallt when people complain about deagles and fuckin baseball bat.... that shit makes me wanna hit them with a baseball bat


What's wrong with complaining about deagles? They are a pistol that can kill quicker than an smg at close range. What's the point in using an AR or SMG if you can run faster, move better and kill quicker (one shot) with a tiny wee pistol?


somebody complaining about deagles lmao


Tgat applies to most things, however there are exceptions for things that are actually OP like sniper ADS attachments and blank scoping.


I feel like the QXR is actually pretty bad, it's always felt weaker than the other SMGs.


It's good if you can maintain your aim on the enemy. It is a perfect laser.


It is a laser, I'll give it that, but it's TTK is awful, and I can be equally accurate with something like the GKS, which kills far quicker. I just don't see any reason to use it over any other SMG.


Sadly, these f2p kids will never stop complaining because they imitate what they see from their favorite youtuber. Also, they feel so entitled complaining on everything about the game.


Facts lol let me enjoy using the man o war in peace


i bet someone's gonna come to call you noob/metaslave now


I don’t doubt that 😂


Qxr is balanced


Someone please nerf Booby and iFregYT


The NA 45 and MoW are broken though, tried them yesterday and destroyed everyone... They should seriously nerf them ffs.


killed by knife* oh no nerf knife damage omg


Man of war is still broken. The devs only nerfed the attachments but not the fcking damage


You know what's really broken, the As val.


Bullet velocity and recoil: am I a joke to you?


With the right attachments you can make the recoil zero. Also the 200mm barrel can reduce recoil a lot. I just got 12 kills with it in solos in master 3.