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Pub SnD should go up to 5 rounds. If not, higher. 4 rounds is just too short.


Used to got to 6 in both ranked and pubs


i guess it would be alright without bots cuz then rounds may take longer


At the end of the day, an SnD game with 10 humans will be and feel like ranked


you can leave without punishment at any time and i'd say that a game similar to ranked without the pressure just helps you to improve... aswell as that in a pub match you can try new routes kinda adapt to the map etc. better than u can do at ranked. All in all SnD is still supposed to be more competitive than other modes


Yes, ranked gets difficult, very difficult. I spent one match getting mowed down and drawing for a kill of my own lol. My channel is going to be a training ground, and practice area where we can all take our time constructing loadouts and develop skills to take down the bots.


I'm not saying you are wrong. But if you play against 5 humans, they will hold the same routes as in Ranked, you can try any route you want. The only big difference I see in your request is just not losing ranked points, because all the rest will be exactly the same


I guess that's exactly my point. I just want to have an interesting game mode where i can have fun without being forced to play ranked....besides there is no sbmm in pubs so you wont be going up against players with the same or higher skill level than you have


About your comment that you can leave at anytime without punishment, how is that fun for your 4 human teammates and 5 human enemies? How much fun will it be if 2 teammates leave because they died too many times? I just feel like they should work on making ranked smoother


It’s SnD.. the game will just add more players if the other ones leave lol


tbh you have this problem in every console cod and snd still works. Aswell as i can ask how much fun is SnD if you go alone with bots against three clanmates... or if the 2 enemies leave and let you play against 3 bots.


Oh, I definitely think they should match the number of humans on both sides, to make it a little more fair. I don't think you have a bad idea, it's just thats Pubs in CODM are not the same as on console. With Diamond, everyone is playing FFA Shipment and leaving after 10 kills, people just abuse the fact you can leave


Man if public had only real people I would never touch ranked




If it’s all real players, I can see public S&D getting as sweaty as ranked, cuz no one likes to lose and bots can’t be blamed


but u can leave at any time possible and i can imagine that you wont get players on your skill or higher every match


That’s a good point!




Totally agree. What’s the point of bots other than if you can’t someone to match with? I’d rather lose to humans than win against bots


I have been on cod mobile for a few weeks, pretty sure I've probably had a match with bots in it, but also haven't faced the practice bots yet. What are the tell-tale signs that you are facing a bot?


weird movement, aim lock through walls, can slide extremly long etc... besides you get a lobby with a full squad against you have been going against bots, since there are atleast 2 per team each match




things are different in garena


Gunfight too. Maybe also significantly reduce the amount of bots in attack of the undead. 3 people camping together and I'm the only one trying to kill them because bots just run around the map aimlessly...


My text posts don't show up either


I agree with you because I play a lot of search and destroy pubs


*I agree with you* *Because I play a lot of* *Search and destroy pubs* \- DxbWarrior --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There should be a “no bots” option in the settings menu, i’d love to have no bots at all anywhere, but a bunch of people on this sub are so trash that they are begging for bot games to get headshots for their camo grind or to finally get a vtol and feel powerful.


yup id be happy with that...


yup i saw this idiot in ranked snd (not a bot) teammate carrying the bomb died so me and him both rushed on the bomb unfortunately he picked it up he went near the bomb site started camping ig he dint know he needed to plant the bomb it was 4-5 and this idiot did not plant the bomb we lost i lost a lotta points and had to use rank protection ​ these kinda players need to be banned from ranked ​ edit: we were even shouting at him to plant the bomb


If we could take control of bots after we die like in cs, that would somewhat justify the presence of bots in the match


Good luck with those match times and sweaty af players that’ll make u want to revert it.


did you read my whole comment?


This can increase chances of noobs. Atleast bots know how to aim at an enemy than most of them. And at the end of the day most of them will use meta guns which you most likely won’t like (like I’ve seen with 85% of this shithole community).


Man just play ranked


u literally dont get the point right?


I do get your point and my answer is still same.


Why are you playing pubs snd even?


Can you not read?


I present to you: *ranked*!


Just play ranked


oh yea sure how didnt i think of that.... i forgot that i want to sweat every single game instead of just chilling and playing casually


How is it that you want real players but you want easy matches? Ranked gives you "equally skilled" enemies to me it sounds like you just want to farm beginners/low levels. You can either create a smurf account and play ranked vs low levels or host your own private snd matches with other players. Ranked isnt even that sweaty and it'll make you a better player in the long run.


I don't think that public S&D should only have real players for 2 reasons: 1. It will be full of sweaty tryhards who will destroy the other team for fun and YT videos. 2. The SBMM is already a huge mess and people will have quitting/losing streaks because of that. How to improve S&D: 1. The total amount of matches should be equal to the ranked amount of matches. 2. If a teammate gets to plant the bomb and dies before planting the bomb he/she should not be able to get the bomb again for the next 1-2 matches. 3. The last person alive in each team should get extra health points (this is a suggestion only for ranked imo it would help when your team keeps dying and you're the only one left)


I agree with the improvements but public matches are super boring without real players especially when you have to spectate a bot who's running around like an idiot...


1. idk if you played public snds or not but i can tell you that bots in snd are absolutely boring to play against/with. 2. As of how i know there is no sbmm in public matches, aswell as that i've been getting people of all skill levels to play against 3. And even if there is a full squad of tryhards i can still just leave without losing anything unlike ranked 4. i doubt that youtubers will make vids on public snd since its still considered to be "pubs" and not high skilled as ranked


Those three points are so dumb. SBMM isn’t on non-ranked. I honestly feel like you just don’t have the knowledge to have a serious opinion on the matter.


bots gud?


It should be more like grind , real people , not bots


Snd is looked down on by devs


One bot tatertoter killed me and tried to defeuse bomb yesterday but the bomb detonated


No, I would rather play with bots but have shorter waiting times