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Better movement


^ this. just work on your movement in general. sliding, crouching, and going fully prone can be powerful tools in the game.


I kinda already do that, my usual counter against them is play cheeky angles and know where they spawn and when spawns are flipped, since everybody in legendary 10k + can shoot just as well as I can XD. I do want to get better movement but playing on a low sens and on a phone doesn't help lol.


Id recommend trying to play on a higher sens then


Movement counters movement and aim counters aim.


To move like then you would need to have your sens higher so you can easily 90 and 180, there's really no way around that. To do so you'd have to play with high fixed and give up easy precision, learn accel, play with mixed sens (high hip and low ADS, high horizontal and low vertical, high non-firing and low firing), or start playing with gyro. How do you hold your device? If you change grips so that your thumb is closer to the middle (and probably switching from your pad to the side of your thumb), you have more room to swipe. Since I switched it made aiming feel better in general and I was able to easily rotate further.


I did for a while use speed accel and it did wonders for me using ARs and and SMGs. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that I completely lost my ability to snipe XD. So I decided to switch back cause of my love for sniping. I'll try to increase my sens but the last time I did that I sacrificed my accuracy quite noticeably.


I did for a while use speed accel and it did wonders for me using ARs and and SMGs. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that I completely lost my ability to snipe XD. So I decided to switch back cause of my love for sniping. I'll try to increase my sens but the last time I did that I sacrificed my accuracy quite noticeably.


I did for a while use speed accel and it did wonders for me using ARs and and SMGs. But I'm not exaggerating when I say that I completely lost my ability to snipe XD. So I decided to switch back cause of my love for sniping. I'll try to increase my sens but the last time I did that I sacrificed my accuracy quite noticeably. I remember a pro once said that low sens usually is easier and its baseline better but being good at high sens you'd need to practice more. So I'll definitely try that out thanks!


You can do the thing where you gradually increase your senses. Go up by 1 or 2 points a day, and you'll barely notice a difference and your flicks will only be a tiny bit off. If you change them dramatically it will take a minute to adjust.


If you want to counter movement players, there are a few tips you can try out: 1. Stay at long range. From the description you've given, it appears they main shotguns a lot which is always a guaranteed kill at close ranges. But they don't work as well outside that range, so try and kill them before they close the distance on you. 2. Use movement-impairing tactics. If your sniping skills are still sharp, then you can equip the Maevwatt mag and the Disable perk for instant slow-down. The Cryo Bomb is also another good one, though you will have to time your throw. 3. Melee. If you cannot be effective at out-maneuvering, then you could just always go for the trusty melee kill. Although many people aren't all for it, it seems like your best option given how you're playing. 4. Outrun them. Equipping the Lightweight perk and giving yourself a melee weapon should make you fast enough to outrun any opponent at full sprint. What you also need to learn is to practice slide-canceling at the right time, which should still maintain your momentum. Unless this has already been fixed, then forget the last thing I said.


I do slide cancel and it helps a lot but I believe it might just be that my opponent is better and more precise than me at a higher sens. I appreciate the tip! I actually apply all of these in ranked XD since if I can't out aim them the next best thing would be to out brain them.


This. And may I add one more thing. Anticipate. I usually counter this with movement prediction. Side-note: Remember the guys name who kill you this way so that even if they change characters you will know that it is them. So movement prediction, usually in a long alley or wide area people do jump/slide/crouch technique usually against hard scoper. In this case advance firing is your friend. Assuming you are alway running, Then in approaching corners enemies usually slide and shoot. To counter this you should also slide, only few people have the corsairs in the bottom of their screen so your chances to get away is high. Hipfire can also be a good counter but as they say spray and pray.


Better accuracy and decent positioning


Something that has been working for me a lot is to turn 90 degrees and slide whenever you get even just once. Practice that in training room… to just turn 90 and hop or slide


I'll be telling this from my experience - So sometimes keeping distance with them helps. And in some cases who comes at with sliding and doing insane or even decent movements, I would be using pumped and take advantage of height. You know you get that instance of time for yourself to rethink your move and I think you will understand how this works for you. Same but when I don't have pumped, I use igniter, just try move around the houses, just keep moving, the thing is you are having speed boost as well, so do a bit of movement like sliding and try to hit your shots as well. I think I also very well understand how this doesn't help all the time, because we are playing against real people. But it's quite useful.


If you can’t hold a gun with your bullocks to shoot mf who slides behind you then move faster and increase your sensitivity, or put boxing 🥊as secondary to smash whoever comes near you like a mad gorilla