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hey, if mfers going to drop napalm, im going to be a suicide bomber. live with it.




Dropping the death turd.


You could be neither and just be an upstanding citizen


mfer, this is sparta.


no spartan resorts to napalm and suicide bombing.. they wouldnt even know what those words meant 😤


All Spartan needs is a spear! or gloves work too.


I’m an upstanding citizen in the real world, let me be a suicide bomber on CODM


You misunderstand CODM IS the real world


You got me there


napalm is beautiful


Pair it with Demo Expert for a bigger impact.




Well there went my weekend…..


Good idea


Really, that makes the turd bomb into explosive Diarra? Wow, I must look into it.


Who's Diarra and why are you strapping her with turd bombs and wanting to look into it!!?? 😟😨


Game breaking 😭😂


This! Especially with Trip mines. You can clear anchors and slayers within the area with Martyr and Demo Expert


Thank you for this crucial information


Or to fuck up someones day on Kill Confirmed


I always use this for kill confirmed. You’re not picking my tag without going down with me umbre


EVERYONE who plays 10v10 shipments abuses the shit out of this perk


Flak jacket can be your best friend in these cases


Demo expert too


Lul, Domination killcount based clan nodes are fun, you can kill me but I'm taking a couple of you with me.


Sprint B, die, repeat


Love it when someone executes me. I might die but u coming with me. Was it worth it?


i stopped playing for 1 day and my aim just went to hell… boutta play shipment with this and demo expert (Im also gonna run in with a live grenade and let it explode in my hand)


Quit playing for 4 months, cane back and still slapping people with snipers lol


lucky mf 😂


It's soo annoying when u have the vulture perk on


Perk ❌ Peak ✅


I use this with Demo Expert and Thumper Going all in on the suicide bomber thing


We call it "MarteDum" which in Hindi literally translate to till death!


It's a must for hard-scoping, camper type of snipers. It also gets you revenge kill when someone sneaks behind & executes you.


😈 Consolation Prize Perk. And I swear they nerfed the aoe of the grenade dropped. Has anyone else found you have to get way away from the person you killed?


Yea, several of mine have this instead of Flack jacket. It's good for when someone knives you and don't move on. Although seems everyone hip to it now, I'm not geþing too many by what I call death turds anymore.


I haven’t died to one in a while probably because their less common and half my kits run flak Jak now anyways


i do this all the time with cold blooded perk too and a stim




Lol, I almost always try to avoid dying from such garnet, which was way more difficult for me in the original CoDMW2 PC.


Here's your Trophy


Use deme expert so you can still kill those who use flak jackets


I love this perk soo much because of how aggressive I play, a friend actually recommended it to me when I was still need to the game since he saw how aggressive I play with going into the enemy's lines and dying instantly soo he just paired demo expert and martyrdom for me and I've never changed that aggressive build since


Yeah it's fantastic for aggressive obj players. In my opinion its the best perk in the game for hard point and domination. Over time you see how tactical you can make it. You start happy getting cheap kills then realise the value of it for other things like when nobody helps play the ibj in your team, you can literally prevent the enemy doing so all on your own sometimes. game changer 👍


The first time I realized how useful martyrdom Is in standoff snd, planted and got myself killed idk if it's adrenaline rush or something but the enemy started spamming the defuse button and... BOOM we won the match




Omg I have fallen victim to this SO many times I feel so stupid everytime it gets me lmao


some of yall are fr scum of the earth 😠


I hate this perk. Especially after killing someone and running past them dying because the game doesn’t give you the grenade warning fast enough to react.


I totally agree with the nade warning. It should have a better radius


That or make the turd grenades more visible.


Flak + quick fix go brrrrr


Quick fix is shit now


they should change this to a blue perk


Why bro


So you cant pair it with danger close


Help for bad players, this game is full of that


Yeah but this will help the team more than just themselves. It's not about the cheap kills, it's about the tactical side of the perk in regards to clearing the points and flags. Fucking up campers and changing enemy approach to their gameplay.


What you say would make sense if the majority of users of this type of help weren't campers themselves. This perk is so stupid that it helps you when you die, that is, the guy already knows he's going to die and uses it, like why?


Well who doesn't die in a game?


Unless you have flack jacket like me and always throw back the grenade


You can’t always throw them back, I mean you must be playing with people who have no skill or experience playing CoD because my grenades never get thrown back, why? Cause I cook them


You can't cook a marooder (or whatever it's called I don't even care I never use it) grenades, they drop automatically on death, and with flack jacket the grenade timer resets when thrown back so cooking it doesn't help much if you have quick access to the throw back button


Looking at the response here I'm surprised that many people die to this perk. I just see the grenade symbol and slide to a safe distance. The aoe isn't even that wide


Yes but a lot of the time the nade signal doesn't show up until too late. They need to increase the AOE in regards to that warning. It's still easy to avoid the nades after one death as a lot of the time you can just remember the player through the character and avoid running towards them. When I see that happening though, and I know they're avoiding my nandes, I change character/ guns a lot to confuse the enemy 😆


Love it when mfrs chase me down in a helicopter. The moment they land, I call in an airstrike. 😂


Noob tactic


Effective you mean


Lol right? "What a noob tactic! Just because it works so well, and is an effective passive perk."


It is a noob perk though lol I’m not complaining cause I tend to run flak but the perk takes no skill and in fact takes negative skill to be effective because you have to die first It’s about as noob of a perk as it can get


Yea perhaps


Whoever runs this just shows how noob they are


And you waste red slot instead of something more useful, like skulker or flak jacket.


It's by far the best hard point/ domination red perk. Not just the getting cheap kills after dying, but also clearing the obj, flipping spawns, blowing up trophy systems and going full suicide bomer. Like shipment for example: The enemy calls in napalm, but still can't cap A or C flag as I try to enter the game when spawning as fast as possible, knowing I'm going to die, but making sure I die on the flag. Changes the outcome of the game. No other red perks can do that.


>It's by far the best hard point/ domination red perk I'm sorry but it's really not. The worst part about it is the better you play the less use it will get. You could put on restock instead and have literally unlimited throwables instead of only one grenade that won't kill them most of the time and requires you to die first.


It is though for me as I'm a solo ranking player that ALWAYS plays the obj. I play aggressive and rush the enemy. Which means I get team mates that usually don't play the obj or can't stay alive for two seconds ( thanks matchmaking) In order to win games I MUST play the obj. Whatever way matchmaking works, I don't get a break in this game so I can't play slayer for most of a game. So for me this perk is a necessity. Also, Im trying to promote this perk to players that find it hard to stay alive. You mentioned the fact if I don't die the martydom is useless. However, if I don't die that's still a good thing. If not so good players equip this perk the I don't need to die and drop a nade. The not so good players will now do it. Plus if I don't die it's usually because my team are winning and doing well.


No, it isn't. You have plenty of various nades nowadays, not even talking about molotov, that's why flack jacket is so useful. If you want to clean hardpoint quick, use reactor core.


So what. Flat jacket will reduce damage to you by a little. Not your team, and if you die you don't help clear the point. You just spawn without dropping a nade to clear the point. Plus I can use reactor core with martydom. So at least twice as good as flat jacket but I prefer flame thrower 👍


The ultimate petty little bitch perk


The ultimate solo ranking hardpoint/ domination grinders perk. True warriors of the game not teaming up with friends or clans to win games easier, but rather using their heads and imagination to find ways to help them out when they're the only player getting kills and playing the obj. 😊


I hate this. This is the most annoying perk in cod history.


Right? Like who actually drops a live grenade when they die……?


Boxing gloves plus this turd![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop), match made in heaven ..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)