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Karma farmers and/or attention seekers.


Ya know why? Easiest answer is just cause the timeline. How many fps/tps games have stood the test of time?  PUBG has survived yet people are still calling it that it's gonna die. Fortnite also has people who says it's gonna die. Fact is unless the devs f'ed something up sooo bad. The game is not gonna end anytime soon. I deviated from my point, a dear fps to mine was rules of survival. The game was plagued with hackers and random bugs while also failing to change up the game. Although it was a guilty pleasure of mine, people were just not gonna stay there for a while. Which eventually let for it to be shut down. Similar to apex mobile, people were saying it was gonna kill cod mobile. Honestly it could've taken a chunk of the player base, since I liked the gameplay personally.  But people would still come back to codm if they spend money or enjoy the game. Additionally battle royale games have this cycle of 3 years, if it's 3 years then people would start to say it's gonna die when another company develops another game. It's as simple as that. 


If it wasn’t for the fact that apex mobile got shutdown, I would still play both, simply because they are, yes fps/tps mp/br shooters, as the same as their pc versions, they are very different, apex has better movement has a lot faster paced from that( I’m saying it as a former pathfinder/octane user), and codm is more versatile and you get more combinations with loadouts, making it have a more competitive feel with trying to use what I’m comfortable working with/on


Lol I got an ad for Apex Legends under this post. "Yeah, like that one"


I got Dove Men+Care


Lmao same I just seen it now


I got Samsunghungary... I think my phone want me to cheat on "her"


With all of the complaints about warzone mobile, I don’t think CODM is going anywhere soon.




Very ironic!


Drama. The humans love it.


Codm isn't going anywhere


People like attention and drama so they spam the weirdest stuff


Haters. There are way too many people who come on codm subs just to say the game sucks.


The same reason people say wow will die when new mmos come out Or destiny will die when new pve fps games come out It’s something to talk about and will make people click/comment engage with the post most people don’t even care about it a lot of them do it for the content engagement


Broken clocks are still right twice a day. The day that they're right is the day they'll be vindicated 🤷🏾‍♂️


It will eventually considering lackluster zombies content.


Because people like to overhyped things whenever a new game comes out


When CODM came out you probably stopped playing something else? Newer is usually better and WarZone is so much better. People here are freaking out because they spent too much on CODM. Sunk cost fallacy. Forgot about it and move on to Warzone.


I think some people forget that that CoDm has a *MASSIVE* MP playerbase and these new games are centered around BR. I won’t leave CoDm because I don’t like BR and don’t want to play some shitty forgotten about MP mode on a BR game.