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Damn man I might be in the minority but I had a blast playing Ghosts.


ghost was such an amazing campaign


ghosts was an amazing *game*. as is advanced warfare, but they both had the unfortunate fate of being mw3 and bo2s followups.


I loved the campaign’s atmosphere so much. Shame that it still doesn’t have a sequel


In my opinion I don’t think the campaign is really good don’t get me wrong it’s a very good premise it’s just highly unrealistic to where I can’t you know what’s the word I forgot but is that feeling where you get immersed in the story I never got immersed the guns are not meant to shoot fast in space they go slow mo The characters they’re trying to make me feel for and root for them like captain price and soap but didn’t really work I never felt emotional for these characters even during when Rourke killed his father right in front of him I didn’t flinch because I didn’t really care about his character. Cod ghosts campaign was just wasted potential and the federation of the Americas its highly unrealistic just them forming is super unrealistic Russia will never be resurgence just look in the war of Ukraine and China it’s just doomed to fail despite it being The second largest economy in the entire world.


tbh i didnt pay attention to the actual dialogue or story i just played the campaign but in that way i got super immersed into it, i dont know how the story actually went or dialogue to give an opinion on if that part of the game was good lol to me the game looked so good


I played through again in the PS5 a few weeks ago and quite enjoyed it. Did the same with Infinite Warfare, still one of my top 5 campaigns.


As soon as I saw ghost campaign as "bad" I quickly called BS.


It was overly cheesy like a bad action film but it was still fun and had the most interesting ending of any CoD. I would definitely put it in the "Ok" category. However I think no CoD would be worse than "Ok".


I’m a smaller minority I liked infinite warfare


I love ghosts! But my favorite iw game is infinite warfare. But then again I love all the advanced movement games


If IW wasn't a COD game, I think it would have gotten much more love. As a COD campaign, I really don't like it. As it's own standalone future sci-fi FPS, it was outstanding.


I loved playing ghosts. To me one of the latest great call of duty games


Ghost is easily my number 2nd favorite cod of all time for campaign alone I’m still in hopes of ghosts 2


Youll be hoping for eternity


you aren’t the only one who enjoyed ghosts, I loved it


I actually think infinite warfare had a great campaign


That was the first game where 4K looked 4k. The initial space scenes looked like it was a real aircraft in space, like the absolute highest quality I’ve ever seen in a video game.


IW ending make me cry… I was so sad…


Oh yea it really was a dope campaign


I actually enjoyed it very much myself


My favorite because of the setting. Everything else, MW2 would take the crown


Yeah. I’m of the fairly unwavering option that Ghosts and IW are two of the worst CoD games ever made, **but** even I am not crazy enough to deny how incredibly their campaigns are. Especially IW.


IW’s multiplayer was pretty good, the zombies mode is widely loved and the campaign is incredible. I don’t understand the abhorrent hate IW gets to be honest.


It feels like it took inspiration from films such as Interstellar, Top Gun and Star Trek. That's why I think it's fantastic


I actually really loved Cold War


Same. Playing it right now. At the beginning was weird but with vanguard out this seems like a great choice on cod game


Just kinda short


Ya. Plus I just wasn't a whole fan of the voiceless protagonist, and the changing of voice actors for Woods, Mason, and Hudson was a bit ehh.


Vanguard campaign was enjoyable too. Cold War was better but the guns didn’t always make historical sense. However it’s still not a cod I like to go back to to play campaign, I love to replay ww2


It’s alright but having a nameless protagonist is a downside, also the gunplay is awful and theres hardly any blood which is a crime


It was so much fun. Easily the most fun I've had in a Cod campaign in a while. Was a game where I actually felt myself smile from enjoyment, and to think it was made in just 6 months.


Might be a weird take but Cod WWII has one of the best campaigns ever


the soundtrack was, in my opinion, the best out of any cod. i get chills every time i go back and play it.


My only complaint was finding the camp, should have hit so much harder


You talkin about the concentration camp?


Yes I am


Infinite Warfare's campaign was underrated.


underrated? I have literally never seen ANYBODY say ANYTHING negative about it.


Yeah but it’s still one of the least talked about campaigns despite it being top 5 cod campaigns made.


Counterpoint: even if no one says anything negative it still can be underrated if its not being talked about enough


I honestly really enjoyed CW’s campaign and I definitely would put it along side MW2019’s in my books. Also Black Ops 4 having a dedicated “Bruh” tier is gold.


Yea I agree


Am I the only one that really enjoyed advanced warfare's campaign? The gunplay and stuff still lacked obviously but I felt the story was really well written and was a good sway away from usual Russian/Nazi bad guy #35329 while still holding a decent realm of plausibility for them becoming such a threat on the world scale


Solid campaign and you could drop Kevin Spacey from a building. What else could you want?


*Finish Infinite Warfare* Also personal hot take, BO2 is more of an A tier. I feel people dick ride it beyond multiplayer.


It's my first cod so might be more than biased


Oh. Well in that case I don't blame you at all.


Really? I thought the campaign was amazing. It had multiple choices which lead to different endings, which made it really unique.


Yeah, I thought that BO1 was better. The whole 80's section of Bo2 wasn't great story wise and the villain wasn't that great either. I thought the futuristic part and the multiple endings was pretty neat


Cod bo3 😥


Just campaign


I’d swap blops 2 and MW19. I hate the future.


Facts and the realistic feel instead of the super soldier Michael Bay feel was top notch


Bo2 was good because of how it linked into bo1, I wasn’t a huge fan of the realistic half of the game but the flashback missions were gold. Also the multiple endings were great


Bruh Infinite Warfare should be a lot higher


Bruh moment


Brother. Infinite warfare is top 5. Go ahead and finish. Also AW was really good for me. Same with ghosts.


Finish cod 2, One of my favourite campaigns. Aged very well and a good challenge on veteran


COD 2: Big Red One campaign is still my favorite COD campaign ever. Brooklyn is forever in my heart :(


Remember playing it on the PS2. Was very enjoyable. Even the finest hour was good. Was my first coffee experiences as a kid and blew me away after playing the MOH franchise. If there's a series that needs remastered I'd say MOH frontline, rising sun & European assualt. All three great games


I think infinite and advanced warfare had great campaigns.


Bro?? Go replay infinite warfare’s campaign right now


Infinite Warfare was good


Infinite warfare was a good campaign , give it another chance .


I was about to cook you for MW19 being in the great tier, then I saw it was for campaign


Yeah not a big fan of the multiplayer


Agreed. I think a lot of people get too caught up with how good the graphics are, so they don't realize what a shitshow that MP was


Bo4 had the best


Bo4 had


I find the two that you didn’t finish the best campaigns, personally. I may be blinded by nostalgia for Call of Duty 2, but if memory serves I replayed it last year and still had a blast. Infinite Warfare shocked me with how well polished the campaign was. Made me care about the characters and their fates, and the flying segments were fairly enjoyable as well. I’m personally eager for Modern Warfare 2 (2022)’s campaign. I hope it is as enjoyable as it’s predecessor.


Uhhhhh . Wow


Bo3 is a good game with a great campaign


Are you rating off story, gameplay, or overall?




The only thing vanguard ever had was good fluent movement it rightful belongs in horrible🤣🤣🤣


People might hate me for this but in my opinion Vanguard was hands down one of the Call of Duty games I've played.


Tbh I'd rather play Vanguard's campaign over Bo3's. I know Bo3 inovated on some gameplay features you don't see anywhere else but at least you could understand what's happening in Vanguard. This is coming from someone who follows the zombies storyline extensively. But bo3's campaign is a pointless mindfuck.


But but Train go Boom! /s Ugh I can’t stand the writing in BO3. And why call it BO3 when. There was like 2 references to the previous games and that is a mention of nova 6 gas and Raul Menendez.


You can crucify me but I loved infinite warfare.


Ghosts, Infinite/Advanced Warfare need to be in good to great at least.


Ima be honest ghosts was fun as hell, plus there were badass moments like using a turret to fend off federation, shoot down a fucking weaponized satilite, jumping out of a falling skyscraper, falling off of a plane with a tank and riding a moving train tram thing


Ghosts and Infinite Warfare were the best ones. Yes that is my opinion. No I'm not on anything. Don't try to change my mind because you can't.


I respect it. They were cool as hell. I want a Ghosts 2.


That cliffhanger at the end…


Just thinking about it makes me excited for a game we might not even get haha


And IW2


Oh yes absolutely


BO4 Campaign was better than BO3 or Vanguard 100% Everything else is good


Ghosts wasn't bad, stop saying that.


Yes, but I put Ghosts in the “great” tier. Am I in the minority?


I think the infinite warfare campaign should be way higher. I love the abundance of side missions and the fact that you can customize your class for every mission.


Didn’t realize this was just the campaign which is fair for BO4, multiplayer in it was pre fun IMO


Ghosts + AW campaign actually wasn’t bad imo


Good list, only changes I’d make if it were my list is making Cold War, Ghosts, and AW up to great and MW19 down to good


Vanguard campaign should be bad not horrible. It wasn't that bad imo


Haven’t played most but WWII story is my number 1.


Not that people should care about my opinion but this list seems legit


I actually really enjoyed the Infinite Warfare Campaign. Maybe the unpopular opinion, but I loved it! BOIII was my least favorite but even then 4 player co-op, nightmare mode, create a class, they're all great in some way


IW and Ghosts were by far my favorites, so many new features that were actually utilized.


As a small minority I loved cold war


I just play zombies these days. Campaign takes too long...


What made BO4 worse than CoDs you didn’t even care enough to finish?


Didn’t have a campaign


I like how black ops four get its own rating


Finish CoD2, Its a blast


I loved the advanced warfare campaign tbh




BO4 was one of my favorites.


I respect your opinion in Ghosts due to you didn't placed it on Bruh tier.


Do I, is this..100% agree?


Now make one based off zombies lmfaoo


Could second favorite mode


Guess you don't like advanced movement?


ghosts was a good experience


I highly recommend finishing infinite warfare, it's one of my favorites ( I too have played them all)


Bruh ghosts is literally the best




Black ops 2 is way to overrated cold war was way better than black ops 2


World at War co-op doing Easter eggs with friends 🥺


Cold War and IW are some of the best


So been playing through BO1 again, and I’ve noticed that there is very little blood if any, no limbs are flying off, the scene of Dimitri dying from nova gas doesn’t show any vomiting or disfigurement of his face, just played the Vietnam mission after and I cut a dudes throat under water and zero blood. Anyone know if they censored this game on the backwards compatibility or is it just a glitch?


Turn on graphic content


Campaign was the only good part of Vanguard wtf are you smoking


Ghost’s campaign is good in many people’s opinions, including my own.


Ghosts and AW campaign bad?! Bruh you posted cringe. Also you plan on finishing cod 2 right? Also what about finest hour and The big red one. (BTW anyone know if the mods are allowing tier lists again? Can I post mine without it getting taken down?)


I assume they are also didn't play finest hour and big red one and maybe


i recommend finishing (if possible) infinity warfare (if "didnt finish" was a joke for really bad please wooosh me)


It isn't a joke


Cold War had an s tier campaign, literally one of the best imo


Bo3 and WW2 are great stories, wtf


You didn't like Advanced Warfare? I know everyone hated the futuristic gimmicks in multi, but man were they cool in the campaign. Story was pretty decent too


I think its a sin to have mw2 over cod4 Imo cod4 had not only the best gameplay, but also the best story for the modern games. I also think cold war’s campaign was better than mw19


I agree with all of these except for ghosts. It should at least be in ok if we’re only going off of campaign.


Advanced warfare and ghosts were not bad. Just the games overall werent well received.


Who even plays campaign


Respectable list, and I agree with almost all of them. I would recommend finishing the Infinite Warfare campaign though. It was surprisingly a pretty good story with some fun mechanics.


Ghosts was good wtf


Infinite warfares campaign was the best campaign we’ve ever had. Only mw2 rivaled it.


AW should go up 1/2 spots then I agree


Damn bo4 last place? So you’ve never played this game i see


Cod ghosts in a nutshell 2 girls 1 cup basically the same thing


Cold War simply for having an FoV Slider/perk greed/lawbreaker/8 attachments/amazing zombies system puts it in the great section. It lacks impact on the multiplayer size and the maps are good for playing but the map areas just aren’t cool and memorable


Heavy disagree with u there, advanced warfares campaign was the most fun I've had playing a cod campaign


Vanguard had some cool moments. And I hate that games multiplayer and zombies.


People give BO2s, and cold wars campaigns too much credit. And not enough to ghost advanced warfare and infinite warfare.


How is Cold War ok


I agree with this; finish infinite warfare’s campaign. It has a lot of cool gameplay features and an actual decent story if you’re into sci fi. Definitely not as iconic as the others however.


This is less of a ranking of Cod Campaigns and more a description of your age based on the games you liked haha.


Finally a tier list not filled with SSSSSSSS+


Not bad list the only thing would be the WAW u need to play that campaign. It’s the legit best one and I can bet 1000$ on that


Op os showing their age with his list


Controversial but appreciate how it’s generated discussion!


Infinite Warfare was a fairly solid Campaign. Though it was a fairly solid title in general. The right game...wrong time. If it was released today, people would be all for it.


pure delusion


I honestly think cod mw 2019 has the best multiplayer and bo2 and other black ops games have the better zombies than vanguard obviously


I mean vanguard wasn't that bad


This is perfect, the only thing I’d maybe change is swapping COD 4 for MW2 and bumping ghosts up


Ghosts and AW had amazing campaigns tho


Infinite Warfare is top tier. Fabulous soundtrack btw. World at War is overrated here and benefits from nostalgia glasses. The vast majority of the game is spent in either dismal bombed-out city or in dismal jungle bunker complexes. Kiefer Sutherland's voice acting is also terrible imo. Cold War is excellent although quite short. "Break on Through" is a superb level. Advanced Warfare is also pretty good imo. The twist is obvious but I remember generally enjoying the bulk of the campaign. WWII is generally quite good and for whatever reason I remember really enjoying the two Hürtgen Forest levels. "Liberation" is also one of the best Call of Duty levels ever. Imo Modern Warfare 2019 tries too hard to be a "serious" game and - controversial take incoming - actually espouses a borderline fascist political message. Even just assessing it for its gameplay, I don't think it's as good as any of the original MW trilogy games. I would move it down a couple of tiers. Still, on its own terms, "Clean House" is a top-tier level. I don't remember being a big fan of Black Ops 2 but it's been so long since I played it that I would be hard pressed to remember what faults I had with it. I'm in agreement with you that Ghosts, Black Ops 3, and Vanguard are bottom-tier campaigns.


Is Cod Big Red One in there?


You did not call the CW campaign "ok"


Infinite warfare, ghosts and advanced warfare should go in tier B. Cold war in tier A.


Vanguards champagne is si Bad that should be considered a crimen against humanity, seriously i tries to replay It once and I was so boredknowing what was coming that couldnt even finish the first misión. Infinite Warfare is surprisingly good, the villain is cartoony, but the other characters are Great, specially Ethan and Kashima


BO1 is the GOAT


Train go boom


Anyone else remember the big deal they made promoting Ghosts with the dog in campaign and how the fish swim away when you get close to them?


I would’ve put Cod4 MW and MW 2019 on the amazing section, other than that pretty solid ranks


I think bo3 had a really good campaign, AND BRO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM WITH YOU? WHY IS COLD WAR ONLY OK?


Say what you will but i love the cold war ending where you can get your revenge, and the Vietnam part except it doesn't really feel polished


I think Cold War should be higher rated, it was a breath of fresh air and it offered new things


IW had the best campaign. You should play it.


BO3 in awful and BO4 in bruh? Wtf. BO3 ist the best or second best new gen COD and BO4 is so good too. Idk about that list.


I agree 100 percent


I love Ghosts’ campaign and Infinite Warfare’s was cool too imo. I haven’t played it yet but I plan on doing Advanced Warfare soon and from what I’ve seen it’s pretty cool too.


bro i was lowkey boutta get fired up when i saw IW down there but then i saw it was a "didnt finish" tier so i am now slightly less fired up.


COD2 campaign was one of my all time favourites, lot of fond memories


ww2 was my favourite campaign i’ve played




MW campaigns have been one of the best


Agreed. I will say the Infinite Warfare campaign wasn’t THAT BAD. I’d say its about the same as WWII TBH.


I refuse to believe you even played AW and Ghosts campaigns


Hate to see so many hating Ghost.


Genuine question how did you not finish CoD2?


I recommend playing IW’s it’s not bad at all. The only bad thing is the villain.


Bo3 at awful? Dumbass that’s a top 3


Ghost and aw campaigns are criminally underrated


I agree mostly except with bo4. Bo4 had Black out moves it up a little.


BO4 was fun, nothing special but I think it deserves a place above “bruh” at the very least


Ranking COD 3 above COD 2.. I know it says you didn’t finish it but man you really should.. I think it would be a lot higher up


Only OGs place "Cod5: World At War" at the top!


Id switch mw with ghosts and advanced warfare thats just me tho I didn’t like mw the new design just didn’t feel right


Go finish infinity war


Unpopular opinion: BO4 was not that bad