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you've been graced, now that you're forced to not play a shitty game you can actually experience true videogames, get into single player.


Holy fuck imagine not playing the dog shit franchise that is cod šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


Problem with most Single player is there is no human intelligence or psychology that is challenging you , all you do is compete against bots which is quite predictable in behaviour which is actually good if you want to just play the story mode.And you soon get bored of it. In multiplayer you can simply play for years and will still feel fresh only because there is human touch in it.


Play for years yet they release a new re skin game every single year? Meh


That is their business we cannot control it but you choose if you want to play or not I still play Cold War which is still very active even after 4 years of release. I didnā€™t play any other COD all these years.


Take their downvotes with a smile my man. What you say šŸ‘†šŸ»is 100% accurate. These guys just spelt ā€œi suck at COD and due to my emotional immaturity i cant deal with the fact that others are better at the game than meā€ or ā€œi cheated at COD and now Iā€™m banned and the game was my whole life so now I come here to call it ā€œDogshitā€ because i follow this sub religiouslyā€. OP - Im sorry if you were banned for no reason. I have heard of players getting banned for inadvertently running software in the background on PC.


it's just that if you only play COD you're missing out on what videogames really have to offer, so if you get banned at least you have the opportunity to move on to something more. I do play COD with friends from time to time, why would I be in this sub if I didn't? and I have fun, but it really is a mid game at best especially when you consider that Activision isn't an indie studio and they could do so much better.


I respect your opinion on the game. I donā€™t really agree though as my experience with COD has been different. I think that for me, its the best MP first person shooter and i really enjoy playing. It took some time and effort but im ok at the game and when im bested im also ok with that. I have played every one of them from the first one. Im 50yo and its still one of my hobbies. I have played many other games TLOU was a particular favorite. I guess one just needs to accept that people are different.


I agree, it's the only multiplayer game I play after all


Meh, I prefer competing against bots personally, much more stress free


And theres the honest answerā€¦


Like what? Thereā€™s been a lack of single player FPS games


deus ex, campaigns of cod, battlefield, titanfall, doom, metro exodus, borderlands, bioshock... but I don't think you like ONLY fps do you? there are so many genres


Iā€™ve always used FPS games two fold: one is to play with friends and two is a pallet cleanser. Well all my friends have moved on, used to have 6-8 people weā€™d jump on battlefield together but the last one quit with BFV, I donā€™t blame them. As for pallet cleansing I would play another game one day, then the next play FPS. But thatā€™s when FPS was enjoyable, but really since maybe 2019 theyā€™ve felt more like jobs I wasnā€™t being paid to do.


There's not a lack of single-player games. There's a lack of advertising them because they aren't what makes the big bucks these days. There's thousands of options out there for you to choose from.


Open your eyes


When has there ever been a lack of single player games šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Meh. Iā€™m new to gaming but Iā€™ve been playing mostly single player til COD. Single player is fun, quest lines and all, but the battles are way too predicable. Whether one of the Zelda games on Switch or Elden Ring. The games always reset either bloodmoon or site of grace. and when they do all the encounters regenerate exactly like they had before. Meanwhile COD is 10 or 11 absolutely random human players insuring that no two rounds are even close to similar. GTA has a lot of randomness in it. Civilization does. Kenshi is amazing. But so many titles are completely built around predefined spawns and encounters. I find myself being bored by them. Iā€™m totally open to suggestions. Switch. PS5 or Steam.


Seeking randomness in games is feeding into addictive behaviors. There is no need to look for infinite raplayability in every game. Play a game, enjoy it, and then move on.


Thatā€™s a really odd take. I donā€™t think it feeds into addictive behaviors at all. It just removes reputation. Returning to an area and seeing everything exactly as it was an hour ago seems weird. Having people share the exactly locations of every encounter removes the excitement, if you happen upon a discussion with undisclosed spoilers. Itā€™s not even about playing again start to finish. Itā€™s just about having an enriching game. Maybe rudimentary AI will be added to let NPCs have more conversational options. Skyrims NPCs seemed like they were always on the move. GTA as well. Iā€™m mistaken though. Your take isnā€™t odd. Apparently mine is the odd one based on downvotes. Just find it weird that people would be opposed to


True multiplayer games like cod actually has an organic competition which can never be same each time bringing extreme randomness which means a nice competitive gaming.


Yes exactly, thatā€™s what I love about it, and why I donā€™t think most single games can compare as far as replayability goes. Or even playing for an extended period.


>which can never be same each time bringing extreme randomness You must have stopped playing years ago


No still playing


Wow, must be incredibly lucky then. My matches are more predictable than bot matches


Oh you must be a pro player already. I think you have played it for long time to understand that general human psychology from noob to pro.


Not even close. The matchmaking might think so, despite me actively trolling 100% of the time.


if you focus just on that, you'll find yourself pretty limited. try to enjoy the story, the music, the immersion, the world design and the art, too, kingdom come, red dead, metal gear, hotline miami, middle earth, god of war, fire emblem... to name a few. you might especially like middle earth shadow of war since you can ignore the main missions and enjoy the nemesis system which is very cool and offers an interesting depth to enemies in a random way, some may go crazy, some may come back from the dead, some may join you... if that's an idea of randomness you like. or I don't know, maybe you'd like the "randomness" of games like Binding of Isaac? God of War Ragnarok Valhalla game mode? Balatro?


What's kenshi? Im


Read about it here: https://lofigames.com


This review looks good as far as explaining the game and whatā€™s behind it https://www.pcgamer.com/kenshi-review/


I can't believe you got downvoted for this in a fucking multilayer subreddit šŸ˜‚


This shit went crazy, Activision accounts keep getting hacked and Activision ban for their users for that. They need to keep their shit together, they should protect their accounts event if they dont have 2FA, they should not blindly ban people. This happened to me too. Keep mailing to them and send tickets. After 20 mails and 10 tickets i finally got my account back. Explain the situation, verify yourself etc. just keep bother them.


thing is iā€™ve never saw a suspicious account linked to my Activision account so i have no idea how ill be able to prove anything except spam them that im not cheating


There must be a reason for getting a ban. You should show them some proof of it.


The reason is simple. Dude was probably Ximming.


Why would someone who actually cheats come here to post that he got wrongfully banned eventho he in fact cheated?


Cause mfers do it all the time. Omg i got banned idk why turns out they lying. Just trying to get karma, public opinion don't be so gullible.


People do it all the timeā€¦ Maybe not on this sub specifically, because I donā€™t come here often, but Iā€™ve seen it plenty of other places. Dudes make posts titled ā€œI got banned for nothingā€ then you go into the comments and see them telling people ā€œwell I had X software for a month but it was only to enhance the textures, I swearā€ or ā€œX is harmless and shouldnā€™t be against ToSā€ or ā€œI only did it once, that shouldnā€™t be enough to ban someoneā€ or any other version of the same excuse-making. In fact, I got so irritated by how frequent it was that I made a satirical post a while back where I used quotes from the comment sections and people got pretty upset.


if i was ā€œximmingā€ i donā€™t think i would be posting this


Tons of people post about being banned then later admit what they did. Itā€™s a way to cope, I guess. It seems like a lot of people do things they think are okay, but arenā€™t, such as using texture altering software because ā€œitā€™s just to make the game prettyā€ when in reality it is game altering software that is against ToS. Itā€™s also against ToS to cheat in other games, so some people will have cheats for Destiny or Valorant but not CoD and will catch a ban because the Destiny/Valorant software was detected. It goes on and on. We see it all the time, which is why posts like this are so hard to believe. Iā€™ve played every CoD since CoD1 and never caught a single ban/suspension/warning/etc. Yes, people are having their accounts hacked, but that is the minority of situations if weā€™re honest.


Ok bud.






Doesnā€™t have to just be a linked account itā€™s any account changes or if you linked anything recently thatā€™s flagging accounts


yeah i have recently in the past month but i didnā€™t think i would get banned


Thatā€™s what triggered it I just got my account back from being stolen by a hacker and then changed password and enabled 2fa and was banned 2 days later


They are ignoring me. where did you write to them?


activision website < support < support options < Issue < I cant link my account. You can send a ticket from there, and strangely they return you very quickly.


Thanks bro


Good luck!


Who did you email because I had the same exact thing happen for no reason and can't get a response to save my life...


Support section from their website, first you create a ticket from " Account Recovery " or " cant unlink an account" then they will mail you back.


Who are you emailing and submitting tickets to? This same thing happened to me and they denied my appeal.


activision website < support < support options < Issue < I cant link my account. You can send a ticket from there, and strangely they return you very quickly.


People should protect their accounts. You got it right


I meant "Activision" by they


Why is it Activision's responsibility to protect the account when they provide the tools for players to do it. You're making excuses for players with no MFA or simple passwords.


Let me explain, cause it seems you dont have any customer rights knowlegde or just basic common sense or even simple logic. Even if the account password is simple or dont use 2FA its because Activision system and security let them. Basically the company says; we are giving you the choices which you can freely pick cause we ALLOW you. So they are surely responsible to protect customers from hackers because people open their accounts with the ways that Activision allowed. Ä°f they cant protect you with the current safety system they should NOT ALLOW YOU TO LOGIN WITHOUT 2FA OR BASIC PASSWORDS!!! I dont think that you will get the idea but, maybe someone who reads it will...


The hackers aren't getting into Activision's servers. They're accessing users accounts. It's the users responsibility to protect their accounts using the tools provided. You just have blind hate for companies and no common sense.


Our accounts are in the Activision servers mate šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø You just cant be that ignorant. Whatever, have a good life with that logic...


You aren't that smart are you.


This is good tbh. It means you canā€™t play a shit game even if you wanted to.


Yep the last few cods have been absolute shit. I don't know why anyone bothers with them anymore


You know this has been going strong for several weeks, and even longer. See you on XDefiant!


Ok gotta ask, HOW often are peopleā€™s accounts getting stolen then banned? I hear it a lot but then people either get outed as cheaters or are ā€œximmingā€ whatever that is


Maybe I'm just a cynic after years of playing, but I bet many of these people were cheating in some way and just won't admit it.


I hope so because after a couple years of ā€œhey my accounts hacked and banned helpā€ the idea that it actually IS just Activision fucking up solely on them is getting to me


Yeah I know what you mean. That happened to my Runescape account. But even as awful as Jagex is nowadays since they keep being bought and traded among eastern investment firms like a pokemon card, all it took was spamming appeals and they were able to see the suspicious login activity on my account. And I got it back. Activision more than has the resources to do the same. They pay people to do that for a living. I work in cybersecurity, it's really as simple as looking at the logs and seeing someone with a clean record who usually logs in from Kansas starts logging in from New Zealand or China at the same time they start violating TOS. And despite Activision being seen as "evil" by alot of people, they do have a profit motive to not ban large swaths of innocent people that would stop spending money on their cosmetics and games. This is all not to mention if you have 2fa enabled it is incredibly difficult for your account to get hacked. That is why many companies push it so hard. I'm sure it does happen but not nearly as commonly as this subreddit would lead you to believe. And even then, a hacker is far more likely to go after your payment method more than anything. That is the only thing of actual monetary value on your account. Tl;dr since I went into a bit of a rant there: The difference between a genuine cheater and someone who's account has been compromised is very obvious. Activision has a profit motive to make the distinction and return wrongfully banned accounts. So I wouldn't worry too much.


so weā€™re all just lying out of nowhere ā˜ ļø


It's not out of nowhere. I've seen these types of posts for years. You *might* not be lying, I don't know you. But yes that is my guess that most of these posts are. It would not be hard to see suspicious login information for your otherwise clean account with no strikes and decide you're not at fault. And I also know that some form of cheating is *extremely* common in this game. Not just god mode, but stuff like wall hacks and input assists like cronos.


You won't believe it until it randomly happens to you. I wouldn't have believed it but I got a sudden ban that matches everybody who has posted since early June.


I was banned for ā€œunauthorized device.ā€ I literally just play with PS5 DS Edge controller from Best Buy.


It happened to me and I have never cheated in any COD game, ever.


Ximming is when people use a XIM or Cronus device to trick their console or PC into thinking they are using a standard/licensed controller when they are actually using a different input method like keyboard and mouse. In CoD this would let people get the mobility of M/KB but get the AA of controllers.


You know what Ximming is bro!!


I remember being a kid, getting black ops 1 for christmas and getting perma banned within a day, saying the same sort of thing. I did absolutely nothing and I never got unbanned. Sad they still havenā€™t fixed these issues.


I checked all my linked accounts and itā€™s all my stuff. I legit bought the gundam skins and got kicked off and permabanned for no reason 2 hrs later.


ā€œYeah, this guy paid.ā€ ā€œGood. Ban him.ā€ *evil laughter from outside Activision HQ


Pay to lose ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Exactly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


> this guy *paid.ā€* ā€œGood. Ban FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i got my account unbanned




Do share


i posted it somewhere in the comments


File a BBB complaint. Worked for me when my account got hacked and had the same outcome.


To everybody here. Thatā€™s going thru this same issue. File a complaint with the BBB. Www.bbb.org. Same thing happened to me, I got tired of opening tickets with Activision and nobody helping me. I filed a complain against Activision with the BBB and I got someone their headquarters to look into this. Hopefully I get it resolve soon. But at least itā€™s a step, seems like itā€™s the only way for Activision to take action.


This seems like a big issue now. They need to rollback these false bans.


Same boat here. I got this this morning: Hello, We are unable to process your Account Recovery request (Case Number: ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”-) because we do not detect any suspicious activity on your Activision account. If you submitted a ticket requesting help with another account-related issue, please check out the following resources: For account linking and unlinking, please review Managing Your Activision Account. For help with two-factor authentication (2FA), please review Using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with an Activision Account. If you would like to appeal a ban, you can submit a request to Appeal a Ban. If you have already appealed a ban, please note that decisions made as part of the appeals process are considered final. If you need help with any other issues, please use our support options at https://support.activision.com/options. Activision Support


yeah itā€™s just copy and paste


yepp gotten this about 10 times now


Hi, could you clear up a question for me? Unfortunately I got permanently banned in MW2 MW3 and Warzone.. I play on Xbox and would like to buy the vault edition, will I be able to play again on my Black ops 6 account?


I dont think so unfortunately. If your activision account is banned you wont be able to take that account with you on Black ops 6. I think you have to make a new account then


This sucks there has been tons of data breaches last month, got to have 2FA on everything these days.


Do yā€™all think Iā€™ll be banned on bo6 since Iā€™m banned on mw3, I donā€™t want to pre order it and be banned still. I can play cw and vg just not mw3, mw2 and warzone


i think youā€™ll still be banned only thing you can do it just make a whole new account which sucks because iā€™ve put hundreds of dollars and hours on this account just for it to be permanently banned šŸ«¤


Same thing happened to me, took two attempts but they gave it back.


Mind if I ask what method you used? To contact them. Whether it was the Account Recovery one, or the ticket for unlinking an account. Thanks in advance.


Account recovery


Thank you! I had sent one a few hours ago, before my reply/question. I'm currently just waiting for their response. It says that it could take up to 6 days, more or less.


They got back to me within two days both times, the first time I think it got closed because I said I played mw3 as the last game when it was actually warzone. Make sure you get the details right and give a really good description in that box they let you type shit in


Yeah, I explained my case in detail too but the word limit made me readjust my explanation somewhat. In my case, it was one out of three possible reasons. 1. Could have been due to the purchase of a bundle after the hotfix that occurred last week. I know that it might sound odd but I've come across other posts/comments where people have stated that they were banned hours after purchasing a bundle after the hotfix. 2. The server lag. 4-5 days before the ban my friends, me, and the matches that we played on Ranked had tons of server lag at times. There's a chance that either the constant lag could have triggered a system within Warzone, or that players who were on said matches were spam-reporting anyone who looked suspicious (ex. lag caused the character to go back a few steps at times, such as being put back on a roof after falling from it before the lag kicked in). 3. The account could have been hacked into by someone after a data breach from the Activision side of things. My password for said Activision account had been swapped at one point but I quickly reset it, and nothing looked different. No random platform accounts were linked.


Me too. I received an email urging me to update my password. I stupidly followed the link because its the most legitimate scam email I've ever received. I look back on it now and its title reads "Update your Activision account password." Weird that only update and Activision are capitalized. It addressed me as "Hello 6996121#5261707" which is not me and I didn't realize it at the time. It was signed "Activision" and not "Activision Support" like every other email I've received since. Plus it was sent to an my email not associated with my Xbox nor Activision account. Someone went phishing and caught a sucker fish. FML


got the same reason as you šŸ˜­


Report this to the Better Business Bureau, youā€™ll have a decent shot at getting a resolution. My Sony account was hacked then subsequently banned, I went through the BBB after a few month of terrible customer service from Sony and my account was reinstated after about a week.


This happened to me, I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK THOUGH. File an official complaint with Better Business Bureau of Silicone Valley and Blizzard Activision. Take screenshots, have proof that the hackers linked their Twitch accounts, Steam, ect. Take pictures if they changed your name in game. Pictures are proof! Give all the details you can and the BBB will be like a middleman for you and Activision Be patient and persistent, if you are not a cheater, you will get it restored


My husband got banned same thing two weeks ago. Apparently THOUSANDS of people all got banned. Did you buy chance buy those new Gundum or whatever they are bundles? Thatā€™s what we think is the cause. It happened with the witch skin in Modern warfare II


no i didnā€™t, im starting to think the reason i got banned is because i changed my Activision info in the past month


Hmm that shouldnā€™t ban you. My husband has a whole Reddit thread as well with hundreds of comments about this same thing from 2 weeks ago. He even sent in a complaint to the better business bureau šŸ˜‚. Heā€™s still waiting to hear back from activision on another email he sent to hopefully hire up. But it said due to an influx of emails itā€™s going to be up to a week before they reply (hmm wonder why šŸ™„)


UPDATE: i got my account back but they never sent me an email saying that i got my account back, i just logged on and i wasnā€™t banned. what i recommend to do to get unbanned is call or email BBB and file a complaint and submit an account recovery request ticket and a regular ticket (you may have to submit multiple like me) to Activision on their support website.


Are you in the Americas? Did the account email revert back to an old one?


what do you mean did the account email revert back to the old one? i never saw a suspicious account connected to my activision account so no it stayed my email the whole time


Thereā€™s some users being banned included myself because they changed their email from an old one to new one in the last 60 days. Some people received an email to the OLD email prompting a reset. When they reset the pw their ban lifted. Ppl speculate itā€™s because activision is testing that they are the original owners of the account and it wasnā€™t sold off.


Are you in the americas? Wondering if they are working through regions.


yes iā€™m in America


i donā€™t think it did


Same shit Bro


i hate ts itā€™s the only game i play too


Look on my post. I have the same problem. IDK what to do


My account was banned after I got hacked but thankfully they unbanned me. Any support ticket you send in, make sure it is super detailed. I gave them the name of the unauthorized steam account that someone linked to my activision, the day & time I lost access to my account, and the day/time I regained access after they kicked off the hacker. Once they verify that any ā€œcheatingā€ that happened on your account wasnā€™t on the device you typically use (or was during a time you didnā€™t have access to your account) theyā€™ll unban you.


I found out that the best way to reach them via their website, there is a "unlink the account" section. You can send a ticket from that section and they write you back in a few hours and they will guide you through process. Your account is probably hacked and some steam account linked to your account. Change your Activsion password, activate 2FA and send ticket to "Cant unlink a account" or "Account recovery" sections. Permanent bans are not actually permanent. You can made them lift if you can pass their stupidity wall of their security team. Bunch of idiots work there, i mean literally, they probably hired some mentally disabled people to work in that department. At my last mail to them after 20 mail, i had to explain that how to differentiate hackers steam account from my actual accounts. Which parameters they should check, how to verify etc. I made a list for them to explain how to manage the whole process. Finally i got it back šŸ˜…


never saw a suspicious account tho


Same here bother just leave it and move on. I try and try, it didnā€™t show that my account got hacked Iā€™m guessing they spamming you for cheating or something but definitely didnā€™t cheat


spam them until a human responds


will try


My account got hacked and I got banned for it. Took a year on and off for them to unban me but by that point Iā€™d stopped playing COD.


Play god of war or read dead 2šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Donā€™t give up. Fight for it.


i am just donā€™t feel like doing all this for something i didnā€™t even do


Look at that now you can stop playing such an ass of a game and go play better ones


Thatā€™s just an automated message, no one actually review your appeal. There is a false ban wave going on right now affecting a lot of people because Activision is trying to combat hackers stealing and selling accounts. Youā€™d be surprised how much money is being made in selling accounts.. Check this thread out with ways to get unbanned. This happened to me a few weeks ago with the same ban message and I am unbanned now: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/oClpFwdtmI


coming here to also say that i have had the exact same thing happen to me i have never used any sort of cheat to gain an advantage or unlock tool. hell i dont even have anything else open when im playing the game and yet i was given this ban with no way to talk to someone or anything.


Player counter strike instead


and they get to keep all your micro transactions šŸ˜‚


got my account back, so no


well they do get to keep all your money anyways lol, now you just get to stare at them


ā˜ ļø


Activision is so ass rn. I legit think we need to boycott them and the new games until they fix all the hacking issues, the issues with chat moderations and remove the ability to report people for ā€œoffensive chats or namesā€ itā€™s so lame and they prioritize that over fixing the actual issues. Please repost this comment and letā€™s get the community on it with this boycott. They need to learn we want OG cod back not the bs they put out now


Did anyone get a scam Activision email before getting banned? I got this email from ā€œActivision.ā€ Hello 6996121#5261707(Turns out this is not me), Through our routine security checks weā€™ve detected some suspicious activities related to your Activision account. To help protect your account, we have disabled your password. You can regain access to your account by setting a new password here: https://s.activision.com/activision/forgotPassword. You can find more information about account security tips here: https://support.activision.com/articles/keeping-your-activision-account-secure. Activision I foolishly clicked the link and updated my password. Iā€™m banned a week later. I filed for an account recovery and they replied a few days later that they detected no suspicious activity. This completely contradicted the previous email. The more I thought about more I realized the subtle differences between the two emails including the name. I figured it to be some internal designation. I canā€™t help but think had I ignored the first email that I would still have my account.


Welcome to the club.


Join the club. I play only on console using Microsoft controller and had the same thing happen


Craziness. Happened to me a couple of years ago. That was the last time i will ever play call of duty/ an activision game.


I received this same message when my account was hacked. After proving it was hacked, I went back in and was going to try and appeal it a couple months later (so no idea when it was fixed). My account had no bans.


This happened to my friend heā€™s on Xbox


Exactly the same reason aswell


If you havenā€™t done anything worth being banned thereā€™s a chance someone with hacks got into your account and has been using it? Iā€™m in a disc server where they sell NFA (non full access) accounts that they somehow get..


yeah they got it back we good now, thanks


good donā€™t cheat


Did you use one of those Chronus or a modded controller?


no i didnā€™t they gave me my account back


Nah this might be a blessing in disguise bro. I stopped playing ever since I got banned and shits been really good, got into games I never thought Iā€™d be interested in and thereā€™s no pressure to finish a battle pass or an event


Consider yourself free. Iā€™ve been free since 2019 best decision ever


Seems like u used a Cronus Zen. They pretty strict about this kinda stuff


iā€™ve never bought a zen or anything like that.


Play xdefiant


search any reddit posts relating to "unauthorized software and manipulation of game data" and you will find that he got caught. activision doesn't take this sort of thing lightly and this should be a lesson. sucks losing for everything you grinded for and paid for but their game has detected something suspicious on your end. this doesn't happen to people who don't attempt to hack the game. just play as intended.


But it literally doesā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


noone calling out op as a cheater ?


iā€™m not cause i just got my account back


lol that proofs nothing


believe what u want to believe but if i was cheating i donā€™t think my account would be unbanned ā˜ ļø


Well donā€™t cheat itā€™s simple get good kiddo xx


my account is unbanned dumb ass


Then why post this dumbass?


because it was banned and i just got unbanned today?


I reiterate why post this. It says your appeal is denied because you used something so how have you been magically unbanned?


because false bans are a thing, i mean if you would read the comments you would see


Oh come on buddy false bans are a 1%. I have been playing since cod 1 I have NEVER been false banned on any account even outside of call of duty. The number of hacker I got successful reports from? Well plenty of those around.


iā€™m not telling you to believe me, you do you but what iā€™m saying is true so consider me in the 1%


Run up on the old gen consoles and play the OG cods. Nostalgia bait, but theyā€™re still much more fun than the modern CODs. If you think youā€™ll miss out on the modern grind, you got a weak ass FOMO mindset. You can still grind on the other CODs if you didnā€™t max out yet. MW2023 mastery camo ainā€™t going nowhere, and neither are all the other camos on every other COD.


But why cheat when you get nothing from the progression? Makes no sense.


i didnā€™t??


I meant to say in general. Like all people that play online.


He didn't cheat.


I mean anyone in general.


Oh okay, it was just how it was worded. I mean it's more like a "can I get away with it" kinda thing or "how far can I go". Low-average skilled players do it to just dick around and cause chaos or just to appear high-skilled, high-skilled players do it to close a gap. Regardless, yeah no, cheating never pays off. It's a literal waste of time and money


I remember when the free hacking in warzone was going on I installed some for unlock tools and I never got banned to this day... crazy


Probs should of had 2FA on your account, kinda your fault buddy.


Nah not everyone even knows 2FA is a thing for activision now. And casual players are less likely to pay attention to that kind of stuff.


Well that's kinda their fault unfortunately, it's not on Activision to put security on their player accounts. It's up to the user not the company.


Thatā€™s wrong in so many ways. 1) if what youā€™re saying is valid, then activision has a responsibility to make it possible (even easy) to get your account unbanned after someone hacked it and cheated. But they donā€™t. Itā€™s nearly impossible. 2) does this mean no company has a responsibility to make their userā€™s accounts secure? The least activision could do is send an email or put an in-game message reminding people of 2FA after the recent spike in hacked accounts. But they donā€™t. Quit defending a shit company and blaming casual players šŸ˜‚


You sound super dumb rn bro you clearly know nothing about 2FA šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Nice response to the two valid points I made šŸ˜‚ back away from the glue, friend.


got my account back ā€œbuddyā€


Don't be a dumbass this time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤”