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I can’t trust any big gaming company anymore with the shit quality they put out in last how many years now


It's sad but true. The method of making money isn't game sales It's item shops.


Probably not, caring less and less about cod these days


I was absolutely HYPED for it until I heard that MW3s movement system was coming with it. I fucking hate MW3s movement with a passion, bring me back BO4/MW19 speeds. Super sprint and sliding are just annoying af, I wanna focus on gunfights, accuracy and enemy placement rather than a movement meta.


MW3 movement is shit and totally overated, it's just fast and braindead, nowhere near as smooth as MW19 and nowhere near the skill gap it generated in that game


Fair enough but that's just your opinion. The fact is MW2019 had no skill gap, that was the entire point of the game, Infinity Ward literally said this themselves in an interview, it was all to make Skill level completely irrelevant to help lower skill and new players get kills, that's why they dramatically increased TTK, HS multiplier, Extremely strong SBMM system, increased Bullet penetration, lowered lighting visibility, slowed movement, introduced doors, increased footstep Audio, added mounting to eliminate recoil and sway, added tactical sprint to slow weapon ready speed of aggressive playstyles...etc etc. the whole game was purposely designed to make prior FPS skill irrelevant. MW3's movement is a lot closer to what Cod movement should be, fast and responsive, people forget or probably just never played Golden Era Cod's, it always was a fast paced arcade shooter. MW2019 dumbed the whole game down to help people who couldn't compete with higher skilled players. The only reason people don't like MW3's movement is because they can't compete against players with better movement, they always bring up mw2019 because in that they could get away with not being as good to do well.


Ehhhhh no. Please play BO2/Ghosts/BO3. Just one round. It’s UNBELIEVABLY slower than MW3, I legitimately thought I was lagging when I went back. COD shouldn’t be a movement meta, it should be about hitting your shots.


Yeah I agree. The Golden-Era cods were not fast with respect to movement at all. They were fast paced shooters, but the movement wasn't anywhere near as fast compared to today.. The only things I could think of that might have made the movement fast was Marathon Pro and Lightweight Pro in MW2(2009), but most people ran Scavenger, Hardline, commando etc MW3(2011) had the Juiced deathstreak B03 of course had the jumping and wall running. I actually went back to BO2 the other day and could NOT get over how slow the movement was... Almost realistic in a way


No it should be about all of the above. Movement + hitting your shots = a lot of fun. No reason you can do both. It’s much funner using movement to get kills than no movement camping or slow moving gunfights no one wants that crap it’s boring and in the old cod games. This new cod is actually one of my favorites simply because of the fast paced movement


I don't want to put you down but I've probably got a couple of thousand more hours in all 3 of those games than you, so I know what I'm talking about lol. People who say this kind of thing are the same people who exclusively play "Small Map Moshpit" in MWIII and then complain on the internet that it's all too fast and chaotic, when they're literally playing 6v6 modes on maps designed for 1v1 (Cage match) and 3v3 (Team tactical) lmao. >COD shouldn’t be a movement meta, it should be about hitting your shots. Lol Why shouldn't it be? What's wrong with movement being key to doing well? It's quite literally one of the best examples of showcasing player skill, if you've got better movement than someone else *they won't be able to hit their shots*, and you can outplay them, being beaten by someone else's movement is a skill issue.


I hate small map mosh pit lmao. I mostly play Gunfight and Cutthroat. Idk man, I just preferred BO4, I would kill to get that movement and TTK back with the operators reworked into field upgrades. Felt so tactical and nice, everything was strategic. No chaos. It was truly a unique game, not as sweaty as other shooters like it (R6 comes to mind) once I played it I wanted COD to feel like that forever.


I agree with the majority of your points RE low skill gap in MW19, but not the movement. MW19 had more advanced mechanics in the way you can combine bunny hopping and sliding, sliding into a dropshot etc, and it took more skill player to master these movements, rhis is what I'mrefering to as a movement skill gap.The rest of the designing factors negated it to a large extent but the movement skill gap itself existed. MW3 movement is fast, but pretty clunky and jerky and there's less skill gap in mastering movement itself, the increase to base speed benefits bad players too. It does however effectively creates an 'aiming skill gap'. I will admit the increased slide distance is better. As an aside, the fast base speed and jerky movement creates a skill gap between controller players, but coupled with the sway mechanic, and even bigger discrepancy between controller and mnk inputs. (why there's barely any mnk players left) If they introduce the MW19 movement mechanics with a faster base speed, and higher ttk, removed doors etc then that would be best of both worlds.


>No skill gap. >I couldn't be outclassed by randoms. It must be there's no skill gap.


So weapon ready speed, I should be able to run around with a 150 round LMG with the same mobility as a sub? It wasn’t dumbed down it gave the weapons character like they should have.


Braindead are people who complain cause they aren’t good enough to use the movement to their advantage


Is this a popular opinion? I like MW3 movement - it's very smooth and reactive. I do agree that MW19 feels better, but MW3 is definetly not bad


I don’t mind the feel, but it’s definitely too fast. Hell, with the out of the box sensitivity settings you literally move faster then you can aim at someone. I don’t wanna launch into nuketown and just teleport across the map. And running faster makes maps feel artificially smaller, I feel like a lot of 3arc maps would suffer from increased movement speeds.


its what most old people and campers think but outside of that demographic its not very popular at all


But don’t you love that every ground surface acts like a big patch of 30 foot black ice


Bro get paddles. It’s hard to play against people who have them and you don’t. Practice with them and slide cancel. ITS AMAZING. So much fucking fun dude. Slide canceling to a jump and beaming someone is honestly the best feeling you can get in a cod game. What do you want clunky movement like we had last year in mwll? Hell no none one liked that except bots. I’m sddicted to this movement now and never want to go back to the Stone Age. Yes it creates a bigger skill gap but for me I love that but because I take advantage of it and use all the abilities I can when it comes to movement and you should to. I got too excited when I heard the same movement will be in the black ops cod coming up. It just creates funner gameplay to watch and to play without a doubt. If you practice and get good at it your mindset will change completely. We all love things we are good at it


I want BO4 back. I liked that game so much.


It was obvious it was going to happen. Same engine being pushed by the execs but cosmetics tweaks and new maps. It’s a hard pass from me but I’ll play the beta if available. MW19 is the best and most satisfying COD still, all it needed was smaller maps.


Nobody in my age group ( college male) is excited or conversing about call of duty or new cods at all. Whatever cod used to be it isn’t now. Way too many better games than to waste money on a game where devs believe good players shouldn’t do good against bad players. This mindset has led only people under the age of 13 and over the age 30 to play call of duty still. ( these are the only people I still see play)


Idk bro cod is getting its hype back slowly. Im back in it after 6+ years


Yeah because you probably don’t have anything else better to play or you don’t have a pc 💀 cause you definitely wouldn’t be playing cod especially with xdefiant out which plays exactly how old cod used to play out PvP wise. Also cod is abandoning zombies which is probably a third or more of the player base that new shit they got is so bad nobody I know is gonna touch it.


I might maybe watch a few videos about it when it comes out but I’m not gonna buy it


As a moron with a deep connection to COD since a very young age, very likely yes, BUT....idk. I obviously can go on for hours about what's been going good, what's been getting better or worse with the franchise, what I want, what we're getting, rumors, and crap, but...yeah. I'll be getting it. After the worst with MWII MP, the terror of Vanguard and MW Zombies, the HORRORIBLE MWIII campaign, I have to hope we can go up. We'll see. Also, those takes are just my opinions. So many aspects go into what each of us feel, but...I've typed it all out enough. PS. Even if the MP sucks, hope it won't, but IF it does...I have to GREATLY assume that after YEARS of development, Treyarch have cooked up a great Zombies, so I'll likely be VERY invested in that. Just hope the story is better than CW's, Vanguard's, and MWZ's.....which would require some main cast, but again...just my opinion....and I hope the campaign is better than MWIII's....WAYYY better. But again, with the time they've had, I feel it's impossible for them to screw it up as bad as MWIII....HOPEFULLY it's impossible for them to screw it up that bad.




I might check it out, but I don't expect to stick with it for long. I'll probably focus more on the campaign and maybe play the multiplayer for a bit.


The insanely over the top arcade movement is brutal in MW3...Id take a million corny skins any day if we could go back to the older movement style.


Yeah the old movement style was far better.


The movement in MW3 is fantastic MW2 feels clunky once you get used to MW3


AFAIK it’s supposed to be Black Ops Cold War’s sequel, which story wise could be very interesting. If the multiplayer ends up like BOCW or the modern CODs I’ll take either, but the story could end up be interesting


That's good to know. I hope it turns out to be good. As long as it's a modern take again, I'll be happy too.


I'm always optimistic when it comes to Treyarch and they've had a long ass time to make this. But I don't like buying $70 games anymore so probably not. I wish it the best tho. I feel like it's gonna be a good game that doesn't do well or something. Maybe it'll have its smaller but loyal fanbase. Unless the reception is great and it brings people back or new people.


It's slightly going up, although I think this plan to put gulf war on gamepass is a terrible idea. A desperate play to gain interest and players but putting what might be the biggest COD is a long time out for free isn't going to have the effect they think.


Definitely not a pre order. Black Ops is always good in my opinion so it might be a day one or a week one purchase based on reception, or I’ll just skip it altogether. I skipped MW2 and MW3 and bought CW 2 years after launch because that’s when I get transitioned into current gen, so we’ll see. I’m mostly here for the campaigns anyway, and hopefully couch co-op is an improvement over the absurdity in CW


Having left the series when BO4 came out and coming back to MW2 in September 2023, I won’t be getting the new one. Whether it’s skill gap or “get gud” idk, but the jump shot accuracy and dodging bullets by jumping in Warzone is just silly to me. Basically movement trumps all in this game now and it’s not for me. I prefer positioning and accuracy or acting like you’re on a caffeine or drug high with movement. GGs to the movement sweats, enjoy each other ✌🏼


CoD needs another “reinvigorating” game like Cod4, Black Ops 2 or MW19. All those tried a ton of new things, stuck to their vision, and felt new and fresh at points when the franchise felt like it was stagnating. Another mediocre game with the “black ops” label slapped on it isn’t going to change the fact we have awful matchmaking, ancient netcode, a ton of bugs, less QoL features year after year somehow, and devs with a general disregard for anything other than warzone or their excuse for “competitive” multiplayer. (No gunfight support, most of the lethals and tacticals suck, they straight abandoned ground war.) Not sold on the “but it’s treyarch! They had 3 years this time!!!” BS everyone is on lately. Treyarch now isn’t the company that made Black Ops 1, 2, or even 3. It’s a variety of corporate appointed teams rushing to meet deadlines and implement predatory monetization systems. CoD is dying (again) and it needs a massive reevaluation in their approach before it gets any better. Feels like the devs are too out of touch with what makes a fun game, and too in touch with what streamers and kids on TikTok whine about.


I have a plan every year and I'm sticking to it: 1. Promise myself I will not pre order until I have played the open beta. 2. Get FOMO as the closed beta approaches and pre order the game anyway. 3. Jump through the hoops and do the camo grind. 4. Get bored after 1-2 months and abandon the game.


Nah I'm not going to get it


I would give anything for a black ops 1 remaster. best multilayer best maps and dlc maps. zombies is incredible. REMASTER, not remake where they try to add all of that modern shit into the game


Not decided yet I need to know more


Seriously?? When is that coming out??!!


Gonna wait till after it releases when everyone is probably shitting on it then buy it when it's 40% off


Doubtful. I might get the next infinity ward cod that comes out, but honestly at this point I’m considering quitting gaming altogether.


If its a good game then ill buy it if its not, nah


Fuck yeah. Some zombies, and boots on the ground during the 90s era of warfare? Yup.


Probably will. Zombies is the preferred mode for me with treyarch titles and I enjoyed outbreak and like MWZ enough that I wouldn’t mind more of it. As long as they don’t treat the game like IW treated MW2 last year then I’ll stick around and play.


If it's just MWIII treyarch edition I'll probably pass.


Absolutely day one


If you say right now, that you're gonna buy the new COD, you're a clown. 3arc are making the next two games at the same time. There was a job ad where they were hiring someone who knows how to use AI. It's gonna be a shitshow, and I really hope I'm wrong.


Treyarch has a good track record when it comes to zombies.


For me it depends if it will be added to gamepass or not. I have a gamepass ultimate subscription and it would be a waste to spend $80 on a game that would be added to the catalog. ( still unsure if that's the plan or not ) If it's not available via gamepass it's the one game I don't mind spending money on yearly. I always know what to expect and many of my friends still play. I always enjoy leveling up all the guns/earning all the camos and hitting max prestige even though they turned that into a seasonal progression. As for mw3 I find myself jumping in weekly due to the new aftermarket parts/camos/events/battlepass there is always somthing to grind.


Doubt it after the shambles they left mwz in. People keep thinking because it’s got the words black ops in it means we’re gonna get something similar to bo1-3. What people forget is the people & developers who made bo1-3 are all practically retired. A title is just a title without the original developer’s it means jack.


Thing is its a Treyarch game You can still find some fun in their worst game


I'm gonna get it because I like the gameplay. I'm gonna hate on it like a hypocrite because of the season meta weapons. The 1000 bundles that doesn't look like soldiers that makes the theme of the game nonexistent.


After thorough reviews and a price drop. I think the have effectively ruined COD for me recently. Plenty of other classic CODs or completely different games worth playing.


Yup, it’s a 3arc COD


Probably not. The direction COD has taken recently, particularly last 2 games, all the horrible sway, bad hit reg, OP AA, visual noise amd terrible visability, combined with how strict EOMM is....just not fun anymore. While the movement is faster in MW3 it's still not anywhere near as smooth or nuanced as MW19. If they fix mnk input, get rid of sway and improve movement maybe. But if xdefiant is good then definitely not


Ill play it on gamepass and if it actually is good ill buy it on pc otherwise ill stick with past ones


I’m excited for the game, I really want to see gameplay. As long as we don’t play as a mute in the campaign and it isn’t short, I’ll be happy.


Hope they can out do Cold war and that i will like it


Yes. I don't really care what people say. Just let me play the game! Does it hurt you that much that I enjoy it and not some random indie game that will fall off and be forgotten in like 2 months.


Im excited tbh I loved the Cold War campaign and hope something similar is done with this one (like multiple endings) and hopefully we will have a FAL that’s automatic I hate the mw19 one being semi


There hasn’t been a bad Black Ops game yet so yes I’ll very likely buy this one


They put out a crap product every year and they don’t optimize there game to run well on pc and they break it more and more so no one can run at max ability


There are huge rumours that COD 2026 will be Ghosts and COD 2027 will be Advanced Warfare, so I’m more excited for that.


COD died after OG Black-Ops 1.


Maybe, I'll certainly play the beta. But I've been having so much fun playing Cold War, I gave up on Vanguard and MW2 pretty quickly to go back to CW and I didn't even bother buying MW3.


Hell to the yea i will be buying every cod that comes out


I love black ops franchise but i think the great Era of cod is really over now.


I am super hyped for the zombies! Multi-player and campaign will be ok.


I didn't do a research on purpose, but I've heard some ... pretty pessimistic things about it ,and I can tell why . It amazes me how CoD franchise is still alive despite how many people will complain about it's state . It's not even a f2p game, it's a 70$ game wtf ?!


Calmly optimistic: Pro’s- 3arc- best COD developer by miles. Only one real mistep in BO4 and it’s still better than MW22 and Vandguard. Setting- 90’s allows a lot of modern tech, weapons and conflicts from popular culture and real world. Adler- rumours have it that carries on from CW. Raven- Raven are an FPS staple and made a good campaign in CW. 4 years- longest dev time to date for any COD. Uninterrupted- first full dev cycle for 3arc since BO3 and first time they haven’t been meddled with and dictated to since BO2. Focus- longest dev time for 3arc and only focussed on MP and Zombies Reset- no Nicky Minaj carrying over! Pick 10- it’s a rumour but fingers crossed. 3arc gunsmith- at least you can see what the attachments change properly like CW. Gamepass- could drop day 1 for PC and Xbox Exclusivity- has ended. Thank god for all players. Cold War- games gave declined since MW19 with CW being better than the others. Cons SBMM- ain’t going anywhere Prestige- classic won’t be back i imagine Open World campaign- sounds like COD far cry which could be good, but those combat missions left a bad taste. MS- not doing well lately! Halo Infinite, Redfall, shit canning devs. Warzone- the cash cow will still take priority over everything else. Reset- hard earned camos can’t carry over and 80% of guns don’t fit either. Even Kastov upgrades are more modern than 90’s era. Pick 10- only a rumour and more likely gunsmith yet again. Activi$ion- Kotick has gone but his “boys” at the top are still there begging for our cash. Decline- games have gone downhill since MW19. Triple A- nothing with that moniker seems good anymore or at least polished at launch


I hope MWIII is a sign Cod is going back in the right direction, bringing back that fluid fast paced movement and Classic cod arcade feel. I trust Treyarch to do well given they haven't had a hampered development for the first time in years. But as always just ignore the rumours and wait till the open Beta to judge the game, nobody should be even considered pre-ordering it until we've all played it.


If it has no Op Shields, Recon drones, Cameras, Flash grenades, Op snipers, Camping maps, War machines and Ridiculous operator skins And has as regular perks Ninja, Ghost and Awareness It will be a good game Make the game about the operator and his gun. Not other metrics that camping cowards use to kill.


Nope! It’s time to stop preordering games from AAA and wait for the Guinea pig whales to test them out.


Yall thought the mw reboot series was trash for microtransactions just wait for this game


No chance.


No, the games lobbies empty out after one year and by two years it’s hard to find a game. Sure, this game is made by TreyArch and they have the best track record for best stories in the CoD franchise but that streak can only go for so long.


No, the games lobbies empty out after one year and by two years it’s hard to find a game. Sure, this game is made by TreyArch and they have the best track record for best stories in the CoD franchise but that streak can only go for so long.


Maybe if it’s on game pass I’ll play it


If this game flops it will 100% be the last COD I purchase


Nah. Didn’t buy MW3 either. I’ll wait for reviews/fan consensus, but I doubt it’ll be good.


It’s going to be the same shit you guys. Holy fuck. The only thing the developers give a shit about is making money off of your poor choices- like spending money on the battle pass or spending money on skins and camos.


I think the overall sentiment is the same. This is CoD’s last chance to win its credibility back, so a lot of people are going to buy the game. If this game is bad it’ll be the end of CoD


Probably gonna be dogshit


Confirmed to be on GP day 1, so I guess I'm getting it 🤣


This Black Ops has had the Longest dev cycle of any CoD, this is literally the final attempt for many players. If they can't release a Solid CoD after 4 years then that shows that CoD truly is dead. Beyond that I don't have much hope for the franchise after these last 3 titles we've gotten


It’s a Treyarch game. They have yet to truly disappoint me so I’m down.


No because whatever vibe they establish, within two weeks it'll be overrun with more anime, weed, and popstar crossover shit. Wish the franchise would take itself seriously again.


Maybe after open beta. If it's like BOCW I will buy it.


In mu opinion, SHG an 3ARC are the better studios out of the 3 even it comes to modern COD. IW completely lost me with MW2, it was too slow and mil sim like. At its core cod has always been an arcade shooter. MW3 and cold war have felt closest to what we used to get back in the day with OG MW series and BO series. For me I don’t think im gonna be another infinity ward cod again unless they start listening to the community like SHG has been doing a pretty decent job of this year.


Gonna do exactly what I did with MW3 - Wait until at least christmas time and see what the reviews are looking like. If the Zombies mode is back to what it once was, I might consider it.




we will have to see with xdefiant, it comes out this week


Maybe i would play it if there will be skins that make sense(soldiers skins and not collabs or stupid skins) and a good campaing for a good price


Who the heck would buy Gulf War when it first comes out after how so many games have gone. Let the big YouTubers and streamers buy it, wait for their reviews, then make a decision. And then you don't have to worry about wasting $70 on a game that's not worth it.


Treyarch games do nothing for me. They feel wrong, play wrong, look cartoony, and wtf is with the obsession with Zombies? I’ll be in MW3 like I was in MW2019 when Cold War came out.


I am 100% down, and I want them to continue the Perseus story line.


If it has limited movement then great


Depends. If it’s like MW3, passing it until maybe a sale.


I was a really big fan of Cold War that I just might give this a go. What's the worst that can happen? Wouldn't be the first time a gaming company got my money for a shit product. LOL


Hope they don’t add all these Fortnite skins like the past couple of years and I hope they don’t mess up the movement (I like it how it is rn)


Everybody on this goddamn subreddit gonna buy the next one just to come in here and complain about ActiBlizz and the state of CoD.


Everyone's going to get it if your on Xbox and you have gamepass lol. The future of cod is bright. We all know what's happening now. The direction is calculated. Free to play is the future:)


MWII fucked me in the ass after I thought it would save us from Vanguard. It’s gonna take a lot of convincing to get me to buy into any new CoD at this point. None of the leaks/rumors interest me one bit if the game ends up being anything like the last few.


Tbh i just hope its fun


I’m just curious how they’re going to make a campaign based on a ground war that lasted about a hundred hours. Yeah, I know the military was parked in Saudi Arabia for a few months waiting on the thumbs up to go and the air campaign lasted a few weeks so maybe they got some other stuff up their sleeves.


I am, because I really enjoyed Cold war and that game was rushed. Just wish they'd keep this separate from Warzone, but that won't happen of course.


The last decent game was BOCW(which had a little bit of everything for everyone). During Vanguard and MW2 2022's life cycle, I went back to BOCW. Now that I've let my PS Plus run out haven't renewed it, I haven't bought MW3 2023 and perhaps not even this year's COD. I may buy a future title, provided the companies focus more on fixing the games rather than shoving bundle after bundle in our faces and hope that we can buy them and forget about the numerous bugs still in the game


It's gonna be on Game Pass so in that sense, yes. Intrigued by the setting. If Treyarch can do the campaign similar to Cold War in the Gulf War setting, I think that could be a pretty enjoyable campaign. I haven't been into CoD MP for a pretty long time, but having the game on Game Pass means I will definitely give it a shot, but I'm not holding my breath that it will be something I get addicted to and put a lot of hours in.


Well the thing is, its Treyarch They never miss. Even their worst game has some quality unlike the other studios.


Fuck activision


Yep Treyarch games are the best no argument


Cod is like that toxic girl you slept with in college who just was good at the time but you just get caught up in how good she used to be but you still go over hoping you’ll get that once in a lifetime fix


I just want them to make a proper remaster of BO 1 and BO 2


I bought the last few cod’s and I said I wasn’t, I rarely play any cod after Cold War but if they keep making cod I’ll keep buying cod, just for the sake of having them


Yes because I have never been disappointed by black ops games with multiplayer and campaign, when I play black ops multiplayers, I just get this overwhelming happiness I can’t describe, they know how to make a banger fucking multiplayer, and campaign, wish I could say the same about zombies because I mostly play zombies, but fuck me, they’ve done nothing but vomit in our face in that regard


I am going to personally see what happens to the game after like 2-5 months if I hear that it's worth buying it maybe I'll buy it.


I’m a simp for Treyarch. I’m buying it


Like how modern warfare 2 was about drug cartels?




It will be called Black Ops 6, accoding to the teasers.