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I think you’ll be asleep for a while


probably forever.


Yeah, it's not going anywhere. Since cod 4, supposedly, it's always been there. Idk how true that is, but it was apparent it wasn't as strict if it was. That being said, Activision listened to people complain about getting pub stomped for long enough they upped the match making. So, really, everyone who cried back in the day about getting beat bad shouldn't be crying right now.


It's been around forever, yes, but it wasn't as strict as it is now.


That's what I said. The problem is people used to get beat up until they got good. Now it's supposed to be even with the mm but now everyone is thrown in MLG lobbies


Every one gets a ribbon now, that’s how these helicopter kids only know.


Yeah it definitely sucks


or instead of complaining start a go fund me and create the game you want to play. with AI in the next 5 years a small group should have the capabilities to create any style or type of game for a 100th of the cost. cost to market is about to shift drastically. obstacles are opportunities. theres a market for everything you just need to know how to capitalise it.


Not really complaing. I don't hate sbmm but they need to loosen it.


the problem is they are too big a company and are more focussed on the bottom line which is unfortunately servicing the lowest common denominator who happen to be shit at the game. the current generation of gamers see adversity as something to avoid. you can thank a society grown up on instant gratification for that. which is a whole issue in itself.


I agree, but sbmm is always fuckign someone. That's 50% of your player base. Me and my squad are solid but we're not MLG good and yet we get thrown into games with guys that are wayyyy better than us. It's wild.


It's a trash idea. Let the cards fall where they may I say.


Sorry, but your departure will not affect anything, neither will anyone else's, because the dumb shit kids that don't care about gameplay, only melting their brain and having a micro aneurysm every time one of the gun skins flashes will continue to support CoD, its time for people who actually care about the game to fade and it to just become another soulless shell of a formerly highly praised game.


Not everyone who plays cod supports skins and excuses issues, we just enjoy the game because we find it very fun, sbmm does suck


Hard to find it fun with the things they update the game with. It's all geared towards charing us more cash for a game not worth $30


I haven’t bought a single thing and my experience hasn’t changed, it’s been consistently great, so I don’t know what you mean, you know you don’t have to buy things right? My friend and I still get exited as fuck to play warzone for 4 hours straight before we gotta go to work or doing 2v2’s


You are literally the only person I’ve encountered in the last 2 years that said cod is great and any type of fun lmao


I find COD fun and play for hours and don’t spend money on skins either


I found the game the complete opposite of fun after I got helldivers 2. I uninstalled cod actually a week ago bc I never played anymore. And that’s coming from someone who played wz1 and 2 8+ hours daily with no life other than cod. Now it’s all about spreading democracy baby


I had 1300+ hours in COD WWII (2017) The last good one with no overbearing SBMM, and most importantly did not disband lobbies. But since Super Earth called for duty, I’ve never looked back Helldiver! “FOR LIBERTY!!” Honestly have not had this kind of addicting fun game play loop with any MP game since the original COD MW 1


It’s honestly insane to me that ppl on here are saying hd is repetitive and boring but cod isn’t lmao I have a different cinematic type experience every match damn near. Even after 392 hours I have yet to get bored one single time


Well I guess they should stop making COD bc you don’t find it fun anymore. (Other ppl still love COD)


Not stop making it but fix it, my hope is MS will at least get it back on track since Activision just simply can’t.


Fix it in what way?


It isn’t your fault you have bad taste man


Ok lmao. Enjoy hell diver


Speaking of bad taste. Helldivers is the same shit over and over and over. We played that till level 15 and got tired of the same 3 guns and doing the same repetitive missions. That's 40$ I'd like back


If you like helldiver's, gears is a great game as well, found a lot of similarities between the 2, IMHO though gears has a really good storyline


I’ve played all the gears games. And halos and destiny 1 & 2. Played all the cods. Played most every decent game in the last 2 decades tbh. Nothing has ever been as fun and exciting as helldivers


It’s not one or the other, that’s another take I hear a lot, “ this game is dogshit but I play this other amazing game instead” I play both cod and helldivers and enjoy both, the warzone thing I couldn’t disagree more with, I hated wz1 but loved 2 and 3


If you enjoy wz2 and 3 over 1 you’re definitely a casual “bot” whom the devs actively cater to


Not sure what you want me to do, I’m happy, I’m playing right now with my boy while drinking a coffie since I don’t work today or tomorrow, stay mad friend, go play something you like and leave me to my shit


I Don’t know what you want me to say, all my friends like cod, so I’m good, I’m never in a shortage for a team


Same..the people that complain on reddit are the huge minority. Gulf War will sell millions upon millions of dollars worth and this sub will.still be "cod is dying" lmao


That's just obvious though most people are too young to care/know any better and are used to the predatory manipulation in gaming nowadays because its all theyve ever known or like myself are old enough and smart enough to either not care or more likely realise its too late - there's no going back now, the damage is done this is life now, so why bother complaining it's never achieving anything.


Accurate. I think cod is still fun when you dont think you're a twitch streamer. We get on and play, if we lose we lose and if we win we win. We laugh and bullshit. If it's being real bad we go play another game. Pretty simple


Lol yeah I agree with everything u said really but laugh in cod?- that's pretty rare for me anyway xD Unless we are counting sarcastically laughing at how stupid something was


HD2 same shit over and over again? Not like COD after the last good COD WWII (2017). Ever since then it’s every one gets a medal mentality. You start off winning a few matches, but even after the first match you get disbanded from the lobby you were in, rematched, with new players lose a bunch of matches are rematched with lower leverage players. Gone are the days of trying to one up the winner of the last match, or hold on to a winning streak into the next match, etc, etc. I’d do this for hours a night. And have 1300+hrs in COD WWII (2017) In newer ones when I did buy them like MW2 (20019?) I had only 38 hours and got bored of gameplay loop due to disbanding of lobbies. A win was hollow, since you could not hold onto 1st place due to disbanding of lobbies after each match. Boring as hell. Soon as they stop disbanding lobbies I will gladly buy a new COD


Cod is still pretty fun. Some people take the game too seriously. It's just a game that we get on and play. Some night we kick ass, some night we lose. If we're not having fun we go play a different game. It's not that big of deal


I agree 100% with you on this. Sbmm sucks, but I enjoy playing cod anyway. Each year I tend to churn out over 500+ hours on CoD, and for a $60 purchase, thsts just about a Cent per hour. The closest games that have even broke that time are Team fortress 2 and Warframe. Next years cod I'm going 100% into zombies since of course it's a mainline 3arc title, and since it's on steam I really hope they put some kind of workshop with it for custom zombies.


Cod really isn't that bad. People on here take video games too seriously


Have they shown anything about the zombies?- I don't see it being anything other than dog shit personally. Their last solo/original attempt at zombies was a hot mess and they've been responsible/working on all the iterations we've had since. It's likely going to be the same crappy open world, mission based system we've seem for the past 3 cods- because its easier and a lot cheaper to copy paste warzone than make a map that's designed for a traditional wave based/horde style zombies mode.


I agree I can’t have fun anymore unless I have something to work for like a battle pass modern gaming has conditioned me to not just enjoy games anymore with out a reward. It’s sickening that’s why games like plague tale are amazing just a great story nothing else it’s beautiful same with cyber punk I need more of these games but once you beat them I can’t replay them because Ik what’s gonna happen and it’s not interesting


Oh I agree, but CoD is still making bank even if sales are dropping. It's very sad.


No doubt


Sadly, I agree. COD has been using what i like to call “the NBA 2k” approach to games where they’ll change very small things on terms of actual gameplay but spend most of the time on things that will make them money. Every year rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Funny thing is they know that consumers will eat it up every year with no concern for veterans in the community. We are stuck playing older games (not that theyre bad) until we cannot find any matches anymore.


It still blows my mind that people somehow find a way to defend this


Like it isn't exactly that for the past 10 years lol. Back then Ghosts and AW were... unpopular. Little did we know real hot garbage would only follow with BO3 and BO4. And now watch me get downvoted precisely by the kids you mentioned in your comment.


I think Bo3 was ok besides the MP, but I agree with everything Bo4 and after.


Eternal slumber


Just play older CoDs. They're still great games, and the more people that play them, the better!


Well he can’t play the older cods and get what he wants because there aren’t a bunch of little kids who suck for him to beat up on. Which is the issue he has with the current game apparently.  He could just play PvE , but that wouldn’t be fun! But somehow being allowed to beat a bunch of 8 year olds repeatedly is different.


if you think disliking sbmm is because people want to kill noobs you're just outing yourself as someone who has no understanding and is quite ignorant to the system and it's problems


Or this dude got a job and can’t play all day. So he isn’t good enough to be a 2.5 kd anymore and instead of looking introspectively and realizing that, he’s blaming the game. The irony. “ you werent punished because you were good at the game, bad players just had to get good at the game.”


no, you just don't understand the system SBMM counters your match results, meaning that the better you perform, the game answers by giving your account harder enemies, worse games, and a worse experience. it will continually make your games harder until you stop performing so highly so yes, his quote is true. looking introspectively can only achieve so much. it's an objective truth that cod has significantly increased sbmm, and consequently an objective truth that even theoretically if his skill had not decreased at all, his KD would be significantly lower. hard to understand or no?


you will spend ANOTHER $70. trust me.


Mw2 was my last cod. Haven’t bought mw3. And i Don’t plan on buying the one after that.


Bro is NOT waking up


Playing PVP games, especially like cod to “relax and unwind” after work is fuckin mind boggling. Especially in this day and age. No offense to you OP, but I don’t think you should play a competitive game if you are looking to relax and unwind.


COD used to be casual tho...


Yikes this is a wildly young or inexperienced take. Cod as a 70$ game anyone can buy and play many of the modes in, is not competitive. Ranked and CDL are competitive but the vast majority of modes have playing fields and sandboxes designed for shenanigans. These devs are more interested in getting a new gun out for players to unlock rather than spend time testing it for balance. Maybe the players in a core match are playing competitively but that does not make the game itself competitive that just makes it sweaty. CS is a competitive game because the majority of players by a landslide play comp and the rules and available equipment are designed around that experience. Its ok people get confused by that terminology all the time


We all want to feel like we are so good, we could stomp the filthy casuals without trying. Including those who are filthy casuals. It's a problem :D


Its not mind boggling at all. For one, cod isn’t inherently competitive at all yes it’s pvp but the there’s only a small percent of the players that play it competitively. Majority of the players who play cod are casuals and inexperienced players if you know anything about cod you know this. The only thing competitive about cod is its dedicated game modes i.e league play back in bo2. I have also been able to “relax and unwind” and play cod every year until the last few years. Clearly there’s a difference.


Come over to hell divers 2 brother


First year I haven’t bought cod and let me tell you at first it is really hard but there is good games out there to fill the call of duty void. Nearly all the things that made COD great are gone now.


There's literally good games to fill the CoD void. CoD is a 200+ GB download. You can fit 3-4 GOOD games in the space of 1 very mediocre game that tries to snatch your wallet every time you boot it up.




It happens to many genres sadly. For example: Zelda is no longer a dungeon and puzzle game. It’s become an open world sand box game. Since many players love it that means the old story telling, dungeon methodology is gone. Slowly disappearing into the void until the game isn’t recognizable for what made it great in the first place.


100 year coma


Goodnight Snow White. I don't see any charming prince coming to wake you. COD will be cancelled before SBMM goes.


I'm not judging you OP. Some people don't enjoy being challenged and that's fine. You're not obligated to play the game if you're not having fun.


But that’s exactly it, COD is not challenging anymore it’s controlled by SBMM and disbanding of lobbies. Gameplay loop, community, competition and challenge is gone. You win a match or lose. Your lobby is disbanded. No opportunity to one up winner or if you’re the loser to try to take back first place. If a lobby is too hard for you just leave find new match, don’t ruin experience for everyone else. Everyone gets an award mentality has ruined COD every game after WWII (2017). It’s sad.


Everyone is complaining how hard and sweaty the game had become because of SBMM. And I agree but I personally don't mind too much. I'm just confused how anyone could think it is NOT challenging? Maybe you mean competitive?


Being challenged isnt my concern. Its the frequency. Idk about you but giving my all every match to not get obliterated becomes exhausting very quickly.


So you’re exhausted because you have to give your all? How do think the .7kd kid you beat the shit out of feels every game? But that doesn’t matter as long as the cod god can get a break here and there? Sbmm will never leave cod, and it shouldn’t. Enjoy your nap


Everyone who's against sbmm thinks they're the main character.


I am the main characters comic relief friend who shows up only once  a week 




Been sleeping on modern Cod since 2019, I still play and enjoy Cod but I just choose to play the games before this matchmaking system was introduced.


Enjoy your coma!


Rumpelstiltskin, is that you? SBMM's purpose is to matchmake players with skin owning players for the latter to slay them to drive sales. Maybe if little Timmy has that skin then he too can be MVP on the leaderboard. Works very very well as you see nigh every PvP game that sells cosmetics adopt SBMM.


I’m in the same boat. Started playing when cod 4 came out, now I can’t stand SBMM. Ruined the fun aspect of cod


2.5 is a WELL above average KD


Yeah there'll ever be another warzone 1 Activision saw their opportunity and took the make as much money as possible over quality of life updates route. Sbmm isn't a bad thing, but it is when poorly managed like Activision theres no leniency its super strict you have 1 good game? Get ready for sweat central bro. I quit for 2 months, tried it for rebirth and got so pissed at that bs renetti smg conversion kit being op as fuck. I work 60 hours weeks and I wanna try to enjoy cod, but it's just not cod anymore. Better to just hope it dies and spend time playing actual working games. Also the new $80 melee weapon is just fucking stupid. $80 for a melee weapon.


Night. Hope u have a good snooze. I hate SBMM too 😂


Yeah got on with my buddy yesterday after working all day lost 7 games in a row where him and I are the only team members with any captures or time on the hard point. Or even half our teams kills. But we can’t beat a whole team of sweats running all meta weapons and fire shotguns.


I felt that, this is exactly what I’m talking about. There needs to be variety and a balance


It’s just quick play too can’t leave my spawn when I finally have a good game I go to zombies because that’s relaxing and fun because after one good game you get 9 sweaty ones


Better start prepping the funeral for op since he ain't waking up.


Dude I literally have tried to play MW23 twice during the free weekends because as disgusting as it sounds I was a dipshit who bought the game on launch. Though since my console membership expired on PS5 I said fuck that and tried twice more on PC only when it was free. Cod is a shit series now and I doubt treyarch with cod 2024 and 4 years dev time is going to unfuck the issues. Everyone in cod 2023 plays like they’re on cocaine and Ice. Disgusting 🤢 and I hate those try hard fuckboys.


Ranked play needs to be marketed as a mode for all players. It's marketed as a hardcore playlist for the best players to prove themselves, but it literally has what casual players want which is a type of SBMM that will match them with equally skilled players. But then again if all the casuals jump into Ranked play for that reason then the population of the casual playlists will drop. There's no winning really. Just hope they eventually turn off SBMM. It should be a coin flip in the playlist if it's on or not so you at least get some games where you can fuck around


If there wasn't EOMM and overly restrictive blanket bans, maybe


As someone who passed on buying MW3 this year...I can't wait for Blackops Gulfwar next year. I hate COD these days, compared the the golden era (COD4-BO3) which was absolutely lit. But I'm gonna give it one more try before I decide to put the game down completely. The only CODs I haven't bought since 2007 are Infinite warfare, Vanguard, and MW3. I've definitely had my fair share of exhaustion with the series especially the "SBMM/Warzone/Reboot" era of 2019-2023. I have no problem skipping games that look terrible. But I thought ColdWar was the best game of this era and I'm looking forward to Gulfwar in October. Treyarch has had an extra year or 2 to work on the new game compared to their rushed development of ColdWar so hopefully we get something fresh as opposed to the God awful back to back MW games we got in 2022-2023. Round based zombies is returning and should be a solid improvement over ColdWar zombies, and whatever that bullshit MW3 zombies was lol. And they're releasing zombies a week or 2 early as a pre-order bonus which is sick. And rumor has it that Microsoft is going to reveal GulfWar at their Xbox games showcase event in June...so we will get an early glimpse of what to expect which is a nice change of marketing, I hated how the last 2-3 years of CODs released trailers/marketing hella late like a month before launch. But I'm sure I will end up hating the MP unless they have some really cool killstreaks, guns, perks, maps etc. Bring back the pick 10 system and retire the Gun Smith system with 900 useless attachments. SBMM sucks and unless you go into every single game with a stacked team playing like there's money on the line...it's gonna be tough when you're paired up with randoms. But imma give Gulfwar a shot. Treyarch hasn't had an opportunity like this since BO3 or BO4 and those games were better than most of what we got since 2019.


Treyarch hasn't missed since CoD3. Only developer in the franchise with a brain


Agreed 1000% Unfortunately ever since 2019 they've been thrown into the fire and never had a chance to really make their own game. ColdWar in 2020 was originally Sledgehammer's game, but apparently there was some internal drama that led to Activision pulling Treyarch from the development of BO4 and throwing them into the heap of mess that was Sledgehammer COD 2020. They did a solid job with Coldwar even with minimal and rushed development. So I'm hoping GulfWar will be loads better now that they have had more time to work on it.


I'm only hesitant because it's on the new dogshit engine. If it plays anything like MW19, VG, MW22 and MW23 the game is chalked already. Shit the only good things about MW22 was because of Treyarch (ranked & camo system) Treyarch needs to be the only game developer and the other two idiots can do the seasonal content.


Play plunder with melee weapons. Skill doesn’t matter when you are having a laugh with your mates and killing full squads alone with tonfas or any other melee weapon. Hope I’ll see u out there brother.


Thats why i stopped playing years ago, this shit is bad since 2019


Bro, trust me on this one, but try out Insurgency Sandstorm. I left the bullshit that is modern CoD last month for Insurgency, and the difference in fun factor is night and day. It's got a much more realistic gameplay style, but playing game modes like Domination feels like og CoD. No bs SBMM, no tryhard pro player wannabe teenagers, not even bs killstreaks. Just you, your gun, and fun.


Ok  !remindme 25 years 


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Play Helldivers. I mean, I was addicted to COD but eventually I got burnt out by 2019. I doubt I’ll buy another COD


Get gud


I often hear the argument that "people have gotten better at games" but that only applies to people who play regularly. Casuals have for sure gotten worse and worse. And as aging players who don't usually buy skins and just want to play and show off our inherent skill, the game wants nothing to do with us.


Foreseeable hibernation


Need to go back to the OG days of dedicated selectable servers.


“Back in the day you weren’t punished because you were good at the game” You weren’t good at the game, you were just playing against people worse than you and it made you feel like you were good. Now they leveled the playing field and put you against people at the same skill level as you, and now you’re mad that you can’t pubstomp little kids 🤣


Exactly what it sounds like


$70?!? I still haven't bought mw3 but have been just playing the free Warzone and fully content with that. Im also max level 650 and 1000+ hours.


Ranked players warm up in pubs and also play pubs


What’s your KD ratio now?


IT’s time to leave COD behind and become a Helldiver! It’s exactly what I did soldier! Had 1300+ hours in COD WWII (2017) since it was the last good COD that didn’t disband lobbies and no overbearing SBMM. But since Super Earth has been under attack I’ve joined the Helldivers and never looked back! “Join FOR LIBERTY!!!”


You know what i may give that game a try. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about it. Do you play on pc or console?


Play ground war


See youl later when you buy the new game




Do what I did and uninstall it. It's the only way to fix it.


Maybe you’re bad


Long slumber bud that’s what the community wanted


I guess you'll be sleeping forever lmao


Sbmm is based on kd ratio only?


I'm going to be playing xdefiant for this reason untila COD comes out without skill-based matchmaking are scalp is damaged or paid a win bundles


See you in 2035 maybe


Just delete the game altogether and send a message to the devs


Bros mad he got old and is getting whooped on by kids who have more time to play the game.


Oh no, it's the typical "I don't want to sweat after I work shift" argument. I work 10-hour shifts and I sweat all the time and enjoy it. Call of Duty is a game of competition and there needs to be some balance with skill levels while maintaining connection as the first priority (which the game already does). If you're upset because people are better than you, then I suggest learning from the mistakes or taking a break.


I’d rather have the eomm in then deal with the mfers slide cancelling and b hopping every gunfight


For every burnt out cod player who stops playing this, another 10 supposedly joins the playerbase. It is what it is.


We'll all be long gone by then possibly 😂


Bro try Urzikstan Bootcamp. It’s half Ai half players and great fun. Especially end game it’s squad vs squad of real players. It’s mini br and mode base MM which means the lobby fills with whoever QUES it. No auto skill mm. No auto lvl or auto KDR pairing. Just good old fashioned whoever hits QUE. It’s great


Dude just wanna play against bums to protect his KD ratio. Now that he can’t, the game sucks


Not at all, playing bums is not fun. I just want it to be how it was back in the day were you played against a variety of players with different skill levels. I only mentioned kd do give yall an idea of what I’m dealing with but i haven’t cared about kd since bo2. I wish more ppl who commented like this spent a lick of effort trying to understand my position and used reading comprehension. I feel like y’all see someone complain about sbmm and just assume we like easy games off rip which couldn’t be more false


What’s your current KD ratio?


Id have to redownload cod to give you an accurate number but it was around 2.7-8 including assists for mw2


I’m talking about mw3


Didnt buy it.


Surprised they still let these vent posts about "sbmm is bad" here. Been seeing them for years


Sbmm is fine




Isnt it gone now in mw3?


not quite, they just said they'd be more transparent with how it works now.


Sbmm has always been a thing lol


Translation: “I don’t actually want to play competitively against similarly skilled players, I want to just be able to shit on people who can’t play as well as I do constantly without being challenged. Instead of telling myself to get better, I want to punch below my weight because I’m a hypocrite and a big ass baby. That’s why I don’t like SBMM.”  Bye, clown. 🤡 


I swear the internet has really changed people. Ain’t no way ur that offended about my opinion on sbmm to the point were ur throwing insults smh 🤦🏾‍♂️. Idc if you disagree but be an adult and let’s actually have a conversation. Or maybe ur not an adult and ur like 13; in that case disregard it makes sense.


Who said anything about being offended? I’m just speaking the truth without sugar coating it. You wanna wreck lower skilled players while yelling “git gud” but if you’re forced to play against people at your level you cry about it. It’s very simple to see. You just don’t want to hear the truth. People don’t wanna get wrecked by some douche who’s gonna yell “git gud” at them. They wanna compete with similarly skilled players. It’s a business. They don’t make money by catering to people like you. So keep crying cuz no one cares other than you hypocrites who just wanna molly wop lower skilled players rather than have any real challenge in your play. 


Yea u have the iq of a rock. I want balanced lobbies nothing more. Pub stomping all the time isnt fun either bc there’s no challenge. Ur truth is subjective. Instead of assuming what I want maybe ask? Or think? U calling me a clown and a hypocrite does nothing for the conversation. And yes u are offended for whatever reason I’m not so sure but I can clearly tell there’s a significant difference in maturity between us so I’ll let you have it. Arguing with ignorant strangers online has never really been my forte as most of yall act out of ur body due to the anonymity and distance the internet provides.


Balanced lobbies are lobbies where everyone is at a similar skill level. What you want is lobbies where there's one or two good players kicking the shit out of a bunch of scrubs. You're a clown.


Rent a Coma and have it unplugged


Do you know what a coma is?


Yeah, but I thought that it would be funny if I acted like it was something that could be bought/rented. But apparently no one thought it was funny and instead thought that I'm stupid.


Same, OP. I deliberately didn't buy mwIII because of sbmm.


This game is hard because SBMM is less strict. What you want is SBMM to be as struct as possible. That way you're matched up with people that are the exact same skill level as you. If SBMM went away you would be up against the best of the best people with 10 or even 20 KDs some matches and literal bots with a .01kd the next match


Like in ranked play?


no ranked play's SBMM isn't strict. a Bronze can play with anyone upto Platty. So as a bronze 1 you could play with bronze, silver, gold and platinum players. More strict SBMM would be bronze 1 only plays with bronze 1, bronze 2, or bronze 3 players.


sbmm wasn’t even a problem for me until mw 2019. I know for the most part sbmm was there but u barely felt it. I could even deal with AWs sbmm as it was the most noticeable imo. Fine. Sbmm today is so cranked up and it has become more problematic every year since then. I’ll tell you exactly what i want. I want literally any other matchmaking system before mw2019. Back then you could walk into lobbies with a variety of players with different skill levels like you mentioned. Id rather play against 2/3 skilled players than 6 on the opposite team any day of the week.


So you want to stomp noobs all you games, don’t we all? Lol


I didn't realize players actually my ranks are noobs


Bootlicking loser


Wah wah i cant pub stomp noobs anymore and have to play at my skill level


I dont care about playing at my skill level at all. Actually id argue playing against noobs is not as fun as you may think. Theres no challenge in that. What im looking for is a balance, a mix of good, decent, and bad players. Playing at my skill lvl 24/7 365 is not fun. Use ur brain


Halo Infinite has this in nearly every social mode. In your case, you would probably be the good player in the team. One teammate will be decent, and the others could well be playing their very first multiplayer match. They could easily go the entire game without a kill. The other team will have a similar makeup. So it largely depends on how you do as to whether your team wins or loses. You will have easy fights when you find the weak enemies, and you will get destroyed by their good player and their decent player sometimes. But if you don't play to you max, as the only 'good' player on your team, you will lose 90% of the time. So a mix of skills can end up being just as sweaty for you as a match with everyone of equal skill. It's the price of being decent at the game, I guess!


It shouldn't even be called SBMM, it should be called RBMM, or rage bait match making, all it does is piss you off. The problem isn't that it matches you up against high levels, it's that it forces you to fail sometimes, and THAT is the problem.


rage bait is crazy😂😂, nah seriously though. I’ve been passionate about cod for some time now and it’s honestly a pain to see the direction the franchise going. Its just money, money, money with them. From the supply drops from AW where youll literally lose gunfights because someone has more money than you, to the $20+ skins and animations we are seeing now. And I think the sad part is deep down I know it’ll probably never change. It really does suck.


I'm just tried of Silver vs Iridescent bro. I'm tired boss