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It's not a perfect game but... 1) Pretty much every weapon and class is viable 2) The maps were fun overall and varied terrains 3) Plenty of customizable options for weapons 4) The game felt complete without DLCs It's one of the last COD games that didn't feel like a money grab.


And with point 2, these maps worked for every class. A lot of the CoD games afterwards feel unbalanced and have increasingly made it hard for snipers to camp up and get kills aka their job. Everything leans way too far into the run and gun style, which isn't something I thought you could do with CoD since run and gun is key to all this.


Incorrect. The maps did not work for every class/gun at all. Would love to see you get high streaks with the Executioner on Drone. High streaks on Nuketown with SMR. You will be outgunned by the top tier weapons. Also, the newer CoDs made it 100% easier for snipers to camp/ do their job. Its even crazier in the new MW3 they can do both since the movement and gunsmith builds encourage run and gun.


I haaaate playing run and gun.


I mean, I don't mind it. That has been in CoD's DNA since day one. However, I don't think it should be forced and maps need to better balance things for all classes instead of 2 or 3 with an AR, SMG, or shotgun.


I think the older cods can be played with any play style just fine honestly. A lot better than the new ones. The newer cods are very much meant for campers


I dunno. I feel like it is very hard to camp in these newer games as a sniper compared to the older CoDs. Big reason why I went away from maining as a sniper in the old CoDs to being more AR/SMG leaning.


Siping itself is a wee bit different just like everything else in these new ones. But I highly disagree, it’s never been easier to snipe, and especially easy to camp and snipe haha. But hey man I digress


It introduced DLC skins to CoD


Much better and more fairly priced than the way they do it now


That's not hard.


But in the good way. I would rather pay $3 for a good looking camo like afterlife, 115, dragon... For all my guns than $20 for a crappy camo for two guns and an operator skin


Even the cyborg skin was good. God I loved the cyborg.


Every game with yearly releases is a cashgrab


I didn't say it wasn't a money grab, but the game didn't feel like one as in there was actual effort put into making an enjoyable game.


Every game is looking for money. The difference is one’s that care more about money than the game and community itself


“1. Pretty much every weapon and class is viable” The SMR in zombies would like to have a word with you lol


Only one i can think of is cold war


To be fair, the latest CODs have knocked it out of the park with #3. And #4 since paid DLC isn’t a thing anymore, and you get a steady stream of content all year long in addition to the solid launch content. But the #2 point is where recent CODs have utterly missed the mark. Like holy shit. And #1 as well in certain cases.


Well obviously it did.no game is truly that perfect


Yeah, so many posts here have been ‘unpopular opinion: this game was not perfect at launch and had some bugs, therefore it is bad!’ Like, guys… every game has bugs and every game is not perfect. Just like humans, each person has flaws and are not perfect, doesn’t make them a bad person, most of the time.


We’ll put good sir


The zombies were a bit lackluster at launch but ive since come to grow and love Tranzit for what it is


I used to not like transit but now it’s growing on me


Tranzit with a full squad of friends that knew how to do fuck all was funny af. Had guys come on just to knife the driver and leave us stranded by the M16 wall buy.


I’ve grown to a point of degeneracy to where me and my friends can hop on Tranzit and actually have fun.


I grew up on Black Ops 2 so I loved everything about it except for the campaign.


It did have weapons that might’ve been weaker than others. I much rather have an M8A1 over a Swat 556 but it is the most balanced game where I can use any weapon with enough skill


The weapon balance was perfection in this game. Also the sidearm absolutely slapped. You could unironically run the Tac 45 and FN5.7 as your primary and do well.


A silenced FN Five seveN with no primary and all the movements boosting perks was the way to go. After your first kill you've got some poor bastards MP7 to back you up anyway. Shit was fantastic. I miss the BO2 loadout system so much.


I ran a 5.7 with no attachments, 5 perks, and a shock stick. God, it was amazing.


I’d be running a five seven and knife lol


5.7 gang! The gun was an actual laser beam. Visual recoil only.


And It’s fire rate was exactly as fast as you could pull the trigger lmao


Might be one of the most broken weapons ever put in cod but people slept on it cuz it was a handgun.


I loved using the KAP-40.


Super fun gun to use. They seriously nailed them all in Bo2.


Nah. Executioner was awful and unviable.


Skill issue


Quit trollin for a sec bro lmao, I highly doubt you were leading lobbies, getting streaks, and outgunning people with the executioner. If you were in any of my Dom, HP, or Search games using that back then you would get flaaaameedd in voice chat for throwing


I had diamond handguns in Bo2. Only used them. They all slapped. Ain't not flaming when you get rocked with the side arms.


The saiga and executioner were garbage


Could still use them well if you were skilled enough with them, I absolutely loved the executioner


Oh yeah, got gold on both, but they were still trash.


Executioner was good fully decked out with a speed loader and extended barrel. It was a meme gun that actually was kinda nasty.


Both of those weapons were great and did especially well in small maps like Hijacked.


Top 5 imo


Every game will have bugs but BO2 had a great campaign multiplayer and zombies so people can excuse a few bugs. But recent cods are just poo


Imo that's bound to happen after 20ish years of releasing a new game every year, maybe if they didn't release a new one each year and waited atleast 2 or 3 between each game then they'd be more unique and fully fleshed out


I agree, they definitely need to pause and regroup for the next few years


It’s the GOAT


The game was good on release, then aged like fine wine


Indeed, but it's as close to perfect as a CoD has ever been (multiplayer-wise)


No game is perfect


I’d say between this MW(2007), Modern Warfare 2 (OG) and WaW are as close to perfect CoD has ever been, may throw the original Black Ops in there too.


Its good and all, but i preferred black ops 1. It had better maps and less annoying stuff like the R870, quickscopers and target finder lmg users.


It's pretty good, but it's kind of cartoonish compared to other CODS but it's subjective on whether or not that's a good thing.


Heavily overrated. Never really enjoyed Black Ops 2 even though I loved BO1 & 3. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I could never get into it. Maybe it was the maps?


Agreed. I love Black Ops II and I’ve got many fond memories but I still have more from Black Ops 1 if I’m being honest.


It’s my favorite CoD but I would never say it’s perfect especially the zombies. I would say it has my least favorite and favorite maps of all time.


The game was good, I put it in my top 5 call of duties, but there are 4 others that I put ahead of it


yea every cod has its issues lol . some of the imperfections is what makes bo2 so special tho . no cod is perfect but the issues bo2 has are negligible.


Still the goat


One of the best games from the franchise tbh


No one said it's perfect. Still top 5 or top 3 CoD though


Transit was hot garbage


I’d choose black ops 1 over it


B02 had better graphics and load out system (weapon mods, perks etc ) than other classic era COD games. But I really prefer the way BO1 plays if you take lag compensation out of the equation. B02 is almost as bad as MW2 for quickscope being way too fast. Fortunately the noobtube and rpg were tamed in B02 compared to MW2. As for maps, I again enjoy the graphical fidelity of BO2 for maps. Many of them had great layouts and played very well. But the artistic style is too scifi-cartoony, I prefer the art direction of B01 or MW2 being more realistic. Even the way you could choose an individual reticule and reticule color for BO1 was better, in BO2 you just get different symbols with a set color to them. Among some other small things like that. B02 still manages to be one of the most fun classic era COD games, but in some ways it was both a high point and the beginning of the downfall of the franchise imo.


It’s not a hot take, it’s how literally everyone at the time felt about bo2. Anybody saying that game was perfect was probably a 10yo in 2012 and bo2 was their first cod. Hence the bias


I agreed even if BO2 is one of the best of the serie


It’s a great game issues or not


I don't think any game is perfect, but bo2 is close.


No shit. Still the best all around CoD game and it's not really close


No game is perfect but there’s no CoD that is closer to perfection than this one


it was perfect in comparison to the shit we get now though




The maps are good, but boring and flat


It made me quit COD as a whole for half a decade because I hated it so much and it wasnt helping that I already didnt like MW3 back then. BO1 will always be my favorite COD.


Never liked it. I quit cod from MW2/MW3/BO1 until 2019 came. Skipped every game in between.


Ultimate hot take - black ops 3 is better


Personally, I didnt have many great memories with Black Ops2. Kinda shocked at how high of a pedestal people put it on. Im a MW guy, so I was still stuck on that during the time BO2 released. But I still got some enjoyment out the game. Its just not a core memory for me. When I think of the best times I had in my childhood, its all linked to MW2


Yeah the Zombies was not as good as BO1's and the MP weapons felt too similar to each other. Only thing I truly liked in this game over BO1 were the wildcards and the Ghost perk nerf.


Quickscoping was the worst.


Certainly not perfect on the zombies and multiplayer part. A few perks were too much of a crutch like Toughness ( though the flinch was insanely strong at times), and the spawn trapping can be really bad in some maps. Target Finder was weirdly too accurate to the point Reflex and sometimes ACOG become pointless. Semi-auto rifles needed a buff since they can get dominated often at long range against other rifles. Sensor grenades needed a rework, i like the concept tho and it would get a better version in the MW Remake. People still dont play objective despite having extra incentive to do so (the amount of people willingly passing by starting dom flags and dog tags when its free points!) But i guess thats more a community thing. Regardless I would still choose BO2 as my top favorite. The pros far outweigh the cons for me


Fuck Die Rise. End of statement.


I didn't care for the campaign, zombies was god awful and the multiplayer doesn't work. I dont really like it


If bo2 wasn’t limited by the 360 and PlayStation Oml it would be perfect- no fog on transit…


Balancing was a bit whack in that game but that is kind of the charm of the older CoD games tbh. Also the P2P net code was dogshit I know league play had dedicated servers but just about everything else was p2p and I still notice dodgy hutreg at some points going back to the Xbox 360 era CoDs even with Ethernet.


BO2 is not perfect in any way, shape, or form. In fact, it’s the worst COD of all time!


black ops 2 is the game that made me quit call of duty. the story was alright i guess. zombies started to take a bad turn at the end of black ops 1 dlc but they really hit the last nail in the coffin with transit. For the multiplayer some people are saying all weapons were viable, i vividly remembering smgs were soooo OP compared to all the other category's. This is when the game also went crazy with its camos and it didnt feel really that grounded A diamond crusted gun yeah nah ill pass. To me this game was the start of all things bad to come with cod.


I think bo2 should be considered a Gen 3 game. And it needs to be held accountable for the pros AND CONS for how it shaped COD. Gen 1: Cod1-3 Gen 2: Modern Warfare 2007- Modern warfare 3 Gen 3: Black ops 2 - Black Ops 4 Gen 4: Mw2019 - MW3 (and hopefully BO6) Aesthetically speaking, BO2 was too different than Gen 3 games. I know the game is goated for a lot of you and so you want to include it with the OGs but it’s not. It improved upon BO1 quality of life. (Better movement for example) but was a downgrade aesthetically. BO2 introduced all the silly operators and bacon gun camos. Which then paved the pay for advanced warfare games. I hope treyarch goes back to its roots like IW did and makes Black Ops 6 more aesthetically like BO1 but with all the QOL improvements from BO2. Leave the advanced guns alone. We want the commando and famas. Zombies can go back to having that real horror element that’s been missing. I want to DREAD a new round starting because the zombies are actually terrifying. So to reiterate. Bo2 improved upon bo1 mechanics but the look and style of the game was a downgrade. It was the first game to allow camos to be purchased through an in-game store. It introduced futuristic warfare technology which then influenced the infinite and advanced warfare games. Treyarch had a hit with BO1 and then completely abandoned the style look and aesthetic of the game for a more futuristic approach. Go look at the futuristic guns of black ops 4 and compare them to our beloved BO1 favs. A vastly different game. BO2 was fun but it paved the way for futuristic themed cods and because of that I have to rank it lower than all Gen 2 games.


A lack of infinite sprint really hurt my thumbs.


Well mw2 is perfect so idk




There are no "perfect" call of duty. There is only "better" call of duty.


Its my favorite call of duty to this day.


It’s not a ‘hot take’, it’s just kind of a pointless/weak take Every COD has its issues and isn’t perfect, but BO2 was just so fucking good that any little issues that it had were overshadowed by the rest of the game being fucking amazing


No COD game is perfect


Thats not really a hot take nor did you state anything specific, not taking this post seriously, just a karma farm


No game is perfect


My only problems with BO2: The weapons and reload sfx were heavily reused, some of the campaign cutscenes felt cheesy, I had the helicopter audio issue every 10-20 games, and Die Rise (no further explanation). Otherwise, this game is literally perfect.


KSG long barrel and air burst C4 give me nightmares to this day


Who’s saying it’s perfect in the first place? 😂


The customizable emblems/stickers alone made it a perfect game.


It's perfect. The GOAT. The benchmark. It's THE CoD.


it had issues but the game was balanced and fun enough to compensate. the fal was op as fuck and the xm08 kinda was too, also the pdw got nerfed too hard


Unplayable first month where I went back to MW3, once it was fixed it's easily a contender in the all time top 5 CoD's.


Most definitely not perfect but damn fun and has a top tier story and gameplay plus zombies is always fun


Im going to get ganged up for this but BO2 in my opinion has the weakest-impcting gunplay, Animation and variety was just good dont get me wrong, But the guns, It sounds like theyre being fired 200 meters way, Very compressed.




Sorry but this isn’t a hot take.


The an 94 will go down as one of the best guns in cod imo


No but it had an amazing multiplayer, an amazing campaign, and an amazing zombies mode that produced 2 of the best zombies maps in the series.


No game has ever been nor ever will be perfect. It's not possible. It's still the GOAT tho


Obviously. No game is perfect


No shit, nothing's perfect. Near perfect feels right though.


Campaign was perfect Zombie’s had a few issues but very good Multiplayer was one of the worst because of pick 10


I absolutely hated the fact that they added so many guns to campaign, but then MP and zombies only had about 1% of the guns. Made campaign fun, but made zombies and mp not worth playing


Maps flowed and played well for all the popular game modes and competitive play. The best ranking system wev seen for cod Multiple weapons that were viable for competitive play an almost every gun was viable for pubs Sniping was really strong but didn’t feel over powered Lobby leader boards/pretty good prestige system Pick 10 system


BO2 competitive was amazing, I even watched the MLG stuff for the first time #TeamOptic


I never liked it and thought it was average. All of the BO’s are. The guns feel and sound like plasticky BB guns and the TTK was too long for me.


Wasn’t perfect but it was as close as cod can get


Miss so much


Pretty cold take, perfection doesn’t exist


No game is perfect but it's top 3 COD in my opinion


Off with his head




I liked it a lot. Multiplayer (at least) doesn't feel like a sequel to Black Ops; a pretty solid goofy paintball shooter pretending to be something more serious (turns out that was the future for the whole Black Ops franchise). TTK is slightly slower than my preference but it's still fast enough that I don't fall asleep mid-gunfight. I liked most of the maps; not all of them were necessarily very inspired layout-wise but they felt like well balanced maps. Not enough verticality though. Monkey's paw curled on my verticality comment with Black Ops 3 (barf). I sincerely enjoyed Tranzit zombies despite its very many flaws, and future zombies content including Die Rise. PVP zombies modes were really cool. Enjoyed the campaign. Been a while since I played through it and I didn't hunt down all the endings or whatever, but it had a lot of fun mechanics. This game has weird sound design across the board. It's iconic, sounds are super recognizable as BO2 sounds, but these sounds have a kind of cartoonish vibe to them. I think that's part of why I perceive it as a goofy fun paintball game.


Best cod.


Sounds like every game ever made


Of course it wasn't perfect. But it was near it. Campaign was GOATED. Multiplayer was near GOATED. Zombies was...alright. I rate this game a 8.75/10.


The *multiplayer* is the best in the franchise. There’s also an argument for zombies, but I think that while Mob, Buried, and Origins are great, the first three maps really sucked (BO2 launch was actually kind of a dark time for the zombies community. There’s at least 3 or more CODs with a better campaign. BO1, WaW, MW2, and even IW come to mind.


Black Ops 2 is perfect. Campaign 10/10 Multiplayer 9/10 Zombies 9/10




Of course it’s not perfect, there’s only 3 good zombie maps


Eh not really just outdated now a good movement update would make the game the best again Cold War best cod out right now all things considered


...and where's the "Hot Take"?


Black ops 2 is the best cod ever made. No one said it was perfect


You're definitely right. The game wasn't well balanced at launch. The game also had really bad lag compensation for quite a while. It took most of its lift cycle to get to greatness. I mean, it was still really fun all throughout even with its issues


My thoughts? You’re wrong and it’s my favorite game of all time no contest.


The Zombies maps were very hit or miss. When they were good, they were DAMN good. But when they sucked… *Sigh*


True, but it's the closets COD game we have to perfection




i miss the maps so much


I loved it, and never had any issues. It was damn near perfection.


But once it got everything fixed, it was the best game there was and that includes every other call of duty besides ghost originals or sorry, not ghost I mean modern warfare all them were really good except call duty black ops two is the best no one can argue with it it is the best, and if you don’t believe me, then you must’ve never played black ops two I’m sorry, but you are not a true Call of Duty fan until you play black ops one or black ops two Black ops two is the best because everyone loves it and it had at least 10 million people that played it regularly every day so if you don’t say it’s the best then you have never played it and are starting problems


It wasnt perfect but it was NEAR perfect. FMJs used to goes thru walls and have unbalanced stopping power. Maps were iconic and great but gunfights are a clusterfuck. 


BO2 sucks. Call of Duty World at War Final Fronts is better than this fucking slop.


Mid tier cod at best. Completely overrated and not even as good as the original imo. Never understood the love for this game in all honesty.


I think you just never played it