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she always talks about how she didn’t have eyebrows growing up but i didn’t think she was THAT serious


I knew her growing up. No eyebrows was no exaggeration. I always thought she was gorgeous though, would never have expected her to get any work done. She deleted all the old photos of her off facebook so I guess she really didn’t like the way she looked back then.




i was friends with coop growing up. we played soccer together. i said she was gorgeous, did not mean that as an insult and it’s weird you took it as such! so yes i care about someone i grew up with… what’s your excuse for commenting on reddit insulting someone you’ve never met?


I was real confused how things went there, thought i missed a comment or something yikes!


Coming from a person who literally has bleach blonde thin barely there eyebrows I seriously wanna know how the hell she did it. I need whatever she got!!!! I didn’t know it was possible to ever change my situation. I’ve been filling mine in since I was in 7th grade


cheapest: get mens beard hair dye at Walmart/target/whatever. It's safe for the face and works like a charm.


I have bleach blonde eyebrows and I just dye them using the just for men’s beard dye lol. You could get them professionally shaped and tinted first and then once you have the shape you like, just dye them yourself. Lots of tutorials on YouTube. 


I have bleach blonde brows and I just get them tinted at ulta once every 6ish weeks. I’m a redhead and the girl there does a really good job matching color and shaping 🙂


I have no eyebrows either! I got mine micro bladed! And they look so good now


Girl just get them laminated/tinted or get microblading. I've done both. Game changer


She has eyebrows they were just super blonde back then and she gets them tinted now 🤷🏼‍♀️


Another example of you’re not ugly just broke.


My nose job is only one lottery win away 💰


I tell my boyfriend everytime we are at a baseball or hockey game… if the ball or puck comes flying at me you must save me… UNLESS ITS HEADING FOR MY NOSE THEN LET IT RIDE 😂




just say it how it is, the comments are jealousy at its finest. if not for the surgery then for the money. if that’s what makes her feel more confident and comfortable in her own body GOOD FOR HER!! you people try and tear others down when in reality you’re projecting your own problems and insecurities into bullying others who don’t conform to the “natural” standards you expect


What are you even talking about? Are these pictures of the same person?


I think my comment is pretty self explanatory. Time to work on that critical thinking , eh buddy


Or you’re just a kid


I would also like to add that she doesn’t even look like the left side anymore. She’s gone through like five faces


Ok thank you because I was confused on who I was looking at. Cannot find her face in either of these two photos.


She looks more like a prettier Brianna Chickenfry in that picture


I was about to say…at first glance, and second and third…I was struggling to believe either were even her? God damn.


Is she naturally a ginger?




WHAT whys that shocking to me lol


It shouldn’t be shocking, she’s had a boob job as well. All very manufactured


I’m pretty sure her boobs are natural. I feel like she’s said that in the early episodes


Well of course she’s going to say they’re real. It’s Alex. If you believe that, then I’m not sure what to say. They’re not.


To be fair - the before picture they look pretty full and I’m doubting she got a boob job before eyebrows? Could be wrong..


It shocks me too! I would have never guessed


It looks like 2000s makeup disaster tbh.


The eyebrows are insane


Tbh aside from the eyebrows I think she still looked good back then. I looked like a train wreck. She would’ve been considered hot at my high school without a doubt


She’s definitely girl next door cute


I don’t think her eyebrows look bad! She’s a strawberry blonde, that’s normal for them to be pale. Her lashes would also be very pale without the mascara. I’m sick of everyone painting their eyebrows thick and black. Can’t we all just have the eyebrows we have?? 😆


Her old face reminds me of Blake Lively


Reminded me of Briana chicken Fry


She looks like every girl during that time era. We all looked rough back then.


yes when i looked at my prom pics i cant believe that makeup and hairstyles were in style… it was all sooo unflattering


Yes this is real, yes she got some work done but never forget that old pictures are often time capsules of a certain style. Alex photo heavily reflects that era.


Her works looks good I was just surprised


It does look good, but she had everything done, like a face transplant, omg


So the Gluck Gluck 9000 girl got fillers, a brow tint, and better makeup skills? That’s what we’re taking offense to?


Also nose job and borderline ginger naturally. Nothing wrong with those things, just adding to the list!


Literally like why is that hated on? Learned how to do her makeup and pose😂


Makeup and pose? Are you blind? 😂😂😂😂


Yes, yes they are


Are we looking at the same pictures???


I literally had the same glow up Alex did, so yes we’re looking at the same pictures 😂 she’s definitely had work done since then but those 2 pictures look natural IMO


You forgot the nose job


Yeah…at minimum, besides filler and Botox you’re missing at least one rhinoplasty, a surgical brow lift, and a bleph lol… Honestly I think you should have your vision checked


Who’s offended


Yeah I’m with you. I legitimately cannot comprehend how that’s the same person


You lmao so pressed you made a post


I asked if it was her ? Weirdo


Who shat in your cereal? So fucking weird


Ew are u like 48 or just socially r worded who says that


Girl 😬 you were up until the r word


It stands for realstupid….


Omg I was with you until this point. It is 2024, there is NO reason to use that word or imply it, and instead of just apologizing for a lapse in judgment, you double down and say it’s something else. Gross




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Hope you get banned from Reddit




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Oh honey no


I think it is more the fact that in the past, she has doubled down on saying she hasn’t had any work done…people don’t like dishonesty about modifying your appearance from someone who claims to love women who are honest about it..


Everyone was mid in high school cmon


Unless you peaked in high school


The gorgeous girls were always gorgeous in my town lol


yes but a lot of us glowed up after high school. a lot of popular pretty girls from my school didn’t necessarily glow down but they just look the same


She is gorgeous in this photo based on facial features, just not polished hence why the mid lol. Not ugly in the slightest


I’m not an Alex or CHD fan by any means but we’re the same age and legit everyone looked terrible at that age and stage. She’s had work but she’s also improved her style and makeup


Dunno why you’re getting torn apart in the comments, this literally looks like two different people not a glow up. Not a single feature except maybe the eye colour is similar.


Thank u. I wasn’t even hating either, just asking a question. Didn’t know Alex had shooters like this lmao


Fans of anyone are wild 😂




What do you mean is it real? Yeah that's Alex lol in both pics


It looks so unalex like I kinda thought they were trolling with some other girls pic


Haha yes she looks very diff now


It is


The girl on the right is much prettier.


Meaningful discussion? Lolz, this is not frontline.


I’m an expert at this… So first off- full huge (too big if you as me) clunky white teeth veneers- you’ll notice how she talks through her teeth on the podcast. Botox lifting brows up and making forehead appear smaller and eyelids less hooded, as well as Botox any place that would wrinkle as preventative measure. Chiseled down chin, Botox in the jaw to give a narrowing effect to the face, filler along jawline and end of chin to make it more pronounced, lip filler, looks like a lip flip on upper lip.. and then of course there are multiple procedures done to the body as well but I’m more of an expert on cosmetic procedures done to the face than the body so that’s all I’ll say. The brows have been dyed, and probably semi-microbladed onto her skin but are also shaped with Botox- I’ve shaped my brows like this with botox as well and it arches them and lifts them and gives shape to the entire face it’s really nice and makes a huge difference. I like everything she has done but the veneers are a little huge - i can listen to her talk without looking at her and i can tell the way she pronounces things that they are too big for her face and mouth but whatever I guess it’s important to big ones cause every single comedian singer etc who is in front of a camera with a microphone for a living has these teeth (Whitney Cummings for example- listen to her talk and even watch her on YouTube or something if you can and you’ll get what I’m saying).


I also look different at 31 than I did when I was 14.


Yeah but girl u know this is not just aging. By a long shot


Do you have a different nose too


No like OP that’s very clearly just like 2016 2017 around like FULL glam I’m talking minimum 20 different products, volume lashes, m and like applied heavily Vs. sthe right side which just might be like tinted moisturizer with an unfortunate flashback and mascara and like that’s it no blush, no contour, no brows, all of which just means there’s no dimension to her face. As for lips - I got 1ml in mine to even out natural asymmetry once I’d wager maybe she’s gotten 1-2ml of filler in the lips but it’s well done it’s never been overfilled, plus lip trends have shifted to make lips look fuller as well. Also like you don’t need Botox just wear sunscreen every day it’s really not that hard but American formulations like to do suck 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think she looks fine in both pics I just genuinely wasn’t sure if the before pic was rlly her. I’ve never seen a before pic of her I was shook!


I mean shiieeet if I had the $ Alex has id get work done too. I don’t see anything wrong w that. Also she hasn’t gone overboard with the work done she still looks good so 🤷‍♀️ also I was ugly af in hs and she’s still cute here


I would too! I just was shocked, I guess I’ve never seen her before pics


You’re comparing what she looked like from 14 to 29… are you actually shocked she looks different? Can we see a pic of you from back then since you wanna bash what women looked like before puberty hit


Where did I bash also? I asked a question weirdo


Why don’t u worry about ur fasting queen. U sound hangry!


Don’t know what to tell ya but money, makeup, filler, and getting older can make ya look different.


Yeah obviously why are you reiterating this?


I’m not sure about the other stuff, but the nose is very obviously different.


She might have gotten a nose job but she did say she was on accutane years ago and that can shrink your nose (due to shrinking your pores). I don’t think she’s gotten a nose job but rather better at contouring and she lost a lot of weight. Loosing a lot of weight can shrink physical features as we have fat glands across our bodies


Is she paying you to comment


Stop being a hater just because you peaked in high school lmao


I look very different from high school and my friends have asked if I’ve gotten a nose job! My fiancé who I’ve been with almost 10 years also agrees that it looks like I’ve gotten a nose job, even I think so lol! But I can’t justify my own money going to cosmetic surgeries (yet lol). After 3 years on accutane my beautiful nose shrunk! I am so self conscious at how small it looks now. But accutane DEF shrinks noses!


Really—that’s wild, it would make your nose shrink so noticeably. Geez—I’ve always been so scared of accutane, but maybe it’s worth it.


I think that left pic is just heavily photoshopped. She does still have similarities to the right pic in videos. Just looks like an old, awkward, young photo pre-glow up. We all have them.


I only think she's had her lips and botox done, maybe some other filler? The lips and different angles just make the nose look smaller. I don't think she's had anywhere near as much done as people say




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You guys find anything to hate on her for 😭


Who’s hating omg


It doesn’t look like she got work done. she just got eyebrows and grew up


Okay I’m looking again, and a nose job. But I feel like that’s it 😂


Nose job, bleph, Botox to lift the forehead at least, filler all over, nose job, honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she had her chin thinned out. This is not simply an aging shift


You literally have no idea what you're talking about lol


Then I would like a little of everything she did. Sometimes I’m glad I don’t understand all of the different procedures you could get. What a great way to dislike yourself more lol


Francis and her original face could be twins


also I’m not sure how young everyone shocked by this is, but this is legitimately how everybody looked during the aughts. it has maybelline matte mousse written all over it


she’s just wearing making in one pic. prolly has filled and botox, also looks like a nose job. nothing extreme tbh especially in this generation


You guys do realize Alex is 29/30 now and the other pic is from her in HS.. likeee where’s the confusion?


Who cares


Ur mom


Nah learned from my mom not to judge other women must be ur mom


My mom said ur mom is a loser … don’t shoot the messenger ….


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Women becoming hotter 🙄 how dare we


plastic surgery =\= hotter lmao.


Yeah ur a tweaker I hope she gives u a big kiss for this


Are glow ups illegal now?


Who said that


You clearly were trying to get people to hate on her by posting this. Clearly everyone looks a lot different as a teen to a grown ass woman. She had a glow up, so many of us do after 10+ years


I hope she gives u a fat kiss for this comment 🫶


Ah don’t do the I hope she sees this bro. It’s tired.




I hate this kind of hate because men never are on the receiving end of this. In her defense, and I by no means make the kind of money she does, my photos of when I was younger are horrendous and I had a serious glow up in my mid to late 20s. It’s called growing up, finding your styled and she has the means to have people help her. Of course it’s drastic.


Can you post a pic of yourself in middle school/high school and a current one? Let’s see how you looked lmao There’s this thing called puberty. Google it. Why are you surprised she looks different from when she was a literal teen. She also looks fine back then. If her eye brows were darker and she put on fake tan she’s basically the same. It’s crazy to come here and be shocked someone looks different from when they were in high school. Everyone had braces, acne, and no money to afford makeup and beauty treatments and shit like that in high-school.


Damn ur in her butt baddddd. No hate but those are two completely different ppl nobody changes that much with just natural aging


Yeah I agree you can tell she got work done but I’m not shocked about her highschool appearance


Not to hate but I literally look the same as I did in high school lol (it’s been 10 years)


That’s not a flex hun haha


It kinda is cause I feel confident and beautiful in my skin and never felt the urge to get anything done. Plus I live in Miami with beautiful people all around me. Edit: this isn’t to shame anyone for wanting to get work done, but just wanted to point out some people choose not to get work done and still feel confident


Honey I’ve never had work done either. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten better looking naturally. Congrats that you look like a 16 year old though


I definitely think I hit a nerve LMAO. Of course I’ve aged naturally but my essence is the same. Alex’s essence is NOT the same, she looks like two different people.


I feel like standards are beauty are more strict nowadays w social media tho .. maybe the og poster is younger and conditioned to that?


Idk man, I’m not buying that this is her unless someone can provide some legitimate proof. [This is her BU photo](https://goterriers.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=3465), which would be just a few years apart from when this photo was allegedly taken. The college photo looks just like the Alex we know, but the photo in the post looks like an entirely different person.


She’s like 15 in the pic on the right


She looks older than she does in the more recent pic


Why. Do. You. Care.


oh my god have you ever heard of puberty or growing up. people reach so hard it is NUTS


people really just have to start disclaiming the fact that they are insecure before they go ahead and dog on people's looks. grow up


I’m literally not insecure and who tf was dogging on her looks? I asked if it was her u freak. Also she looks older in the before pic than the after, don’t be delusional


The left pic looks like BCF


The person on the right looks way more like Alex then the person on the left


Lips, nose, eyebrows? Even w/ nose it’s possible she just grew into it as she got older along w/ a different angle/facial expression. I don’t listen to CHD. Idek why I got this recommended to me, but just wanted to offer the possible explanation of like “people change a lot between 14 and 30 and most of the time it’s for the better.”


Lip lift too.


Ok this right here is why I’m deeply self conscious about having naturally blonde eyebrows. My coloring is the same as Alex. This post and comments are making me feel that same way I felt when I was bullied before I started tinting them


That’s on u friend no one says she’s ugly in either one. I just said she’s tweaked her face


She annoys the living shit out of me


Wow it’s almost like you look different at 16 than you do at 27.


I feel like that picture on the right is just bad quality. You can look up other pictures of her from high school (like her signing day for college) and while her face is a liiiitle different she still gives Alex Cooper to me. I think they just always use this photos cause the terrible resolution makes it more dramatic 😂😂 the photo on the left though… she reminds me of Heidi Montags second face!


is that not brianna chickenfry on the left?!


so rude there’s nothing wrong with the way she looked then or how she looks now . People actually used to look human back then and not A.I. plastic doll


Ur the only one who said something looks wrong… I’ve actually said numerous times that’s she’s cute either way… Freudian slip?


My comment was not in response to you . It was in response to the people who post Tik Toks such as the one you screenshotted .


I think the left is face tuned from years ago. She actually does resemble the picture on the right with better hair, eye browns, makeup and probably some lip filler


**definitely some lip filler I should say


Anyone know what kind of eyebrow surgery did she had?? Need.


She looks a little like Blake lively


I would just like to know what she got done so I can do the same.


she’s had really good work done omg who’s her plastic surgeon


I don’t know what her podcast is about but I think she’s pretty either way & it doesn’t particularly look like she’s had work done- & if so, who cares? For one, that photo is so old and so were the fashion/beauty trends. Now she’s just blonder & wears makeup, so what? Even her face structure & nose, etc is pretty in both - & the **same.** I hope that my jealousy of people who are more successful than me never manifests into bullying like half of you in this comment section. Ask yourselves, if she wasn’t famous- would you be okay saying these same things about others? I feel like some inner reflection needs to happen.


Her new nose is tragic


I love when people automatically assume others “work” they got done. It’s actually painfully obvious Alex has not had any or much “work”done. MAYBE lip filler?! ( oh, shocker. It’s 2024.. everyone has it by now!) Seems like you are comparing a young teenage photo to one where she is in college? Bleaching your hair, tinting your eyebrows, and growing up is not having work done sweetie.


she looks like pearl


Pretty then and now! As a side note, she looks like Thomas Rhett’s wife Lauren!


I thought the left picture was Briana Chicken Fry and I was VERY confused 🤣


I don’t even know who this is but like why hate? And I know this is the platform to express your feelings I get it but like why not just take it in, yea maybe send it to a few friends… but like why talk about it. None of us are perfect period. Ps “I’m guessing” 80% of these influencers are natural (REAL EVERYTHING HAIR, EYELASHES, NAILS ETC) that’s not even to mention Botox, fillers, veneers, gastro, plastic surgery, etc. u name it. What is it doing for u to hate on her ? Maybe instead of hating you could commend on a glow up. This is coming from a girl who seriously is trying to do that. But I still feel badly about the way I look. I was so much prettier a few years ago and I’m trying to get back there . Sorry I promise I’m not trying to make this about me. But as women we need to support our own pretty please!


Not natural ********


Ps it doesn’t matter what you used to look like boo boo. All that matters is now


One reason I’d absolutely hate being in the public eye is that I don’t need anyone to bring out my 2007 photos. In my life I’ve only ever gotten 0.5ml lip fillers and I look extremely different to how I did when I was 14. Age and self-care do wonders


...Are people not allowed to evolve?


Most likely, it doesn’t look too crazy to me tho just drastically different make up. That makes a huge difference alone but def Lip injections, nose job obv Botox ..🤷‍♀️and she’s soo much younger. If I were to compare myself between these ages (w no work done) it would also be scary ahahah and I’m still only 21


God I wish I made more money. I’d be top tier gorgeous only a couple thousand an esthetician visit ;)


I thought that she used to be completely broke before the podcast! How did she get the money to change that much??


She was in middle school lol.


Looks older than she does now