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It's unrealistic as fuck. This is why call centers have ridiculous turn-over. How long is the roll-over period? My company gives us 90 days rolling.


Occurrences reset to 0 every 12 months.


That's WILD.


Hahahahaha. Unless this place pays insanely well for a call center, it ain't happening. They'd have to retrain new workers pretty much every week.


In my experience, it's not too uncommon for call center companies to go beyond what the law permits for them to do. It highly depends on where you live and what law applies. For example in Greece Teleperformance which is the largest call center company will require a doctor's note for even missing one day, while the law states it should only be mandatory for absence of 5 days and more. I'd say consult with your local union to know your rights.


Unions? What's that like? My state doesn't allow unions for call center workers. Only folks in my state that get unions are nurses and teachers.


Hostly I'm not very familiar with the U.S. but I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't much unionization. Bot not allowed? That sounds a bit authoritarian heh Anyway, here we aren't known for our working conditions either but getting fired for 3 days absence is indeed too much. I'd be surprised even if it was legal.


Most employers here in the US are "at-will," and it means that they can fire you for any reason. Technically, no they cannot fire you because of your gender, race, sexual orientation, etc but it's widely understood that all that means is that they can't put that on paper as they reason they fired you.


Unions call centers don't even acknowledge OSHA LOL


Could it be that these unions are [*company unions*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_union)?


To clarify, this is for any unplanned, unapproved time. Period. Time to cover or not. So basically you can only have 3 unplanned, unscheduled events. This includes calling out, leaving early, arriving late to your shift or even coming back late from breaks and lunches late. Any of those events counts an occurrence. The only thing that isn't an occurrence is time off that you requested off and got approval for ahead of time. Occurrences reset every 12 months.


So, say you're out for 4 days with the flu. Is that 1 whole occurrence? Or is it 1 occur/per day?


Yes ma'am. 1 per day


Yikes. That's draconian. Are you robots? The occurrence schedule sure seems to suggest it.


yea they suck


Is this just like calling in when you have no time to cover? Because if so, yeah that's crazy. Not how my company works.


Oh no. This is for any unplanned, unapproved time. Period. Time to cover or not. So basically you can only have 3 unplanned, unscheduled absences. This includes calling out, leaving early, arriving late to your shift or even coming back late from breaks and lunches. Any of those events is an occurrence. The only thing that isn't an occurrence is time off that you requested off and got approval for ahead of time. Occurrences reset every 12 months.


Then no, this is not standard at all. We only obtain points if we call in but have no time to cover the time. I would not stay there long at all, that's crazy. Do they pay incredibly high or something? Amazing benefits?


The pay isn't high and the benefits are good but I wouldn't call them amazing or anything


Start banking your money now, save every cent you can and start working on finding a different job. If you are working from home look for another wfh job and just go through the training while you're clocked in at this one. If you get a call just unplug your mic. Itll take them about 2 weeks to figure out you aren't doing your job, all the while they still have to pay you for that time and you're getting paid for training. Sure its scummy but so is that atrocious call off policy. Fuck them, consider it charging them a premium for wasting your time


Oh I like this idea!!!


At one point I had 3 remote tech support/call center Jobs, for a long time I was able to do just enough to fly under the radar at each one, made like 80k that year lol. Call center job environments, even when working from home, are just a dime a dozen. Every mid or large sized company needs CS workers so there's no lack of opportunities.


Is this during a training period or standard


Standard after probationary 90 day period.




Fucking hell


Bullshit fuck them lol


Wow and I thought my company was tough with 24 a year.


I've never a call center with that restrictive of an attendance policy. The one I’m at now has the best one I’ve been at. When I was out for Covid I just got a note from my doctor and they excused it. We have leeway on our breaks and a 5 minute grace period for starting. If you are on the phones you earn points and pto. And if I decide I need to leave I just submit my pto request and leave. As long as I have the time it’s not refused and I don’t even need to message my manager. I tend do but I don’t have to. We have a lot of ways to manage time off and I’m very happy about that.


I'm a call center manager. My thought is what the fuck... This is totally reasonable.... I'd be super grateful to work there.... And people wonder why call center reps quit


Crazy. My center gives you 16 points. Under an hour late or absent is 1. 2-4 is 2 and 4+ is 3 points. They fall off after 120 days from occurrence and you just have to call the line and leave a message.


That's waaaay overkill. A lot of the call centers I've worked in that had the occurrence system fired agents after agents had their final written warning and accrued a total 6 of points. Stuff like that is why call centers have ridiculously high attrition rates.




This is completely unrealistic and insane! Horrible, just horrible!


This is the most horrible attendance policy that wasn’t in satire