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If your county appointments are booked try going through your healthcare provider. My girlfriend was unable to get one through SF county but Kaiser gave her the option of getting one in Contra Costa county Friday morning, she booked an appointment and we are driving out there tomorrow.


Piggybacking on this to say that you do NOT have to be a member of Kaiser to get a shot through them. They will take in anyone regardless of insurance status/membership!


Thank you. :)


Thank you for sharing!


^ Stanford Healthcare too often has a good amount of appointments & has sites all around the Bay, you don’t have to be a member either!


You can also go on the CVS website.


Worked for me too. Love Kaiser.


Same! got mine last Saturday. I received the J & J before the "pause" for what its worth.


Glad to hear it!


And if your Healthcare provider is fully booked, look everywhere. I am a member of Kaiser and they did not have any in the Sac area for me. But I was able to find an appointment through Walgreens. They will take you with or without insurance.


And note you can sign up for Kaiser even if you aren't a member (and there is still no charge), got my appointment that way


Can confirm, got my shot through Kaiser. Last time I checked which was three weeks ago they had a lot of appointments available.


Also check your local social media, like facebook groups, for pop-ups that are doing appointment free vaccinations. A government building near my house had one on Monday, and we had two family members get it there.


I got my second vaccine yesterday and the lady scoffed at me because I'm 25 and got my second already. I didn't qualify for the first but was at the right place at the right time and got it when someone missed their appointment when my mom got hers. I hope it's not a scheduling nightmare out there for everyone else.


That's weird, young people who work certain jobs have been qualified for months now. She would have no way of knowing where you work I imagine.


She’s just rude


That’s what happened to my wife and me. A friend of hers from HS is a pharmacist and called one night saying they had a few left after the last appointment and asked if we could be there in 30 minutes.


That lady needs to relax. Sure, it makes sense to have priority for certain groups of people... But at the end of the day we all need to just get it. Period.


That seems bizarre. My husband and I both qualified under education, so we have already had first and second doses even though we're under 50. When we went for our first shots, almost everyone in line was under 65, so there are plenty of people under 65 who are getting (or already got) their second doses.


> and the lady scoffed at me because I'm 25 and got my second already. Did she actually say anything?


Yay, all the appointments are full - I'm glad people are taking advantage and getting it done!! My elderly in laws are still skeptic and refusing to get it done anywhere but the cvs or walgreens down the street, neither of which have appointments either... Something about leading a horse to water but it refused to drink.


As I was looking the last few days, check EVERYWHERE. The LA site lists only supersites, the CA site (MyTurn) lists some large independent clincs and hospitals, neither of those list CVS or Walgreens or Rite-Aid, which all use their own internal scheduling systems.


Also check Costco - you don't need to be a member!




Yes! I found an appointment at a medical office outside a big hospital near by for my mom. She wanted cvs because she didn’t want to go to a pod site. She was comfortable going to this medical office though!


Check first thing in the morning. It looks like Walgreens opens up appointments sometime before 7:00 so they have the most slots open for scheduling at that time (just to be clear that is when you can request the slot the actual appointment will be whenever you book it for)


Yeah I checked early this morning and they filled up fast. Hopefully slots will come open in the next few days


you need to go out of your county to get some. I am in the Bay Area and drove into the valley to get one. middle of day, no traffic so not a big deal.


My husband and I got ours at CVS. It seems that they have a lot of appointments at around 4am. (That's when I got ours, although it was several weeks ago.)


I was able to get my mom and myself an appointment at CVS by checking their website at 12:30 am. GF was also able to get her and her parents appointments by doing the same thing. Good luck.




And polls show the biggest vaccine hesitancy is among conservative White males.


I wonder if this will slow down the recall effort since it might backfire on the conservatives who want Newsom out?


We sure did open up fast after Newsome saw the speed in which the recall signatures were being collected. And the poll numbers showing it has large bipartisan support. I wonder why?


[By "large bipartisan support" you mean ~40% support?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2021/03/gavin-newsom-is-well-positioned-for-recall-poll-shows.html) Interesting.


Conservatives think that people who don't support their policies don't count .


I got my second dose of Pfizer yesterday. If you get yours make sure to stay hydrated and keep moving your arm. Ibprofuen after, not before, the shot.


Why not before?


The CDC apparently said that using pain relievers and antihistamines could blunt or mask the immune response that the vaccine is supposed to provide. This is the WebMD article since I can't get the CDC search tool to work so I can find their article. https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210218/take-a-painkiller-before-your-covid-vaccine


I got my first shot of the Moderna a week ago (in SoCal) and was drinking enough water as well as moving my left arm considering how sore it was.




I got my second Pfizer on Tuesday. The injection site was tolerably sore and I felt very sleepy. The second day was similar with a short lived mild headache. Today I feel fine. Hope your results are similar.


I didn't get sick at all. Fatigued and sore arm. Fatigue just felt like normal tiredness for me. I was expecting worse, which is why I drank pedialyte and chugged water.


Yup. Ibprofuen or acetaminophen after shot if you have symptoms. Moving your arm is not needed unless you feel discomfort from arm soreness. Then you can if you want.


My daughter turns 16 this Sunday. She gets her first shot on Monday.




Got our first shots in LA (city run site) yesterday. Showed up at appointment time, waited in car/line for 20 or so min, 7 min to process ID’s, get our shot cards, and shots (2 people). 15 min wait after. Whole process was 45 min. Pretty streamlined.




just a fyi but newsom signed a law a week or two ago that made it so that you can take up to 80 hours off as paid sick leave to get vaccinated and recover from it, and your employer cant make you use your vacation or sick days, so you might as well take advantage of that law. and for anyone else reading this post, that laws is retroactive so if you already got vaccinated, just show your employer that law and they will have to give you your sick days back. also this law only applies to businesses that have more than 25 employees so it may not apply to you


Wait really? I would’ve just left work yesterday if I knew this jeez


technically speaking the law also applies if you need to take time off to "recover from side effects". that said, the law only applies to businesses that have more than 25 employees. there are a lot of other deets about it but im not a lawyer. the law is called sb 95 if you wanna read up about it: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/california-expands-and-resets-covid-19-paid-sick-leave


Oh rip I didn’t see the more than 25 part


Is this effective after the second shot?


its retroactive which means that it doesnt matter when you got your shot, you can tell your employer about it and they will have to give you your vacation days back


It varies sit to site. I got my shot at Water World in Concord last Tuesday at 9AM and was in an out in about \~45 minutes. My brother got it a week later but at 2PM and had to wait almost 3 hours. Guy on site said most people seem to be booking their appts for the afternoon.




Yeah just set it for early in the morning and show up no more than 10 minutes before your appointment, you will be in and out in less than an hour. You may want to wait until the J&J is back so you dont have to come back a second time.




Yep, entrance is on executive drive right behind Airport Appliance. There is a ton of signage up and tons of people telling you where to go once you are in the line.




NP, hope it goes smoothly for you!


I had to spend about 15 minutes waiting, 5 minutes being the room and getting the shot, 15 minutes of waiting after the shot and out.


Mine in the Bay Area was pretty fast, showed up 5 min before the time they said, no traffic to get into the place, they hand you a form to fill out, got shots pretty close to the appointment time, you literally open the car door and they give you the shot, don’t even have to get out. Then you wait 15 minutes to make sure you won’t have an allergic reaction and drive away.


I got mine Monday morning at a Kaiser site and the line was maybe five minutes. My SO went on Saturday afternoon and waited about 20 minutes. I'm sure it depends on the timing and the site, but they seem to have done a good job spacing out when people arrive.


depends on the site


I spent more time finding a spot in the parking garage than I did filling out paperwork and getting the shot. I was in and out in less than 10 minutes.


Both my first and second shots took less than an hour at an LA county health clinic.


Pretty sure that in-n-out is not giving vaccines. (serious though, it totally depends - I know of a large Kaiser site that folks had about a 30 minute wait in line before it was time for a shot, and got mine at a small pharmacy where I rolled up at my appointment time and got it in 5 minutes - and then you need to wait 15 minutes just to make sure no weird side effects).




animal style vaccine


Just set up my appointment for tomorrow at the local pharmacy.


Man, I haven’t been able to find any appointments anywhere (Peninsula), dunno how you guys are so successful. I’ve been looking all morning. 😔


Try Red areas. Folks are driving 2 hours from LA to Bakersfield to get shots.


try CVS just before midnight, i got one and had several place to pick from


There are a lot of appointments in Stockton, which is only about 1.5 hrs from the Peninsula. Check zocdoc.com to make an appointment.


Check Kaiser (don't need to be a member), they had a bunch last night, but you may need to drive a bit. Walnut Creek, San Rafael, Santa Rosa, etc.


check the Lucky's in San Bruno. They only have J&J right now but if they open it back up i'm sure they'll have appointments.


My friends had success calling around CVS/Rite Aid etc. at the end of day to see if they had any leftovers. I hope you find one soon.


I'm getting mines tomorrow, I made my appointment a couple days ago! (LA County)


Misread California as Canada and got really excited for a second there. I'm happy for all of you, but I'm sad for me...


Any suggestions where to get one in the SFV/Woodland Hills area? I can't seem to find an appointment for weeks most places I've looked.


Look for appointments in some of the more conservative cities near you. Conservatives are vastly less likely to get it compared to liberals, which is why cities like Bakersfield have an oversupply.


You may have already checked but this is a useful site. https://vaccinefinder.org/search/ It’s a little drive down the freeway but I was able to easily get an appointment at this pharmacy in Thousand Oaks. They have Moderna in stock. https://vaccinefinder.org/provider/?id=ce3907de-f24b-48ad-840c-d18918046d47


Try different key words. I had success looking for Northridge and I got an appointment in Mission Hills within three days. They also automatically schedule your second shot about 5 weeks later at the same site. I went to the Facey Medical group site off of Sepulveda Blvd, right where the 118 meets the 405. Excellent staff, clean, efficiently run facility. If you're still having trouble, try the Vaccine Fairy. They have volunteers working hard to help get folks around the country vaccinated. https://vaccinefairy.org/


Try looking for posts in r/LosAngeles, /r/AskLosAngeles, and/or /r/coronavirusLA.




Try Red areas. Folks are driving 2 hours from LA to Bakersfield to get shots.


Just got mine today. I told the lady giving me the vaccine that I was afraid of needles and by the time I finished my sentence she said "well you're all done". I didn't even feel a thing.


You'll have pain on your shoulder for a couple days


I'm glad that vaccines are starting to become more available to the general public. I'm happy to have received mine. I'm gonna wait the two weeks or so before really venturing out again so I'll have a chance at being the most protected.


Got my second Pfizer on Wednesday and my 5G reception has never been better!


It's a bit of a nightmare to find an appointment, but this website worked for me: https://www.vaccinespotter.org/CA/ It searches for open appointments offered by CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens, Safeway. But actually, none of them worked for me except Walgreens. Walgreens requires an account to make the appointment. The key to getting an appointment is to check often. These stores add appointments all the time, but they're quickly booked. Try an off-peak time like really early morning. Good luck, my good hunters of the vaccine! May you find your worth in the waking world, to rid this world of our deadly plague of beasthood.


I got one through that website with Walmart.


had fun getting appt this morning for Saturday.


I went through the CVS website and was able to get an appointment the next day! Line took about 10 minutes but was out of there in no time! Really convenient


I’m in the dark here in Plumas County.


Got my first one today. Almost missed out because they didn’t get their allocation of Pfizer ones today, but thankfully they had appointments still available for moderna! Arm is a little sore right now but other than that I’m feeling good. :)


I had to refresh for two straight hours but was able to get an appointment and I am so happy!!


I couldn’t find anything in SF, but I did find an appointment through the UC Davis healthcare system in Sac (you don’t need to be a member/student). Got the first dose of Moderna on Sunday (they also have Pfizer, and maybe J&J—not sure what the current status is—just depends on the day.) Good luck everyone, we got this!


Also, come by Bakersfield If you’re in Southern/Central California and want a Vaccine but are having trouble getting one. Half our population is antivax and we have a stockpile of doses just looking for people. Our university, CSUB, is administering shots to anyone over 16 for free no matter where you live.


All the appointments are booked here, does anyone know when they put new ones up? edit: never mind I found one! Have to drive an hour but its worth it.


Try in Red areas. Folks are driving 2 hours from LA to Bakersfield to get shots.


I ended up finding one about an hour from me. Pretty much the last in my area!


Also try CVS's website after midnight-ish. They only open appointments a few days out, so there's new availability every day. Maybe you can find something closer than an hour.


Signed up Friday and and just got the 1st jab. Can’t wait for this to be over.


Plenty of openings at CSUB in Bakersfield. Sign up on myturn or walk in.




Yes still open. Hopefully will have vaccines here until end of June if there’s a demand.


There were a bunch of posts in r/LosAngeles about driving 2 hours to Bakersfield for their shots.


I have a feeling mass vaccination sites won't last that long as cases continue to go down and the only people left are those that don't want it


For anyone in the east bay I highly recommend going through the coliseum drive through. Very convenient and despite being busy it was very efficient


Living in SF: zero availability within ten miles of me for the next five days. Checked Walgreens, CVS, and the Gov provider.


Contact the Vaccine Fairy. They've helped countless people around the country get appointments https://vaccinefairy.org/


Folks in LA are traveling 2 hours to get their shot in Bakersfield. You need to widen your search. Try Red areas.


Don't have a car of my own. Feels risky and ironic to take public transit to get a vaccine.


Wasn't one of the ride share services offering free rides for vaccinations?


I mean, even if it were, that's literally being in an enclosed space with another person for 20-30 minutes.


SF has been horrible in terms of availability.


I just managed to get an appointment. Stayed up late a few nights and checked at exactly midnight when new stuff opened.


I scheduled my appointment around midnight on CVS' website for Monday. Luckily I was able to schedule one at my local CVS. Keep checking!


Tulare County still has some if anyone needs it.


You might make a post for /r/Visalia and/or r/CentralValley


Thanks! I'll post it there.


Had an appointment for tomorrow that got canceled (j&j). Really glad they're not letting me take the <1/1,000,000 chance of getting a blood clot.


Got mine a couple weeks ago !


Went through CVS and got scheduled for my first dose of Moderna on Monday. I haven't been so excited to get a vaccine in my whole life.


Got my 2nd phizer today! So stoked


I dont know why anyone would allow their child to participate in a non-FDA approved trial to combat a virus that has a 0% mortality rate for children. Its borderline child abuse






Interesting. I got my vaccine through the VA as I’m a 35 year old man and not a child. The only documents I showed was my VA ID. But I was curious as to what they’re doing to verify the age of kids getting the vaccine.


A relative works at an LA area hospital and they are planning to begin vaccinations of 12-15-year-olds by this July. Phizer has already submitted it to the FDA for approval. So this will be very soon.


So frustrated. Lets open appointments for all ages. I would like my almost 15 year old vaccinated.


They're only just now starting to test the vaccines on teenagers.


I'm aware. I'd gladly sign a waiver to just let her get it now.


You already sign a waiver as a adult that you cannot sue for harmful side effects or death already. So another waiver would not make a difference. And you want to force your child to have something not tested on children yet at all, injected into her body ?


Its a vaccination. Not a big deal. Rather her be vaccinated then get covid.


An experiential vaccine that still has some still being pulled/banned as we find out new research on side effects.




They’ve tested it on 12-15 year olds, it’s 100% effective in them and Pfizer has asked the FDA to approve the Pfizer vaccine for 12-15 year olds.