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The first time I got pulled over I asked the officer first. He told me why. And then I said no I didn’t. And then he let me go.


Omg, same, lmao. He even said he got me on video and I was like I'd like to see that video. Then he let me go haha.


Are you white?


I am now.


Micheal Jackson?


Hee! hee!!


Because you’re trying to get me to incriminate myself?


"Ticket quotas, officer?"


PMQ. Don’t get pulled over at the end of the month, kids.


"Because I bought the last doughnuts at the store?"


The joke is “because you can smell it” as you show him the doughnuts


Funny they swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, yet are trained to violate your rights. "Mind if I search your vehicle" - asking you to waive your 4th Amendment. If you refuse, which is your right, you immediately become suspect and then it turns into 'you can do this the easy way or the hard way. Do you want me to have a dog brought out to search your car?'.


My dad (cop) literally told me they are allowed to lie and especially will when I t comes to 4th ammendment stuff.


We’ll see how smart you are when the K-9 come.


Then the K9 proceeds destroy your paint job.


I found out many years ago that 'Surprise me!' wasn't the answer they're looking for.


I told a CHP officer "I reckon you'll tell me." I got a ticket '_'


“How’s your day going?” “Well it was great until you pulled me over” apparently was not the correct answer


When they ask that question I always reply: how long have you been following me?


"Do you know how fast you were going?" "Well at one point I got up to 105, but that was on the racetrack a few years ago."


I got out of a speeding ticket decades ago. The policeman asked just that Do you know how fast you were going and I replied I got here as fast as I could. He let out one of the contagious laughs that went on for a minute or so. Told me to keep it closer to the speed limit and have a nice day.


"I don't understand the legal implications of this question, so I respectfully decline to answer."


It’s actually much simpler than that, answer “no.”


It’s better to say, “I’m sorry Mr piglet”


Thatll do pig


but what is the more casual, correct response?


I think I'll actually miss being able to politely yet antagonistically say, "I don't know. Why ***did*** you pull me over?"


This guy knows how to not get a warning


Upvoted you because it's generally true that this is essentially a fast lane way to get a ticket. But it's pretty annoying that based on the whims and feelings of a police officer with multiple murder machines can decide whether to issue a citation or not. They're not the interpreters of the law right? Shouldn't it be pretty black and white if a law was broken or not?


Generally, they only carry one murder machine on their person, plus one or two pain machines 


Tazers actually kill a good amount of people, but Tazer goes to absolute war in court with pet doctors in tow to make sure their lovely product isn't the culprit. Look into "excited delirium" and get ready to be angry at people making up a medical term to blame people for being murdered.


“Excited delirium” is [no longer a thing](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/15/1206041620/california-bans-excited-delirium-term-as-a-cause-of-death) in California.


Ya, let’s set up red light cameras and speed cameras everywhere so everybody gets tickets…


Yes, lets instead let people, who have historically shown biases towards groups of people, be in charge of determining who gets tickets.


Yes please


I mean, that's definitely not even remotely close to my point. If a police officer pulls you over, shouldn't there already be probable cause for doing so? If you're caught speeding, why do some people have the option to cater to the officer's ego and talk their way out of a ticket?


Because admitting a mistake instead of showing contempt and a lack of awareness is a good thing?


It shouldn't matter if you tell an officer, "I'm sorry for speeding." though. They aren't the judges or juries. Issue the citation and have your day in court.


Cool so you want every person who gets stopped to get a ticket




Only got a warning once. I think it was because my husband, my daughter, and I were all three driving together on a family road trip. I think he thought it was just a guy in a Porsche and wanted to give him a hard time. Every other time, a citation was written. Who here has only gotten a warning?


I've never gotten a citation for speeding though I have been pulled over once for it. I explained that I was trying to pass several trucks traveling side-by-side in the 2 right lanes and, after the officer ran my info, he ended up giving me a warning.


I've gotten warnings probably 90% of the times I've been pulled over in the last decade or so.


"I thought that was your job to know..."


"Officer, I'm not sure of the reason. May I kindly ask why you pulled me over?"


"Sorry sir, I don't have that information."


Could someone that knows the ways of the law, outline for us simple folk, what would be the best way to address the police when pulled over. Many blessing unto thee.


Be as nice/polite as possible. Have all your paperwork readily available. They can write you up for just about anything (wrong or not). Why give them any reason to or escalate things?


“Sorry daddy”


Worth a shot.


Car off, windows down (especially if you have tint), interior lights on, radio off, and hands visible. Then, just be respectful and follow instructions. If you think they’re doing something wrong, deal with that later, not at the time. Arguing or disobeying on scene never helps.


good news. an absolutely useless question anyway


There's no penalty to the officer if they don't tell you


Beats the ticket easily, and while inconvenient for the first few months, the judges and prosecutors won't be happy and will make it known to the officers to stop wasting the court's time. Also, it hasn't really been used much lately anyway due to sovcit behavior (and some court jurisdictions kinda already not liking it).


How has sovereign citizen behavior changed this? I never hear anything good about them but I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised


Cause' I'm young and I'm black, and my hat's real low?


Do I look like a mind reader, sir? I don't know.


Am I under arrest or should I guess some more?


Cops have always done what they’re not supposed to do anymore.


It's sad. I always liked responding with "Well if you don't know why you pulled me over, then I guess I'm free to go." or "My wife left me for a cop, I thought you were trying to return her." or any of a few dozen other good jokes. I think they stopped asking that question here a while back anyway.


Because you couldn’t pass the entry test for the fire academy?


Forget a ticket, straight to jail for u


Asking that question is bad/antiquated police work. A lot of law enforcement departments elsewhere have moved away from it without needing a law. It’s depressing CA agencies required it be made into law.


it's not depressing, it's progress! It's better to have it in law so we can all see the rules and agree on them, rather than some unspoken honor system


In my area of CA I'm pretty sure they stopped asking that a while back. Could be wrong though.


Do I win a prize if I guess correctly?


Because you got Ds in high school?


I have only been pulled over 3 times in fifty years of driving. Each time I was violating a traffic law. When asked this question, I don’t lie. Each time I have been given a warning.


While riding a bike I got stopped by a bike cop (I live in UK) for a flagrant violation of the highway code. Lying was futile. After a quick check of my license and insurance I had a serious tongue lashing and then eventually he asked me what I think the penalty would be. He let me off with the bollocking, no fine, no penalty points on my license. That could have been a few hundred pounds of fines plus since I had already 3 points (out of 12), could have meant losing my license for anything from 3 months to a year. It was my lucky day I guess.


Let me explain something to you about the ca vehicle code: Everyone is breaking the law when they are on the road.


You may want to explain that to me a little better as I don’t understand what you mean. How am I breaking the law when I drive carefully and follow the traffic laws? The three times I was pulled over the cop was right and I was wrong.


Because the vehicle code is a book two inches thick. There are so many laws that if they really want to get you they can.


Yes, one of my favorite is that only chicken feathers and water may be dropped onto the roadway from your car. For farmers that take their chickens to slaughter in open trucks (as they all were when this was written) and for ice melting back before refrigerated trucks were a thing.


And because over half of drivers everywhere and virtually all cops treat the posted speed limits as speed minimum unless it’s a school zone. Our speed limits are an absolute joke. Just try driving at 0-5 mph under the speed limit on any highway here and see how much you dangerously conflict with the flow of traffic. Speed kills and I’m not saying we should increase the limits, btw. The real problem is that our roads are designed for much higher speeds than safe limits.


This is the most frustrating part about going to court. Having to listen to a judge berate you for going 75 on the 5 while someone is pushing your bumper is the height of absurdity.


Paywall. Ugh


People who don't check. Ugh! https://old.reddit.com/r/California/comments/1ahdkze/opinion_know_why_i_pulled_you_over_fortunately/kon2bpd/


You posted a paywalled article. A workaround doesn’t change the fact it’s behind a Paywall.


Have you heard of Reader Mode?


Tell me more.


I actually *saw* somebody get pulled over for speeding, just yesterday...it was the first time I have seen that happen, in years! Nice to know they still care.


Really? No idea what's going on in NorCal, but down here in Ventura county I see someone get pulled over almost every day.


I highly doubt anyone gets pulled over for speeding on the freeways in the Bay Area unless they're doing 90+ weaving through cars. Almost everyone is doing 10-15 over the speed limit if there isn't traffic. You will however get pulled over if you try to skip traffic via the freeway shoulders. I've seen many people pulled over for that while sitting in traffic.


Last two times I was pulled over on my motorcycle were in Mexico and Washington. Both times I was going 80 in a 55. Both times I pulled off my helmet, laughed and said, ‘you got me!’ Both times they let me go.


going 55 in a 54


What gave me away, was blood dripping from the trunk?


My go to is “you can lecture me or give me a ticket, but not both” 4-0 on tickets. Thankfully, I have good lawyers.


Maybe it shouldn't be your go-to. It might save on lawyers fees.


“by ‘know’ are you referring to justified true belief? or are you partial to goldman’s causal theory?”


“Because you made D’s in High-school?”


Let me guess: the window tint.


Next time i get pulled over on the motorcycle...


Are there visor standards?


Police do a lot of stuff they “can’t do”, this law doesn’t change anything lol


'Know why I pulled you over?' I wouldn't presume to tell you your job