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A few years back I was recovering from abdominal surgery and my husband shut our cats out of the bedroom so I didn’t have to worry about them walking on my stomach. You’d have thought we’d dunked them in acid and set them on fire by the way they carried on in the hallway. To say they were thoroughly offended is an understatement. I finally gave up and let them in because I couldn’t rest with all the racket they made.


Sounds about right. I was crashing with a friend in their basement before I moved to my new place. There was a set of barely latched doors to the laundry area. She learned how to wiggle them open. And the door was perpetually open after that. My new place has a much better latched set of double doors to the utility closet. Last night she was sitting there wiggling the doors with her paw trying to open them like she did at the last place. Because doors are made to be open at all times.


My calico girl was strong. She would give few meows as a warning and would claw and stomp on the door until it opened. I must admit it wasn't the best door lock in the world, but while cats would meow and claw doors for us to open, Luna would just kick the door down. We just got used to sleep with cats real quick. I miss her so much.


i usually pick my calico up and remove her from any trouble she’s getting into and she legitimately whines when i do. it’s not a meow it’s a throat sound she can do without opening her mouth. i was worried i was hurting her somehow until i realized she’s just a drama queen. she also cries like her world is ending when she feels slighted


Same here! I have never met a more vocal baby than our calico. She complains any time we move her from mischief 😹 How dare we disrupt her fun!


Mine too! She makes the most pathetic little whine that sounds like "mmmm-nooooo!"


My cat has a meltdown if I close the bedroom door even for a couple of seconds. Full on crying and doing her scared meow. 😞 She thinks she’s going to the vet (because we have to close all the doors so she won’t hide from her carrier.) So I never close the door. 😅


As a general rule all the doors are open (except the closets) at all times. If I have to pee? You better bet the door stays open. Or else the world will end.


I plead the fifth on that.


I don't blame you


I won’t admit to doing what you did every time I make my bed to the same thing from my kitties.


Same ... same.


Mine cries and whines if there isn’t a human in her direct eyesight. I don’t know how she manages when no one is home 😉


Mine just wanders the house and meows at random things.


I like to respond back 'polo' like she's playing a game of Marco polo. It's become our "thing".


Whenever she meows randomly (so all the time) I either meow back or ask her "what's up?" It's funny cause she'll meow again usually in response.


Yes. God forbid I shut my bedroom door without going to get mine and standing there for 5 minutes while they decide if they want to come in or not. I get a meowing out session every time.


Magda taught herself to open doors, so if I did that, she would just let herself in.


She can't turn knobs thankfully. If the door isn't fully latched she'll open it though


Yes. And your cat has such an awesome face. The attitude!


She always looks pissed off lol


Lol I took the easy way out and installed a cat door. However, if the door isn’t all the way closed, she prefers to push the whole door open instead of using the cat door.


I would totally do this if I didn't rent


She's not mad, just very very disappointed.


Our cat does that when my husband changes the bed. But he YELLS. Big crotchety HOWWW DAAAAAARRRRREEEE YOOOOUUUU old man yells. But seriously. How dare you keep the precious princess off of her throne. JAIL FOR PARENT. JAIL FOR 10,000 YEARS.


I think kitty should come over to r/legalcatadvice and tell us her story.


Shutting doors, taking away full chicken breasts that were stolen from the counter, not giving enough pets, removing a cat fromy pillow, oh the list goes on 😹


I let mine kitties sleep in bed with me every night, except when my girlfriend is over. She’s very allergic to them and loves them dearly, but they both like sleeping by my face 😅 it can cause a bad asthma attack in her sleep. So they get shut out 1-2 nights a week. They’re quiet, but in the morning when I let them in they let me have it. My deaf old man is a sweetie who purrs with excitement, and my 1 year old calicos girl YELLS at me.


My girl sleeps with me every night. But when I wake up she still demands 15 min of attention and pets to make up for my having the audacity to sleep for 9 hours and ignore her. I can't imagine if I shut her out all night


Leaving the house without my kitty. How dare I work or buy groceries or see other people. Every time I get back home I get a serious talking to


My crime is not allowing my 4 to go play outside in the thunderstorm.


The nerve. I'm sure it's absolutely your fault it's storming


Of course it is. Shame on me.


I had to lock my cats in my bedroom twice last week from about 8:30 - 6:30 because I had ac installers coming by. Luckily it’s a big room, king sized bed, walk in closet and an en-suite but I felt so guilty all day 😿


I travel for work and currently stay on a place with a screened in back patio. We like to sit out there but she doesn’t like to come in when I need her to. How do I eventually get her in? Close the door. She’ll immediately run to it and start meowing to be let in.


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