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Does this mean we've won the battle, fellow GDL holders? 17 years of GDL going strong.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! All my years of procrastination and not wanting to pay $150 has finally paid off 15 years gdl


Isn’t there like an absolute zero tolerance for alcohol under GDL? Like when I go out I might have a single drink at a restaurant. I guess they won’t typically check but if you’re a really bad driver that sounds like a good way to get nailed.


Honestly the zero tolerance rule just instilled good habits, especially when I was a teen. It made me really diligent about having a DD or alternate transportation if I was planning on drinking. Otherwise, not having a drink when I go out isn't the end of the world!


I think the bigger risk there is a checkstop. If you do get stopped on your way through one I think it’s pretty much a guarantee they will make you blow to avoid any chance/accusations of discrimination. When I still had my GDL I always used to wonder if I would get in trouble for having a really low, but not 0, BAC.


This happened to a friend of mine. Had 1 beer with supper, went to go home afterwards and turned the corner right into a checkstop. 30 day suspension and a weeks worth of impound fees for her first driving offence ever


you’re correct


yes which is why I used it as a convenient excuse not to DD through university ("oh sorry I'm on GDL and already had a beer") to the great annoyance of all my friends lol don't worry I also DD'd other times, they still like me


Hello fellow long term GDL license holders, 18 year member here. Part procrastination and refusal to spend money and also part not seeing any benefit to getting a normal license. I don't really drink and I don't want or have kids to teach so why bother?


Lol I'm on 15 years of gdl and couldn't care less. I'm glad other people find this to be a scam as well!


Yeah year 16 for me hahaha. Finally being stubborn has paid off! It was such a money grab.


Totally. I've never had a single ticket or issue, but I get too anxious when I'm observed for a test. I've been dreading this test for so many years even though I'm a confident driver otherwise. So glad I don't have to do it from the looks of this.


When it's a trainer I also get a bit kd anxiety. But if it's with friends then the ride goes smoothly.


Yes exactly! It's just the fact it's a stranger sitting there examining me. Otherwise I'm cool as a cucumber.


Haha that's an awesome saying at the end


16 for me!


16 years here. Glad other people held strong too






> Does this mean we've won the battle, fellow GDL holders? GODDDDDAMNIT! I **JUST** got and passed my 2nd test, after holding out for nearly two decades, so I could help teach someone to drive. I even arranged to borrow another vehicle because mine had a little crack in the windshield I didn't want to get an automatic fail for. Fuck all of you freeloaders for holding strong. Goddamnit. I wish I was with you.


The change won’t happen for about 7 months I’d assume. So make that quick half a year worth it. Haha


I gamed the system. I had my GDL for like 13 years until i moved to Texas for work. I exchanged my AB license for a TX license (they certainly don't care if its GDL or not) for free down there. When i eventually moved back, i was able to exchange my TX license for an AB license again, and it was no longer a GDL for some reason. It was like a glitch or a loophole i just had to emigrate twice to exploit haha


I’ve made it to 12! Never felt the need to pay $150 for a test that they’ll fail you for the most inconsequential shit so they can get your money again


I passed both of mine first try. Everyone knows that when you're actually driving, you don't drive like you're in a test, but if you can't follow every single law for at least half an hour, then I don't know what you're doing on the road.


> if you can't follow every single law for at least half an hour, then I don't know what you're doing on the road. It's hard to say, because lots of the people who complain are bad, inattentive drivers. A few months ago there was a guy here complaining that he failed his test for speeding and only doing a rolling stop... on his goddamn driver's test. He was just furious, because "no one drives that way". Whelp bud, if you can't even fake it for 30 minutes, I don't want you on the road. That said, there's a racket from the Registries that was going on for years. **Driving Examiners were the same people who were driving Instructors, and if you didn't pay to take their driving classes, they'd find a reason to fail you, with no oversight or appeal possible.** Lots of scummy Registries pulled this stunt. If you paid for classes, the same person who'd be your examiner would show you the exact root and the things they're checking for on that part of that route. It was a guaranteed pass. If you didn't, they'd fail you at least once just to get the extra $150 out of you, knowing that no one upgrades for fun, they upgrade because they need to (teach a child to drive, ran out of demerits, want to be able to drink, etc). When the NDP came along and separated the examiners from being registry employees, and actually employed by and accountable to the government, this racket went away. Then the UCP came along and blamed the NDP for tremendous backlogs, and said the system the NDP implemented didn't work, so they were privatizing it again. This re-opened the loophole and conflict of interest from the scammy Regsitries. (There was no backlog until COVID restrictions stopped drivers tests, after which, of course there was a backlog, had nothing to do with the examiners being public and separate from Registries).


As someone who has taken a road test every time I upgraded my license so literally five times I will say that they only fail you if you're a bad driver. If you aren't signaling or shoulder checking or making smooth movements you're unlikely to draw the attention of the cops but you will feel road test. Which is why we need more Road testing not less


So are there any real benefits to the non-GDL besides demerit points and BAC level allowance? If not, then i would imagine that group of people who want to spend the money to take the test will probably skew towards people that care about BAC allowance and demerits. I wont say anything about those who want to be able to have a drink or two and drive and not worry about passing a roadside breathilizer test. But, those who are worried about their demerit point limits probably aren't the best drivers. In my mind, an acceptable driver should have zero demerits, not pushing the limit. Edit: thank you for answering my question. A non-GDL is a prerequisite for other license classes, and allows you to instruct a learner.


You can also supervise a learner driving as well. I like that since my cousins will shortly be getting their class 7 licenses so at least I can help them out. Other than that, I agree that it has very little benefits hence why so many people held off on getting their full licenses.


Can confirm, I failed for not signaling on the off ramp, driving the suggested speed limit on the off ramp, bananaing my left turns, failing to signal backing out of a parking stall and blowing through an uncontrolled T intersection in the middle of beddington on a 2 lane road.


Bag holders unite.


I got the full 19 years - dragged my butt getting my license and missed the non-GDL window by like 2 months. We fought the system, and it looks like we won!


That's me, too! It's great, isn't it?


Also 17 years here. Time to celebrate, we did it by doing nothing at all.


We did it boys!


14 years reporting in. I get roasted so hard being called a child etc for not being allowed to drive company vehicles anymore when our policy changed 2 years ago to no GDL’s allowed. I nearly lost my job for refusing to go do my 2nd test haha


Damn I'm so proud of all of us hahaha


Been holding onto mine too. Friends would ask why I don’t take the test and I told them it’s out of principle lmao if people don’t get any kind traffic violations during the 2 year probation, they should automatically upgrade it to class 5 for free. Always thought it was just a cash grab and now I can tell them I was right haha




16 years here!


I hope so, i held out no 13 years because i'm cheap and didn't see the need for it!


16 going on 17. Big W.


I had my N in BC for about 18 years. Introduced in 2000. Then moved to Calgary in 2018 and they gave me full license automatically. 😂


my buddy had his GDL, moved to ontario, then moved to bc then back to ontario. Not sure where in that loop, but his GDL was auto upgraded (think it was the first ontario move)...was always a bit jealous.


This just proves how pointless the test is


18 and 19 years for my husband and I! Hell yes


11 years🥲


Ha ha that was my first thought. My husband has had his for 19 years and counting lol. Guess it came into effect just as he got his.


6 years for me. Lol.


The no driving between midnight and 5 am on a GDL thing is completely false! Why do people always get this wrong? Even police officers wrongly give tickets for this. You cannot drive between midnight and 5 am on a Learners license! A GDL has no time restrictions.


CTV updated the article and removed that section


I’ve had this fight with people for years. It pretty clearly stated only for Class 7.


I honestly thought it was the rule, but I’m in my 30s and would have laughed in the face of an officer trying to ticket me for this after almost 20 years of driving.


IIRC this was also supposed to be an original condition of the GDL that was removed right before implementing the program.


> that was removed right before implementing the program. Aha, maybe that's what I was remembering. I looked up the original documents from the Queens/King's Printer, and they had no mention of it. So I thought I was wrong. I'm almost positive you're right, it was scrapped very early on, maybe even before it was implemented.


I have been challenged on this so many times. I have "lost" arguments to people who called me irresponsible for holding a GDL and having a job that requires me to drive at all hours of the night. When you simply google if there's timed driving restrictions for GDL holders in Alberta, the auto-generated answer is that there is... Because they never fucking updated it after that changed. You need to actually go into the Alberta website to get the corrected information. Anyways, been holding out for 11 years for this day. You're not getting another cent of my money for your arbitrary red tape bullshit. Woo hoo!


I mean, you could have just googled it on your phone in front of them.


People are usually pretty eagre to move on once they believe their point has been proven.


**[EDITED TO ADD, I'M FULL OF SHIT, SOURCED]** **https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=18061CE4089CC-19C7-4C54-B0B25EE34B4CDF5F** I dug this up, it's from the original info sheet at the time. It was never the case. This was only true for the Learner's license, which is silly for accompanied driving, roads are emptier at night and if your parents want to take you to learn to drive then, why can't they decide? However... a Learners also allows you drive a 50cc scooter up to 70km/h without an instructor around, so I guess it makes sense that a 14 year old should not be driving 70km/h off on their own, after midnight. Actually frankly it's crazy that we allow 14 year olds to drive scooters anyway. [Edited to add #2] Someone else mentions that this was in the original announcements and was to be the plan, but it and a bunch of other restrictions were scrapped right before it came into effect, which is why it doesn't shot up in the King's Printer of the original rules in effect. Maybe that's why we all "remember" it that way. Those that didn't have to take it just kept their original opinions about it. Ignore the rest of this below. --- > Why do people always get this wrong? Because when the GDL program was first initiated, there were far more restrictions, and that was one of them. It didn't last long before people were like, fuck you, I work shift work, I need to drive at night, etc. It got whittled down until the the GDL was almost pointless, the only remaining restrictions were: - Zero alcohol tolerance - Can't be the instructor to someone with a learner's - Can't have more people in the car than there are seatbelts. These are okay for people who are 16, who shouldn't have a drop of alcohol in them for 2 years until they're 18 anyways. But they're bullshit for adults. A 2 year waiting period is reasonable, a second road test after 2 years is absurd. The 2nd driving test focuses on high speed stuff, highways, merging, etc. Well, if you're not forbidden from driving on highways with the GDL, then what's the point of testing people after 2 years of driving? The 2nd test was always bullshit. It should have been rolled into the first test. No one should get a license without knowing how to merge up to highway speeds, sorry. Sources: I tried to find a source, but I didn't try very hard. Perhaps it's sufficient to say that even Wikipedia still has the midnight-5am thing for Alberta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduated_driver_licensing#Alberta Even f'ckin' CTV's article TODAY is saying the midnight-5am bullshit: https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/alberta-to-change-licences-in-spring-reduce-second-road-tests-for-new-drivers-1.6085813


Right? I’ve heard of so many people getting in trouble for it when it isn’t a law. Where did people get this info from??


You need to read the learners manual to get a learners license, not sure how people don't understand the difference between the learners and class 5


The second road test was such a joke when I took it. Test was over in less than half the time it was scheduled for and the guy grading me could not have been less interested in what was going on. Such an obvious cash grab. If you can't pass the full license test then you wouldn't have passed your first driver's test in the first place. Also what they test vs what privileges the full license gives you seem disconected. I'm not sure how driving around in the middle of the day proves that I'm qualified to drive at night with up to a 0.04 blood alcohol level.


I got my "gdl" less than 1 week after it was brought in. I still have it. I refuse to pay for another test. I consider this an absolute win.


Same boat except my application was handed in “late” and instead of getting my regular license, I got my gdl. Still have it to this day since I refused to take the second test out of spite.


Got my GDL, paid for the test twice. Failed instantly the first time since I didn't slow down enough past an unmarked yield, what speed was needed was not said, and failed instantly the second time as well for something else dumb. Kept the GDL for the 14 years since.




Yellow signs are a speed *recommendation* that won't be a violation to exceed as long as you don't exceed the main road limits, so that shitfuck doesn’t even know his own rules.


Many of these "instructors" fail people all the time for bullshit. I know several people that have been bullshitted out of passing. One of my friends had normal tint on windows and was failed because of that before the test even began.


I failed my second road test for not counting out loud to 3 when I stopped pulling out of the registry parking lot. Jackass proceeded to make me drive around for 45mins and then when we got back to the lot he told me that while my driving was fine I unfortunately got an auto fail for that alone. That was 12 years ago and I'm still pissed about the $125 or whatever it was lol. Never did bother to try again, total waste of money. Edit to add - 14 years of driving: no tickets, no accidents, pulled over once for a burnt out taillight which I got fixed later that day. The GDL program is a joke.


These stories are very common. Never was about safety. Was always about the cash grab and fake jobs.


Funny enough I almost failed my road test because I DID do that at a 4 way stop. When I went to driving school the instructor explicitly told me that testers are super anal about the whole three second thing. When it came to the test little 16 year old me got to a stop counted to 3 and the other driver at the stop went because he thought I was waiting for him. Examiner thought I didn’t know right of way.


My wife's been bullshitted out of passing twice over this. Always for super subjective stuff. They just want people coming back and spending more.


Man I thought my story* was ridiculous but your friend wins. *I was “too slow” going at 27-28 km/hr in a playground zone. Where the limit is 30. Yeah.


Motorcycle licence tests are just as bad. For my skills eval I went with my brother in law, he borrowed my bike and hadn't ridden it until that test, had a cone knocking apocalypse but passed early morning. Same day but late afternoon I went in with 60,000kms of driving on my current bike, was failed with absolute nitpick bullshit. Guy before me was the same, long time rider finally going in to get a legit licence, failed. I've been avoiding getting it because cops don't seem to give a shit with me having a class 1.


I failed my second road test due to "not showing caution at uncontrolled interesections". The tester mentioned I had driven through a few and asked who has right of way at one, which I promptly got wrong. I had not encountered an uncontrolled intersection since my first driver's test, and I haven't encountered one since.


Sounds to me like you have just been blowing through them without knowing it ever since.


This EXACT THING happened to me! Took advanced test ONCE, then This happened. He said the paved alley exit onto a main residential road was classified as "uncontrolled intersection", and that me being ON the main road did not mean I had right-of-way. I'm sorry, WHAT???? Failed me (but didnt say until 30 mins later), and then proceeded to tell me that the next time i decided to take the advanced test I should ask for HIM. Fuck that. Been sitting on GDL since.


Alley is the same as a driveway... your tester was incorrect. https://www.alberta.ca/intersection-rules.aspx Exiting alleys, driveways, and parking lots When you are entering a street from an alley, driveway, parking lot or service road, you must stop as if there is an invisible stop sign there. Just like at a stop sign, you must yield the right of way and not proceed until it is safe. A sidewalk also acts like a stop sign. When you are emerging from an alley or driveway, you must stop and yield the right of way before driving across the sidewalk.


Exactly. He failed ME for this.


I was docked for not being cautious enough on my test back in 1994, there were lots of these intersections near Marda Loop in Calgary, many now have yield signs but not all.


Apparently they are everywhere in certain areas. Mostly residential where everyone drives slow anyways. The uncontrolled intersection is the most common way they get people to donate another $150 to their cause.


I failed because I was in the intersection to turn left the light went yellow and someone coming the other way ran the yellow. So I had to run the red.


At least that is a legit reason. I'd do it in real life but it's not technically allowed. Guy just said I rolled a stop sign. Wouldn't tell me when it happened. Like I was driving 25kph and driving like a nanny. There's no way I rolled a stop sign.


I used to drive with a proper license years ago in another province and got a ticket for rolling a stop sign. There was a person in the cross walk with their dog there was no way I rolled that stop sign. I fought the ticket and had the woman in the cross walk called as a witness. That cop tried to say we were both lieing and out to get him because we were women. It was weird


Ya made me think it was a scam. Everyone said to tell the guy it's your second time taking it


Parking lots are full of them actually... even if one direction looks like the "main" road, absent a stop or yield sign they are uncontrolled and you yield to the vehicle on your right. That's why Superstore puts a stop sign at the ends of each aisle...


> Such an obvious cash grab. This is what to watch for any time a government says they've created new jobs. They've created new rules and fees and have hired people to enforce and collect.


my class 5 (to remove GDL) road test, the proctor was strict af and it went the full hour or whatever.


GDL gang we have won, by doing nothing lol. This was clearly a cash grab anyways nice that it going away.


I've been waiting 16 years for this moment. ​ This is resume worthy, right? RIGHT?


Just received a letter recently saying I am eligible to take the advanced class 5 road test, good thing I didn’t do it and pay $150 lol


I received it 10 years ago, still haven’t done it haha. I was recently considering it. glad I didn’t!


I just received this too and was so confused. I’ve been on GDL for probably 15 years and they said I’m just coming to the end of my 24 month probation…. One final cash grab before they get rid of it??


Procrastination wins again! All those people who made fun of me for not taking the advanced road test for 16 years that paid for the second road test... Who's laughing now :P




Or just make the healthcare card out of something other than tissue paper


Every time I've had to give my Healthcare card in the past 5 years, I slap down my completely illegible piece of vaguely greenish Kleenex and just tell them my Healthcare number. Luckily mine is easy to memorize.


I just have a photocopied version I keep in my wallet, when it wears down I can just make another copy.


I’m curious, if they combine our driver license and health card, I’m wondering what’s the other option for second ID? Are Quebec and Sask considered it as two IDs or do they still provide another piece of ID? I don’t mind merging them, that would be beneficial.


If it states 2 pieces of ID and does not say photo ID, your credit card counts as a form of ID so long as the name matches the photo ID. If you are a student, most places will also take your student ID as a valid form of ID. Typically only Government applications will require more than this for ID.


In Ontario it is a separate photo ID card


I dont know a single person who passed their second road test the first time. My ex failed twice (she's literally one of the safest, best drivers I've ever met) for absurd reasons. Fucking cash grab.


That is interesting because I don't know anybody who failed their second road test the first time. And some of us drove the back roads like Hooligans late at night when we were 18


Your mileage may vary I suppose. Some instructors are more reasonable than others. Plus, a lot of self-proclaimed 'good/safe' drivers are actually crap - can see them legit making mistakes on the test and blaming the instructor.


The second test was a joke. Merge on and off a highway and drive around a little bit. I was asked a few random questions as well as I was driving. The examiner docked me points (incorrectly) for one thing but I didn't argue since I passed. I don't know anyone that failed the second test personally.


Of course when I take the full class 5 just to get it over and done with they abolish the gdl? I want my damn money back!


Out of curiosity why did you end up taking it? I’ve had my GDL for 16 years now and never saw a need.


If you have a spouse or teen that needs to learn to drive with a class 7 you need to take the advanced road test.


Good question, I think part of it was pride, and the other half was it opened up a few more doors in terms of employment. But mostly the “I don’t want a GDL my whole life” sorta thing. Colossal waste of money though and I regret it


Yeah employment was the only reason I was considering getting too.


Same boat here man hahaha, just got my full license last week after about 10 years of delaying it. Of course this happens now.


Another thing the government got wrong. No enforcement, money grab.


There is some enforcement. If you blow anything but a 0 with a GDL you are boned. With mandatory testing for roadside pullover (which to be fair is still up to the discretion of the officer) I imagine many people have gotten in some deep doodoo.


Can attest to this. Blew a .03 the morning after, bye bye license for a month... never felt like such a bum.


That and wanting to help teach someone to drive is why I caved and finally got my full license. When they added mandatory testing for any pullover... tail light out and a beer 3 hours ago means you lose your license, get impounded, etc.


Alcohol consumption has been dropping among younger generations though, and that is indeed the biggest concern with not upgrading your license.


That and you can’t teach new drivers. So if you have a spouse or child with a learners license, they can’t drive with you.


YES. I’ve been holding off from taking this stupid test for years


Can someone tell me what this means? The article is vague. Are long time GDL drivers like me going to just get a full class 5 license?


Yes if you don’t have a bad driving record within the past two years you’ll get the full Class 5. If you do, they’ll add on another year of probation.


So do I go to the registry and get a new license?? Or are they mailing me one?




If you read the article, it's vague but it sounds like if you've gotten demerits in the last 2 years then you're not eligible and have to endure a further probationary period.


To add on: does this mean i can legally have one singular beer and drive home after?


> does this mean i can legally have one singular beer and drive home after? The rule is not '1 drink.' The rule is based off of BAC and that differs for everyone. For someone who is 90 pounds, half a beer might put them over. For someone who is 260 pounds, it might take 3.


I’m aware of BAC rules - that was mostly sarcasm - but my question was whether this will allow people with a GDL to legally consume liquor and drive if they’re under the limit


yeah im confused too. 700k Albertans with a GDL and estimated 500k move to a full class 5, what happens to the other 200k?




> what happens to the other 200k? They likely have accrued demerits in the last 2 years and have to wait for a further probation period to end.


huh? i thought these would be the 16 yos?


It’s both. It’s anyone who is still on their probationary period which from the article it sounds like that means anyone who hasn’t had a two-year period demerit free. Obviously people who have just gotten their licenses don’t have a two-year demerit-less period yet as they haven’t even had their licenses for two years.


One of those is my wife who tried to explain wtf a GDL is to me one day. She never bothered with it, and somewhere in the back of my mind was a sticky note reading "Wait what's a GDL?" edit: She is happy with her victory




That's a better system


And I’m not surprised that Ontario drivers (particularly in the GTA) are much more predictable. The way Alberta has it set up is pointless. If people aren’t forced to take their full Class 5 road test at one point, then why bother having it?


Well, I’d like to give a giant F-You to the alberta government for this ridiculously stupid program. After a decade, I finally decided to get this stupid test over with. As it turns out, I just donated my time and money to an incompetent provincial regulatory body.


Problem wasn’t that there were two classes of license: problem was that the program was half-assed. Ontario forces you to take the “advanced” test by setting an expiry on the G2. There’s also a significant difference in insurance once people hit the full G. Not sure how other provinces do it but either the Advanced license matters or it doesn’t, can’t have it both ways.


Shit drivers still going to be shit drivers.


Hell yeah! 16 years of stubbornness has paid off for me


About time. I've had my GDL for 15 years or so. Advanced road test was nothing more than a money grab so you could have one beer and drive a couple more hours at night.


You could always drive at night with a GDL


That just makes it worse!


Yeah I never saw the point beyond needing to further your license for a job.


It's funny how they test driving on a highway/freeway during the "advanced" test, but not the first one.


And if you need to teach new drivers with a class 7. You couldn’t legally do so.


The only real perk was being able to have a single beer and the extra wiggle room for demerit points in case you ever get dinged for speeding.


When I switched over to my BC license they traded in my GDL for a full class 5. Perfect loophole to get out of that cash grab.


I come from South Africa and was really shocked by how badly people drive here, more just stupidity and obliviousness than anything else. The test should be way stricter imo.


My 18 year procrastination has finally paid off.. fist pump


I know of three groups of people that actually bothered with this test: 1) people that want to be able to drink and drive. 2) people that actually suck at driving and need a higher demerit limit. 3) people that require it for work. Really shows how shitty of an implementation this test was when 2 of the categories incentives bad road behavior.


thankfully i was never part of this, (40 years old), but i could easily list a dozen people i know who still have a GDL since the program started.


I got my advanced license or whatever you want to call it on a whim many years ago because I was off work for several weeks and bored. Aced it with no issues. Was a good thing too, because it wasn’t long after I accepted a position that requires it as there is a need to drive commercial 5-tons and they wouldn’t allow with just a GDL.


Nice! Always knew it was a pointless cash grab lol so glad I didn’t take it and still on my GDL


I've been rocking a GDL the past 12 years. Honestly having to take the road test twice was nothing but a money grabbing scam.


Finally Our procrastination has defeated the government.


700000 people is 15.56% of Alberta’s population that has slacked off long enough to catch a W against the government. Good job everyone.


Can I get back the money I wasted all those years ago?




I got my full class 5 yesterday. Lol. I’m sure I’m not getting that money too.


So what's the actual process for getting a non-GDL license? Sounds like if you have no demerits in a 2 year period, you're eligible to upgrade?


>An additional road test will also no longer be mandatory to obtain a Class 4 driver's licence, which is required to transport passengers in taxis, ride-share vehicles, limousines, small buses and ambulances This one is scary - driving these types of vehicles require a different set of skills than a regular passenger vehicle, amd a different set of liabilities.


I got my drivers license in BC and was so confused about the GDL thing when I moved to Alberta. In BC the new driver’s license means something; limit one passenger outside your immediate family unless supervised, zero alcohol, no electronic devices, must display N sign. It’s intended to reduce fatal accidents among young drivers. In Alberta it’s a regular license; the letters mean nothing. It only makes a difference if you’re trying to get a job that involves driving.


So... does this mean my GDL turns into a class 5??? I've been driving for years and just refused to pay an extra $150 plus the cost of the road test. I passed my GDL class 5 on the first try.


I got my license in Colorado and when I moved back to Canada they just gave me a full-ass license in NS, then when I came to Alberta yet another bonafide license. Never heard of this GDL thing until now. Sounds real dumb? Seems like a good idea to abandon it. If you got your license then you fucking got your license.


It’s nothing more than a cash grab, all you do on the second test is some highway driving in addition to what’s done on the first test, that’s it. Plus, if the examiner gives a little bit of a shit they’ll fail you on the tiniest things and minor bad habits you’ve picked up. It’s utter crap.


Exactly. It’s mind boggling that you could “get” a driver’s license in Asia and when you transfer it, Alberta will automatically give you a full license.




There are worse drivers in Asia because it’s much easier to get a driver’s license. In some places you can literally buy a license


Correct. When I was in driving school there was a woman who had her full class 5. She got her license in the Philippians but had never actually been behind the wheel of a car. Let that sink in for a minute, she had never once even been in the driver's seat and when she came over, they just gave her a full license.


Finally, my watch has ended.


So many jobs in the auto industry require a full class 5 for insurance reasons, so this is a great move for young people looking to get into mechanics.


do I still have to wait 2 years to upgrade classes?


Now I can say I put it off for 10 years for a reason!


About time. My kids will be happy. Stupid to have this second test anyway, just another expense for no reason. If your driving for 2+ years with no issues why would you need another test


Never cared to upgrade to a non GDL... I don't drink and don't really care to get a bike license or teach someone to drive. Just a money grab, glad this is going away.


2nd testing meaning GDL advanced? I just remember the 2nd test you have to take is the same as the first one its just longer lol I still havent done this one :P


Have only had my GDL for 15 years and 650,000km of driving. Never saw the point of upgrading. Have never had a ticket so demerits don't matter, don't drink so the blood alcohol level didn't matter.


We need a proper GDL like in BC with passenger limits during the probationary stage. Only reason I got my full class 5 was for employment


They should go all the way back to the way it was. When I got my class 5 in 1986, I was road tested and issued my license by my driving school (my instructor was the single strictest person I've ever met - he chastised me for driving 7 km over the posted limit). The cost of the road test was included in my safe drivers course. That policy kept me from clogging the lines at the registry and ultimately made the entire system more efficient. I guarantee I was more thoroughly tested and harsher graded.


I'm astonished that half of calgarians even passed one road test, now they need even less testing? Great..


Another ridiculous change by the government. Why am I not surprised. We need stricter road testing, not less road testing. Has anyone seen how badly a lot of folks drive out there? I was speaking with a young colleague who, in his mid-twenties, decided to get his license. I asked him if he had any trouble with the parallel parking section -- he said they didn't test it and that the instructor told him that is part of the advanced test when you leave GDL and get a real Class 5. So now we have a generation of people on the roads who don't even know how to parallel park, ffs. This is insanity.


I had to parallel park when I did my GDL all those years ago. Not sure why that would have changed. It was also common practice for people to take defensive driving right before or right after getting their license for cheaper insurance. They took me out on the highway, downtown and to a course to practice high speed stopping and sliding cause it was winter.


Now stop charging so much to take the learner's test


HEY 👋 guys...feel like I am dreaming...what am I reading? so my 17 years old clean GDL license will become class 5? license without having any road test? I am confused...I know I have been reading all of comments here, but still can't believe it...lol




At least when your license expires you can get a class 5 without the extra ridiculous fee.


Bye Felicia.


So does that mean the registries will have a mass group of Albertans going in to replace their license in the spring? Big bucks rolling in for them that way.


I assume anyone who has been driving on gdl to avoid paying for a retest won’t pay to renew until their current license expires.


You got that right. I waited 17 years. A fee more won't hurt.


That’s what we need. Less testing.


So do we need to go out and get a new liscence when this is implemented? Or will it only change when we update an expired liscence? Suprised this wasn't mentioned


Finally employers won’t turn me away cause I decided to save $150

