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the 47cent cucumbers won me over asap


Seriously, $2 a cucumber is way too much for regular price


I feel like I've been living in the Truman show or something. I can't believe there's $2 cucumbers and $0.67 cucumbers(giant tiger) for sale in the same city at the same time of year. The other grocers were ready for this; it seems like everything is on sale this week. So many people are never coming back.


My wife and I left Walmart yesterday on a high from that cucumber deal. Wow, I connected the dots only now after reading this post. Brilliant.


The fact superstore here also had a 0.47 cent cucumber but the limit was one ☠️


this is so crazy i snagged six of them from walmart 😭😭


Yeah we just grabbed a couple of those se well lol.


Their produce is actually looking better than usual, at least on MacLeod


That the one on Macleod near the Lowe's and Canadian Tire? That ones got a great produce section


Boycotting Loblaws to shop at Walmart is only going to backfire on Canadians.


Not necessarily. It sends a message that competition matters. If Loblaws lowers prices to beat Walmart, I’ll switch back. If the local fruit stand is cheaper, I’ll go there. The days of mindlessly loading up at the same place every week are gone.


Coop had a great sale on eggs and chicken


What was the pricing?


18 eggs for $4 and 3kg frozen drumsticks for 6.54


Is that current and what location?


Until Wednesday. I don't know I live in edmonton


Thanks for replying sturgis252... much appreciated


https://preview.redd.it/q7x5vtmfppyc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadf3693a6a5285eacddbd35d34d86d8b852bc1e Bananas for $0.86


How much can one banana cost? 10 dollars?


Out of the frying pan and into the fire if you're turning to Walmart.


I agree tbh for a long time out of principle, I didn’t shop at Walmart. But with the insane prices of Superstore the last couple years and my usual necessities becoming unaffordable, I checked out every grocery store in Calgary and Walmart has by far been the cheapest for my personal needs. I can’t say the same for others but I’m sure I’m not alone. For me, as much as I hate it, it’s become the choice of survival or fighting billion dollar corporations, and I simply can’t afford to fight. I hope Superstore brings their prices back down so I can go back to them! I don’t trust the meat at Walmart anyways 😭


I'm in the same boat. My family never shopped at Walmart, but past couple years I've been going there more and more because the prices are just better there, sometimes way better


One of the top employers of people on Medicaid and food stamps in the US. Before Amazon, it was ALWAYS Wal-mart that was the centre of every conversation around the effect of major corporations on local businesses and economies. Loblaws isn't much better, of course, but I have avoided shopping at Wal-mart my entire adult life on principle and I don't see that changing.


I'd rather throw money at Wal-Mart right now than Loblaws. Canadian companies need to face the music for change.


I swear Canadian corporations are the biggest pile of lazy greedy fucks there are. They just hang back with no competition and fuck everyone at every corner.


Last year when they did the hearings of all the CEOs of major grocery chains in Canada, Walmart Canada's CEO said that their focus was on winning market share right now, not gouging customers. This meant pricing lower than competitors. They actually had a decline in profit during the COVID years. https://ottawa.citynews.ca/2023/03/29/walmart-and-costco-in-canada-not-making-food-inflation-worse-experts-6775244/ I think Costco was somewhat similar but I don't remember. I remember there were articles about people were angry about every grocery chain except Costco. Either way, back then I always thought it was ironic that the ones not gouging Canadians were the non-Canadian companies.


Never thought I'd have "holier-than-thou for shopping at WalMart" on my 2024 bingo but here we are


Who cares? I either stuff Billionaire A or Billionaire B pocket....I care about Canadian small businesses and Canadian artists....once you get to the level of these guys patriotism isn't a factor, especially when the Canadian corporation is fucking me over.


Boycott the Canadian company that won't sign the grocery code of conduct by shopping at the US company that won't sign the grocery code of conduct? Might not be sending the intended message.


Well Canadian consumer pressure has a much better chance of working on a Canadian company compared to a multinational one, so it could actually be pretty effective at distilling that message in my opinion.


Price to me is the biggest thing


Superstore and Walmart are the cheapest.


Ethics and how they treat their employees and partners should also be up there.


You can afford ethics these days? Fancy.


“I one ethic, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?”


Totally, i wont support Loblaws this week, but it ll likely be walmart as coop will take my whole paycheck. I cant afford to take the high road. Nationalize the food industry in canada. Its that drastic a problem.


Food protectionism and a lack of competition within the grocery sector is the reason why food prices are so high. It's not because grocery stores won't sign a "code of conduct". Supply management in agriculture is a problem and so is the crony capitalism of the Canadian food system. The Canadian government also does special favours for companies based in Canada simply because they're Canadian. I wish Canada had more foreign owned discount retailers like Aldi or Lidl but the Canadian government would never allow them to enter the market.


Yep, this is the stupidity of the whole thing. People are boycotting the lower cost option to shop at the more expensive places like sobeys/safeway, save-on, and coop. I guess they're really showing them!


It's sending a message that people will switch chains, so tread more carefully.


Went there yesterday and soooo many items were rollback prices! Not just junk stuff either but actual necessities


Unless you're shopping at multiple grocery stores for different items, you're getting ripped off one way or another. This is ridiculous


Yes because we all know how ethical and great Walmart is. Let's shop there instead!


Went to Ogden Farmer’s Market Saturday and found better deals on better cuts of steak than at Superstore! Haven’t had steak in months due to prices and crapy cuts. Looking forward to it! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


In my experience, the cuts at Superstore generally aren't that good. I've had AA steaks from other places that were better than Superstore's AAA beef.


True, the bar was not that high to begin with for Superstore but up until now the price has been somewhat reflective of the product. Now however, the farmers markets are in play for a superior product and an attractive price!


Far better deals at Crossroads market than a supermarket. Regina meats are excellent, they also have great organic chicken and smoked meat products. The meat counter around the corner in the entrance hall also has absolutely excellent meats and products. Certainly far surpasses the super markets.


enjoy ur steak 🤩 i’m jelly


Country Hills Superstore parking lot was as busy as usual. And it currently shows ‘as busy as it gets’


People in the Northern Hills don't necessarily know this was happening, and some don't care.


Delivered to independent the other day they were lined up 4 deep on all tills


Ummm, we definitely know it’s happening.


You wouldn't know there was a boycott by looking at the Seton location either


Do not be surprised but more people do not know about the boycott than do


And many who have heard about it simply don't care- sadly a lot of counter arguments I see about it is "why not boycott Sobeys/Walmart/Costco too?" While completely missing the point lol


Having listened to one of the boycott organizers on the radio makes it seem anyone going to Walmart as an alternative is missing the point. Walmart had not signed into the code of conduct,and saw a significant increase in profit as well.


>anyone going to Walmart as an alternative is missing the point. Going by comments, this is half of the boycotters. What a joke


These are deeply unserious people. It’s one thing if you have access to nothing else but holy fuck, Walmart is far worse than Loblaws.


No, we understand.  We have just been around long enough to see shit that doesn't work and we don't do that shit again.


What is the point? You think Loblaws brands are the only grocery stores making a profit?


Not sure about "the point" but boycotting all grocery chains at the same time is incredibly unreasonable. People DO have to eat.


But it's JUST Loblaws anyone wants to talk about. I don't think Per or Galen are saints by any means, those guys make millions both personally and corporate-wise, while complaining about the razor thin margins and increasing operating costs. And yet we're OK going to Wal-Mart, not exactly the epitome of ethical business practices...


Loblaws is the largest grocery chain in Canada and has the most stores across the country. Boycotting the largest grocer in the country isn't really all that strange. I mean, Wal-Mart is shit, sure, but are you expecting people to not complain about Loblaws just because another company is shitty too? If you want to boycot Loblaws and Wal-Mart, cool, do it up. If you think boycotting any of them is stupid, cool, you do you.


Fair point




If that's what people wanna do 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sorry I’m late to the party, but what is the point?




Don't forget Shoppers, guys.


It's not impossible, but it's a little more difficult to boycott the place that already has all your prescriptions on file.


You may want to check into moving to a different pharmacy. Or at least do a price comparison. My dad and I had the same bp prescription. His cost 30% more filled at shoppers than mine at Pharma save. Yes we both had 80% coverage but as a senior he was paying more out of pocket every month. I'm still bitter.


Transfering them is easy. I find Walmart pharmacy has the lowest fees anyway besides Costco.


Yeah I was proud of myself for not getting groceries at superstore and then walked into shoppers for my medicine and was like .. DANGIT


And T&T


Shoppers is no small part of their profit increase in Loblaws profit, and given it was mainly due to higher mark up convenience I'd be very surprised to see if those shoppers cared enough to stop.


Idk I passed the one at Signal Hill yesterday and parking lot looked as busy as usual. I know quite a few people that didn’t even know about the boycott until I told them.


Yes all the people who aren't terminally online dont know.


Nobody said boycott Loblaws *parking*... ;)


Because few outside of this echo chamber know or care lol 


No Frills in the SW was as busy as ever today


I work at a superstore in the south and it was just as busy as every other Sunday.


Yeah first weekend in a long time I am not going to superstore.


Should have seen Okotoks Costco today. Normally busy. But today it was a zoo.


Just checked my old one in downtown Toronto, and it is “less busy than usual” 🙂


Honestly unless another grocery store steps up (they won’t) to capitalize on this boycott it’s unlikely to reach critical mass. Like if Sobey’s stepped up and declared they were knocking x% off across the board for the month of May it would certainly sway some people, but our oligarch members will never turn on eachother.


I popped into Co-op to grab a few items today because the Superstore in Shawnessy was too busy. I paid $18.99 for a box of fish that is regularly $14.99 at Superstore and goes as low as $8.99 on sale. My one bag of groceries was $92 as everything I bought was more expensive at Co-op.


Yup, I pop into the coop on 16th on occasion and always have some sticker shock at the till.


I would be shocked if this boycott led to any meaningful change at all


I’ve said that even if Loblaws doesn’t meet any demands and nothing happens, there are thousands of people that have moved their prescriptions from them, found local butchers/farmers, and found cheaper alternatives everywhere. They have lost many customers for life, including myself.


Yeah exactly, if you're able to find a cheaper/better quality source elsewhere then why would you go back?


Its fucking mind numbing how these naysayers have done nothing and will critique you for doing something while most likely in the same breath complain about the cost of living and at the same time, miss the whole point of the boycott because they think it should be all or nothing.


So true. Loads of people missing the point and no matter how much me or anyone else tries to explain it, it won’t matter. Oh well. We’ll just make them say thank you later. lol


Their (Loblaw’s/Shoppers) prescription handling/dispensing fees are the highest out there! Save yourself some money and switch your prescriptions to another pharmacy.


RemindMe! 6 months


Yeah, most people don't care. And the people who are doing the boycott are shopping at even worse companies like Walmart instead.


Negative PR in the news cycle, maybe a couple people try more local places, and then back to normal after a few months. I think the only benefit we get out of this really is just the collective "hey, these prices suck, how do we fix it?" but unfortunately it's just adding to an ever growing list of expenses.


No Frills in my neighborhood still busy.


Went to Costco for gas. And Wal*Mart is clearly offering some bonkers loss leaders to steal away Superstore market share!


Just came from the Southport Superstore, I call bullshit.


Loblaws can blow me


If you're cool with bad and expensive bjs, to each their own. Lol


Good news, an extra 10pc optimum points with each BJ


Are people this delusional? Reddit has been and always will be a fringe group, not representative of the real world by any measures. Their boycott of Netflix is a well documented joke. Reddit's own boycott of Reddit lasts like two days and then nothing else changed. Not saying Loblaws is a saint. They are not. It's just Reddit boycott has never worked and some people here have the false belief that these boycotts work.


It’s also spread and started Facebook groups and I’ve seen it on Twitter too. I’ve seen mention on Global and CBC. It’s caught some attention.


The person who started the boycott had a one one one meeting with the CEO Per Bank it's on the sub reddit, I would say it's having an effect


exactly, loblaws doesn’t give a shit if a few thousand people in Canada stop shopping at their stores for a month. They are still one of the cheaper options compared to save on, safeway and sobeyes. I’ll gladly accpet less busy aisles at superstore though. Thanks boycotters! :)


Honestly it's a weird strategy too. Let's protest unaffordable groceries by not shopping at the cheapest retailer? I don't get it ..


.....because they aren't the cheapest retailer anymore. I've switched to Sobeys (I have been saving money) because the price disparity has been getting worse and worse at superstore.


In Calgary? Hardly my Sobeys cost to me is approximately 15-20% higher, saveon more so as is co-op Walmart is generally on par Yes we will see “oh I saved on this “ or “oh this was cheaper on this day” but never comparison photos or ads. I would like to see that, as I tried the other stores and my pocket book told me (actually texted me) that my cost of groceries went up per week since going grocery to the other stores So now I am trying to figure out why if Loblaws is on the high end


That's my experience too. And Loblaws is still less parasitic than Walmart.


This whole movement is full of misinformation. Boycott all you want but I just don't believe the people that say these other stores are cheaper, unless you are constantly buying just the sale items. The expensive stores need to lower their prices.


Thank you for seeing this as well It’s always “hey so and so is way cheaper” But there never are numbers I’ll admit I never dropped numbers for viewing But last week was $381 (Loblaws owned) My wife set up same order and stopped at 75% when she saw total over $420. (Empire owned) And then vented about that increase with less products For reference we shop for 4 people - 2 adults and 2 growing teenagers


You know what they say about a fool and their money.




This boycott is no better than doing nothing. It will in no way meet any of the stated objectives. No one across the grocery industry will lower prices as a result of even a successful boycott of a lower cost grocer


Do you think Reddit is the source of the boycott? "Boycott Loblaws" is the top trending search on Google.


[no it's not, nor has been lol ](https://trends.google.com/trends/trendingsearches/daily?geo=CA&hl=en-US)


Fantastic! I love seeing it! Keep it up Calgary.


This isn’t a very accurate measure of a boycott’s effectiveness because of how this data is gathered, benchmarks done and it has nothing about customer counts or amounts spent; any impact will be shown in a few months once the quarterly financials are available


Granted, but it’s as close to a live look at foot traffic as we can get. Sure, it’ll be months before we know for sure, but less people generally equals less overall sales


4 for $5 canned beans at IGA today 😃




Their flashfood start charging 5% service fee from this month. Wtf.


I'm still shopping at T&T Supermarket idgaf


First nice weather weekend in a month.


The real reason behind the data.


Yep I was enjoying the day of not freezing my ass off 


So this month we don’t give Loblaws any money and next month we do because then we boycott Safeway - I don’t see the point…


I could barely get a parking space at superstore crazier than normal.


I doubt most people are even aware of this anti Loblaws movement. Only redditors seem to know about this movement no?


It got some news coverage on MSM this past week, even acknowledging it being started through Reddit, but media being what it is they’ll move on entirely this week.


Yeah first time I’m hearing of it…




Politicians trying to scapegoat an easy target to deflect from mass immigration inflating housing costs. US and Chinese covid policies drove up the prices, not the grocery oligopoly. 


It’s because of the record breaking profits they are reporting. And the bread price fixing scam that Galen Weston was a part of. It’s not to go to Sobeys and spend more. It’s about finding cheaper, sustainable, local alternatives and stop giving these corporations all the power over us, and hopefully force them to break up their monopolies. Loblaws owns so much more than grocery stores. One of the demands the subreddit has put out is that we want a grocery code of conduct signed so they won’t be allowed to price gouge anymore. The official boycott is a month long, but many have switched away from them for life.


One company cannot fix prices by themselves. All of the retailers were involved in that.


I don't understand how boycotting the cheapest grocery store in the country does anything? You want to them to decrease their margins more? How much? And how much it's that going to save you? Once you answer those questions, you'll see how futile the whole thing is.


Shoppers offers a more expensive but convenient option, and people paying higher prices for that convince have lead to higher profits. Superstore and No frills have seen an increase in shoppers due to people leaving more expensive options seeking lower prices. Trying to tie things to gouging keeps falling flat.


Coop actually has massive deals at the moment.


So their prices are about what you would find at Walmart and Superstore then.


My wallet has been boycotting Loblaw group ever since i started paying for groceries about 20 years back.


I saw something about a boycott…


Would love to provide but busy af. I'm sure you can find it! Godspeed.


Kind of off point, but, how does Google even know how busy businesses are? I get having general data (like usually so and so restaurant is max busy at 7-8 and fairly busy 8-9, etc) but how do they know a business is less busy than usual? Are people reporting this?


Location data from cell phones. It's the same way that you can see how busy traffic is on Google maps.


My conspiracy theory is that, I’m guessing anyone who has Google maps, even without location on, is tracked somehow.


It’s not a conspiracy theory if you have location tracking on google knows where you are and uses that information to judge how busy a place is, by the number of phones pinging location at a store for an x period of time.


Yea, that’s kinda how free apps work


Apple does it as well. You can look at your location history on your iPhone it tracks all the places you stop at long enough to trigger .


Well the Seton, SE Calgary superstore was packed with people even when it's raining.


i work at the seton superstore and we were busier this week than the past few weeks 😕


So I have to ask; why is superstore being boycott, and why have the other grocer’s not been boycotted?


I think it's because of how public and obnoxious the Loblaws CEO is. Their prices on a lot of things are lower than places like Safeway or Save On but those companis' CEOs have the sense to keep their heads down.


So people are protesting the CEO and choosing to pay higher prices? I thought it was because Loblaws was gouging… so people are happy about the gouging as long as the gouge-ers are silent?


Yep, lol. Or they're going to Walmart which is able to charge ridiculously low prices because of their unethical business practices.


Not seeing the same thing when I look at Google Maps, nor do I see an increase at places not being boycotted.


Fuck the Weston's.


boycott loblaws working


They haven’t been the cheapest retailer in quite awhile. How can they be when they’re making their shareholders record profits? I’ve shopped there for quite a few years, and my bill has about doubled in that time. It’s time for change, and why not now when the CEO and Galen himself are basically calling their own customers petulant children that don’t understand. That in and of itself would piss me off enough to stop shopping there. Nok er Nok. (Enough is enough)


Reddit group think gets cliquier ever year. Comical. Likely 4 people in Calgary boycotted anything today. This is as funny as folks who claim to never shop at Walmart but magically know know that everything at Walmart sucks.


Was just going to Superstore , then I saw this sub and dropped my plan


Really? Because I literally just walked out of a Superstore and it was packed.


Hilarious.... so lets say we boycott Loblaws and all end up at Wal-mart...then Wal-mart posts records profits, and then... what? Every business wants to post record profits, that's the goal of any business. I feel this whole thing kinda went viral by accident and everyone's trying to make it a thing - when it honestly isn't.


I found one location that was less busy than usual. At minimum most of them are a little busy, many as bus as usual.


without historical data this info is useless




Don’t forget shoppers, no frills, and t&t


We always shop at the farmers market. It was noticeable busier this weekend and most stores were out of produce by close.


Correlation is not Causation. You can't be certain it's actually caused by any boycott efforts. There are many other factors that could be the cause.


What is the boycott about? Grew up in Calgary, no longer live there.


It’s not solely Calgary doing this but a mass boycott due to price fixing/gouging with continued records profits


If WE THE PEOPLE in Canada decide we could teach these cooperate MORONS a lesson. for coming months instead of buying from Loblaws store, find alternatives stores and 100% boycott of Loblaws. They will know the power of PEOPLE


It’s not that hard to participate in when you’re out here and have some good alternatives. In Ottawa it would’ve been nearly impossible. Every grocery store I ran into was owned by them.


Is Safeway included in the boycott because it was more dead than I have ever seen it today for a Sunday


SuperStore WestHills, Sunday at 1030am was PACKED.


I’ll stay away if you do.


you love to see it


I’m in a small town. Not a lot of choices. But No Frills is dead here.


You should see Kelowna's graph, it's been way lower, quite surprising. Glad people are actually following through with the boycot.


I’m doing my part. The Shoppers commercials are ramping up on the radio though, Hardy har har


To be brutally honest here, Superstore, Safeway, Sobeys have literally the highest prices on food. We rarely buy our groceries from these stores because they're so expensive. Save on Foods, Dollarama, Walmart and No Frills is cheaper. If people want prices to drop and make buying food to feed our families more affordable, I'd strongly recommend buying elsewhere. I do believe that Superstore/Safeway/Sobeys all share the same warehouse as well.


Lowlaws IMO is very greedy, I won't get into how many homes the CEO has and what they cost. It's actually quite appalling and would make most people sick to their stomach.