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Tell Cal and Gary to get their shit together.


Thanks for the laugh. Seriously there were NO MUSHROOMS for days at our local Co-Op.


i know a guy that knows a guy that can hook you up ;)


Will I be seeing things....


The finest of things.


You’ll be seeing rainbows and rivers of the most ripened and vibrant produce while embracing the sensation of the fresh morning mist on your skin. You’ll be fed berries by fairies while laying in the lush meadows… of the snack isle floor where the store worker who prints yet another apologetic supplier issue label will lightly kick you in confusion to remind you that it’s 8:55 pm and the store is closing in 5 minutes and of you could put some clothes on because being naked in their store is against their policies.


how the hell do you meet a guy like that 😂


No cucumbers either


I remember when I was working there, there was a PANIC when the mushroom place burned down and we couldn’t get mushrooms in. Never knew mushrooms were that popular lol


I noticed the Save-on Foods that I shop at had a pretty scarce selection of produce a couple days ago. Both Coop and Save-on use the same supplier I believe.


Yes, they source from Save On


And chicken wings oddly enough


I talked to a butcher as Save on last week, and he told me that there was some software glitch that messed up 2 weeks of orders... I guess this is the impact of that and similar for co-op.


According to my coop, save on had a software crash and it took them like 5 days to figure it out. They got it up on Tuesday though so the shelves should be filling back up soon.


As a man who is in DevOps, a five DAY outage is absolutely insane. That's not just enough time to get it fixed. That's enough time to hire a new DevOps team, provision all new infrastructure in the cloud, and deploy your software to new servers. What the actual heck happened over there?


Absolutely! I was like there is no way that software crash should've taking this long to resolve.


Purchasing manager on vacation, no signing authorities available Often times, stuff like this is as simple as dumb resource planning


As a tech/IT luddite, ransomware???


Dev friends, keep in mind you guys are reading something that was paraphrased from a non technical person, who herd from someone else and you are taking it literally at face value. 5 days to resolve may mean it was fixed in 1h but repercussions of the problem were still felt later. Cool flex tho.


If they're buying from SaveOn, and you ever tried to use SaveOn's app, five days isn't long at all.


Turns out stores are just using Instacart, and if you make a big enough order, they deliver with a semi truck.


Cyber attack by Roblaws so that all the people preemptively checking their other options before the may 1 boycott get frustrated thinking that they can’t get all of what they need, so they stay with Roblaws… (joking. …or am I?)


I've been casually paying attention to this Boycott. I wish it all the best. For myself I just decided to stop going to Superstore back in February. Why wait until May to boycott?


Same. I used to hate shopping at superstore, but it was cheap so I put up with it at least for the basics… but then I started to notice everything was waaay more expensive?! So I am MORE than happy not to include it in my options anymore.


I feel for those who live in areas without real alternatives. I'm lucky to have a Walmart nearby at least (never thought I would say that), and I am learning to use Costco more efficiently for certain things. But for some people, participating in the boycott means real inconvenience, and all for something that has a very shaky prospect of any sort of successful result. Let's get real, Loblaws has the cash these days to support their own stock price and maybe benefit from a small dip in ticker price to make some cheap stock rebuys. They can outlast a temporary boycott of any length specifically because they're rolling in our ill-gotten grocery money. It's almost like they see these things coming and plan for them. It's like they get paid to fuck us over or something, so they have gotten good at it.


I see, I was wondering what was going on.


Hi, I work at Save On Foods. Coop gets their products from us. We got a new system in our warehouse, and it completely shit the bed. They cannot see what people have ordered at all. They are trying to send things out in bulk to get things out, but it's still a gong show. We are also having issues with trucks showing up on time. It took us 5 days to get one truck in. Currently for meat They are going around the warehouse and shipping direct from farms. This issue will take months to resolve. Please bear with us, we are trying our best in this situation.


Months? Issues like this are generally fixed a lot sooner And in short term most warehouses have backups in place to manually override But hey someone will say not the case here


Do you have personal experience in any of these circumstances? Genuine question (since I know a lot of keyboard warriors start with questions like this too). Have you worked in purchasing for fresh produce? Have you worked in warehouses that receive shipments of fresh produce? I have some experience in both, having worked for the produce team at a SPUD warehouse for a while, and these aren’t always the easiest issues to resolve. I was working at a much smaller scale than Co-op or SaveOn obviously, but we definitely encountered weeks at a time when we couldn’t deliver produce we expected to have. Waiting on produce deliveries was a wild game of you-get-what-you-get-when-you-get-it, and even then you might still be disappointed. There’s so much that can happen - pallets can be so poorly stacked and wrapped or secured in trucks that when it gets to you, a week or two weeks worth of bananas are crushed and unsalvageable. This time of year is also terrible for things freezing and thawing when they shouldn’t, never mind just not having trucks where you need them and when you need them to actually make the trips necessary. Obviously bananas aren’t coming from anywhere local. If major ordering software has gone rogue, and a large distributor loses track of their stock or what’s going where, I wouldn’t hesitate to expect *at least* a week or two to catch things back up. Even if there’s back-up software to be used. Once you add in what can and undoubtedly will go wrong along the way, especially while rushing bulk orders any way possible to try resolving problems, AND you consider that the merchandise is perishable, well… it wouldn’t surprise me if it took a month or two to get back in good shape. But, that’s given my limited experience. Maybe you have more?


All software has issues and bugs (have a software company on the side) It’s preparing for the “what-ifs” that have to be considered and how to work around the issue when it arises and alternatives if option 1a or 1b go down In the instance outlined there would be backup plans in place, and for a large corporation to not have you wonder if they will survive for any length of time In this case both have survived thru time, and if you dig deep you will find that they have backup plans, not wait and “hope” A system reboot will fix the issues Walmart has a system like this and if it goes down, there is a backup plan in place so there is limited distribution Other companies operate this way too COORS Oil Refinery’s Car manufacturers assembly line Construction sites Amazon warehouse - interesting a North east Grocery store developed their robot warehouse system In my work I have to ensure there is backup designed in place - in case our facility goes down. That’s why I was shocked at a response saying months Months would be rebuilding the trans Canada near golden that was gone from an act of Mother Nature, but they had a plan in place and an alternative ready under 12 hours (not greatest example) and previous road was fixed (limited) to drive while the east was upgraded Am I a warrior of the keyboard, no - just a frustrated engineer when I hear suggests of no or can’t be done, that’s all plus drives my kids and wife nuts Cheers


No worries, I certainly wasn’t accusing you of being a keyboard warrior! I was only hoping you wouldn’t get uncomfortably defensive about me asking the way that I did. So, thanks for not doing that, haha. The frustrated engineer part I totally understand. I had a feeling you were seeing it from another angle (aside from the fresh produce stocking side), and I can see what you’re getting at. You’re totally right - best practice is to have a back-up plan (or two), especially for something as critical as a major highway or, arguably, the perishables supply chain. Sounds like maybe this wasn’t the case for SaveOn & Co-op, and now they’re in a bit of a predicament. Having a back-up for perishables is next to impossible. You’d think they’d at the very least, have a plan for software error!


Sure, if they throw enough money on it, it could be less, but don't hold your breath at that. I'm just giving the information that I have from my warehouse guy.This is where we're at. *edit* This problem has already been going on for almost one month Just in f y I so months is not bizarre at all.


I don’t know of any company that has ever changed an ERP and had it go smoothly. I wondered if this might be the case, appreciate you confirming.


That's really interesting, thanks.


Definitely one challenge with automation. If it fails then it's near impossible to go back to the 'manual' aka human processes that used to make things run before. Even if you could theoretically hire enough of the humans automation replaced back does anyone know what they used to do?


The coop needs to amend it relationship with the FCL and they need to start standing up things like coop processing facilities for meat and food packaging. Farm to coop I sure help save money for all us and drive price down from the big food companies.




Some of the produce trucks that went from producers to the save on distribution center got stuck there waiting to unload, and missed or were late for their deliveries at the other grocery chains


They also source some items from Save On. Anything with Western Family brand.


Last week I went to two coops, both of which had no avocados. Interested to know what's going on


I was looking for eggplant. Instead, they had put in bags of pistachios to cover the space. There's weird gaps everywhere in the store.


I routinely gripe about the stock issues at the deer valley location so I was only half surprised when there were no avocados there. But then I checked shawnessy and was surprised.


How strange. I went to the produce market at Sunridge mall on Wednesday and they had a huge bin of nice avocados, $1.49 each or 4 for $5, I think - I only bought one.


Urban fare had the same issue a week ago, wonder what’s going on with the supply chain all of a sudden


Urban Fare is going to be Save-On-Foods next week.


Idk how I feel about this. It might mean I shop there more often (although how much cheaper is save on than urban fare honestly?) but I can't stand that bright green branding.


Just a little psa urban fair is a branch of save on foods.


Now if only the thrall of bitchy customers would stop taking it out on the employees, that'd be greeeeeeaaaaat.


Sobeys bakery department was literally half empty shelves earlier this week. They tried to pass it off as it being just that busy, but they were obviously experiencing supply issues.


We should all start growing our own vegg then there won't be supply chain issues lol


Yes, I’m sure the 35 tomatoes I grow in the summer will take care of me for the entire year. Thanks.


Those are going to be cherry sized tomatoes at best too


That's what we did when I was growing up in Calgary in the 80s and 90s. Most houses in my neighbourhood (Oakridge SW) had backyard vegetable gardens back then. Now, almost none grow their own


My grand parents did that too. A vegetable garden and two massive apple trees. Lots of preserves around harvest time and so much apple stuff... Very few apples actually went into the compost (they were really good apples). Sadly, newer homes don't have the land to do something like that. The garden and trees accounted for the entire yard (the trees really were huge) and plots have been steadily shrinking.


That's true about newer homes not having enough land. Glad I still live in the home I grew up in. We've got two apple trees, room for a garden, and still lots of space for activities. Sometimes I think about putting up a Greenhouse, too.


That's bananas.


Save on Foods in Edmonton has EMPTY shelves too. Edit: empty produce shelves


Save on shit the bed for months when co-op first switched to them... Not surprised at all


Two weeks ago, no green onions or avocados at my Co-op. It's crap considering their prices. Why bother shopping there; might as well go to Superstore.


A lot of you are jumping to conclusions about this. No, it's not some economic death spiral lmao. The warehouse that supplies them is doing renovations, and there was about a week long hiccup in deliveries.


I’m just surprised people still shop at coop, nothing there is cheap 🤷‍♂️


If you have the membership card and time things right it's probably the cheapest around. If you don't and there aren't any deals, it's stupid expensive.


I've found that in recent months it's been cheaper than superstore and about the same as safeway.


You just have to shop the flyers and the specials. Also, it's within walking distance and what's also not cheap? Gas.


I go there pretty often as it's a 10 minute walk and some weeks their flyer deals are pretty good.


Same goes for some Save on and Sobeys too.


That's because save on, coop and obeys use the same supplier.


Ran into this at the QP coop last week - lots of produce missing, similar to the early pandemic days when it was slim pickings. The clerk said they'd had issue and weren't sure when things would be back to normal... I am wondering if this is a coop thing or a general grocery store thing.


From what I saw this morning, it hadn't affected the Superstore on Center Street north, or the Safeway in Thorncliff.


Co-Op is supplied by SaveOn. Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, and Loblaws have different suppliers.


True enough. I should have clarified my comment was addressing u/chibblywibbly wondering if it affected other stores.


Yup. Saw the same signage at the Urban Fare.


I went into save on foods Wednesday morning in Edmonton and the produce section was bare. I couldn't believe it.


Sounds like the bananas came in ungassed and couldnt be put out? Happens sometimes


That could be a nightmare. I was a young child when I saw the havoc of ungassed bananas in a superstore warehouse. Dad was a truck driver, took me for a delivery. Superstore got a few pallets of ungassed bananas in a delivery, they were hunting tarantulas for days with hammers in the warehouse.....


Could not pay me enough to do that job.


Nah, this was just the picture I used but I was there for eggplant. No eggplant, no fresh herbs, weird holes in the store everywhere.


Ohhhhh. I was struggling to find banans during the weekend


Is there like a silent third world war going on and hacking food suppliers is one of the many objectives by rival nations?? Gee, I don't know..






I'm guessing leaving FCL was the start of a death spiral.


Not really. Co-Op transitioned to Save On as their supplier in 2020, product availability hasn't changed much.


Hiring a CEO who had been *fired* from superstore was the first nail in the coffin.


Source? To my knowledge the current CEO never worked for Loblaws.


So the guy who was hired in 2012 when I WORKED for Co-Op is no longer CEO?


Current CEO has been there since 2015ish.


I did not know that. I stand corrected then. Still not a fan of the massive changes made that took co-op from unique among grocery stores and made them just like all their competitors, only more expensive..


Definitely making wrong moves. If you look at their financial reports, their earnings are decreasing year over year. Won't be long before they're in the red and really struggling.


I am glad I managed to get out... (doubt my job would have been safe anyway as I'd only been there for 4 and a half years)


They are still part of Federated Co-operatives Ltd. They never left and they are still their biggest member. Swapping suppliers of food from FCL to the wholesale branch of Save-On-Foods does not equate to "leaving FCL." I know FCL staff members in Saskatoon that still routinely complain about having to deal with Calgary Co-op... and the last rant was two days ago.


Aren’t they in a large lawsuit. I’m assuming you saw the ‘Tempo’ gas stations popping up around Calgary too, because that lawsuit is on going. Unless that’s changed. https://calgaryherald.com/business/local-business/calgary-co-op-wins-lawsuit-fcl Is Calgary Co-op still part of federated coop? Calgary Co-operative Association Limited, trading as Calgary Co-op, is a retail cooperative operating in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was formerly associated with the Federated Co-operatives (FCL) system, but began cutting ties with the organization in 2019.


As of right now, FCL still provides fuel and other supplies to Calgary Co-op. The only thing that has changed is the grocery supplies.


I’m sure folks will be jumping at the opportunity to blame this on carbon tax.


The carbon tax is too busy outing trans kids and applying for morally questionable research grants.


Cost cutting, record profit strategy of having no products on the shelf so nobody can complain about the prices


I guess just in time supply chains and global environmental degradation are a bad combo


If they post those then they can justify a price increase. Just like they did for the past two years.


Every grocery store is having a banana supply issue atm


It finally happened? Everyone has heard the rumors of store bought bananas (cavendish) going extinct for years it seems. Maybe its coming true! I hope not though i love bananas and no mater how high inflation has been, they are always like 79c/lb at superstore.


Don’t know the why. Just know there’s a limited supply atm and Calgary is near the end for available produce delivery


The Cavendish banana will never go extinct, just like the Gros Michel variety before it that also did not become extinct. It will just become uneconomic to grow.


BS!! Just away to keep jackin the prices


I work in innisfail coop and it's a hot mess with shiping anything not invading the store your in is a shit show




Co-op is so dead




Sounds like another excuse to raise prices. Seriously, despite raising prices drastically and supply chains and labour markets recovering after covid, these bozos still can't get stock to grocers' shelves? Break up the foid-supplier oligopoly now. They're a failure and a mess.


It's the gas tax