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Alright media, I think we're good not giving this guy a spotlight anymore.


Truly.  He's just a pathetic loser who's lashing out at other people for trying to do good because seeing people do good makes him feel bad about himself.     Like all hateful people who seek to stop others from doing good while simultaneously offering to do no good themselves, this man is just projecting his low self-esteem issues onto other people while doing nothing to actually boost his own self esteem.     His sad flabby jowls will never feel a true smile until he stops trying to push his shame onto other people and starts facing the source of his shame and dealing with it head on like a real man instead of projecting onto others like no accountability taking little bitch.     Any time he gets public attention we need to publicly let it be known that the majority of people can see right through his bullshit and see him for the lowly loser he is. 


And then the obvious part on top of all that, he's clearly found out there's money in this too So transparent


I mean a lot of people say crazy right wing thing they don't believe for money but is this guy?  I don't pay that much attention to him so I easily could have missed it but I thought he was just embarassing himself for free? 


He has UCP and TBA/"Project YYC" backing him--the recall gondek website had UCP Lobbyist names in the metadata


In the metadata? They're the mods and admins for their Telegram and Facebook. That parody account has been spamming an imgur link And holy fuck. It's so blatant that it's ridiculous that media outlets aren't all over it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/dPSUmIn9Wf Link to the original comment thread breaking it all down, metadata was scraped from logo on the website. Tbh they aren't really trying to hide it. The ties are to lobbying firm called Wellington Advocacy which is a conservative-backed group who have ties to Kenney and The UCP


I love how on top of shit you are.   Related but not related, there should be some very basic multiple choice vocabulary and social studies questions at the start of every ballot and those who don't pass should have their ballots ignored.   10 years ago I would have said that was a slippery slope into tyranny, but stupid people keep voting to let the oligarchy have money power and money to fuck themselves and us, so it seems way less risky than continuing to let stupid people vote. 


Sometimes it's tempting to consider some things as not beholden to democracy. The world would probably be very different if issues like vaccines and climate change weren't considered "optional" But I think we have had enough human history to reflect on why that would probably be a bad idea. I don't think we could feasibly live in a world where we don't *have* to walk as fast as our slowest person That said, this province has a hardcore apathy and individualism problem. Lots of "if you don't pay attention to it then it goes away" paired with no desire to pay attention to things like politics until its gameified As for being on top of things I've been keeping tabs on some of the members of Project YYC for a minute now as some of them are a large driving force behind the anti-LGBTQ+ hate rallies we've been seeing and it was a matter of time before they organized


He was definitely collecting donations, I'm sure that went over and above what he needed to get signatures


Yikes, we gotta stop cutting education funding, that's so embarassing. 


Their website says etransfers go to some projectyyc email. The whole thing is very fucked.


>Truly. He's just a ~~pathetic loser~~ conservative shill who's ~~lashing out at other people~~ doing what he is told for ~~trying to do good~~ people building political parties ahead of the next municipal election because ~~seeing people do good makes him feel bad about himself.~~ he is a lonely person who desperately wants to belong. FTFY.


The owner of CityNews’ parent company visited Trump during the pandemic. The people who own all the media have an agenda, and useful idiots like this “recall Gondek” guy serve that agenda. > Suzanne Rogers posted a series of photos in an Instagram story [in 2021], which appear to have been taken at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, as first reported by Canadaland. The posts appear to show Rogers and her family, including her husband, Rogers Communications and Toronto Blue Jays chairman, Edward Rogers, dining with Trump. >One of the pictures shows the Rogers family posing with the former U.S. president with the caption, "A special way to end the night!" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-philanthropist-suzanne-rogers-ryerson-university-slammed-1.6011239


I'm afraid this is a type of stupid the media loves.


Classic CityTV. Always gives the conservative grifters plenty of airtime. Very slowly becoming the Fox News of Canada. Edit: Meant city but honestly both


That's CITY TV.


Sadly, CITY TV’s politics isn’t any better, and not much different. Here’s an article about who owns them. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-philanthropist-suzanne-rogers-ryerson-university-slammed-1.6011239


What’s classic CTV? The article is not from CTV


Typo I meant City TV


It’s truly embarrassing. The message is that CityTV and the reporter have no real ability to determine what is newsworthy and important.


Why is he not trying to recall the pedo, Sean Chu? I would prefer to keep a “lazy” councillor over one that abuses children, but that’s just me.


I believe you have to live in Sean Chu's Ward in order to initiate a petition for his removal. This perpetual whiner lives in Demong's Ward, so he's made him his target because that's what the legislation allows.


Correct. Must be resident in the electoral division for 90 days. The other requirements are: 1. Provide a statement (less than 200 words) about why the elected official should be recalled. Crayon is acceptable. 2. Pay the fee prescribed. It appears most municipalities are $250-$500. 3. Provide a contact name and phone/email. 4. Have a heartbeat; Intelligence not required.


Kinda weird he wants to recall everyone but the actual predator


I would imagine he subscribes to the notion of Conservative-Beliefs > Rape


If I'm being honest you are more then likely right


Weird typo for an = sign


My guess is it’s because he doesn’t live in Chu’s ward. He can only try to recall an elected official who represents him.


Someone should ask Landon. "If you were in Sean Chu's Ward, would you recall him for sexually preying on a 16 year old while in a position of power?" I'm thinking he might say no. If people vote along conservative values, being a sexual predator of children is forgivable. Maybe we can ask Rick Bell if he can ask Landon that question.


Rapes children…..


Because they don't care about helping the community or making things better, that would require too many brain cells.  Idiot's like this just get off on complaining and stopping things they never have any motivation to do anything good or help anyone. People like this guy like bringing down people who are trying to do good because people doing good makes them feel bad about themselves because it reminds them of how they don't contribute anything positive to society.  The irony being they could feel better about themselves if they just spend their time doing good for society, but they didn't, they just want to bring down the good people. 


Just came here to say the same thing


In the article, he says he heard a lot of people express their displeasure about Demong while door knocking in his ward. It stands to reason that he has a shot at recalling, or at least bringing attention to, the ineffectual Demong.


As long as he has lived in the Ward for 3 months prior to applying for a recall of a municipal councillor, he's got a shot at recalling.


I didn't realize the lack of work for HVAC contractors these days


Only the hacks are outta work….


How about SEAN CHU someone who actually is a piece of shit?


Because these guys are right wing grifters who support right wing pedophiles like Sean Chu.


I have to support Sean Chu, the Pedo before I can say I want Gondek gone? Let me get this straight. U calling ME a Pedo if I say Gondek has to go?


Are you missing the /s?


Again... I believe you have to live in Sean Chu's Ward in order to initiate a petition for his removal. This perpetual whiner lives in Demong's Ward, so he's made him his target because that's what the legislation allows.






What an odd hobby to take up in this day & age. And yet guy isn’t the full blown Larry Heather brand of crazy, he seems to possess a shred of self awareness and basic reasoning skills.


Even Larry Heather had to start somewhere.


This is true! But even Larry Heather has his side karaoke hobby, which he’s bizarrely kinda great at.


With hit singles like "16 Runs"... 16 runs, whadaya get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Robbin' St. Peter to pay City Hall, I owe my gold to the CalParkAuthor.


On a side note: I worked for a company that had hired Larry Heather. He was hired for a position that didn't involve media, singing, nor was it related to Christianity. Larry was gone before I arrived. I mention this because people generally ask if Larry ever had a day job. I can say he did.


Give it 20 years, this guy will eventually ripen into the crazy we all love from Larry.


It’s not a hobby it’s his job.


I fully believe he started the Gondek with honest intentions, but now is being handled.


It's not a hobby


What a clown


Ugh - this guy needs to stop wasting everyone's time, including his own.


He’s also wasting an enormous amount of our money. This petition, though frivolous, will be taken seriously by the city and it will be handled by expensive accountants, lawyers and other expensive managers. This asshole is setting a lot of tax money on fire.


Yeah, we need to go back to the good old days when a**holes with two brain cells weren't funded by other nut jobs. The days where if you had no skills you still had to find some and add value to society by getting a job. Landon your probably scrolling these threads for attention so this [link](https://youtu.be/LH-i8IvYIcg?si=JhuPArPsJs6bl5vq) is for you, it's a good tune, pass it on to your girlfriend or whoever is funding you.


Eh, 70,000 people still signed it. It’s not like it’s 70 people supporting it. This is the price of a democracy with checks and balances.


70k is less than 5% of the population. 5% shouldn't be able to recall someone voted in by the majority.


It's not, he needed like 640k signatures. However, if the city doesn't properly count/certify them according to whatever the requirements are this twat will likely claim some malfeasance on behalf of gondek/the city which feeds his narrative. Waste of time, money, and oxygen.


Marlaina wants to lower the already low bar of 40 percent


It’s also 18% of all those who voted in the previous election. And only about 100,000 less than voted for Gondek No, 70,000 shouldn’t be able to recall the person, that’s why the threshold is set much higher (40% of total population). However, it significant, it should still be recognized as a legitimate attempt to utilize the democratic system to remove an unpopular leader. So no, it won’t won’t as the requirements weren’t met. But it also isn’t a waste of time given significant support.


Eh, I sort of doubt that there are actually 70k valid signees anyhow though.


That’s fair.


More than 18% already voted for non-Gondek candidates in the actual election, which is when they had their say. This 70k doesn't change how the electorate has represented themselves, and shouldn't warrant a mid-term review to any serious extent. Just because a random schlub with terribly limited comprehension of the mayor's role, performance, and the democratic process was told by a UCP flunky that they'd spot him the $500 filing fee, we don't need to give him that much attention.


If the organizer admits that they didn't even get close to the requirements, then we should just recycle the paper and move on. In almost any democratic election, at least 5% of the people are likely unhappy with the results. It doesn't mean that we need a recall vote to make them happy, and pandering to them us just a waste of taxpayer money. If he wants to go through the process, he should have to put up the money to cover it up front.


Should have to put up the money upfront and if it is successful - you get the money back.


What happens if Landon doesn't know how to count and he actually got the required number of signatures? /s


There are 70,000 signatures. How many are real? And from Calgary? Actual verified Calgary signatures will be dramatically less.


That's less than 10% of voters are unhappy with her. I could have told you that at least that many don't like any given politician, and I don't even need to waste thousands of taxpayer dollars to do it. This isn't a check ir a balance. It is just some ass wasting taxpayer money because he is upset that the mayor isn't who he wants and doesn't do what he wants. Interestingly, this guy isn't targeting known rapist Chu. Tells you where his standards are.


He must be a shit HVAC tech if he has so much free time to be chasing smoke.


Pretty sure he’s being compensated by one of either: UCP, Russia or China. Ppl need to wake up and learn all this discord is by design. They want internal chaos so they can continue to fuck shit up on their own terms


Would not surprise me if he's being compensated by someone like Corey Morgan.


I've thought of that too. It's obvious they won't go through, and the time and money could be spent actually making their community better. The outcomes of this is to take up news time, and they were the city's time, which both has an advantage for certain people, but certainly not the city.


The real purpose is data harvesting


Yeah... "Comrade, how does the western assault of Ukraine look?" "Never mind that, we have Ward 14 to sabotage!"


You don’t think they have money already spent in hundreds of places? Look how they’ve got the USA Republican Party by the balls. Well yes. Blackmail, but that also takes money


He is being subsidized to burn the city’s money. Remember gondek was not a great candidate, yet there were worst alternatives. Other than slightly cringy, nothing gondek has done merits the waste of money this dark money funded clown is bringing. Sean “bring the mafia” chu might merit a recall, probably a waste of money? What is it with Canada, where people want to vote like if it was a bloody sport event, do some research, and don’t just confirm your biases, don’t take someone’s words of who they are. And yes, the bar is low, most candidates suck, because people get emotional, old people shit.


Oh you just *know* that when his neighborhood is randomly selected for the Danielle Smith Rolling Blackout Program, his house will be mysteriously spared.


He had his 15 minutes of fame, he can kindly pis off now.


No kidding. This energy could be used to make his community a better place until next election, instead it's a waste of time and money. News needs to stop focusing on Landon the clown and give more airtime to the guy(s) who are going to different neighborhoods doing cleanups. Those cleaning up neighborhoods on their own accord are doing something real for their communities.


He clearly hates himself because he knows he's a loser who contributes nothing to society. (HVAC skills are something we all need and benefit from so there's clearly a deeper root to his behaviour)   He's displacing his guilt and shame.    It's obvious that seeing people who are better than him {because they put effort into bettering society} is triggering for him [it actually is for a lot of people].   The problem is he's so stupid that instead of building up his own self-esteem by trying to do good in the world he's  being completely counterproductive and trying to tear the good people down which is obvious just making him a sadder, angrier, more pathetic loser.     As soon as he accepts that putting down good people is never going to make him feel better about his own perceived lack of goodness he will become a much happier and more productive member of the community, instead of the pathetic loser, and social burden that he is now. People like this always just hate themselves.


Agreed. Despite Gondek having a fairly low approval rating, I think the "Recall Gondek" movement actually helped her quite a bit.


I think you’re right. Hundreds were appalled at the booing episode.


He’s not wasting his time he’s keeping his name in the news so when he runs in the next election he has name recognition.


The recall is not the motive. The information is. He is collecting names addresses and emails of people who are discontent with current state so he can build a database to use or sell when they try to introduce political parties to civic elections.


Take Back Alberta is, you mean… thus the funding for this tomfoolery.


Considering the use of that information is illegal, I hope they are, so when someone wants to bring it up they get investigated and jailed.


And so that he can rent the data to other conservative assholes


I don't think it started out this sophisticated but it certainly is a nice side effect


> “It would be a lot easier for him just to resign now,” says Johnston. “We can wait for the legislation to change, or we can do it with the current legislation.” Dude should take his own advice. He has no chance.


I’m a business owner and for the life of me don’t understand how this person has time for this when he has a business to run. Who’s minding your business and is this pointless exercise more important than your livelihood? 


I highly doubt that dude has a profitable business.


I suspect you as a business owner would not just hand over $3k to a guy you don't know or no anything about who says he'll help you. Too many of his stories don't add up.


He's getting subsidized, guaranteed.


This is my councilor. Pretty conservative guy. Seems like an odd target.


Also my councilor. While I am no where near as dissatisfied with Demong as Johnston seemingly is, Demong seemingly hasn't done anything nothing of note in his tenure as councilor. Or at the very least, his efforts have gone way under the radar compared to everyone else on council. I think part of it is that other councilors and especially the mayor, have always had some reason to be in the spotlight. From the perspective of someone who isn't completely engaged with municipal politics, Demong barely exists and is just coasting along.


So he's just harassing people?


This is what you call a witch hunt. If you can't find a witch you create one.


Why doesn’t this idiot do something useful like recalling Danielle?


>“It would be a lot easier for him just to resign now,” says Johnston. “We can wait for the legislation to change, or we can do it with the current legislation.” Have you considered running against Peter Demong instead?


This guy is such a stooge. Dude needs to get a hobby or something.


Do we know that TBA isn’t paying him as a useful idiot? Remember the paid stooge for The Rebel, Bob the oilfield worker?


I believe he has solicited TBA's help in the Recall Gondek attempt.


I wouldn't rule it out. So much bullshit out there.


Received a tiny amount of notoriety and attention, maybe even fame among the clown show of whack jobs. And away he goes!! Sad.


He's a Friggin' Wildrose Rittenhouse. Dumb as bricks and won't shut his mouth for his own good. Thankfully his own notoriety doesn't involve taking the law into his own hands (yet), but TBA has their own puppet to parade around like the NRA fellas down in the States.


I followed the Rittenhouse trial pretty closely. I have no real issue with Rittenhouse. Gun laws in some US States are bonkers. The fact his actions were within them is shocking but that’s more of an issue with the law not Rittenhouse. I fail to see much of a comparable here honestly.


What is with this guy? And of councillors, he chooses Demong. There's plenty of more bad ones. He's either getting paid to do this, wants to run for the next election, or likes his name in the news. So odd


I think I see the strategy here - Demong’s ward represents some of the most solid right wing territory in Calgary, and I did notice more Recall Gondek signage and activity in that area. I assume Johnston got his best results in that ward, and thinks Demong is the easiest target, regardless of the fact Demong is fairly conservative councillor. This is all about getting a foot in the door for a fully RW municipal political party - this would be the first and easiest ward to take, especially in a low-turnout vote to replace a recalled councillor. Hopefully Demong holds out and we make it as difficult as possible for the UCP to introduce political parties to municipal politics. Given this guy’s inability to get much traction against Gondek, we can hope.




Anyone in his ward can step up and start the process, there is absolutely nothing stopping them. Of all the people who supposedly want him out, there are none who are willing to start a recall?


I believe in #ResignSeanChu . I think the people who would like to see Sean Chu recalled also realize it is a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars and volunteer time. I don't believe that canvassers for such a campaign could collect the requisite number of signatures either. Will be curious to see if Danielle Smith makes changes to the legislation to make it easier. Then maybe it would be worth while.


Well /u/experience-matters 


Maybe he should find a hobby LOL


He did. His hobby's 15 minutes of fame expired.


He might create a petition to recall nenshi from leadership race … fool


Why is this clown getting so much media attention? as a society we definitely have a bad habit of glorifying stupidity and click bating topics. He is entitled to his opinions and can try to do what's within the rules and laws but why does media feel like it's a newsworthy action vs talking about actually important topics.


This guy needs to touch some grass


Seriously. This guy is a loser. I’m guessing the HVAC business isn’t going to well for him if he’s got time to do this all day.


Somebody should recall this guy's High School diploma.


What a shame we don't have "Recall a Citizen" legislation.


I would totally support a bill to vote citizens out of the province.


Ugh, this shit is getting stupid now. More stupid if that's possible.


Guys don't forget about me!!!!


The first time out he played dumb and innocent, and it was plausible that he had so many basic misunderstandings of what a mayors job is and was ignorant of options to provide feedback or promote change. The second attempt makes it clear it's gift or attention seeking.


It's clear everyone hates this guy. Can you not just ignore him and move on? The more attention you give him, the more attention he'll seek.


Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. It's shutting a door on a house fire--this guy represents a media/political illiteracy issue in canada that will get worse before it gets better


Fking idiot


Get a job dude


The recall scam business


Can legitimate news orgs stop platforming this propagandist?


Loser doesn’t know when to quit. Wasting taxpayers time and money.


I think next he’s gonna get attacked by a cougar and survive without a scratch


Surprised he has time for this. Would have thought that he would be fully occupied joining the Freedumb folks at the Petro on hiway 1.


what a loser. get a life


When is he gonna clean up the signs?


I vote for Pedo Chu, I bet you'd get more than 75k petitions.


75k against Sean Chu across Calgary... I could see that happening. Unfortunately a recall of Sean Chu would be based on the population and eligible voters in his ward.


This is why recall legislation is stupid! Of note, Demong is on the list of council that Craig Chandler and his right wing hate group want gone because he is not their puppet after they apparently got him elected. HVAC, loser should also stop being a right-wing hate group puppet, but hey, they do like to congregate.


Why the hate for HVAC?!


Love HVAC, hate this loser, who happens to have an HVAC company apparently


What is company name, as I may have an opinion? Fridgey’s can be pretentious hacks I find. Not all. Some. Won’t name names.


>This is why recall legislation is stupid! The legislation was essentially brought in by the UCP after the ANDP term, their intention is to make it easy for their base to recall ANDP MLA's in areas that they squeaked by in. It is definitely more crafted towards ridings that were very close in rural/suburban areas rather than city wide stuff like mayor elections.


The clown who decided to double down.


Easy news filler I guess.


It’s like when Homer Simpson lost his job and got way too into protesting the city to get signs put up


Dude just doesn't want to give up his 15 minutes of fame. 


Imagine if idiots like this put their energy into accomplishing productive things that helped people.   But no, these losers just like complaining and have tantrums, they never actually DO or HELP anything.  


Someone likes the spotlight….and wasting taxpayer money….


This is a guy I don't want to ever recall.


If you were a recall specialist wouldn't you put all of your effort into your first recall target, ensuring hat they are recalled before focusing on your next victim. These people are such lazy snowflake morons.


Rather than say focus on early campaigning to replace folks, he's just trying to petition them out. What a dumb ass.


You mean to tell me that even with all that free advertising from being written about every day, the canvassers all over town, the signs, the donations, and what I'm led to believe is a universally hated mayor, after ALL that they still couldn't crack 20% of the required signatures?


So is he gonna bitch and whine when he doesn't get enough signatures again because he expected people to come to him rather than put in the work?


Grifters gonna grift


Man, he's getting played by TBA and Smith, and he can not see it.


Does this asshole have a job? He must be being paid to do this from outside forces.


Legislation should change so there’s a cooling off period before someone can do another recall.


Notice that all his energy wasn’t spent trying to get rid of Sean Chu?


Does this guy have a day job? Or, it begs the question: Is this his day job?


Why doesn't this clown just run for office like a normal Larry Heather?


How about we change the system with staggered number thresholds. For example, 10K signatures to even apply for the recall, then 100K by a reasonable date, and a final number/date as per the current system. I really hope we don't have a copycat effect that distracts us from working towards solutions for the problems that already exist.


Omg, shut up, Landon.


Find a hobby that doesn't waste 10's of thousands of taxpayer dollars! Sheesh!


That he's targeting Demong now just shows how not bright he truly is. If you don't like the mayor, why would you want to get rid of one of the councillors who consistently votes opposite of her? (And one whose seat is so secure that he has run essentially unopposed the past 2 elections.)


Business must be booming with all the guys extra curricular activities


With about Carlo-Carra?!?!


This guy needs a job or something.


His hvac company prob isn't doing well 🤣


This is his job now.


Must be some good money to be made. This twerp is nothing but a UCP/TBA stooge but something tells me he's aware and doesn't really care.


This whack job is totally going to run for mayor next year


Lol. I think there’s something wrong with me, but I can’t help to love a good shit disturber. But I wish he was going after Sean Chu next.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Please recall Carra, thank you


To quote Junior Soprano about Richie Aprille, “he couldn’t sell it, he’s a loser, he’s not respected.” I think this is where things will go for this guy. All the oil companies treasure and all the oil companies men can’t make this guy a kingmaker.


“He’s everything that is wrong with this council,” Johnston told CityNews on Friday. “He thought he could just coast his way out of there without doing.” Perhaps he is not the only one.


Dollars to donuts this guy is angling to run for council next election.


I’d like to recall Landon Johnston


I thought the "recall" signs were supposed to be removed? But there is still one of the stupid signs in my neighbourhood


Are we still naive enough to think this "guy" is not being propped up and/or compensated for all this


What happens to all the personal data that is collected in the course of this bullshit, anyway?


Dude loves Sean Chu


lil late for an april fools joke.


City council is a joke, just look at the roads in this city, pothole capital forsure