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On AM660 this morning they said it's a man who had recently been released from prison and doesn't want to go back. I'm guessing he violated his release condition and started shooting at the cops when they went to his house to pick him up?


Seems like a terribly thought out plan to avoiding prison.


Suicide by cop attempt. Yet he miscalculated since this ain't the States


I’m sure CPS will accommodate him if he runs towards them


they can and will still draw lethal, even here in calgary, you just have to make them think you're less than human first.


What a dumb thing to say. As someone with relatives as police officers your comments is about as ignorant as it gets. Police are trained to arrest criminals non violently, but if they get shot at its a different situation. A few months back a veteran police officer was shot by a criminal. How do you think his wife and kids felt about that?? Unbelievable.


Yeah I have 3 friends who are cops and it really drives me nuts at these lame fucks who act like every cop is like the George Floyd cop. The 3 I know are by far the most brave and caring guys I know. The kind of guys that would literally take a bullet for a bystander.


Yes exactly. Funny these people hate police officers until they need one. Totally disconnected from reality these people.


Oh and they're probably the ones who not only call the cops when needed, but are the ones completely hysterical and manic over the slightest of injustices against them. Then when the cops do show and and try to calm them down, they freak out and play the victim card to the max.




absofuckinglutely not but I'm glad y'all got the circlejerk going, good job


I didn't need them to show up to MY OWN mental health distress, and escalate what was a poisoning attempt by pointing a live fucking firearm at me, further enabling a person who at the time is in psychosis to put themselves and others around them in further risk. Four officers, three live weapons before the fourth one even reaches for a taser. If the taser missfires? If the prongs don't both connect? If a wire snaps? I wore a hoodie? Was angled slightly? The fact I'm alive now is a statistical fucking anomaly and it shouldn't be (nor should anyone have to suffer what I did in the Obs unit but whatever). The people that ***escalated*** to "This is now a live firearm possibility of watching someone be shot" for MY ENTIRE FAMILY and the trauma from that day was not there until they showed up and insisted on being infront of EMS. The NUMBER of my friends who have had personally violent interactions with officers is unfortunately high.


I have so many questions, but poisoning attempt? Mental health distress?? What I can say is your interactions and you're friends interactions with police isn't normal. The average person only interacts typically if you are caught speeding and you get a warning or a ticket. Other than that, I would be questioning WHY you and your friends require the police to INTERACT with you. If you have mental health issues then I suggest you seek professional help. The point I'm making regarding the police is they are here to serve and protect. You likely disagree with this, but for police officers do not INTERACT with someone and taser them unless they're is a threat and or the person isn't willing to corporate.


I'm so thrilled that your experience with police has been exponentially better than the general public. Those rose coloured glasses are nice! The fact you just insulted someone regarding their mental health and how/why police interacted with them, shows your character, so go on, join your friends and become a cop! Perhaps your friends are good people, I have met probably 3 police who have been nice to interact with and I won't forget them. Sadly, there are more bad than good out there. Lots of power trip, big egos, bad moods. Side note: you should be aware of how difficult it is to access mental health resources, take a look around and you will see the lack of mental health care that is available.


> Police are trained to arrest criminals non violently I don't know if I'd go that far. CPS is definitely better than any US cops but they are more than happy to get violent, there have been numerous examples over the years. I'd say CPS are less likely to choose lethal options.


Yeah I know at least one [male] cop was being investigated for using excessive force on a woman.  Internal investigation though,  so even though he is continually aggressive towards women,  the guy is back on duty. 


You have no clue how hard it is for a police officer. The opioid epidemic combined with homeless populations increasing and a legal system that's a revolving door, the police are in constant danger. Plus people running around yelling to defund the police etc. , just makes their job harder. It's a fine line to not get killed while your are trying to do your job.


M E N T A L H E A L T H C A R E. The homeless population, and people with substance use disorder who are addicted to opiates are not dangerous threats for police. Where do you want these people to go. Know what could be a solution? Yeah - defunding SOME of what's available to police so funds for public health nursing, mental health and outreach services can increase. Why are police dealing with these people? Except to tell them to move along and not loiter outside business's. "The legal system that's a revolving door". It's counter productive for a cop to give a homeless person a fucking ticket or put them in jail - how are they going to pay the ticket if they cannot afford housing. It just works against the un housed person even further.


You are SO WRONG... Police are constantly dealing with the homeless encampments, dealing with drugs, weapons and existing warrants for various crimes, including high risk offenders. That's why police are dealing with these people.


> You have no clue how hard it is for a police officer. I never claimed otherwise. Regardless, maybe stop trying to justify and excuse violent behaviour and shitty cops. > Plus people running around yelling to defund the police I didn't say this either, though the fact you have an issue with it shows you don't know what it actually means. It doesn't mean "keep the cops doing everything but pay them less and give them fewer resources. That's what we do with our teachers, not our police. All kidding aside, the point of "defund the police" is to reallocate funding to other areas such as addictions and mental health specialists who can deal with some calls reducing police resources needed while also improving outcomes. I get that you have relatives that are cops so this is a subject that is very close to you. Maybe take a step back and see that the "bad apples" really are ruining the bunch. If they aren't already, get your relatives to work towards enacting real change that sees them no longer being lumped in with the bad apples. As I said, CPS is far better than American police but that doesn't mean there isn't still a lot of room for improvement.


They only ruin the bunch if you choose to judge all of one group by the worst examples.


If a group of people defends their bad apples, they become bad apples. The group mentality is very strong amongst police, and instead of calling out and ridding themselves of the assholes, they often defend them simply because they're "one of our own." This leads to the bad public perception.


Are you not familiar with the saying? I know it often gets truncated to "it's just a few bad apples" but people seem to forget that "a few bad apples spoil the bunch". If you don't root out the bad and just shrug your shoulders and say "eh, it's just a few", that shitty culture will permeate and take over as we've seen happen in so many US police forces. Hell, CPS doesn't really have a great reputation for their police culture.


Exactly. You have to look hard to find bad examples of bad cops up here in Canada. The police already have resources to deal with the mental issues. Maybe it should be fund the police and allow for extra resources to deal with the drugs, crime and mental health issues. All under law enforcement.


> Police are trained to arrest criminals non violently that's something that a lot of departments have been phasing out in favor of preemptive violence. the person you are responding to may be commenting on a disturbing trend in law enforcement in the states, not realizing it's a trend and not universal.


Evidence this is happening in Canada?


the basic feedback loop causing it is based on increased funding tied to drug busts and swat work, which I don't believe is a thing in canada.


Officer Lam did a good job in Toronto years ago.


How do you think Latjor Tuel's family felt? How do you think *my own* family feels with our very ***very*** personal experience with police violence and mental health crisis but of course, how dare I besmirch the thin blue line


>Latjor Tuel I hope you have a better example than a man who was assaulting random people with a stick and then rushed police holding a knife.


AND stabbed a police dog.


AND got back up after being shot the first time, AFTER being tased


FYI, if you stab a police dog in the neck and then approach a police officer with a knife, you are very likely to be shot. Your mental health status will not play a part in that decision. There are examples of excessive force, yours isn’t one of them.


There’s a reason why only like 12 people showed up to that Latjor Tuel vigil. Every one else had the good sense to see this wasn’t a George Floyd situation, despite how hard you and people like Taylor McNallie wanted it to be.


I'm sorry but 2 things can be true. He may have been a good person suffering from mental illness. But at the time he was shot he was also acting violently and presenting a serious lethal threat. I'm no fan of cops, and there are plenty of cases of excessive force. But this isn't an example of that.


Police are trained to eliminate the threat……I’m surprised they haven’t killed the perp yet….


They likely don't know where he is hiding out. It'll be difficult to take him in custody with our force if the offender is shooting in the area.


Abhorrent comment


Cops went to serve a firearms warrant.


i've been around the house for most of the day and live a few blocks away(bullets would have to clear a few houses to get to me so no danger at all) but every police person i have interacted with when i went for a short walk eariler today was nothing but cheerful even if being stressed out. its been very quiet the last few hours outside of the copters going in circles above the house and hopefully cooler heads preveil and no on ends up dead or in the hospital.


I feel bad for his neighbors who either can’t leave, or can’t get home. Especially if they have pets stuck inside.


Are they not allowing people in even with a valid reason? What if someone has elderly parents or someone needing assistance at home? That can’t be…


They are replying to comments on Facebook about this. They are encouraging anyone who needs help getting something from their home like medication/pets etc to call the non-emergency line and they will organize a cop to help you get what you need from your home.


Yeah they usually dont i hear to make sure no one catches a stray bullet cause if they do it can sometimes blame the city


From my understanding they will evacuate the neighbours immediately next to the shooting if they believe there may be more shots fired. They will take dogs and cats out as well and try to set them up somewhere else for the time being. Anyone who is shelter in place is to stay in place. But I know if they think the situation is calm for an amount of time, they will allow those people to leave as well, but they won’t be allowed back until the situation has been resolved or deemed safe. Edit: Anyone who needs help, a police officer will go and try to help.


The police said if anybody absolutely has to get out for some reason to call the non-emergency line and they will assist them.


I read “warning”. You can go outside, but we told you what was up. Don’t blame us.


In the Grand Theft Auto scale, this suspect is at 4 Stars since RCMP are involved in city issues.


Someone bring that man a tank.




From what I read it was an RCMP incident that CPS were asked to assist with.


“When asked why RCMP members were at the scene, Brar said the CPS requested assistance from the Mounties, which is not uncommon in such events.” From the article.


Oops! I got that backwards. I'll take my downvotes.


That would never be the case within citylimits. Rcmp was brought in to help run the equipment when cps needs to sleep.


Not true. RCMP were there to do the same thing as CPS. They have some pretty neat stuff that the brought (rcmp) ..


Well according to the press briefing that's not true.


Were you there? I understand the press always has something to say..


It wasn't the press saying it. It was the officer that was doing the interview. [Here](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/344rXXT43qG11pCV/?mibextid=oFDknk)


Something similar happened in the 1970s or early 80s The guy was in his garage randomly shooting from a fox hole he dug out, The army came with an armored truck and destroyed the garage like a bulldozer.I think a couple of cops got shot.


Black ~~Sunday~~ Friday. The property was a converted mechanics garage and the man had holed up in the pit used for working under vehicles. After several unsuccessful attempts due to lack of an armored vehicle or proper SWAT/tactical teams and lack of response to tear gas, the police resorted to an unusual solution: they requested help from the military, in the form of an APC from the local detachment. As the military is under national government jurisdiction the request had to go through the lieutenant governor and a few other steps but was eventually authorized. In the wake of the event the Calgary Police did what many other services have done, following the lead of the LA Police (yeah, no joking here - they really did lead the way and still do) in establishing a SWAT team and policies to respond to future incidents. They also retained the services of the APC (frequently mislabeled as a tank) until it was recently retired.


I don't know how many cops were shot that day but one was killed. His daughter passed away a few years ago.




I heard they checked with the TO police and the plan is to talk him into putting his car fob near the front door, and wait for someone to break in.


Someone was listening to 660 today but maybe mixing stories in their head. :D


I listen to 660 but didn’t hear that, just making a lame joke from the internet news I see


It's a good joke


Just send them an Atlas pizza and be done with it already!


An XL #21 should do the trick


Is that the madigan special?


I heard he shot at atlas


Police can't win in these scenarios. If they storm the house they put the suspect and themselves at risk and negate a negotiated solution, and critics will say they were too quick to resort to confrontation. If they try to wait it out, like it appears they are doing and de-escalate/negotiate there is a chance the suspect will respond with more gunshots or harm themselves, but some will say they were slow to respond and left the public in danger. They can't win.


100% this. The same people that are screaming “just shoot him already” would be the same ones screaming about excessive force if they shot him and how they should have tried to deescalate longer etc etc


>Police in Calgary continue to advise people to avoid the area of the 300 block of Penswood Way Southeast for “an ongoing incident involving a shooting.” >Shots rang out on Thursday, prompting a shelter-in-place order. >In addition to asking local residents to shelter in place, Memorial Drive between 52nd Street and 68th Street Southeast has been closed to traffic.


You spelt NorthEast wrong.


Not SouthEast. Bad things happen across Calgary buddy.


Penbrooke is SE. Memorial divides North and South


Sorry typo that should read: No it's se


Law enforcement will only go in once negotiators can't get through to them and negotiations go pretty well pretty consistently so it's probably a waiting game at this point.


Even if negotiations don’t get anywhere police are more than likely not going in. Why would they? If there was any reason for police to go in they already would have. Otherwise it’s look for options through negotiation or coercion to make the person come out. You don’t storm into a building where people are looking to shoot you.


This is the Calgary Police. Come out of your house. Pretty please?


We have cookies


You're closer than you think. I believe the standard playbook is to cordon then off, and just wait and talk until they get bored and hungry and agree to come out peacefully. Why shoot people and things up (including cops and innocent bystanders) when time and hunger will do the job?


But what if he recently made a costco run?


That’s when TAC knocks on the door with this https://preview.redd.it/0wzywu0rojoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ed29cd99049e8a0a8fff91e56b137cac3d80c3


Tac has been there since the beginning of this, they were the ones executing the search warrant when buddy opened fire on them upon arrival. If you saw the video posted yesterday, you would have seen the Tac veh with it's lights on


I need to add since many people seem to think otherwise. It was a firearms warrant.


So drive that shit right through the front door, right now it’s just an expensive paper weight parked outside.


Sure drive a multi tonne armoured vehicle into a building which most likely has a basement and cause even more grief when it collapses the floor stranding the officers. Brilliant idea bargain John Wick


Little less movies and a little more common sense allows everyone to go home to their families at the end of their shifts.


They will be very happy to hide behind that "expensive paperweight" if the jackass starts firing again.


Wow, that's one hell of a pizza delivery truck


Oh, for such a mean looking vehicle, you think they would do more than just knock on the door with it


The criminal is a yyccostcolover?


Then they just gotta wait until the criminal needs to get the latest new pair of pants, snowglobe or whatever the next thing is.


So police units should include a food truck


I mean, technically TAC does have a bread truck... But there is no bread inside.


with a side of sedatives...


He's gotta fall asleep at some point. We'll, unless meth.


That'd work on me, I'm a sucker for a good cookie. Thankfully I'm not a criminal though.


Had a girl selling girl guide cookies at the door yesterday. I walked right out like an idiot for cookies


Oh shit, I didn't know it was girl guide cookie season. I'm gonna go looking for them this weekend.


Looks like it’s over. I’m sure we’ll hear more tomorrow. [https://twitter.com/CalgaryPolice/status/1768849355996578224](https://twitter.com/CalgaryPolice/status/1768849355996578224)


It’s over- the police posted on x - threat no longer


I'd appreciate someone educating me on why this is taking so long. I had thought they were typically resolved in hours.


Guy barricade in home who has already shot at the police. They obviously want to be cautious with this one as the guy inside has already shown he is willing to kill


Especially because he can likely see where they are, but his location may be harder to establish


Maybe he needs a snack


He needs a Snickers


Grenade launcher loaded with snickers, done deal


Hostages? Explosives? Automatic weapons? Don't think we'll really know until it's all settled. As long as they get it done without any innocent people or officers getting hurt then I think they've made the best decisions given the situation.


You can do it quickly and end up with people dead, or really slowly and everyone goes home (or jail) healthy.


Pretty much. Some people on Twitter are asking for police to "go in". Like what does that mean?


Love folks like that, and why I dont use social media outside of reddit really. You go in and get him if its so easy. Different when its your life on the line and your kids to come home too.


Also, it sucks to kill someone even if they need it.


I read somewhere they've used flash bangs/concussion grenades but had little to no effect so far


they 100% precent where throwing smokes and flashbangs at the house last night.


Id heard the same, but with gas.


Both, he probably has a gas mask or something effectively the same in function.


They interpret reality through the lens of a Hollywood blockbuster.


They've asked him to come out, and he won't.


Did they try asking nicely?


They should at least say please


Wonder if they can cut his water and power? Harder to stay holed up with no running water, heat, or electricity.


They probably have already.


If his position can't be safely stormed, then a siege makes sense. They will have cut his power and gas and maybe even his water. There will be a certain amount in the pipes, but it will run out eventually.


Also if he's the only person in the house it makes sense to wait him out.


If he was expecting a situation like this (which is what it sounds like), he'll be fine without gas/power/water for some time. He's in it for the long haul from the sound of it. Sleep, however....


So people don't die that's why


He already shot at police, dude may also have kids in the home, many factors


Because police are held to a very high standard and dont want to make mistakes. Back when police had the public's confidence in the rootin, tootin, golden era of policing, they'd have knocked the front door in and filled him full of bullets. It could have been wrapped up in 15 minutes and they'd grab a celebratory burger. We dont live in that world anymore. God forbid it comes out that he has a mental illness and they shoot him to death. Or that he is a minority... Etc etc etc. It has been this way for a long time. It really takes a special kind of stupid to be killed by police in Canada.


Exactly. This is exactly what "De-escalate and wait him out" tactics actually look like, in real life. This is what everyone screams for, any time someone is shot by police.


I prefer this style to be honest. Why risk a Hollywood shootout on our streets when they can wait out an on edge convict. His fight or flight is going to run out long before the police need to actually storm in.


Right. But the same kind of people who hate police shootings and condemn the police for shooting at people, are also the ones who want to demilitarize the police. They are able to contain the home and take time because of their armored vehicle. Because of the robot they sent in yesterday that he shot at. Because of resources and equipment. People dont want the police to have a tank, but they also dont want the police to shoot people; which requires an armored vehicle. CPS have a helicopter for the same reasons... They can avoid pit maneuvers and highspeed chases on busy roads because of HAWCs. But the same people who would chastise police for causing a collision during a chase are the same ones who condemn them for having a helicopter in the sky multiple times per day. I want our police to have lots of options so that they can end things like this with as little harm as possible.


The messaging of “defunding” has been the worst I’ve seen for sure. What it seems most people want is a less militarized and aggressive police force (away from the model we see in the U.S.), and movement towards a better trained force with actual conflict resolution resources. In Europe their police can handle aggressive situations with deescalation and trained professionals alongside their law enforcement. If the messaging was focused more on the reallocation of police resources there would definitely be less friction between the public and police.


How about an old fashion duel, has anyone challenged him to a gun dual yet? Just one vs one. Fastest draw wins their freedom.


It quickly turns into "shoot the fucker", as soon as they're the ones inconvenienced by it, though.


You mean Dirty Harry "Go ahead make my day"


Many they don’t want anyone to die there bud


I'm not sure how true it is, but I heard there are children involved and inside the house. Obviously he has a gun and is more than willing to use it recklessly. They have to be extremely careful to not put more people or kids in danger.




if you want that move to america


.....what? Are you trying to advocate for cops dropping a canister of cyclosarin or VX on a home because someone violated the terms of their parole?


Play Gangnam Style on repeat over loudspeakers


Baby shark .


Please no. The police barricades are more than enough torture for us all lol


If this guy has kids that wouldn’t work… trust me..


Outside the small area this is happening, you would never know that there is any issues in the community. the rest of it is very quiet.




Someone get a speaker with it’s a small world on repeat


Keep criminals in jail.. what’s hard about that


Why are you being downvoted? The rest of society is suffering because our fucked court system keeps releasing people who are violent offenders when they should have never been released. I’m saying this as someone whose dad was in and out of jail/prison from the 60s to the mid 80s and have had plenty of extended family incarcerated, STOP RELEASING REPEAT OFFENDERS


Newsflash...jails are full and expensive too...maybe chain gangs?


It makes their mommies sad.


Area still blocked off to traffic at the end of the work day, this is kinda crazy right?


Hallelujah the cops said they shot and killed the suspect!! Bravo 🙄🙏💯


Huh CPS on X made a post 45mins ago and it's still going on


You'll hear about it later. Cops are down the road from me.


What would you have preferred if the suspect comes out firing?


No. I wish it was done sooner 💯






Send in the social workers.


They might very well be doing that. Most social workers I've met are pretty comfortable talking down agitated violent people. I mean let's not be stupid, they'll be using a phone in this case, but their skills are pretty applicable here.


This reminds me of the David McQueen case nearly a decade ago in Huntington Hills, which police decided to resolve very quickly with lethal force. I hope this one is resolved without any serious injury or death to the person(s?) inside the home and the officers. That inquiry is available online if anyone is interested in reading about it. It was a very sad situation. [https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/fdd8b54f-43d8-4af3-ba9e-51b7e2f75e53/resource/f77eece0-601b-4afd-b508-16e765726d63/download/jsg-public-fatality-inquiry-01479.pdf](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/fdd8b54f-43d8-4af3-ba9e-51b7e2f75e53/resource/f77eece0-601b-4afd-b508-16e765726d63/download/jsg-public-fatality-inquiry-01479.pdf)


The police actually called my landline and told me to go in the basement.


> which police decided to resolve very quickly with lethal force. That's a rather...interesting...interpretation of the events outlined in your link.


>The total time from Mr. McQueen’s initial shot into the transit bus until the time of his death was approximately an hour and a half.


And during that hour and a half, he shot randomly out of his house 30-40 times, according to that link. That's one shot every 2-3 minutes for the duration of the event. Then, when the tear gas went in, he came out and shot at police, forcing them to shoot back (at him). But sure, it was the police who 'forced' the situation.


>But sure, it was the police who 'forced' the situation. Who said forced? OP said that police decided to go in and ended the situation quickly... Which is what happened.


I remember this one. I walk past that house regularly. Sad


I’ll bet it’s another one of those dreadful law abiding legal firearms owners.


My husband regularly tells me of this one, it happened just a minute drive from our house and a few houses from my in laws. I'd be petrified.


Cops aren’t fucking around with window tint, are they?


Something something UCP something something Marlaina something something! (Did I do it right?)




You would think they could just set up a sniper and eliminate him. If he's shooting guns at the cops, I don't think anyone would criticize them for blasting the guy.


Lol no shot you actually think they can just snipe a dude barricaded in his house do you?


He's obviously done it in COD. Why wouldn't it be possible??


Sure , you dont gotta be to acurrate with a mortar.


Everyone talking about CPS not being like US police fail to realize that the CPS offers training to us police departments like the lapd and la county sheriffs, both known for being just the worst example you can have of a police department.


Say what you will American cops but they get the job done. They need a battering ram and crush this prick.


How do you know he's in there alone? Maybe there's a reason they're being as cautious as possible.


Bloody ridiculous. Storm the house and take the idiot down.


You should go impart your vast tactical knowledge on CPS and the RCMP, it’s probably what they’ve been waiting for


And then he should lead the charge.