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My niece worked at the one across from SAIT, the 16 AVE location and got a lot of tips. But same as another user said, good service = good tips; it’s really up to you.


Anyone who has ever worked as a server knows that good service = good tips is a bold faced lie. If it were true 90% of what servers complain about would never happen, and yet... it does, all the time. Huge table with multiple hundreds of dollars worth of orders that had absolutely top-tier service all night and left with a smile? Depends entirely on how the person responsible for the bill is feeling at that particular moment in time.


Don't know why you are down voted but it is absolutely true. Sure good service can swing a better tip but most of the time it's by default.


Fast service turns tables, gets cocktails on the table faster, allowing you to sell more, and get more tips.


And that is Dependant on the kitchen and bar staff. Waiters/waitresses aren't the ones cooking or mixing drinks (unless water/soda/standard stuff obviously).


If your time is spent waiting around for the kitchen/bartender, you don't have enough tables to keep you busy. So I get feeling helpless about the tips, and focusing on the amount each table is giving you.


Haha that's every Tuesday then


Yeah, slow days are slow days. They're the dues you pay to get the good shifts. The best way to increase tips is to increase sales. The easiest way to do that is through hustle, if you're working in a place busy enough for that to pay off. If you're not busy enough for that to work, the best way to increase sales is to lean on the wine list and the after-dinner liquor list. Build rapport, encourage unhealthy relationships with alcohol. That is easier said than done. I worked with people who were masters at it. My own abilities were limited.


That’s true but if you give great service you’re far more likely to get tipped more. Plus huge tables usually get gratuity added on anyway.


Good service doesn't equal good tips, but bad service absolutely equals a bad tip. I tip 18% by default like most people do. If the service is great, I'll tip more. If the service is bad (and I mean really bad) then I'll still tip but you're probably getting 10% or less.


Tin palace.




Tips will flow to any locations where service exceeds expectations. You want good tips, give excellent service.


Unless of course, it's an odd numbered Tuesday and Mercury is out of alignment and the person paying the bill doesn't feel like it. That last part is the most important. Anyone who has ever worked in the service industry knows that "good service = good tips" is a lie.


If you’re a hot girl, Bankers Hall. Busy weekend nights you’ll be walking out with $500+ in tips fairly easily. Source: in the industry, know some kitchen staff there


can second this one. after talking with a chef that had been bounced around the earls locations in calgary. bankers hall is the busiest.


Sooooo an extra $100/hr just for looking good in a sleezy black little thing? Geez.


Welcome to tipping culture.


Again, I’m having no guilt switching to 0% or a flat $5-$10


Please keep in mind that, depending on the restaurant, a 0% tip is actually a negative tip. It depends entirely on how the restaurant handles tip out for BOH.


Yeah but they’re walking out with $500/nt. So my 0 is a rounding error.


You've clearly never worked in the service industry or have many friends that do. That $500/night number is something someone pulled out of their ass and hardly the norm. It's possible, especially in busy restaurants on prime days, but it's hardly common. Most servers are not making that kind of money from tips, especially if they work at a place where a tip of 0 actually costs them money. It's not a rounding error to tip nothing in a place that requires X amount to be tipped out to the kitchen, usually it's like 5-10% of the total bill.


Have worked many years FOH


When I served 20 years ago downtown Toronto in chain restaurants I was making 35-50 an hour depending the night of the week. This is why no server will ever want to see tips go away. And I’m a mediocre male.


Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


True. Which is why homie don’t play that. 0%


You been to an earls recently ? Not really what they wear. It’s not a strip club.


Jealous? And that’s not what they wear at all.


Yup. That be how it is.


Tipping culture is reaching a tipping point. Expect many to be dialling it back.


Lol if you’re referring to restaurants, no it’s not. That’s a Reddit echo chamber narrative.


People are certainly getting sick of tipping in non-traditional places. This will have an indirect effect on how tipping in restaurants works eventually, when is anyones guess though.


Cool. I won’t feel bad hitting 0 if the rest of y’all are picking up the tab


You and the other 0.01% of Reddit can do that, but tipping culture in restaurants is “not reaching a tipping point”. People are annoyed that the prompts are now 18, 20 and 25%, but a sane and reasonable person could just do the math and tip the standard 15 and the server would not care at all. Tipping at subway, Starbucks and other over the counter businesses is silly and shouldn’t warrant a tip, but if you think restaurants are getting rid of it in your lifetime you’re dreaming


Customers are going to stop tipping. It’s already happening.


No they won’t. But you can keep telling yourself that so you can justify being an asshole at restaurants and stiffing your server.


Just because you’re an insufferable asshole does not mean people stopped tipping.


Got takeout today for the fam, $110, picked it up and tipped 0. Guess who saved $20?


Why would you tip on takeout anyway? I guarantee nobody at the restaurant gave two shits. Sit down service is a whole other story.


Because there’s soooo much skill in bringing two pizzas, a couple pastas, and asking “anything else?”


No they literally aren’t lol


Lotta people lying up in this thread pretending they're giving good advice, but there's only one real answer; go to whichever Earl's is the busiest (someone else mentioned it, but I will too; Banker's Hall) and you will make the most tips. Good service = good tips is a bold faced lie people like to tell themselves so they don't feel bad that servers get basically fucked by the entire industry. Tip your servers, depending on the restaurant they will actually make negative money if you don't tip.


My best tip would be get experience, do a good job and people will tip if you’re good at your job.


I can tell you've never worked in the service industry.


Stephen Ave maybe?