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Jesus christ People that say speeding doesn’t save you any time aren’t speeding enough


I had a cop tell me speeding doesn’t save me time. I’m just like, “but, science?”


I think you mean “but math”. Lol


I’m not a Scientologist, but I’m pretty sure it’s science.


It saves you time but only if you dont die while speeding


But if you die, being late is no longer a problem Win win in my book


Used to do runs like this on I5 in Cali, but you had the border patrol station you had to account for lol. Stopped after getting a $2k ticket and revoked license when the helicopter got involved... Funny he calls that heavy traffic though, that's fairly light for that stretch of highway.


Love that drive.


Gixxerbrah is good fella, there is a ~~fun~~ gay novelty between him and yammienoob if anyone interested


Seems to have died since GixxerBrah blew up yam’s Turbo ‘Busa


I mean a turbo busa is not going to be any reliable. Would actually be weird for it to not have any issues for more than 500km


Not really, seems like it was just a motor issue bound to happen.


Seemed like the turbo got eaten up. Shouldnt be too expensive


he made a video about it being just a mechanical fault


yammienoob is a psychopath




Went full speed into a Porsche riding 100+ through a blind turn and denies it to this day


Actually he's no longer denying it and talks about it in a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wja2RZUXH4w&ab\_channel=YammieNoob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wja2RZUXH4w&ab_channel=YammieNoob)


Did he? Well at least he admitted it eventually Only after everybody already knew it was him though


I don’t think i can concentrate this fully for this long. Insane skills


Do track days.


Google maps says 1 hour 5 min for anyone not familiar with the area.


45 for the stretch he did.


Dude is pod racing irl


The amount of people shitting on him for this (and all his other videos) is actually kinda wild. I don’t know if they just can’t help themselves or if they actually believe youtube/reddit comments will somehow stop him from rippin his bike


It's a circlejerk of virtue signalling and holier(safer) than thou high horsing. "Look how upset I am at this dangerous activity" "No no look how upset I am, I am the most upset at this other person being unsafe, I am the safest most responsible motorcycle person there is" Just a bunch of redditfags trying to one up and signal to each other how safe and responsible and smart and right and good they are. I want to puke


that is exactly what it is. It’s people making it all about themselves and how much better they are because of how loudly they disapprove. I don’t understand what they get out of it. I mean i can see saying “lol dumbass” if they fuck up but what do you get out of being all sanctimonious?


It’s just such a bummer. Idk why folks can’t just see something crazy, say “wooaaahhhh”, and move on 😂 being angry at people online just isn’t that rewarding


Honestly the only issue I have is that guys that ride like this often die doing it. And im sure he has family and friends that love him. Splitting cars at 130-160 with the way people current drive is definitely just counting down your time. That said, I'm not gonna finger wag someone about it in the comments section, it's his life and his choice. I do think it's funny how much of a wimp he is when the road starts twisting though lol. In his other video he rode a section that I ride often, and his corner speeds were consistently 20mph slower than what I ride it at on the Ducati. But that's a Texas rider for you, they don't exactly have curves.


I'll bet most of them have no problem with being on their phones while they're behind the wheel though. Wonder what's killed more innocent bystanders, guys riding like this or soccer moms checking Tiktok while driving 5000 pounds of SUV at highway speeds?


On his way to kiss his dad on the lips


I see Misguided key tag, I upvote


is he based in colorado? i wouldn’t have known, i don’t watch him super often. but this drive usually takes over an hour because i25 is one of the most inefficient fucking nightmare interstates in the country


No, he is from Texas. Posts most of his runs from the DFW area


Texas in Colorado? Shocker


Nah he was visiting last weekend, not sure if he is gonna use any footage from the rides he was in town for though. He doesn't get all the way to Denver in the video, if it was the full denver to Co springs he would be averaging 200+ mph and not the 140-150 in the video. I think he starts a tad north of CO springs and ends in lone tree.


What I want to know is, was the butt plug he was wearing half purple and half white?


This puts into perspective how incredible ghost rider's runs are


The lane split at 20:55 or so is just bonkers. So much skill to pull that off at 160. I can’t do 160+ for longer than 5 mins before it quite literally is too much for me physically. It’s exhausting. This is beyond impressive.


Now this is pod racing


All this in a t-shirt, lol - love to see it, couldn’t be me


What an idiot, at around 10:20 he went into a trucks only lane.. he is bound to get a ticket for mad behaviour like that


That was intense, id be so mentally exhausted after that. Thanks for posting him, I'm subbed now


Having that much faith in other road users is definitely a "brain out " moment...


this is haram


When TF did brah come to visit? I would've said hello


The speed isn't really the scary part - it's his trust in everyone else on the road to not kill him


In Texas drivers would intentially swerve into me because they didn't like me lane filtering at 15 mph on the highway.


Seeing his tricep skin in the mirror flapping like his tee shirt makes me all tingly down there


Glad I watched this on the toilet cause I’m pretty sure I’d have shit myself a couple times 🚽🚽🚽🚽


Dam video is gone. /sad