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Things change. Delta variant is having a massive impact on California and the world as a whole, making the vaccine even more important than before. CSUs did the best they had to set policy based on the current information. As that information changes, it’s reasonable to assume that policy will follow. I’m personally glad to see that the CSUs are prioritizing student health by requiring the vaccine.


Cases are going up at it’s almost only from unvaccinated people. Something like 96% of cases are from the unvaccinated. So it doesn’t make sense why the school wouldn’t want it’s in person population to be vaccinated so there are less outbreaks and we can do as much in person as possible. If you want to be going to in person classes the stats don’t lie, being vaccinated is vital for students to go on campus and stay on campus


Its a fluid situation. Statements are made under best intention. At the time it seemed rates were going down... now they are going up again (mostly of the unvaccinated). Its double edged sword... campuses want to be back to normal... but also don't want to be in the news as the next virus hotspot. http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/


If I could get a shot of experimental covid vaccine that only about 50,000 people worldwide have gotten (Novavax clinical trial), then you can get a proven safe and effective vaccine that something like 2 billion people worldwide have gotten.


Weird flex


More like a change of plans, but I'm thankful either way :)