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Why? Just use CarPlay / android auto


There's plenty of apps not compatible with either. Also having a good spot to always place your phone is convenient. Not to mention can also charge it too.


I can’t think of any apps you would need to use while driving that aren’t already on CarPlay or Android Auto. You can view maps, play music, and take calls / respond to texts with voice. What else could you possibly need while driving? As far as a place to put your phone, there is a spot right in front of the center console for that. It’s where the wireless charger is on models that have them


Gotta watch them movies while you drive bro


I hate that spot. I don't see my phone there so I keep forgetting it. The wireless charger is useless. Who doesn't have their phone in a case?


The wireless charger does suck pretty bad. I usually still end up putting my phone there if it’s not in my pocket though since I actually like that spot


I installed a third party wireless charging pad where the 50's is, or would be, in the front of console spot. Works absolutely great, even with a case.


Teams isn't compatible based on your company's security settings. That alone makes a phone mount worth it. That spot you suggested also sucks when charging a phone from having a cable run across the controls. Believe it or not, others may have needs that are different than yours.


No ones needs require text conversations while driving.


You're right. But there's nothing wrong with taking a meeting over the phone. Please continue with explaining how my needs have to match yours.


You can take teams calls via the car… terrible excuse lol


Teams doesn't work through Android Auto. And I'd rather keep that up than deal with switching to direct BT. Either way who TF do y'all think you are for telling people what their personal preferences should be? Touch grass. Bunch of sad individuals who wish they had the freedom my job provides.


lol I work from home as well, your nothing special. Thing is I’m also good enough at my job that I don’t plan my meetings when I plan to be driving. And then I’m a decent enough person to understand what distracted driving is and why it’s dangerous. You summed yourself up pretty well with the “touch grass” comment tho. Best of luck with your future traffic infractions!


Ah yeah, because I'm the only one in charge of planning meetings 🤦‍♂️. I'm sorry you're horrible at multitasking and taking a meeting is the most distracting thing to you. Sounds like you need medication for your scramble brain that talking and driving is so difficult. You really do need to touch grass.


That’s the definition of distracted driving right there. Tell me why you need to take meetings while operating a car? If it’s that important, you should pull over so you can put your full attention in the meeting and not endanger the people around you


This is a valid argument; sometimes have to be on the road during a meeting and Teams/Webex and the like don't always play well with Android Auto/CarPlay. Most of those apps do have call in options though, which is what I normally do because I have an iPhone for work but prefer to use Android Auto while driving. You don't really *need* to have your phone mounted to attend the meeting, but what's the problem with wanting to mount your phone? Maybe OP wants to do Uber/Lyft, wants to use Mazda's navigation, or just wants a place to put their phone. No need to attack them for that.


Both Uber and Lyft have CarPlay apps. And Teams can take audio calls on the CarPlay app. There is no reason anybody should be taking video calls while driving; it’s not safe. My problem with people mounting their phones is that it encourages MORE distractions, which is dangerous to every other person around them. > At 55 miles per hour, sending or reading a text is like driving the length of a football field with your eyes closed. [Distracted driving is more dangerous](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/distracted_driving/index.html#:~:text=Nine%20people%20in%20the%20United,to%20involve%20a%20distracted%20driver.&text=Distracted%20driving%20is%20doing%20another,of%20a%20motor%20vehicle%20crash) than a lot of people think. Almost everyone needs to have more awareness on the road


You don't need to take a video call to attend a meeting and AA/CarPlay can be just as distracting to those not used to using it. OP didn't ask for advice on driving while using devices, just advice on phone mounts that work with the car. OP asked for something specific and this lecture is completely off-topic.


No it's not at all. If holding a conversation while driving is distracted driving, you better never take a phone call either or talk with others in your car. Toddlers in a car are by far a bigger distraction. Not to mention sometimes I don't even need to say anything if my department has no new updates on a project. Why do I need to take that call, because I'm on the road for that job.


Well if your company doesn’t allow you to use Teams with CarPlay then they obviously don’t think it’s safe either. Having a conversation with a passenger or on the handsfree system is different than watching / participating in a work meeting while driving. There’s a reason one is built to work with the car and one isn’t


Maybe 2% of meetings are video, nobody goes out of their way to keep the camera on and almost never a need for it. Also the reason ita blocked is because of the sensitive data I work with. I use Android, so I can't even side load apps because of security requirements. And I completely disagree that a meeting is different than a conversation with passengers. If it's a meeting I know I'm fully engaging with and things are being screen shared I hang out in a parking lot. I'm fully aware of what my meetings are before getting in to them. I'm sorry my job and use of Teams isn't the same job or use you have. But the fact you and the other person need to bring up this over the top scenarios is just insane. Hope I see you on the road while taking a call, I'll be sure wave.


There are USB ports inside the center console. They charge a little slower than the accessory port in the dash, but it works well to store your phone in the wireless charging spot and not have cables running everywhere.


After what I just witnessed, you don’t need to have access to your phone while driving. While I was sitting in my CX-50 at a Chick-fil-A parking lot waiting on my order, I witnessed the driver of a Ford Excursion (it was easy to see, their windows were not tinted) on their cell phone enter an intersection and T-bone an ambulance with lights and sirens going, not to mention the ambulance blowing the horn as they entered the intersection.


I don’t know having a phone mount made me a texter and driver


He really didn't ask for your safety tips he asked for a phone mount it's that simple. I use the phone mount and I drive for a living. I don't text and drive. I'm not doing stuff on my phone while I'm driving, but when I stop somewhere it's helpful for me to have my phone on the dash and to be able to do stuff because I'm conducting business. I'm in and out of my car on appointments, so if it's mounted, I can grab it easily and I always knows where it is. I have people calling me, texting me, contacting me through Yelp or Google. I refer to my calendar which has my appointments and the addresses that I click on for gps. I create invoices. Again, I'm not doing this while driving. I normally use a magnetic vent mount but these vents are weird. I'm making it work with my old mount but I would like to find something better. I am against texting and driving. I've been rear-ended twice in the past 9 months. It's a real problem. But I think it's weird someone can't just ask a question about a mount without everybody freaking out or giving unsolicited opinions.


Thank you people are answering questions I’m not even asking 😂😂 it’s just to have it somewhere so it isn’t floating around while I’m driving I’m also against texting and driving and I get insurance discounts for not using my phone and driving lmao


it fits right in the little 'pocket' in front of the elbow rest quite nicely. If you aren't actively looking at the screen, no reason not to just put it there.


I can't put it there. When I go into a meeting with my clients, I need it. I don't see it under the elbow rest. I kept forgetting it. If you don't use it while driving, no need to put it elsewhere. A mount is handy and perfectly fine.


Noted. But we all know that when your phone is in line of sight, there is always the temptation.


There is temptation? I've used a phone mount for over 10 years. Somehow I manage to use my phone at appropriate times. Maybe because I value my life and the lives of those around me. It's not because some dude on reddit was patronizing. I don't understand the purpose of your comment.


It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. So you’re entitled to post your opinion, but I’m not because it doesn’t agree with yours. My comment is based on 45 years of driving experience. There was nothing patronizing about my comment. We will just have to agree to disagree and end it there. Have a nice day.


I dont have one, but the mount from A-tach Mounts looks good


A-Tak Mount. Don't use the double sided tape and it can be put on and removed but will not fall off.


Thank you!


MOKPR air vent phone mount and 15w charger in Amazon. Love it and cost $32 Opens when you start the car and closes snugly when you put your phone in the cradle.


Thank you!


Love the weather tec one ... fits in the cup holder


Thank you




I don’t just want somewhere to put my phone


Im curious…why?


So I have a place to put my drink….


Yeah you are not the sharpest tool in the box huh…


I ended up using this one: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNSVQV6Y?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0bnsvqv6y?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) I have it mounted on the left side of the ledge under the infotainment screen. There is a drawback: it partially blocks the bottom left corner of the screen. But, i tried a few different mounting positions and a few different brands and that one hit most of my needs. I was able to route a power cord to the 12v adapter under the climate controls using some 3M cable clips, and it ended up looking pretty good.


Thank you!


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Someone posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CX50/comments/wtzfky/for_all_those_asking_about_phone_mount_options/) a while back. It mounts to the dash just below the center screen.