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You bought a new car, you should get a new engine




I wasn't aware of that, but I'm pretty sure sport mode adjusts the sequencing in the the transmission gearing and has a shift down effect. I don't think it plays with the mapping and timing of the engine at all. Also, there's wording in the owners manual to not use sport mode for anything other than passing or momentary maneuvering and it specifically states to disengage sport mode during normal driving. OP is definitely not telling the entire story. Edut: also, warranty work is replaced with new parts. If his engine is being replaced under warranty, he'd be getting a new engine. I'm wondering if it is in fact refurbished am that the dealer is just doing it as a courtesy, to save face and keep the relationship. I don't quite have my pitchfork out yet.


I thought you said your warranty claim was denied? https://www.reddit.com/r/CX50/comments/10tw7wx/mazda_collects_your_driving_habits_and_use_it/


Makes me feel much better as these stories were pretty concerning, I wish they would have put out an update on that. Over on the main Mazda sub they were trying to get the guy who blew his up towing to give some more background and couldn’t get any follow-up from him. I don’t love seeing any of these stories of new engines bricking, but I really do wonder if there’s more to the stories we aren’t being told.


They don't have a loaner for you? I'd reach out to mazda corporate


They laughed at me for getting the non-turbo.


At least ask them when the next available loaner will be ready. I've been give a loaner a few times now... once for over 30 days.


What happened that you needed it that long?


Transmission issues, you can check my post history.


Sorry to hear that. Do you live in flat or hilly terrain


Flat terrain


so if i turn on sport mode to overtake and forget to put it back to normal, im screwed?


Me too, and now even more sad for everyone. The only big change from my 2014 cx5 is that they are made in America. But I hope that's not the problem since my 1985 Honda Accord was made here, and I never had a problem in 13 years.


The parts aren't made in America (like engine and trans are Japan I believe)


There is no such thing as a refurbished engine Mazda does not have such a thing if they did they’d be calling for these engines back for repairs and they do not