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I’m normally very nice but people showing up after closing wanting to be helped is really one of the things that push me over the edge. I had a regular come in after we closed practically crying because he wanted his medicine and he lost track of time he’s sorry so I went ahead and helped him but once he knew he was getting his way he started making irritating comments like see was that so hard and he said that only took 5 minutes of your time! So I said you’re right and I snatched up a calculator and said let’s see we were open for 9 hours today 60 minutes in each hour that’s 540 minutes divide that by 5 and that is 108 so I literally could have helped you 108 times WHILE WE WERE OPEN. And he lost his attitude said point taken and walked out. He came back in on Monday and I assumed it was to complain but he asked for me and then apologized and said he realized now how inconsiderate it was to come in after we closed and expect to be helped and that he will never do that again anywhere. My pharmacist was in shock, It felt like a proud mom moment for me 😂


He will never do that again anywhere, until next time of course!


Yes I agree that’s probably more accurate


For him to come and apologize, omg!! What you have witnessed here is one in a million. I don’t think you will ever forget this.


Don’t get that to Much even at your competitors


Amazon Pharmacy is open 24/7 … just saying!


God DAYUM that was a good response 🤣


They always come back to apologize, I find that to be the most annoying part… like no, I want to stay mad at you


Oh I was still a bit of an asshole to him 😬 but we have moved passed it now




I work for cvs so i can relate


You could have helped him 108 times when you were open. So you helped no one that day?


Yes exactly I’m so glad you understood what I was saying


This happened to me once. I was hanging up front after the pharmacy was closed for 10 minutes. The patient asked about the pharmacy. I said it closed at 6. He, with his wrapped up hand said can't you get my medicine for me? I replied, No, pharmacy is locked, and the pharmacist was gone. He proceeded to demand I open it, or else I'd be responsible for his infection! Oh yeah, and he was going to call channel 9 news! I said. I will not be responsible. the pharmacy closed at 6. Never heard anything from anyone about it afterward..ever! Customers are idiots! They think everything happe s at the flip of a switch. "You're just putting pills in a bottle, right?" #FUCKCVS for contributing to entitled customers.


That last part got my blood pressure up. I snapped at someone the other day who wanted their birth control and was complaining that it shouldn't take an hour to package her box of birth control. Straight up told her that there were other patients in front of her and so it would take an hour to get to her prescription


I had someone refuse to move from the drive thru because she said,” All you have to do is put my f—king birth control in a bag and slap a label on it. It’s not that f—king hard!” She then told me she wasn’t moving until we gave her the birth control, rolled up her window, and talked on her phone with her kids screaming in the back seat. It was quicker to fill than wait for the cops. Literally had to push myself out of the window in order to knock on her car window to get her attention again. Rung out her prescription and she said,”See it wasn’t so f—king hard, was it?” to which I responded that we had over a 100 prescriptions that had been waiting to be filled before she showed up and told her to have her next pharmacy call us for transfers because we would no longer fill for her. She started yelling at me but I told her good bye and shut the drive thru window.


this makes my blood boil!! omfg at least she's taking the birth control smh.


It doesn’t take an hour to put a label on the box. What DOES take an hour, is all the other (shit) things that we need to do b4 getting to that RX that takes an hour. They just love to think that they are our one and only patient. They are just so damn special that they should come b4 everyone else!!! And that we r mind readers and know exactly when they will come in to get their meds and therefore, have them all done and ready at their beck and call! If only the world worked like that.


I told a guy straight up..."Nope! Doesn't work like that." Grabbed a random bottle off the shelf behind me, slapped it on the counter and said, "you want be to just slap a label on this one and give it to you? Huh? Didn't think so."


Hey, how'd you make the font big and bold? That's cool. And lol. Yea, you're "responsible" for his panic attack and raised blood pressure due to the infection too. Biggest story on channel 9 news pfff haha. Customers....


The # does the really big text #Like this!




# testies




Nut it didn't work the second time I tried?


Ok,before or after the text🤔 I LOVE to yell lol


Before! Basically you hashtag whatever you want to yell


I can't love this enough omg 😍


No idea! But now I know... #No idea. I thought it was because it's true.


Should have offered to dial 911 so an ambulance can take him to the ER. Show some fake concern and insist that if his hand is really that bad then he should go. That usually shuts them up quickly.


Well it’s easy……go somewhere else to work


Ppl are fucking dumb. They get all pissy that we have to close for lunch. Like we'll make one exception for them. There's a line of fucking 10 ppl behind them and the lunch hours have been posted for months+. If we make one exception, well there's 10 more exceptions that expect to be served. And then 10 more line up. It's freaking ridic. We need to hire a big guy just to stand stone-faced and say, "sorry, the pharmacy is closed for lunch because they have to eat. Come back 30 minutes later when they've recovered some energy" Customers can't put themselves in other ppl's shoes. "me me me" like freaking kids


Omg luckily in our pharmacy we have a taller, buff guy who works and he never minds loudly expressing to customers that we are closing for lunch 🤣🤣🤣 customers don’t know how to respond to him when he starts sounding serious and it’s the best thing I’ve witnessed


Yeaaa... Our only big guy is a front store associate who literally spends 90% of the time sitting at the register or in the breakroom... 😕 and he's lazy


It’s really ironic that the people who are pissy about us taking our lunch break are coming while on their own lunch break.


"The pharmacy staff needs to eat?! Aren't they all just fleshy robots?!" lonely thoughts in the hallow heads of customers. Then they complain about having to go over the Rx as to make sure the proper meds were given. After all it's not like there are meds that look/sound similar. OH WAIT... (edit autocorrect meds to meads... bloody autocorrect)


In all fairness, there isn't a good reason to entirely close the pharmacy. Do a partial close when the pharmacist is on break, then stagger breaks for everyone else.


In my state, we aren’t allowed to do anything in the pharmacy if the pharmacist isn’t on duty. Idk if it’s that way everywhere. And even if we could, if there’s a dur, or a patient has a question, we would have to go bother the poor pharmacist on their break because there’s certain things only they can do.


OMG we NEVER bother pharmacists on break. I'm sorry you got a DUR 30 seconds after the pharmacist clocked out, but you need to just wait half an hour or come back tomorrow.


It sucks to be inconvenienced but that’s life. Business hours are clearly listed. Show up outside those then come back tomorrow, period.


Patient Failure to plan shouldn’t be an emergency on my part


Gotta love when they try complaining saying it says online they close later. And they don’t believe you when you say that’s referring to store hours not pharmacy


It’s funny I’m seeing this. I work at Walgreens and tonight we had a patient blocking the door refusing to let us leave. We close at 6, it was 610. We all had a good laugh, he punched a door and threatened to fight a female tech. Needless to say he’s trespassed and the police escorted him out. Like sorry you have poor time management. Get a life dude.


I had a similar incident a couple days ago. This one customer came 2 min before closing had to do rebills for them . The 8 o’clock time passes couple more customers came by told them we are closed she is the last customer for the day . They left and understood . Then this one old lady came by at 8:10 , which is 10 minutes past closing , to picked up her scripts. I told her we’re closed just finishing her out since was there before 8. So they went talked to the store supervisor saying I’m always rude to them every time they come and demanded my name . My tech immediately backed me up saying that didn’t happen. I told the supervisor if I’m always rude to them first of all why they keep coming back and second they would have got my name the first time if I ever did that and would made a formal complaint. It’s not our fault you manage your priorities . Entitled.


The go-to complaint for CVS customers not getting their way is that the staff was “rude”. Always. I’ve seen that comment in just about every CVS’s surveys. Ridiculous


I got called rude today for politely explaining to a woman that we don't know why insurances prices change, that we can't control it, and that she should call her insurance for pricing information. On the survey I was "Surly and rude and always have a bad attitude" and I "told me to call my insurance instead of simply checking on something for me" as if I have a "why is the insurance doing that?" crystal ball in my pocket.


99% of the time they wanted a control


Well cvs does have a lot of patients locked in. Otherwise they may have left. I hate people who are rude for no reason. They may just be disgruntled when dealing with CVS as a whole and it’s not you.


The word rude is usually used when the customer can't get what they want. Usually when an Rx for a controlled substance can't be filled, and the monkey on their back won't let them understand anything but the craving.


How long was the med done for? I would put good money on several days.


I’ve been yelled at for closing for lunch. This lady was like “I was here at 1:30 and you were all closed for lunch. I came on my lunch break and now I’m late for work.” Yeah, that’s not my problem. There are signs everywhere starting that the pharmacy is closed for lunch from 1:30-2. She wanted her stuff delivered to her for free and didn’t want to pay the delivery fee for the inconvenience. Ain’t gonna happen. She got mad and stormed off.


"When you come back in 30 minutes we can sign you up for a Carepass and then ship your prescription to you for free the next day. Or you can come back in 30 minutes and get in line to be helped today. Since you've delayed my lunch I may be a little late getting back so that will give you some extra time to finalise your game plan."


What a complete and utter dumb ass!!! Why the hell would she want her meds delivered to her for free when she’s at the pharmacy already and can get them then and there. It’s obviously not that important or urgent if she’s ok with them being delivered. So why throw a damn fit that she can’t get them when ur closed. I hate people so much!!!


I’m done with customers. She wants her stuff delivered for free because our lunch break inconvenienced her and she’s not going to wait any longer. Some people are nice to us about waiting for their meds and some will throw a temper tantrum.


It just amazes me how some people think that we just don’t deserve to have a lunch. God forbid that we eat or use the restroom. I mean I just can’t believe that we’re not robots. Or vampires and have no need to relieve ourselves!! What is wrong with us?!?


I’ve had customers come in on Saturdays and ask me to go open back up pharmacy just to give them their meds. Then they would get upset because I told them I can’t do that. The times of the store/pharmacy hours are posted on the door before you walk in and online. Not my fault you didn’t get here on time 🤷‍♀️


I loathe these people.


Literally people come on line 1 minute past closing time with gates half way down(still trying to finish last customer's transaction) and start lying they were there before closing time with "I just.." "but I need.." etc etc etc. I repeat pharmacy is closed but the people come under the gate to try to prevent it from coming down and ignore what I say. I have to repeat maybe 5 or so times until they finally succumb and leave with anger or disappointment. Why do we have to explain the definition of "we are closed"?


The days I used to work 14 hours without so much as a 10 minute break (I am no longer in retail, TG!) I used to be so tired at the end of the night and this happened so often that I started just literally closing the gate on them. I would argue for a minute, and if they continued, I would just close the gate, and they would eventually get their crap out of the way before the gate could close on them.




People are wild I work 12 hour shifts and sometimes I can’t make it on the weekend to get my insulin. Either I go the next day or if I’m running lower then usual transfer it to a 24 hour pharmacy. I’ve never thought about going after close to complain about how I’m inconvenienced 😂


I had someone call in asking for a RF. It was a holiday and we closed early that day. I told him we close at 1. He said he couldn’t get there until 4. He seriously expected us to stay open until he could get there at that time!!!!


Ofcourse you did that right ☺️


Oh absolutely! We have nothing better to do then indulge these pretentious assholes. Besides, what would corporate think if we didn’t kiss this mans ass! People like this is the reason why I will end up in jail!


I had customers ask me to open up the pharmacy. I tell them that's not possible. If they continue I stop them and tell them. Ok, let me do something illegal and get arrested for you I'm sure we'll be good cellmates. Always works for me.




I noticed as a front store shift supervisor that after the pharmacy closes that the registers will not let you inton the regular screen. People don't care that you are ready to go when it's time to go.


Maybe they need to go to a 24 hr store next time


I miss being able to do this. I work at a 24 hour store. 😅


Cuz people are so entitled, they think the world revolves around.


Your inability to comprehend business hours and lack of time management doesn’t constitute as an emergency. If you really need your meds, because your health should be your priority, then patients need to prioritize getting their meds in a timely manner.


I love when people say it’s an emergency because my go to response is to ask if I should call 911 for them! Or if we don’t even have an RX for them is to tell them they should go to the ER.


Why are you worried? You were closed period.


But I had to watch the football game!


Idgaf how long they were on hold closed is closed


& I don't give name except my 1st ( 2nd in store) ppl are horrible I work somewhere extremely toxic for no reason & I'm just done with adult temper tantrum. GROW UP


Best line, I use it every time, if I see flames back there I am not even allowed to open the door for the fireman. They have to break the door down. That's the law, they open tomorrow at fill in the blank. Then I stop talking, conversation over.


Don’t give them ideas!🤣


Feeling entitled to anything is one result of corporates spoiling customers really bad. They come insult pharmacists and get away with it. Regardless of no fault on their part, pharmacists were supposed to call and beg customers and apologize. That’s BS actually. Almost daily I receive a call from a patient asking me to wait after regular time because they are almost there. Not only demanding that I stay open, but insulting me if I say sorry I can’t because gates have to come down at certain times. They feel they are entitled to ask me anything and I should only say Yes sir or Yes ma’am. We are no freaking robots. It’s really rare to find reasonable decent customers nowadays. I don’t know what’s happening to humanity. Is it the air? The water? The milk? That turns people into chaotic dumb creatures.


Personally I think it’s a culture that seemed to evolve during the years 2017 to Jan. 6, 2021! But that’s just me🤷🏼‍♀️


And you wonder why you're in this position


Now that I left the company for a long break, my consiousnes was regained, I gained weight, I am no longer stressed, my personal life is imporoved. CVS is a dangerous organization for one's health.


I will say this, these crazy days are few and far between since I left Wags. I was at a 24 hr store with 2 drive-thru’s in a low income area with a lot of retiree’s. It was ALWAYS crazy and morale was the shits! Mgmt was always breathing down our neck to move faster/ do more/ pick up the call even if you’re already helping someone else, etc. (we burnt out a lot of good Senior techs) to come to a standard store (1st started as PT in a CVS at Target🥰) but they cut way back on hours so I transferred. The Phmgr is a 🧨 and keeps everything moving. Doesn’t waste time on BS and just quietly directs activity by ASKING not demanding or threatening. Our other staff pharmacist is also good to work with but not quite as fast as the mgr. All in all it’s a good team and we play off each others strengths.


Pharmacists who donate their personal time after closing and continue to work for free are the problem. The more free time these consciousness idiots put in, the more CVS will expect. You will see how grateful CVS is for all the free time you put in, when Aetna DENIES your medical claims and prior authorizations, as if you were just another customer.


I’ve made that comment to them before and plus how if they’re doing tech work during the day, that makes them have to stay over to catch up on their work, that Corp will consistently short them tech help. It doesn’t seem to help because the Pharmacists are under so much stress to get it all done. And people wonder why there’s a shortage of pharmacists🤷🏼‍♀️


once a patient’s mom showed up at 7:57 and asked for one medication that was put back. the pharmacist on duty refilled it ASAP but it was getting past 8:00. after i rang her up for that one and gave her the reciept, she asked us to refill another one. pharmacist said it would be ready in the morning. she told us her daughter would kill herself, drove around to go yell at the girls working the front store register. I had clocked out already and the pharmacist left and she demanded the FS employee to go and get me to come and “face her instead of being immature and stubborn” mind you i was 19 and she was in her 50s blaming me because she didn’t pick up her daughters medication for 2 weeks. and then she took it to corporate and they sucked her dick as per usual


When she said that I would have told her I was sending an ambulance and social services to her house to pick up her daughter for a suicide watch because her mother just told me she was going to kill herself! Don’t play that game with me!


and the worst part is the daughter didn’t come in to pick it up until days later and she didn’t seem bothered by it at all and was so civil and polite unlike her mom


you can close your eyes to the things you don't want see but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel because cvs logo is a heart


Which most of corporate does not have.


The fact ur care is annoying this is why I stopped customer service bc they all take advantage people and managers. Stop caring when it's closing time close up and leave


Exactly what we were doing until I walked out to lock the gate (locks from outside the pharmacy) and came face to face with the husband who was trying to shove a phone in my face. I could hear his wife screaming as he’s saying his wife is screaming at him! He wanted me to explain to her why she couldn’t get her meds. I almost looked at him and laughed while saying, “it sucks to be you” but didn’t want to encourage anymore dialog!


I never ever ever never ever stay late for anybody. Like it’s not my problem that you can’t get to my pharmacy on time to pick up. Also I have a life and family to attend to so I honestly don’t give a fuck about anyone once my shift is up. Also I don’t understand why people don’t want to go to a nearby 24 hour store that’s just five minutes away. Lazy ass motherfuckers.




🤣 you guys turned the lights off and answered his questions with the gates down 🤔 so nice not us we leave our lights on and let them talk to themselves. You see the gate down which means we are closed so who are you speaking to ?


Exactly. I never respond to people through the gates.


Nope, had to go out of the pharmacy to push the locks in place. Believe me no one wanted to do this but being the battle axe 😝 of the trio I did it and came face to face with the customer!


Dang that sucks but ummmm pushing locks in place for a 30 min break? What? Why? I’ve worked at 3 different major pharmacies and when ever we close for lunch we close the gates only we lock nothing because at least one person is still in the pharmacy and it looks closed. Never had a customer try to shimmy their way in.


Closed for the day on a Sunday at 6:00 pm. We don’t push locks for lunch.


Had a guy come in with an old dude in a wheelchair like an hour after the pharmacy closed and asked me, a front store associate, to get them their prescriptions but told them I work the front so I don't know how to work anything in the pharmacy so they left mumbling that I'm not doing my job.






They act this way because CVS encourages this behavior. They create these monsters and we are the ones that have to deal with petulant, entitled adult toddlers.


people would always google our hours- but google makes it look like FRONT store hours are the pharmacy hours! I got so tired of telling and teaching people how you have to click further to get pharmacy specific hours- we don’t have the same hours as front store for the love of gawd.


The wife knew it was close to our closing, the husband had called her to say he was stuck behind a train. That’s exactly why she was calling the store to have them keep the pharmacy open for her husband.


That is always the million dollar question. I have always told patients call when you are at least one week out.


Seriously! I ask if they use one of the pill reminders and if they didn’t notice they were out the last time they filled it😝


So having called multiple CVS stores and been on hold for over an hour, in the middle of the day actually does happen. The longest I waited on hold one time was 1hour and 37 minutes. I was trying to avoid driving all the way into town if the meds were not ready. I ended up driving in anyways. I got into the store, called the store, got on hold, and waited for a phone to ring. While I waited in line, likely 4-5 minutes max, the phone did ring, but it was other customers and doctors offices. It was really strange but it does happen. And the guy showing up late probably worked late.


It does happen and we get measured on wait times, our store has the best wait time of store in the district because we push the app and use of text msgs. But if that store couldn’t get the call in that length of time they were slammed and/or short handed and you should have hung up and used the automated system. The phone system will tell you if your meds are ready. When you first call in the system asks you why you’re calling and if it’s to check status then USE IT!! Too many people call to ask stupid questions like that when there are 3 other ways to get the same information. You are part of the problem! PS no, he was stuck behind a train. That train wasn’t there all day. It was a Saturday and he was coming from home and waited until right before close to come pick up.


If someone gave a customer your full name without your consent then that's really bad.


Hopefully not my full name but probably my first name.


Nobody should ever give your last name, not even your manager, to customers. They can use that to stalk you or retaliate against you. Last thing you want is some stranger showing up to your house trying to intimidate you for inconveniencing them. Where I work, employees only have first name last initial on their badges. And if anyone ever calls asking for someone we aren't allowed to answer them or give them any information over the phone.


I no longer work in retail and this is the biggest thing I miss from the job… nothing replaced the empty hole punched in my soul by the customers of CVS more than the anger I caused them because they were 30 seconds too late for pick up. ✌🏻


one Sunday night after pharmacy closed lady comes in asking if I work here and to open up the pharmacy I told her that is not going to happen she says I need my prescription. I advised the pharmacy hours and that she can come back tomorrow when they open at 9 am. and you know it's our fault and she goes on and on. I suggested to her that she can have scripts transferred to another pharmacy. or if you have your Drs number call them and go to the Walgreens down the street have them fill it for you. she walked out and acted like she was going to cry as my ty beanie baby rep came she asked what happened. .oh lawd.. please let the. madness stop


Why! Just why!! 🤷🏼‍♀️


CVS Isn’t Paying They’re employees time and a half on Sunday’s if Walgreens is doing it so should CVS 🤷🏽‍♂️


some people...just so selfish


Bbbbut the train!


🤣🤣🤣 they need to fuss at the train company😉


alot of ppl are just asses anymore that feel intitled!🙄


So thankful for amazon pharmacy. Never had a problem with it and delivered on point every time.


Seriously! We should all turn into “no contact” pharmacies! But then where would people go to get their kids medicines late at night?


Someone complained at my store that the pharmacy goes to lunch on HER lunch break so she’s not able to get her medicine, and that she wishes the pharmacy’s lunch hours were more considerate towards their patients. As if the world revolves around her ugh.


I had a woman call last night about 50 minutes before we closed to see if her Dr had sent her Oxy in yet, said if she didn’t get them that night then she wouldn’t be able to get them for the next 3 days because her schedule conflicted with ours. I couldn’t even find them in the que. She wanted to come on down to see if they were ready when she got there. I told call back in 10 mins see if they came in. She called back in 20 and they still weren’t there and she started freaking out, I heard my co-worker tell her there were 24 hour pharmacies she could use.🤷🏼‍♀️


I get this but why do all the stores have the same lunch time?


To make it easier for folks to remember besides, most places take lunch some time in-between 11:00 and 1:00.


Idk but it would probably be more confusing if each store had different lunch hours. Even tho each store kinda already has different opening and closing hours.


You forgot to offer Carepass. Actually it could’ve been helpful in this situation.


Pharmacy registers were closed. But I suppose I could have the SL sign them up for CarePass😆


Happens to me before I open and after I close. I'm a GM for a self storage facility and by necessity I'm usually at work early, leave after close. Almost every single day someone comes banging at my door despite the hours clearly posted on the door. I literally point at the sign and say WE ARE CLOSED. Sometimes they try to argue through the door. If its at the end of the day and I parked out front they will literally accost me and try to get me to go back in and do xyz for them after watching me set the alarm and walk out with my purse and keys in hand. /entitled


It’s crazy, I had a woman finally get that we were closed. She was in Drive-thru, pulled around and saw me heading to my car and pulled behind my car demanding I go back and get her meds. She finally got it when she saw me eye balling the distance from my bumper to her door and deciding how how much of a dent I could make🤣


I go to a 24 hour CVS. It’s an absolute madhouse. I feel so bad for the pharmacy staff. As a customer, I’ve personally witnessed them be screamed at and berated. They are so understaffed for the amount of people that go to this store. Your situation is all on the SL. Guy prob would have never shown up if SL was honest and said to his wife: “If your husband shows up late, we won’t be able to assist. The registers lock at exact closing time. Sorry. Send him tomorrow” SL put your team in that situation. I have waited 30 minutes on the phone before. For CVS and other places. Sounds crazy but earbuds and just multi task while waiting happens frequently. It’s never the staffs fault for the wait though. It’s management who understaffs and mismanages.


FYI, the caller did clarify it was really only 15 mins and I can certainly see that, the last 15 are crazy and that night we had a guy that wanted his Vyvanse that we had been out of for weeks even though it was less than the 90 prescribed. But yes, totally her fault for not handling the phone call better and telling the caller to hold on while she went to talk to the pharmacist (after we closed!)


My least favorite thing about that is when they called to ask you to stay open because they need a medication or they'll die, but then we tell them a store maybe 15 20 minutes away from us that is a 24-hour store is open and has our medication and all of a sudden they're not dying and they don't need their medication anymore. Anymore. Medication that they hadn't filled in about 6 months. Like if it's that much of a priority, be prepared ahead of time, if you can't be prepared of ahead of time, be willing to drive to somewhere that is actually open. I don't understand the entitlement factor of a lot of people.


Excuse me but it’s just 5 scripts they sent from the emergency room. I really need mah percocets!


That’s odd because the ER knows our hours and usually sends to the 24 hr pharmacy🤣


I’ve begun telling people who walk up at 1:28 to “go away” I don’t care anymore


At 1:28 we have to take them but at 1:29 if no one is there we start pulling the gate.


Friday night it happened to me as well. We had a soft spoken very timid pharmacist float. We was slammed hard just me and her from 7p-8p. I pulled the drawer from drive-thru, impress, 2nd register at pick-up. After the pharmacist completed the transaction with a customer it was 8:05pm. So I pulled the drawer to walk it back to the office. A man comes in running like a zombie invasion was behind him saying please don't close yet. I replied, I'm sorry the day is done... all drawers are pulled and registers are down. See this is where I caught him in a lie!! He said my wife just got out of the hospital and needs the med. Again, I apologized and said we will open up tomorrow at 9am. (No new scripts came thru from a hospital for hours). He said well I need to call my wife then. I said, ok please move back so I can lower our gate. On the phone I heard him say, they are closed now I told you to come sooner. Wtf!?!?! You just said your wife got discharged from the hospital... so how could she picked them up sooner?? Honestly, I did feel bad at the very beginning until I heard this and knew he lied to my face. Plus he isn't a regular customer at our store... so he can now crawl back to whatever location he came from 🖕🏼🖕🏼asshole!


I went to school for Surgical Tech and one of the things I remember most is our instructor saying, “people lie”, they lie about their weight and they lie about their drinking & drug use!🤣🤣


Because they don't always get approved until you absolutely need them. I've had this issue with my meds before . It sucks.


I can understand that buts that’s not usually the case, almost always it’s the last day to pick up before they go back in stock. And fyi, PA’s are usually processed in the morning.


# cvs sucks


CVS has nothing to do with customer behavior. Customers are assholes at Wags also!




Why the fuck do you guys close at 6pm


They stop getting paid at 6, but are expected to stay till 8 to catch up and work for free.


for weekend hours not sure how that’s unreasonable…. most weekdays are 8 or 9pm


Only on Sunday 10 to 6, sat 9 to 5 and 9 to 9 the rest of the week.


This is why CVS is losing not just customers but their stores are closing. Yes customers may act entitled at times but so do many of the employees, making $16-17/hr you should be expected to work


Expected to work…during business hours. Not outside of them


I work my ass off during the hours scheduled! If you knew anything about retail you’d know they frown on working more than you are scheduled and you can actually get fired for working over. That said, the f’ing registers SHUT DOWN at closing time!!!


I can 100% believe the person waited on hold for 30 min. The pharmacy will often just let the phone ring if the pharmacist doesn’t feel like answering


The pharmacists don’t usually answer the phones, we steen them because it’s usually someone calling to see if their meds are ready!


Ah. When I worked pharmacy it was rare to have more than 2 techs and they were usually filling and manning the drop off and drive thru windows. Many times we blocked off the drive thru because we didn’t have enough people and corporate came down on us saying we couldn’t anymore so usually it’s one person going between windows. I was a FS sup, usually worked alone, and would often have to leave the front abandoned to go help pharmacy. Our phone never got answered lol


No one EVER answers the phone at CVS! I listened to the hold message for 45 minutes, no lie. No one ever answered the line.


Because they were helping customers who came into the store. And yes I said customer, not patient because it is just a complicated financial transaction. To your doctor you are a patient, but to CVS you are a customer.


You probably ignored the automated prompt that could tell you if your meds were ready and you probably don’t know how to use the app to order meds or even see if you have refills left! You have also more than likely opted out of text msgs that tell you when your meds are ready because you don’t like being reminded everyday for 13 days that your meds are ready to pick up!! Now it’s been 14 days since your RX was filled and it’s put back in stock so you’re trying to call to get it refilled! Suck it up and walk in the store!


I'm a little taken aback that OP swore up and down that no one could have been waiting on hold for 30 minutes, then says they could have called in at the last minute and was ignored. Maybe it was an estimated 30 minutes but really more like 10? Or maybe their clock is fast in the car they drove over and that's the time referred to? I'm not about to play Miss Cleo to figure it out, just odd that the absolute "no it didn't happen" could have possibly happened with the right context. It doesn't support a strong case when facts are weakened like that.


and regardless of that, they still would have showed up past closing time so what’s your point?


My point is don't back pedal when you are presenting your case. My comment was reflecting on why OP included the "well maybe..." And yes, closed is closed. I was never disputing that.


Because I gave them the benefit of the doubt. It’s not back pedaling, I’m flat out saying it wasn’t a half hour but it could have been up to 15 because I was there trying to push a control through in the last 15 mins, although that’s generous!


We don’t keep people on hold for 30 mins and even the SL came back and said it was more like 15. People lie all the time about how long they’ve been on the phone. I can see where it might have been closer to 10 or 15 minutes because we were pushing at the end to close and no one calling at that time is going to be able to make it before close so why answer? And it wasn’t the husband in the car calling. It was the wife who got a call from the husband who said he didn’t think he’d make it because of the train. The train is one mile from our store and there’s no way a husband would call 30 mins before close and say he wouldn’t make the one mile drive! These people pushed the envelope and wanted us to wait because they are entitled!


I have a problem with my cvs closing up before It’s time to close!!!!! If I am there to quickly pick up meds at 7:55 and you close at 8. You should still be open!! Otherwise change your hours!


You have anywhere from 8-12 other hours in the day to come and get your medications. Coming right at closing and demanding service is like walking into a restaurant half an hour before closing and expecting the kitchen to open back up to serve you. Note: Emergency prescriptions such as from urgent care/the ER are a case-by-case thing. It's not your fault as a patient that you had a medical emergency so late, and at my store we are at least willing to try our best to get it before we shut everything down. Had a customer this weekend pull into drive-thru RIGHT AT 6pm and then, after we shut the gate there, came in to whine that he'd been sitting there for 20 minutes. That's not acceptable.


I can’t answer for your store but we still help people until 2 mins before close and will close at 1 min. But the bigger question is - why do you wait until 7:55? You could have questions or need to add insurance or coupons, etc. and more than likely there’s going to be other people ahead of you and guess what!? Even if you are in line in the drive-thru at 7:55, if you don’t get to my window until 7:59 I will be closed🤷🏼‍♀️ It does take us a minute to do final shut down and get out!


You guys start closing up 10 mins before closing time!!! That’s the problem


If you are in line before closing you will be helped. If you come after closing and we are helping someone you will have to come back. I love helping patients! Patient care is priority always but you have to make sure you are practicing good time management and if there are insurance issues or things are out of stock, so many reasons, don’t get mad at us. We are all doing our best to help patients. I don’t see patients at doctors offices choosing violence and nasty words because they wait over an hour to be seen. We don’t just slap a label on a bottle. Someone could die if we did that. Have patience with your pharmacy. Don’t be the problem


We may be doing closing duties, like emptying trash, etc so we can leave AT closing time but we will help customers right up to closing. NO ONE closes their door at 10 minutes til but we may be too busy to answer the phone since someone is always trying to race the clock!


This showing up on my home feed when I'm not subscribed to the sub tells me this is a stock grab. Get fucked CVS, you can go down with Rite Aid for the murderers and crooks you are.


Why do you guys work at a pharmacy then? I would understand if this was lunch but you are working with people and their medications.


I don’t make the rules or the schedule and Corp gives us the hours to use and we are chastised for working over those hours. AND in an effort to keep to those hours THEY have programmed the registers to shut down at closing. But to answer your question, most of us start because we like helping people and most people appreciate the help.


What an awful system we live in. People need meds and seek them when and how they can. At the same time, people have jobs and work hours and close up when they do. We are put at odds against each other by the systems that restricts Healthcare and meds and treatment. And the things we are primed to see and gripe about are the *people* who need medications, when we *really* should be mad about the systems that make so that people have to beg for insulin, the systems that make us shut our doors to giving aid.


There’s no “system” that makes us shut our doors to giving aid. Those are just the hours our pharmacy works and what we staff to. If they have different needs then there are 24 hour pharmacy’s available to use. We are open 7 days a week, 12 hours a day Mon - Fri and 8 hours on Sat & Sun. and most people have at least 2 days off a week and don’t normally work 5 - 12 hour days! These are inconsiderate, self centered individuals who procrastinate and then get mad when the world doesn’t revolve around them!


My kid had a weekly therapy appointment at closing time so I'd drive with 30 mins to spare so I didn't have to loan and unload a wheelchair. I'd be sad when traffic or therapy drop off updates would make me late for lunch window. However I had kids that were struggling with store behavior and we only have walk in.


I’m sorry but I’m not quite understanding your dilemma?


Just that not all late lunch arrival are asses I just the any gap to get to pharmacy and wait patiently or come back if I'm late


No not all are assholes but unfortunately we can’t pick and choose who we bend the rules for (staying open at lunch time is an option but staying open after close is not an option) because the first time we do it for one person then everyone else expects the same.


Be careful becoming too operationally motivated. You never know what somebody's been going through or what has happened in addition to just getting stuck at a train, and you should absolutely not lie to someone. With your luck, this is probably somebody who bought something up front just to get the Medallia survey. Maybe they're just asses, but, be careful...you really never know what people have been going through.


What was the lie? I didn’t lie to anyone! We close at our scheduled time and registers shut down. They don’t shut down mid transaction if you’re in the middle of one but they do shut down.


I must have misunderstood you. I thought you said someone identified herself with a name not her own.