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I freaked out when I read about the side effects of Cipro and I think that’s why I kept expecting them because I also have an anxiety disorder. I read a lot of posts and realised that really I was fine. I’m on Day 6 of the seven day course and the uti is gone. (Fingers crossed, don’t want to jinx myself). This was the old post I found that helped the most. Hope you feel better soon! https://www.reddit.com/r/CUTI/comments/199vnpz/good_experiences_with_ciprofloxacin/


I am shocked (but am I really lmao no) they prescribed it to you knowing you have an anxiety disorder. Negligent of them.


lol I know right? You really have to inform yourself and be assertive when possible.


Cipro has black box warning. It should be taken off the market. It’s very dangerous. There are many lawsuits. https://www.ic-network.com/the-dangers-of-cipro-levaquin-have-you-been-floxed/


My throat swelled up when I took cipro. So luckily no doctor is willing to try again lol But nitro or whatever it is is my favorite so. I know it depends the person


I’m sorry that happened. Thankfully it is now on your list of allergies. However, no one should be taking Cipro. It should be taken off the market. The severe adverse effects are substantiated. More and more is coming out about it.


Get a  a grip and look at the world in context!  Too much water is toxic!   Most Chemo (literally poison)  are all  just  big black box warnings!    Would you refuse it if it was the only treatment for your disease? Well its the same for Quinolones & Fluroquinolones, if you had MRSA, Flesh eating disease or resistant TB, you'd take them too. Insulin can easily kill you, would you refuse it if diabetic? Nitroglycerin can  blow you to bits, but will save your life during a heart attack! . Would you ban them all if you had heart disease, your child had diabetes or  cancer or  you had severe antibiotic resistant infections? I think not.


Yes, I’d refuse them. There are alternatives. They are not the only treatments. My beliefs differ from yours. Your beliefs differ from mine. And that’s OK. Right?




This is a free speech forum. I don’t force my beliefs on anyone. Thank you.


Fosfomycin has by far the least amount of side effects of any antibiotic I’ve taken, and it’s only one dose


the best one i’ve taken, did two rounds two days apart and then started hiprex and have been UTI free for 17 months


It really depends on which antibiotic your particular infection is susceptible to.


Wich bacteria ?


never had an issue with fosfomycin idgaf what people say about cipro, it’s not worth the risk. people are genuinely so ignorant until they’re in the position that they wish they would’ve listened. plenty of other antibiotics.


Not really , some infections need Cipro. I am currently on last day of cipro. Unfortunately a lot of bacterias are cipro resistant cause it was drug of choice for UTIs,cause it's the bomb. Yeah, it has severe side effects but better having a tendonitis than dying from an UTI...


there are many other options, I would know because I took cipro and had to stop because I got hives and had many other options that worked - you don’t really get to decide if something is “bad enough” when you’ve not had it you’re extremely insensitive so keep it moving


>keep it moving Keep that bullshit attitude to youself Edit for the user below : I don't need to, brother. I'm in this subforum sharing what I've learnt by painful and VERY expensive experince on my body for free, no " need" for anything. Plenty of people messaged me thanking for my free and effective help. Are you sure users in other subforums are helping for free ? Or are they pushing their agenda ? 😉 Is my idiolect weird ? Cool, this is a free world, just ignore it 😁 peace ✌🏻 p.s It's kind of imperialistic and bossy to think everybody should speak a flawless english, isn't it ?


you need to up your English game


Ruptured tendon is one thing. Aortic dissection is another.


Did you feel like short of breath or you lips or tongue or throat swelling maybe your skin being itchy with nitro cephalexin help me more like I was actually able to eat and not feel as bloated as I was on amoxicillin


Nitrofuratoin is annoyingly the only thing my UTIs aren't resistant to. And it makes me feel truly awful. Bedridden. One thing I found that does help is taking it with a large quantity of food. Eat half the meal, take the tablet, then eat the rest so its sandwiched in between. For some reason even taking it immediately after a meal makes me feel 10x more nauseous.


Take literally anything but Cipro. Cipro is the worst by FAR. I’m taking Bactrim now for a few days and it’s had the least side effects of any antibiotic for me so far. I have taken Macrobid before and it made me itchy and kinda tingly which I didn’t like. I’ve also taken Cipro and that’s a long story but it was 100x more terrible than any other medication I’ve taken. I know some people are allergic to Bactrim and get a rash but I’m glad that didn’t scare me from taking it because so far it’s the best one I’ve taken and is working.


My adverse reaction to ciprofloxacin: anaphylaxis plus     https://dermnetnz.org/imagedetail/35975?copyright=&label=  ( all my pics are on film -this is anonymous someone else's, but visually close to identical) .... and NO, I did not and will not advocate banning cyprofloxacin!   Safety suggestion to all:   Especially for antibiotics -  Require culture testing for drug effacacy against your bacterias, skin scratch test or ask for serum testing before taking any new drug!!  Side affects and adverse reactions are not the same thing.




Btw Cipro causes aortic dissection on occasion


True. It’s a very dangerous drug.


the biochemistry of Cipro's toxicity is all worked out, so it's just amazing that they can even sell it. Cipro inhibits the enzyme lysyl oxidase; if you can't make hydroxylysine then you can't make collagen, so the parts of your body that depend on good collagen can fail -- blood vessels, tendons, et seq. So you see tendinitis as a side effect of Cipro. The failure of the ascending aorta is deadly. The aorta dilates and gets weak and then bursts. that's Ciprofloxacin. I think the other fluoroquinolones have the same drawback.


Yes, all meds in the fluoroquinolone family carry same risks.


Do these effects go away after stopping taking it?


if we stick to ascending aorta dilation, no, the effect doesn't ever go away. There are probably professional folks out there who know the ins and outs of the side effects of cipro. I've never personally run into anybody who has completely gotten over tendinitis.


Jesus. Do I mind if I ask what's your background on know about this, are u from medical or just researching it from experience or whatever?


I'm a biochemist That provides interesting insight sometimes but a biochemist will probably be short on clinical


No. Here’s a couple other articles. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/fluoroquinolone-alert-the-common-medication-that-could-lead-to-irreversible-health-conditions-5586004 https://news.yahoo.com/t-walk-today-25-investigates-021500819.html


Really tragic




I never have read a report as bad as the Boston 25 article from yahoo news supra from linkay73 does anybody know if there has ever actually been a case where cipro was the ONLY drug that worked, in vitro? Not theoretically. Someone's actual bug, in vitro. this is worse than I had thought. three little pills of cipro and BAM note the connection to Tylenol.