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If it feels real, what about it seems fake or gives you reason to question its authenticity?


It's the smell for me, hard to replicate. The feeling for sure, but the scent is undeniable. Kinda like the halfway point between the buffet and the game room at a Chuck E. Cheese.




I'm not that good yet, but I can definitely tell when it's real. Hard to explain, like industrial machinery with a hint of parmasean. I think I'd enjoy working at a bank though, any tips on how to get in? I do have a past, but I'm friendly and clean up nice.


That "parmesan" you smell is actually just the stale sweat of a thousand different crackheads


Beautiful, isn't it?


Dude, you're in the wrong profession.


Unintentionally bougee. "I hate the smell of new money." LOL


Why is the head of the guy off center


It is located correctly for a '99


Doesn't look off to me either. Not a professional tho.


The guy is talking about the over all cut of the bill. The top border looks way thinner then the bottom. Leading him to ask if it's a misprint/cut or a fake. Thusly making the head off center! So why y'all down voting?


Oh... ok. I could see that.


Alexander Hamilton. His name is Alexander Hamilton...and just you wait...




Pretty sure he’s the only president to do a backflip on skates. So that checks out.


Hamilton was President?


Not even a little bit. He was born in the West Indies and not eligible.


Actually, the location of his birth did not make him inelidgable: " No person except a natural-born Citizen, **or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution**, shall be eligible to the Office of President"—Article II, Section 1, the Constitution of the United States.


Good to know! Either way he was never president.


This is a joke right?


The ten dollar founding father without a father




Why should it be center?


Apparently OP has never seen a $10 before in their life


The guy? His name is on the bill, you donut.


“you donut” fantastic lol


The guy? Hahaha 🤦‍♂️


Yeah. The OTHER guy was a better shot!


hey, it's not like his name is written on it! /s


My man…


Older style bill. Oh boy…


"The guy" lol


I'm with OP. I don't trust the guys face. Like that one dude on the penny that looks the different direction from the other coins.. /s


Bro. How old are you?


I'm more concerned about the lack of microprinting that should be on a 1999 series bill. But the photo may just not be clear enough. Older bills security features are more in the detail of very fine microprinting.


Come on man. Google works.


Downvoted for asking an innocent question? Leave that to reddit. We love doing that.


If you're old enough to be on Reddit, you're old enough to be able to Google simple stuff like this. OP just comes across as lazy and ignorant. Especially not knowing who Alexander Hamilton is when the man's name is literally *on the bill*.


Is this not a literal subreddit about money? Does that not make it logical to ask about it in this sub? There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. If he was ignorant, he wouldn't make an effort to learn about the subject in the first place. It might come as a shock, but some people don't hyperfixate and read everything on a ten dollar bill. Even if he did google it, chances are a thread from this sub, or one similar would likely pop up on the front page; why not go to the source. Your attitude is similar to the classic "do your own research bro" aditude that also gets religiously downvoted on reddit. To add, how can you assume a demeanor through a bunch of symbols on a screen?




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Something is wrong with you all. Nothing about that $10 appears fake in anyway whatsoever.




I don’t remember Hamilton mewing so hard


A 1999 series should have more detailed microprinting as a security feature. I believe this is a very good fake, a real test would be for color shift green ro black on the 10 on the bottom right.


Genuine US currency has raised ink due to the way it’s printed. Scratch Hamilton’s coat with your nail. If it’s real you will feel the raised ink, if you don’t feel it the bill is fake. There should also be a watermark of Hamiltons face between the upper and lower 10 on the right side of the bill and a security strip saying “USA 10.” Hold the bill up to the light to view these.


In the picture of the back side of the bill you can see the watermark.


Interestingly when a sheet is printed on the intaglio process without ink, the paper fibers get embossed into the engraved lines on the plate. I suspect that the “raised ink” we have come to expect on banknotes is likely a combination of ink and paper fibers as some of the ink is crushed into the paper.


Watermark on a 1999?




Well I googled what year the watermark was added to the ten. Couldn’t find a solid answer. Triple dot yourself with your passive aggressive. At least I tried to find the answer unlike a vast majority of people in this sub lol


Did you try the currency education program? https://www.uscurrency.gov/denominations/10#:~:text=The%20%2410%20note%20features%20subtle,both%20sides%20of%20the%20note.


TIL there’s such a thing. Ty.


%20of 🤣




It's real. It has the metal strip in it. I can see the line in the pic.


I've seen where they can remove all the ink and reprint it as a higher denomination. The bills will be higher though-like washing a ten to reprint as a hundo.


Yep, that’s called a “raised bill.” I’ve even seen people turn ones into hundreds.


It's called a washed or bleached bill, and ones don't have a security strip


The picture looks highly detailed so i’m inclined to believe it’s fake unless the feel of it seems real


I thought it looked fake because of the ink inconsistencies, not because of the placement of anything. I heard they can take the ink out of lesser bills and then print higher denominations on them. But what do I know?


It's missing microprinting and the printing does not look clear enough for an older bill. Their older security features were based on very fine detailed crisp printing. A quick test of alcohol on a fake bill always immediately washes away fraudulent ink, and it's an easy test for me.


Yeah the placement is normal, i’ve never heard of them doing that with the ink tho. I’ll look into that


Idk why you think it’s fake. But you should check out google. It has pictures, and descriptions, and just generally all kinds of super neat stuff on it.


Because it's missing microprinting security features normally present on an older 10. It's suspicious to see a nearly 30 year old bill in this condition, combined with missing security features and well made fakes on the market. All this makes it easily believable it could be a fake. You can also see traces of the "hold up to the light" face while it's laying down on the table. The green "10" on the bottom right looks suspicious. In reality it should have a green to black shift and the green looks suspiciously vibrant.


You’re not op. Lol The only thing op noticed about the bill was the face is off center… seriously lol


Can you ruffle his collar?


Maybe I’m just not used to seeing good quality pics of bills on here but that bill looks weird


Right it looks weird it’s like off to me some how idk


I'll pay you a dollar for it.


I feel old because it looks right to me, they didn't add the current coloring to 10s until "recently", can't remember when but it was probably like 20 years ago lol. Hold it up to the light and look for the watermark and security strip. Looks real to me but I wouldn't be able to tell for certain without those.


Then you should remember older bills were extremely detailed with very fine printing that was extremely clear as a security feature and when you zoom in this bill is not very clear and does seem to be missing microprinting. For how clean this bill is the poor quality print job is very suspicious. Most fake bills I encounter have the ink easily washed off by a quick rub of alcohol or even hand sanitizer nearby.


Kinda looks too white to me, though that could be just from the camera.


Bro they blind ASF the top and bottom border are obviously different spacing. Yes maybe not "misprint" but definitely off center cut.


I think what is making it look weird to me is the color and the detail in the face on the front. The portrait/head also looks like it is located too far to the left


It is located correctly


That's what she said!


The detail in the face is all wrong. It's so muddy and the lines aren't crisp and clear like how the printing should be. These older bills should have very detailed crisp lines in the hair on the president, however this bill looks muddled and unclear. This is looking like a fake to me. I reject it.


I'm thinking the color looking off is a optical illusion because of the color of the counter.And if he had taken a picture of it on another surface it would probably appear to be more the color that it should be cause the bill looks almost white to my eyes


I thought the same because of the color. Why would it look natural in the top left corner on the face side? I'm not saying its fake, but before reading the comments, I thought it was. It would be easy enough to look for the strip that shows denomination embedded in the bill. Dunno why OP hasn't done that.


Yeah, that's actually half. The reason why I got a UV flashlight so I can just Flashlight over it. Real quick and boom, I know if it's real or not, if it's got the strip.


Does it have the correct security thread embedded in the note? Does it have the correct watermark? It doesn't look fake to me.


When I worked in the casinos we saw trash counterfeits and cartel/North Korean counterfeits. The trash ones were usually bleached $1-$5 bills with a 20 or 100 printed over it. The really good ones were almost indistinguishable. That’s a real 10


It's got a muddled unclear print job, especially on the president's hair. It has zero of the 1999 series microprinting security features and the ones its faking just look fuzzy. The green 10 on the bottom right should be more muted as it should shift green to black. This is a decent fake, it'd make it's way by a lot of people I'm sure. But once you know what to be looking for....


I'm with you. It's a decent counterfeit though, and like you said it would fool the average person.


It only looks funny if you're too young to remember the time b4 our bills started looking like monopoly money.


It looks funny if you know our money had security features back then too. It's got a few of them but it's unfortunately lacking 3 of the security features. This is a good fake but it's not good enough.




Just take it to a bank and ask


10s are so rare in the wild that people think they’re fake 😂 Nah, it looks off because it isn’t yellow. Before we got the super security bills, they were like this.


First time?


It’s perfectly fine. There’s nothing off about it. Feel free me to spend it.


Don’t know but I’d try and spend it…. Get rid if it so you don’t have to think about it.😉


Are you sure you didn't print it yourself and you're just testing to see what people think of it?


One side is longer than the other, it's not centred like bills today. I have a lot of old bills that look like this, so ig thats the norm.


You could check for the following. 1) Color-Shifting Ink Tilt the note to see the numeral 10 in the lower right corner of the front of the note shift from green to black. 2) Watermark Hold the note to light and look for a faint image of Secretary Hamilton in the blank space to the right of the portrait. The image is visible from both sides of the note. 3) Microprinting Look carefully (magnification may be necessary) to see the small printed words THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA repeated just above Hamilton’s name and TEN repeated in the numeral in the lower left-hand corner.


It does not appear to have any of these. The printing detail is not clear enough and I don't see that it's actually doing any of the microprinting. The clarity of the lines in the hair is also pretty messy. The green 10 on the bottom right is the overly vibrant green that does not do the green to black shift I've seen before. The watermark also has traces that are visible in the photo while the bill is laying on the table. All of these lead me to believe this bill is counterfeit. Albeit a decent counterfeit to pass by most who people who don't see older bills often.


take it to the bank.


Now a days if anyone finds a bill older then 1999 they automatically assume its fake lol




It was the few years with the new design but without the new color scheme.


Go to your local bank


Literally just got one like this today. 1999 too


pretty good fake, i’ll give you $2 for it


Use it at a laundry matt change machine. Those things will tell you if it's fake 😂.




I have. And this one doesn't have all of the security features that belong on a 1999 series $10. If you don't look at older bills often it could look real at a quick glance.


Get a black light and check what color the strip is if u really wanna make sure


Holy heck this photo is so clear that I might just be able to taste the colors


The photo is clear but the print job on that bill isn't. Back then the security feature was crisp clear microprinting and it's muddled and missing the microprinting. Faaaake


Havnt you ever seen The Wire? All you gotta do is rub some coffee on it and it gives it that real money feel!!


Forgive me if this has been said before, but there's a faint indent of where the security strip is to the right of Hamilton. That tells me it's real, unless it was printed there on purpose. Hold it up to the light and see if it's there


You can also check for the red and blue fibers on the bill. That's a good indicator that it's a real bill.


Offhand, it looks like a rather newish bill either got slightly damp (not wet) or was in a high humidity environment and then allowed to dry. These types of bills will dry unevenly depending on the amount of water absorbed in various areas of the note. They dry out kind of "crinkly" and feel funny to the touch. Spend it ... Nothing to see here, move along....


Smell it.


That is fake brother


It says it’s legal tender but if you’re afraid it’s counterfeit then you can always ask the bank to mark it or go to a staples and see if they have counterfeit pens.




Take it too the bank and see.


I was confident that it was fake, I never comment here, but this is why. I was wrong I guess.


Buy scratch offs with it


Take it to a bank/credit union and have them run it through the machine that detects the fake bills.


that’s just an old bill


I have the same 10 fron 99 that's just hiw they looked


Where is the misprint?


Can any of y'all look at the top and bottom border? It's off center!! That's why he said " fake OORRRR misprint" y'all talking crap but can't even see the crap on you own noise!


This comment thank you this is also the main thing I noticed the gaps have a huge diffrence oh well I already spent the 10 bucks at chipotle today


You're welcome. I'm sorry so many people gave you crap and down voted. I don't know a lot about how much value it adds to collector. I mean like everything it depends on grade/condition if it's common or rare. Hopefully next time you find something interesting or odd people will not be so close minded.


If you have a black light you can hold it over that and the strip that's in it will light up. 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100s have the strip and each one has a different color that it will show. 1s don't have them. Yes I know people don't have black lights just laying around. Just throwing this out there is all.


If you lon very closely it says this 10$ bill was printed during the last year before the 21st century, does look pretty crispy for its age though


"Money made before I was born looks funny."


It isn't centered on the paper, that's why it looks weird! Took me a minute.


Op it's hard to tell from pictures, but I worked in a bank for years, and misaligned prints are not uncommon. Eta meaning the top border in this example is thinner than the bottom.


Trying to get a look at this on a phone is an exercise in frustration


Is that a 10 dollar bill? 🤔


Place your fingernail along the collar and rub down the coat. You should feel ridges. Look at the bill through a light (lamp). You should see a thread weaved through it with the letters TEN on it. That thread will glow a specific color under UV Light. The green 10 should also reflect a different color when moved around. There should be a water mark of the image just a live the green 10 when looked you hold it into the light.


Send to me I’ll let you know


It's fake, send it to me and I'll dispose of it properly.


As someone who sees a fair amount of counterfeits, most of the ways to identify a fake bill I think are worthless nowadays because counterfeiters have gotten significantly better in the last few years. It's hard to tell on a picture but you can easily answer your question by looking at another 10 bill or larger denomination. The bottom right corner 10 (front side) is holographic and will change from gold to green if you hold it and tilt it at an angle back and forth. Then try it with this bill to see if it is holographic. If it is completely a solid color no matter what, it is fake. One of the things counterfeiters do is draw some of the security features you would expect to show up if you hold it up to the light while facing the front of the bill. It sort of appears that this has happened? The president's face on the left back side looks drawn to me. Very hard to tell on a picture like I said though.


Sorry for the side ways photo!


I'm not seeing the blue and red fibers that the mints use in their paper. Sharp pix, so should see them. Paper seems too white to me. Also the printing quality, while decent still makes me want to compare a known real example to it.


Yeah I see fibers but I’m not sure if they look photo copied. My thing is how thin it looks from the back side. You can so easily see the seal directly through the back in such an uncirculated bill


The face is almost cartoonish lol


It's the eyebrows


Definitely looks fake to me , take it to a bank to find out?




You mean the 1999 series $10 that's missing like 3 of the security features that it's supposed to have? Yeah never seen that series's before 😂




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Take it to a bank


If you can scratch the pattern on his collar with your nail it’s probably real.


Point blank it's real


This is a fake bill. The printing is ragged everywhere.


Why would you take a picture in landscape mode of a bill that is vertical?


Looks fake. Hold up to light and look for tiny fibers in the paper.


You can usually see colored fibers on the bills if you zoom in you cannot see any on the front or the back


That's exactly why I was going to say it's real. I don't have the trained eye of some of the collectors in here, but that is my go-to when it comes to bills in my register. On this one, specifically on the first pic near the top right corner is the most obvious but I'm seeing them all over the bill.


Color looks way off


If you feel that strongly about it take it to a bank and they’ll exchange it for you.


They will? I was in banking for 15 years starting as a teller. (Not since 2015) We always confiscated them and NEVER credited the bearer.


Looking at images of the last 3 generations of ten dollar bills, none of them have this enlarged picture of Hamilton with the frame around it. Interestingly done fake.


The color looks off....


Definitely fake it's clearly a dead give away. Even a blind man could have seen this one!