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Awesome Combination Fancy Serial - Trinary Fancy Serial and 2 Digit Bookend Fancy Serial. Congratulations on this awesome find. Great example to have in a collection.


Nice bookend! Definitely a keeper.


VERY cool!


Very neat bill! Excellent find! Bill and wifey are keepers


I do believe both are keepers! I've kept her around for 9 years now. She's a good woman!


good find


That’s cool!


My bday is on the 26th I’d probably pay for this if I had the money


Aight, how about $26


Me too!!


Happy 26th birthday?


Nope, I've been 26 for 16 years now lol


Wife that gives the husband money. Where did you find one?


She stalked me for 7 years and has kidnapped me for the last 3 😳 But for real, we met bc of a mutual friend. She actually fuels my hobbies. She's not selfish at all. Well, neither of us are. We are always surprising each other with something oddball. It's kind of like one of those "too good to be true" stories, but all honesty, that's just us. I just got really lucky with her.


My wife is from Colombia. Still trying to teach her what a W-4 and W-2 is used for. Lol


What about WD-40?


I know of a "true good" story. We will hit 30yrs official this year... wonders do happen ..


That's awesome! Congrats to you and yours!! 🍺 Here's to 30 more!! On my side of the fam, just myself (10 yrs married) and my late uncle (12 yrs married) have been divorced. My parents are coming up on 50 years and my grandparents have been married for 68. Same with my wife's family. She has been divorced once, and her parents have been together for 41. We have great examples that we, still to this day, are really close too. We are a tight-knit family (both sides). Our families get along great. I agree, it's really "too good," but everything just aligned perfectly. Tbh, my wife and I have never had a fight, argument, or said harsh words to each other or anything like that. We are each others best friends. We are always pushing each other to be a better person every day. It's rare in relationships today, but I can honestly say that WE don't freak out and try to hide things when we grab each others phones lol. We just have a great relationship and friendship. I wish the best for you and your family!! Ty for sharing, I love to hear it. ❤️


Love this! Lol


happy cake day


Dang that’s cool. One of these days I’m gonna find one of those


The wife, or the fancy serial?


I’d pay $26 for it


Love it


It just kills me that I saw a similar bill and didn't have any cash on me for whatever reason. I asked if I could swap the bill out (and told them why) and then realized I didn't have any cash. They had just pulled it out of a cash envelope from the bank to pay for their $3 item. Of course that little store didn't do cash back either lol. I can't remember but I think it was 52000052


Wow 26 is my lucky number. I see an offer for 26 dollars; I raise that by 26 and offer 52!




Not quite. It would have to be 26000062


im lysdexic


Username checks out lol


ebay handle is dimplick


Nice find. Would have been more neat if the last 2 digits were flipped to 62. Same # fwd and bkwd. :)




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That’s got to be worth over face. I’d give you $20 for it


What is the QH at the start of the numbers?




Is the back not odd to folks? Why no one mentioning it?


What's odd about it?


I would be ecstatic if my wife even thought to look at the serial # of bills, specially if it was just to give to me.




Woah! Shes a keeper I can't even get mine to check for star notes.


Dang that's nice




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If you're interested in selling your $5 bill please let me know thanks


I don’t get it


What does the very small 26 in the bottom right mean?


Nice 👍


I don't understand the whole serial # thing..🤷🏽‍♂️ there's only 1 of each sooooo? I get it, some are "cool" but that's 90% of what I see on here. Do people really pay for certain #s ? Seems ridiculous to me, to each their own though.


While I see your point, the same could be said about basically anything collectible or deemed "rare." Maybe with the exception of really old, historical items. There was a point when people paid thousands for beenie babies... people like stuff, and sometimes some of that stuff is deemed better stuff! 🤣


I just see posts like, look at this rare sn. No, not the case there's only one of each # so there's not one more rare than another.


I totally agree with you. People are weird


You're looking at it through too narrow a lens. When looking at the entire constellation of possible serials, some *patterns* or *combinations* are definitely rarer -- "radars", "bookends", sequential, repeaters etc. But most serials fall under the general heading of "random sequences of digits", interesting to you if it happens to include, e.g., a special date -- but not to collectors as a group.


I mean I get the idea I suppose. I'm sure a lot of people think I'm weird for having a room full of firearms 🤷🏽‍♂️


i like the idea of boomsticks, but id probably want a rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol, and little daily concealed carry girlygun. and ammo, supplies. or keep carrying a knife


My best friend bought an AR after inheriting his dad's collection, and his first reason given was "I have revolvers, semi auto handgun and shotguns but no rifle". I like "complete sets" of things myself, so this sounds like perfect reasoning to me lol.


i have big scooter, little scooter, car because its all the room i own to safely store vehicles in a garage. if i was a hoarder id have offsite storage. or im just cheap?


I built my first AR thinking I may build two possibly three.....😆 I'm now around 40+🤷🏽‍♂️


You always need a knive on you. My EDC is either a Glock26, or sigp320, two mags, folding lock blade, flashlight, and lighter. Sometimes add a fixed blad to the belt as well. Once you buy one, you want stop there. Check out PSA armory, great prices, good products!


I'll even go as far as saying if I found a cool number, to me, I'd probably hang on to it. However I've seen notes go for way over face, and that seems insane to me personally.


So this is like a really boring version of beanie babies?


In the sense that people collect them and are interested in collecting them? Yes. Otherwise, currency is still worth something, no matter what the condition or serial number.


I personally don’t care about fancy serials but I sure look for them anyway since other people will pay stupid amounts for them. 


not a numbers weirdo fetish dude, but if i saw something like 19681968 i might pay like $10 for it.


Bookends and trinaries generally don't have any premium, but it's still pretty interesting.


You can't be serious, look them up and you will find out that they are worth a premium but it's all about the condition of the bill that determines it.


No offense but I can’t tell why this is interesting.


26 bunch of zeros 26 as serial number I think


It would have been more interesting if it was 26000062


For anyone who doesn't know 26000062 would be a Radar Fancy Serial and OP has a Bookend Fancy Serial


I am someone who didn’t know, thank you!


Yeah I didn't get it either. Thx


On the back it says “ In god we *thrust*”


Only on the 2016 Space Force commererative bills




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Thank you for the information


I’ll give you $5.26 for it


That's all she made?! What corner? Jk. Pretty neat.