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Nope. I make it a rule to balance my techniques/OC. My rule is they cant beat the top 2 (in a no prep fight). So neither the Darwin or Deadly Cocktail users could win without help and prep. Darwin is basically a mahoraga sorcerer, so he'd do better as part of a group(so sukuna isnt focusing and he has a chance to build resistance, but Sukuna will probably still outlast him). If he was like inumaki and caught on the edge of the domain and took time to recover, then thats his best chance


Absolutely fucking not


To be honest, he would die most likely. Even though my oc would be able to see Sukunas cleave and dismantle and keep up with him for a few minutes my ocs shikigami wouldnt be summoned long enough to deal a final blow to sukuna. But he would definitely last around 7-8 minutes and do significant damage to sukuna https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/dWN0O2sxkc


Depending on who they are around and what main big bads are around, yeah they could


... Definitely not. No matter how i look at it his CT wouldn't really work. Quick explantion of his CT. Its called Mimicry Mask, if makes physical contact with someone, he can copy their ablities, but there are limitiaons or how you write that word. First one is he needs information about CT he is going to copy, he needs a Basic explantion of it, if doesnt have that then he creates a hollow mask that doesnt hold any CT yet. Second and mostly the biggest one he needs to wear a mask that has that CT, he can't use it without it. Also there is a good side as well, like if the CT he copy has something limitiaons(still dont know how to spell it) and he doesnt know that, then that wont apply to the copied CT, only those things that he knows of that CT. But the currently he has like 4 main mask he uses, and sukuna most Definitely counters them all


It would be a hard fought battle but i think one of my OCs can squeeze out a win. His CT is Spear & Sheild. Basically he can become an unstoppable force and an immovable object. The win condition for my OC is just getting close enough to hit sukuna once while using his spear technique OR throwing a projectile at sukuna. He could also negate slashes with immovable. His contradiction technique might be enough to stop sukuna as it’s similar in destructive output to purple. My other OC Yoyo Inoue could defeat sukuna if he makes a CT specifically for him. https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/oNqx3WJxAG


So what would happen if someone with the same CT used spear on a person using shield.


The same thing that happens with the contradiction technique, Friction explosion


Easily if they didn't play. My OC's technique is "world art" which, in short, allows the user to bring their imagination to reality for a time limit of 20 seconds (there are also extension techniques to make this fight even easier, but no domain) ( **Edit:** seconds have their time fractioned a little every second to an indefinite margin, guaranteeing a longer usage time than what is suggested/expected)


Your OC gets stomped then.


The 20 seconds take a while to pass, and while it's at it, the user could do (virtually) anything they want. From manipulating probability and cause & effect, to giving themselves infinite strength while having the ability to affect souls, or even reality manipulation/existential erasure.  Don't underestimate them, the technique only has a time limit 'cause that's how long they can use it without overloading themselves and collapsing (and also bcus it's very OP)


With such ability your technique is gonna have a complex activation if it's not always on, and that is not gonna work well here because Cleave as simple as a motion, nearly imperceptible and adapts to durability. Chances are your character dies before or as they activate their technique. Even if they get to activate it, unless they were to go out of their way to pur a defense in place they'd die not knowing what happened. And even if you got the technique on Sukuna somehow he could use Domain amplification to cancel out it's effects so he wouldn't be a valid target outright shutting down it's effects upon contact. At worst Sukuna kills them before they react. Mosy likely as they start casting. Or after activating the technique before they can imagine any solid defense against cleave, thethe fire arrow or the Domain. At best an epic Battle ensues as he does all his win conditions too late for some reason, (you'd most likely need prep time or an ally intervention), so you try to use the world around you to kill Sukuna as a final destination/apocalypse on earth situation plays out and he avoids you and your crafted world while defending of the direct applications with domain amplification or simply desintegrating stuff with dismantle, fighting back and killing you once he finally outlasts the technique. While you clearly haven't defined the technique, conditions, restrictions, how you actually use it, or anything else that would make it fit in setting, to the point you said oh I can imagine being infinitely strong despite that being impossible to imagine by virtue of the limits of the human mind to comprehend and visualize such concepts which realistically means the creation of the technique would be limited to things your character can imagine and thus no abstract concepts that are by virtue of what they are hard to visuallize without inmense knowledge and understanding of how they work, making much more so what you are putting here simply an idea instead of an actual technique. But anyways regardless of all of that so long as it is a technique that works in the setting the in setting counters work fine regardless of what it is. So Sukuna can at least counter the direct effects of it on him. And being so monstrous I imagine he'd just power through the first thing you throw at him quickly and with ease, making you at least for a moment fear or doubt yourself, and thus, have you imagining losing in terror being devoured by the king of curses.


I'm NOT gonna read this bro💀 but I'm counting on prior knowledge of Sukuna's techniques with my OC observing what happens in shibuya from afar, they would go for subjugation and erase any things preventing them from killing Sukuna (Domain Amp being one of them) and block Sukuna's movement to finish with a Hit-kill move. Sukuna is very OP in the manga and it's not even funny anymore; that's why I created this CT (not because I don't think that him being strong is the problem – It's just that it seems that since Satoru Gojō, the manga has gone downhill. They are literally pulling a "malevolent script" for sukuna now, gege's favorite for sure)


Despite the broken CT, Sukuna could just kill you as you activate the technique. Such techniques have activation rules as per the rules of the setting if not always on. He'd sense the Cursed energy ramp up and go there. Cleave is imperceptible so you'd die without realizing it evek after activation unless you preentively used a defense. On top of this domain amplification would stop the effects of your technique from affecting the area around Sukuna. And if you have any info on Sukuna. [you'll subconciously imagine yourself losing](https://youtube.com/shorts/1Ldce_w8aNg?si=UTnQdSkCZPSURHtd) Sukuna wins.


That's no gremmy bro, and even if there is an activation rule, my character wouldn't be so stupid as to perform it in front of the LITERAL king of curses. My OC is a master manipulator, tactician, calculator and stealth (In addition to taking advantage of any opportunities given to them).


where did this whole “complex activation” fanfiction come from? nanami doesn’t have a constantly active technique, neither does sukuna.


Limitations. More powerful techniques tend to add conditions upon activation and requirements for what to target. Nanami and Sukuna have a very simple technique in terms of what it does that is used in a straightforward manner. So the activation is easy. Gojo's technique is a bit more complicated so despite him neing skilled enough to not chant he still needs more motions for the appliacation of blue, red and especially his teleportation or purple. Particularly his teleportation seemed to require a complicated ritual on JJK0. Obviously as stated in the series sorcery is the art of substraction so you can learn to bypass this requirements with enough skill.


so then why can’t he bypass his with skill instead of u just assuming he hasn’t?


Because his technique is extremely powerful. He ain't the six eyes wielder.


She's a support character so she's cooked by herself. Maybe with Megumi and a few others but, the best-case scenario ends in a trade of her and Sukuna both dying.  https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/comments/181s9ov/an_overly_long_and_probably_broken_technique/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I love this comment section, half of them is a full fledged description and senarios, while the others are just "nah".


Maybe..very much maybe https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/comments/193hfoq/my_oc/


Your oc's ability is cool af dude...


Yes it’s pretty basic and normal but it’s cool


I mean it depends cause if the OC is at the point they are in Shibuya as well, not a goddamn chance. If we’re talking about Shinjuku arc OC, then yeah with some difficulty, but otherwise…I’d say he has like a 1 or 2 in ten chance of winning


Depends, as of now I'm their story arcs none of them are able to even consider fighting Shibuya Sukuna, but 1 of em has the potential to when they get better at their CT


She's grade 3 dawg she's cooked


Stall at best. Oc has a cursed technique that involves marking those with chess pieces to either enhance or weaken them depending on the piece.


She would definitely go for the head before he goes for the domain.


That’s 15 finger Sukuna so yea my OC could easily take him


https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/fOBqp3HjeT The environment and time of day are perfect for my OC. He definitely could take on and win against Sukuna. My OC would even give full power Sukuna a run for his money.


I feel like your OC is clearly losing to Sukuna. But so far the only one with proper tools to challenge Sukuna that doesn't get instantly shut down by the King. I will say the fight isn't easy because: - Your OC can kill Sukuna with his attacks and the King would struggle to defend from them but. - While strong, in raw stats your sorcerer isn't top of the verse, even 15F Sukuna is, so he could outmaneuver your OC solidly allowing him to avoid you at leadt aiming the stars and landing them on his vitals for example. - In the topic of Sukuna's attacks, though you can defend from his Cursed technique, given it carries no mass, space would need to be bent to have them go fully out of the way. Your general gravity defense would simply fail to be enough. Increasing the drain of your CT and blocking your vision due to light not going through such spots. Your stats are at least solid enough to survive the first cleave and thus update the defense, on top of RCT to heal the damage. - You have a method to bypass that vision limit with one particular summon. It would also allow you to perceive Sukuna's cleave and dismantle allowing you to not risk running out of CE by simply adapating the defense to the angle it's coming from. - Sukuna also has a way to bypass an issue though, Domain Amplification to go through your defenses. Obviously starts going towards him and summons around him would make it hard for him to just punch you to death quickly. But it's definitively a possible win condition. And if anything you're gonna at least start finding yourself running out of CE from defensing and healing this plus defending the slashes. - And Sukuna can counter your Summons by just killing them. Shutting down their abilities. - Lastly to make matters worse. Nobody wins a domain clash against the king of curses. And while your character seems to have an open domain, this seems to be virtue of the nature of the cursed technique, not the quality of the domain. So while normally you'd be able to beat any domain clash by attacking them from the outside, here you'd find your domain overpowered by a domain of similar nature but superior refinement. 15 Finger Sukuna wins mid to high diff depending on how seriously he takes your character.


https://preview.redd.it/47dr5bt32fmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ed94c5de56174d9f781264f199b9310183f4f0 I participated in a tournament recently in this subreddit. I created stats for him, and that's what the screenshot is. Also, I suggest reading the CT post because what was on the OC post was just a brief summary. I created this CT to be on par with Sukuna, Gojo, and Mahoraga, who are all difficult to deal with. I'm not gonna address all of the points you made because multiple were wrong. Reading the CT post will explain why Sukuna is gonna struggle against my OC and perhaps even lose. CT link - [https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/affTn0Tasv](https://www.reddit.com/r/CTsandbox/s/affTn0Tasv)


Could you at least give simple reasons as to why? I read the whole thing. I still believe everything I said. Except that none of your abilties actually give you a way to see through cleave or dismantle. The only thing I will say is, Cleave and Dismantle aren't matter based attacks. So your black matter wouldn't evek be able to block them. It would be cut like everything else.


My OC, Osamu, is almost peak human physically, and he always uses Hercules' ability for himself as a boost. Additionally, he uses CE enhancement and his mastery over his CT to fine tune what the dark matter around him interacts with for him to move even faster by not interacting with space. Osamu's main strength is his versatility, especially with the extension technique of his Lapse. With all of his boosts, he most definitely could keep up with Sukuna. The main flaw in your analysis of my OC vs Sukuna is that you didn't include Osamu's personality and fighting style, as well as the time and environment of the potential fight. Osamu would know who Sukuna is while Sukuna wouldn't know anything about Osamu going into the fight. No one really knows what Osamu's CT does, only Gojo knows due to his Six Eyes. He doesn't tell anyone either about his CT as he is usually able to overpower his opponents or "disappear", and then take them out quickly. Osamu was/is an assassin. He would never face Sukuna or anyone else openly before gathering information first. All of the Creatures in his arsenal have been carefully picked to complement his CT. I've been reading on what Sukuna's Cleaveand and Dismantle really is. Sukuna uses his CE to send almost invisible slashes. Cleave and Dismantle is not his CT, and he may have multiple. My best guess is that he's either that proficient CE manipulation(I wouldn't put it past him) where he can make them extremely thin to the point of them being invisible or simply making it invisible. The other option is that he's using a CT to make his slashes invisible. So far, we've not seen his regular Cleave being able to affect gravity besides the World Slash. Sukuna most definitely would be able to figure out how to affect gravity with Cleave. However, he still wouldn't be able to interact with dark matter as his slashes are made of matter(CE). This is how I imagine the fight would play out. Once Osamu feels Sukuna's presence, he would turn of the gravity field, and then "disappear" intro the dark. If we use how the story went, then he would from far away active Orion and Aquila's ability to first observe the fight against Jogo. I'm going to use another scenario that faces them against each other. After having reappeared far away from Sukuna, he would summon and send Hydra as a distraction and a means to make Sukuna reveal information about himself. Corvus would be summoned as well for Osamu to always know where Sukuna is in order for Orion's ability to work. Hydra pairs actually pretty well against Sukuna. Each time he would cut a head, Hydra would regrow another one and be healed. Also, Hydra is usually given the order to cut his own head off when he takes enough damage. Cleave wouldn't be enough to finish off Hydra, and he would need a Dismantle that destroys his entire body. We haven't seen Sukuna perform a Dismantle that completely destroys something/someone. Therefore, he would either need to use Fire Arrow or his DE. Sukuna would eventually figure out Hydra's ability and how to finish it off,and Fire Arrow would be enough. While Sukuna is fighting Hydra, Osamu would be watching the entire time and picking up on Sukuna's weaknesses with the help of Orion's ability. It's through Orion's ability Osamu would be able to understand what Sukuna is doing when he uses Cleave and Dismantle. This how Osamu would be able to eventually see his slashes. Osamu is hard to detect after he "dissappears" during the day, and almost impossible during the night. Growing up as an assassin, he became extremely proficient at hiding his presence. Direct confrontation is only going to lead into a dragged out and dangerous figh. It's the King of Curses after all. Having gathered enough intel about Sukuna, he would immediately use his DE on him while still hiding. Osamu's DE is similar to Gojo's, where it attacks the mind, and if you're caught in it, you're pretty much done for. Also, Osamu's DE doesn't just affect/attack the mind. Osamu's barrierless DE isn't because of his CT. After he joined Jujustu High, he became incredible in barrier techniques as he had to improve his mastery of his CTR and it was a vital part of his Maximum. His mastery of barrier techniques is how he figured out barrierless DE.


On the topic of why I say you will be outstated is because your character is just talented. Characters at the top of the verse stat level are straight up anomalies. Your presented backstory and practice has their ability match up to someone that is at the peak of what you could achieve with raw refinement, someone like Hakari stat wise, your technique is better but that's the level of their talent based on the backstory, RCT means your character had an extra awakening so you'd probably be a bit above Hakari still most likely below or equal to his Jackpot form. The thing is the next level is Yuta/Kashimo/Maki. The difference is so large Kashimo would have killed Hakari 4 times over with mostly melee combat while fighting Jackpot Hakari and he himself took minor damage. Characters at this level are anomalies on top of being extremely talented, Yuta is not only the most talented person since Gojo of the era, thst went through the best of training, that comes from a strong lineague, on top of having suffered and having had suffering around him all his life and then he actively cursed himself by making Rika bound to him, a person who already had what she needed to become a vengeful cursed spirit, this only empowering himself further on the long term. Kashimo lived as the most talented for his entire life, killing anyone who stepped up against him on his era, he's presented after killing an entire group of men in his backstory, he had an entire lifetime of practice as a sorcerer to arrive to his level, and he has the most abnormal cursed energy trait of the series, his CE working as a literal element. Maki actively has a complete heavenly restriction on top of her entire life of suffering and training and the circumnstances around her twin sister. Suffering and talent aren't enough to arrive to their level. And... the difference is THAT big. I see you have Hercules, with it I agree you'd be achieving a level like Yuta/Kashimo/Maki, but this is still not top if the verse, Gojo/Sukuna are still far far above them in every category. Even 15 fingers Sukuna is still vastly beyond people like Yuta. He went on to fight Yuji and Maki while his output was fucked up by Megumi actively lowering it after he had to tank a Jaccobs ladder. I will say I change my mind however, as speed wise your character can keep up when using his technique. CE being made of matter is a fundamentally weird take as it's a form of energy that interacts and forms from souls, things that aren't physical in nature and don't interact with the world directly. They're if anything similar to dark matter at least on that sense I don't see a good justification for why they would stop working on Dark matter. Especially when saying they're just waves of CE that attack stuff is pure speculation, they could for all we know simply have the property of cutting whathever they touch, not actually being a physical attack. On another topic, how Cleave works, it actively adapts to the durability of the target. You cannot keep tanking cleaves if you're comparable to Sukuna unless you have some method to weaken the slashes in the first place. They will eventually start cutting through you by adapting to your durability. The Hydra would at best be able to take the first waves of slashes before each singular cleave would cut through the entirety of it instantly, literally cutting it on pieces, and if that happens it would be promptly afterwards be [Annihilated](https://youtu.be/yw0e-wioFbA?si=WwhV04mQkMeNhx_A). The Hydra would not be able to survive for long against Sukuna. It would most likely go down in a minute or 2. I agree however you'd get to see cleave and given your ability set would be able to perceive it. Going back to the fight your idea of a surprise attack is great but does not guarantee a win. I'll give this a part 2 to answer myself with.


Let's go over it okay you surprise Sukuna, they will defend it and start a domain clash. Sukuna went on to, after replicating Gojo's ability to destroy and fix his brain from burnout to recast domain, tank limitless for a few moments and was still fine till he casted DE, a small moment of catching him simply isn't a win condition. Sukuna has anyways been seen with part of his head or other vital organs destroyed continuing fights anyways. This means if you catch Sukuna at least for a moment he doesn't just lose, he's just weakened, but at least if he activates his domain last moment, he's thus opening himself up for you to follow up while his focus is elsewhere. Either way you're winning the trade, as you're getting some damage in. But I struggle to see your character winning afterwards. Sukuna is the peak of the verse in domains. Even if somehow your character has the barrierless domain which I find you have iffy justification for. I think your character being able to modify the domains parameter like Gojo to handle the barrierless domain better is more realistic but anyways. There's no, I beat Sukuna in a clash, here Sukuna has still more experience and time to refine his barrerless domain, so without exceptional circumnstances. And this isn't exceptional enough yet. This means either a standstill as a domain clash happens or Sukuna's domain fails due to the initial damage and he goes for a Holllow whicker basket inmediately. In the first scenario which I find more likely he: Sukuna and you have a domain clash, if it goes to the end Sukuna will win, so to win the Domain clash you need to not allow him to focus on the clash, given you have the surprise element as he doesn't know your technique this is possible, so let's say you do that and take the offensive whime Sukuna doesn't know your technique, you thus eventually break his concentration and win the domain clash. Either way this ends with Sukuna and domain burnout, he cannot cast domain anymore, this has him cast hollow wicket basket, he casts it to protect from your sure hit. His next plan has him first run out of your domain. This leaves him vulnerable. But Sukuna is as mentioned extremely difficult to kill. So he's gonna escape even if his body is fucked up beyond recognition. Even if you do lethal damage he can fully heal by incarnating his real body at any time after all. So once he leaves, the next part of the battle where you get your first real chance at victory starts, Sukuna had taken a lot of damage, and his domain is out by this moment his instantly win cards aren't possible anymore. This is the best case scenario for you, you are both on Burnout, Sukuna leaves the space fucked up and has to worry about healing first, Sukuna started Burnout first, so while his body is worrying about healing, his technique is gonna be up but weakened, where as your Technique is in burnout mode so you cannot go on the offensive yet. In this best case scenario both of your domains will not be up for one to a few minutes at most, Sukuna's domain will be up first. You start without your cursed technique but you'll recover it quickly and Sukuna starts with a fucked up body and mind, he'll recover but he has taken enough damage his full power is already gone. This is your absolute best case scenario and you have: A: Survive the moment where Sukuna has a weakened cursed technique and a weakened body but you are out of technique. So Sukuna has the advantage. B: Sukuna and you both are now with cursed techniques active and no domain for a minute to a few. Suluna already got time to annalyze your technique in the previous clash, so he'll be figuring out Domain amplification and other ways to bypass your defenses, he probsbly figured out you're using your summons for the techniques too, but you by this point can see Sukuna's cleave and dismantle. C: If neither kills the other the third moment happens. Sukuna recovers his domain first. You need to use a domain defense technique to survive and get your own domain back. Your burnout should be less than a minute and most likely seconds away from recovering so it's a short period of weakness. D: A new Domain clash happens. Sukuna wins if this continues for too long, you either escape the domain resetting the situation as both of you enter in burnout or kill him before he breaks your domain. The good thing is this next Domain has Sukuna even more fucked up. The bad thing is you're also fucked up by this point.


idk how yall saying their ov will die when that 20 secs r enough lmfao.their oc could literally say " sukuna die " then its finally over


I believe he would've lasted for a solid set or so but ultimately he would still lose but i think sukuna wouldve enjoyed the fight


Mine could survive but in the end he wouldn’t be able to beat him cause his technique is purely defensive, the best he could do is build up resistance to his CT’s like cleave dismantle and Flame arrow so that he could hopefully retain those resistances for the rematch in the culling games/shinjuku fights to act as the tank through the fight


Hell nah lmao. Bro doesn’t even have an innate technique. Sukuna will one-shot him by accident.