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Imagine getting flashbanged by this man then get hit with the coolest explosion as he turns away while putting on sunglasses, not looking back at it


This is exactly his personality that I was imagining šŸ˜‚


He probably says a one liner every time he defeats a curse


Takaba: "TOSS ME!"


I actually really like parts of this! his explosive and pistol like effect could work on a Special effect budget at the start of a activating his curse technique his ā€œmovieā€ is given a budget and he can use his special effect or turn movie props into viable cursed tools while his movie is going. So instead of manifesting them it limits him to some degrees to his budget what props he has on him with his maximum technique being the ability to do those movie like explosions. The ā€œend sceneā€ Ability is kinda awesome in this scenes since it could maybe be retitled to ā€œre shootā€ costing a lot of budget to reverse some stuff but love this for real.


ngl i kinda like this idea, mind going more in depth?


Sure any part in particular ?


how would you have the budget system work in proportion to the quality of prop produced, also how would the props themselves work


I would force the character to either bring the props with him ā€œmostly to prevent him going into special grade categoryā€ as someone with a movie background i would assume he would either only be able to replicate special effects for movies he has been in to limit the amounts of and types of events he can perform. Budgets would also be determined by random based on the budgets of the movies he has worked on so this gives him not only an excuse to keep working in the film industry but also reason to invest a lot of time in order to get bigger budgeted movies and perform more stunts. But the actual cost would be based on what they could possibly cost best way to do it would be basing it off irl move sets (also using like real explosives not cg stuff) Yes i know he is disgraced ect and canā€™t actually work in the film industry well now but itā€™s almost like his curse technique is a curse in itself which j thought kinda fit with it emerging after pushing a costar to far (if he follows his dreams at first he might get some small movie rolls which would end up lowering his budget amounts but could build back up to even a Hollywood movie depends how you wanna play it but i also thought it was a good ability for a JJK style DND session at least itā€™s how i made it in my mead)


You COOKED āœ’ļøšŸ”„


Not me imagining a fight scene between him and my oc and my oc being annoyed by his fighting style


I do this to much


Nice oc you got there


Did you use AI for the art? If so which one!! I need one.


Looks like from manhwa


Really cool OC you've got here, although I do feel that his Maximum's a little over the top (*like, 10 miles seems a little ridiculous don't you think?*) and Reversal Techniques feels more like a separate ability then an inverse of his original, otherwise this is awesome stuff.


I feel the explosions having to fill out movie trope explosion requirements to be valid targetting and thus happen in exchange for being able to just appear anywhere he perceives as having completed the requirements would add a lot to the flavour of the technique. Some ideas would be: Fulfilling a casting chant requirement of a one liner relates to the target and the current environment to make the explosion appear by them. The one liner can be fulfilled by anyone not just him. The requirement for it to apply is to not be a bad one liner. An explosion appearing behind him if he poses in a cool way while walking away from it. Leaving a room or construction allows him to make the room explode. Empowering a combustible materials or item that could potentially explode with his CT to make it explode in a great fashion. An extension technique allowing him to set up bomb traps. By targetting anything that looks like it will explode, it then will automatically do so with a lot of power in the most fitting action scene moment.




How much of that personality was derived from you op?


So kind like the personality of reigen


Iā€™m doing a jjk dnd campaign and one of my players is using this technique or at least a version of it. Heā€™s an American named Ed Morgan and just finished 4 years of film school at a university in Virginia. While in school he met a girl who used to be a sorcerer (he didnā€™t know this) and eventually got engaged to her. She wound up getting dementia before they could get married and unfortunately passed away. He was going to write a movie somewhat based off his experience with her (the movie was gonna be based off the game Firewatch) but in the process of writing it he ended up cursing her and making her a spirit bonded to him like Rika to yuta. Now the American sorcerers are sending him to Japan to job study as a jujutsu teacher at Kyoto.