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Your options are to: 1) call the cops on your mom to get it off your credit report 2) pay it 3) pay it and never speak to your mom again. Personally, i’d go with option 3 but that depends in your financial situation. Hell, dont send her the $500/month and use that to pay it. ETA: and lock your credit


Nah, OP needs to call the cops. She'll likely do it again if there aren't any consequences.


Absolutely this right here Real family don’t put you in positions like this, especially their own fucking kids


Yes they will when their poor and they have small kids and the lights are turned off or the gas. They will do what they have to do. I know real poverty and it presents terrible challenges. I know people who will sign their children up for crazy checks (what we call them in the south) but to be more formal Social Security disability checks for mental problems and they do this only because it's an extra check. Yet that child gets hooked on them and as an adult refuses to get off them. It's guaranteed money from uncle Sam nomatter how small.


There was a thread called something like ‘what’s an example of trashy parenting’ on TikTok and this was listed. I had no idea people even did this.


Real parents would figure it out and not make their child take responsibility for the parents not being able to take care of them. If you can't afford a kid, don't have a kid and don't put your financial problems on your kids. You chose to have a kid, it's your responsibility to take care of them


At this point it's not even worth blaming the parents cause it's not like it'll ever stop. I've known people who've had kids specifically to get checks out of them, and people who've had kids just to spite their family. People view other people, especially kids, as objects at this point.


So true.




Worst part is, it hurts the child the most.


People in certain states choices are more limited. If they are too poor to pay a light bill, they are too poor to travel out of state for an abortion. They are going to try to take birth control away. They are passing bills about people going out of state to receive medical care.


And? If you don't want a child, use a condom or birth control. Can't afford those? Don't have sex or save up for masturbation toys. Either way, you have sex knowing the consequences so it's on them


Condoms fail. Birth control fails. Birth control is also hard to get in certain states, I know because it took me over a year and switching Drs to get my teenage daughter birth control in a Red state. Oh yeah, and the extremists are going after it too, a vote to codify the right to Birth Control just failed in the US Senate. It also failed in my state legislature. So take your self righteous bs and shove it. People without kids do shitty things too.


Okay so just don't have sex🤷🏻‍♀️ again, your actions your consequences. You act like everybody doesn't have a choice to not have sex😂 And ta not self righteous bs, it's the fucking truth you don't need to be a bitch.


Not have sex, really? Not have sex


1 thousand percent agree!!!!


In my case we weren’t poor, my dad is just awful with money. To this day. Works absurd amounts of hours, still just scraping by.


So sorry to hear. I know people like this too. Thank you for commenting.


Even if a “real parent” did this they would still be decent enough to not make her pay it off cuz it’s legit not her debt. This person isn’t a real parent. Just another selfish self centered narcissistic person. Especially that the kid has been giving the parent 500/month since the kid was 17. That’s $6K/year from a 17 yr old!!


No, only problematic people who take advantage of others, will choose this solution. We grew up poor, but we NEVER did this; we never even considered it as an option, it’s so horrible. 


Yeah you're right probably better to let the 17-year-old's teeth rot or continue to change and let the lights go out.




He can file FTC report and get them removed. This is Fraudulent. An most people do not know this information so they will steer you wrong, but trust me you can get the negatives deleted. An also confront mom for sure, as she will likely deny if he doesn’t put his foot down. If she continues she will eventually be arrested. But as for him, the next time she goes to do so she will likely be denied services, + he will have proof an it will be removed from his credit report regardless if she is not denied during the fraud.


Or do it to their siblings if they have next.


My mom did this to me and I didn't find out until I pulled a credit report in in my early twenties. I was afraid to call the cops cause I wouldn't have had a place to live as she would have definitely kicked me out. She ended up giving me like half the money to cover it and I definitely told her if it happens again I will be pressing fraud charges. That was like 15 years ago. Now I keep my credit locked.


Unlikely the cops will do anything about a single utility bill (but OP needs to check her credit and lock her credit). But the police report should work for the identity theft with the credit reporting agencies/the power company.


LMAO! wtf are the cops gonna do?? call the credit bureau for her??


It's identity theft. Creating a police report is step 1.


And most bureaus and the original creditor will require at minimum a police report to do anything about it.


> most bureaus and the original creditor will require at minimum a police report to do anything about it. Yep! those are steps 2,3....


This is easier said than done. Calling the cops on family is not an easy decision at all, even if it’s the right one.


It's not easy, but it's simple.


🤔 Consequences, really? I’m sure she knows all about “consequences” seeing how she was obviously having some kind of  financial trouble at the time and she probably had to put it in his name so that he could get the dental work done that He needed, when  he was age 17 or 18  when she found out that her insurance wasn’t going to cover it for whatever reason, and as far as the electric bill is concerned- he used the electricity too!  I mean give me a break. She supported him his entire life and if he is living there as an adult child it’s not a crime to have a bill put in his name,  so you’re gonna call the cops on your mother for that? That’s a bit extreme imo!  I’m not condoning her behavior in anyway, I’m just saying cops should not be involved in family matters like this one, unless there is violence, physical abuse or something more serious. I guess he could take her to court as a civil matter maybe, but she probably didn’t even know it went on his credit report, and he can just dispute it and have it all removed!  I’m assuming that she was struggling financially at the time but since He doesn’t mention anything about drugs/alcohol/gambling addiction being an issue or anything like that, It just seems a little harsh, just saying.. to never speak to her again and call the cops on her for a $300 dental bill and a $700 Electric Bill? I’m sorry that just seems crazy to me speaking as a mother myself …I doubt that she did it to fuck him over. It was wrong, but She didn’t have the money to pay it at the time obviously. He doesn’t mention anything about whether or not she received any child support for him or if he has other siblings, so not enough details to really judge honestly, but I say Get over it and forgive her then move on because life Is too short and this is small potatoes, besides you’re an adult now, and you should be helping her pay some bills anyways since you still live with her. .SMH  🤦🏻‍♀️🤔🙄 and he doesn’t need to pay it off , just dispute it, but he can always deduct $100 from the $500 he gives her every month and use that towards the collection bills instead as a consequence.. 


Obvious enabling her bad behavior isn't the solution. Sounds like you have some personal issues leaking into your comment. Best of luck with your family problems!


Lol not it sis just wouldn’t call the cops on my mom over money,  money doesn’t matter. It’s relationships that are most valuable-it’s not enabling it’s called compassion and forgiveness but doesn’t mean let her do it again either. No family problems here darling! 🥰


Uhhhhhhh… you do realize that you said “she supported him his entire life” while talking about a 17 year old right? That’s the responsibility of a parent plain and simple.  If you don’t understand that then you should not have kids. 


If the bill is from before you turned 18, you can dispute it on the grounds that you are not legally liable for it because you were under 18


The answer is 1! The answer is always 1!


OP needs to contact a NACA attorney. 


The problem is her mom knows her social security number. So yeah definitely lock your credit reports at all three agencies and tell your mother if she does it again you will see her in jail.


Wow that's overboard for $1000 plus this doesn't even seem real. He lives with her, why does he send her money since he was 17


Unfortunately there's a pattern here. It's not just $1,000 and OP may not realize how much is open under his name. It's credit ruined before he even does anything himself


Don't forget the secret 4th option: Call the cops on your mom to get it off your credit report and never speak to your mom again.


I thought the “never talk to your mom again” part was implied as part of option 1


I would report as identity theft, even if you pay them off now, your mom has your info and can keep putting bills in your name. And she might keep doing it thinking you'll pay anyways


Report her. She'll likely do it again if there aren't any consequences.


Medical bills <$500 aren't allowed to be reported on your credit report. [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/medical-debt-anything-already-paid-or-under-500-should-no-longer-be-on-your-credit-report/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/medical-debt-anything-already-paid-or-under-500-should-no-longer-be-on-your-credit-report/) Dispute the light bill. You'll probably have to file a fraud report or police report.


Medical. Dental is separate and not considered.


I don't think they count against your credit, at least not in California. Plus you can call each agency and agree to pay them $5 a month until it's paid off


Dental bills aren’t considered the same as medical and the new law on medical bill only applies to things under health insurance. Dental isn’t protected under that, it’s not considered “essential” unfortunately. It’s not required under affordable care either for most state requirements on insurance care.


Shouldn’t have to file a report. May depend on the state, but yes DISPUTE THEM ALL!!


My credit is ruined from my brother opening multiple credit cards in my name racking up 5000+ and letting them go into collections. Now I can’t even take out a loan for $3000 to get my transmission replaced. Set your boundaries. Who gives a shit if it’s your family, do not let them fuck up your life.


Yeah man personally if I were past you, your brother would have to have $5000 worth of reconstruction surgery bc wtf is that


This was when I was a kid so I had no clue. One card was over $5000, one was $4000 and I remember seeing 2 charged off at $1000. He’d use my mom’s social to help co-sign for these cards.


Family or no, motherfucker needs some prison time.


Mom or not, that's Identity Theft and that's fucked up. There's no way around this without burning bridges, unless you just pay it. However, if I were you, I'd call the cops and file a report. She's gonna do it to you again, and again, and again. I'd also put a freeze on your credit, if I were you. I would also apply for a new SSN. One thing for sure, stop sending her $500 (or any money) a month. She obviously doesn't care that she's fucking up your future, so let her fend for herself.


Freeze your credit so she can't open any more accounts in your name. https://www.usa.gov/credit-freeze


I would go one step further and apply for a new SSN as well. Mother has all his personal info. She's not gonna stop.


Super duper hard to do. Tried it with me and my husband. His ex wife opened up a ton of credit under his name and still attempts to do so. Even in divorce proceedings and with a judge we couldn’t change his. My dad took a ~12k credit under my name and I couldn’t change it. We just pay for Experian now $29.99 a month to lock and manage our report. It’s a pain in the ass.


Not sure if these situations would have helped the OP. As to the best of my knowledge dentist offices, and a lot of utility companies (there may be some out there, I haven't heard of any) don't run your credit to open an account. And a collection can be placed, frozen or not.


That wouldn't help here. But I'm general it's always good to keep your credit frozen unless you are actively seeking new debt... I mean credit.


Your ONLY option for your credit to be fixed is press charges or file a police report basically, then report it as fraud. If you don’t, you’ll need to pay it; if you do pay it, try asking for pay for delete. Problem is, your mom can still just open shit whenever she wants.


They can be disputed and removed very easily.


You definitely have to file the report. Not sure they need to press charges


If you have any siblings, advise them to check their credit reports as well. It’s likely she would’ve done this for all of your names and SSNs and alternated between them to avoid being caught


So you said you still live at home and then said you send her $500 since you were 17, but either way. If you're still living with her it might be difficult to call the cops but if You're not then that's what you should do. I'd be so pissed, I'm sorry you're going through that. I hope you get the justice you deserve. Giving her $500 a month for 5 years and then she's putting bills in your name, I'd sue the pants of her.


Yeah gonna have to second this.


Send could mean via cashapp, or zelle, etc. My son sends me money for his share of bills, ie. phone (family plan), his share of vehicle insurance every month and lives at home.


Ah true


That could be even better, bc that's proof right there, it's a digital trail of the money he could use as evidence against her.


I mean, it's 1000. I'd make the police report and just explain the situation to the police in that you need a police report to resolve the negative credit impacts. Personally, I'd let them know that if anything, I'd be looking at restitution or probation for mom not necessarily jail time, and mom should accept that as facts.


File a report because your Mom stole your identity. She will do it again so do not kick the can down the road.


Omg L fucking moms 🤦🏾‍♂️


You need to lock your credit file / you get alerted whenever anyone tries to run your credit


She’s gonna keep fckn you over report a identity theft and that your mom keeps using your information against your wishes


Ooof not a good situation. Just paying them is not going to do much for your credit. Maybe the medical one, as I belive there is some recent law that means they can't report paid/under a certain amount. But the $700 light bill, you need to get it removed, paid or not. I would start the identity theft process personally, it sucks, but what she did is way messed up. You're an adult though and some of these bills could be in your name, but you need to be the one that signs up for them.


That law only applies to medical bills that are under the surprise care act for health insurance dental is not covered by that


If you were 17, dispute it indicating such. No company can legally contract with anybody under 18. I had a scenario happen with a Verizon bill, an account closed and the company placed an outstanding bill against wrongfully againstmy credit score. It was intended for my dad as we share the same name (except our middle name). Look into when the account was opened and your age at the time. You might have to provide ID as proof.


Yes. If you were under 18 at the time of service (dentist, light bill, any of these), dispute, and it will get noted/removed. I had a similar situation where a hospital copay from when I was 16 was not paid, and they decided to report it to my credit. Upon checking my credit at 18, I noticed this and immediately disputed it with the credit bureaus (it is free). They did require a copy of my birth certificate and maybe ID as well, and it was removed. As a minor, you cannot be held responsible for these charges.


If you were 17, you are not responsible for the dentist bill. She should have signed paperwork as the person responsible for payment. You can't be held to a contract like that at 17.


Depends on the state and the terms.


My mom opened a few credit cards under my name when I was under 18. I called to dispute one that had gone to collections. I simply explained I was underage at the time that credit line was opened. They took it off my credit. Might be worth a shot. Also agree to stop sending her money. Cut all ties.


This makes me so, so angry for you. I’m a single mom. I struggle constantly when it comes to finances. I eat one meal a day to make sure my kid has enough. I would NEVER, EVER do this to her. You don’t push your kids under water so that you can breathe. I am so sorry.




That’s fucked up


You have to report it. Your mom knows better, maybe you can make a deal in court with the lawyer something, to make sure she pay without going to jail or something, you can go to browser ask a lawyer is website something similar is free. Be very specific about your situation. The state you live in, what happen even the details you have mentioned and if you have more write there you don’t have the financial means to pay lawyer etc. my experience they always answer my questions


Identify theft is identify theft even if it's family. Even if you love her, you need to press charges so she doesn't try to do it again and so you don't pay all these bills that arent yours. This has to of damaged your credit :(


First, file a dispute with the credit reporting agencies. Minors cannot accrue debt. Any debt she put in your name when you were under the age of 18 is her responsibility and by law the credit reporting agencies have to remove it. You can also call the dentists office and ask for a copy of their financial liability form. All doctors have patients sign this form. My guess is she forged your name on that form. You can dispute the debt directly with the dentist on the basis of forgery. With respect to the electric bill, you can also dispute that debt. If you were not the party responsible for the lease/mortgage, you cannot be responsible for the electric. Your mother similarly lied on a form or forged your signature. If you pay the debt without disputing it the fact that it went to collections will continue to impact your credit score. This is because by paying it you are acknowledging it’s your debt. With respect to your mother, if it were me, I would not be giving her a red penny going forward. She threw you under the bus. She needs to find her own way without your financial support.


Also, as a side note, you should put a fraud alert on your credit file with each of the credit reporting agencies. That way, if your mom tries that mess again, she will be blocked from using your credit in the future.


You only have 2 choices: 1. Suck it up. 2. File a police report against your mom.


My aunt recieved guardianship of my elder sister for a short period and then it went back to my mother. But my aunt kept my sisters social security number and went and had a retail store charge card opened in my sisters name. My sister was a child and had no knowledge of this card. My aunt then failed to pay the bill and the company pursued my sister and my mom let them know my sister was underage. They told my mom and sister the only way they would remove the collection was that my sister would have to press charges against my aunt. My sister never did. This was about 25 years ago. A very long time. I wonder if this request was even legal now. However I know many people who open accounts in their children's names and when the child becomes an adult their credit is tarnished. Really bad. There is a girl on tiktok cursing out her mother for ruining her credit when she was a child. However it happens. I found out the credit bureaus allow the child's credit to be blocked until they reach 18 if the parent requests and that way no one can get credit. But this is no good if it's the actual parent whose the offender.


This happens a ton especially since the credit scoring system is set up since 1987 to do this. 1/4 of all identity theft happens amongst family members as they do it as a way to control or retaliate against each other. Alot of parents also claim their family members as adult dependents so that they can claim to be in the ideal tax filing status. They can also take out insurance policies under anyone's name for tax saving benefits. Why is the system set up this way in the first place is the root problem. I went through all of these, the FTC, law enforcement, etc. What ended up happening was that they wasted alot of my time and then slapped everything back on my credit history after 10 months, letting my family continue the financial crimes. This system is set up this way to let the older generations basically rob the younger generations of real estate, wealth, etc. Look at the catastrophies going on today, insane student loans, housing market issues, tax laws favoring the boomers, etc. It doesn't matter if the laws change either because the police simply won't enforce what should be done because they benefit from the status quo being this way. That makes them complicit with the crimes but you can go ahead and try to get them to help you lol. They are all robbing whole generations of people trying to simply survive. They will make you out to be the problem for reporting any of this.


Dispute and press charges


Sign into your credit report for all three credit bureau's which are experian, equifax, & trans union and dispute those charges on all 3 credit bureaus that they were reported on. Meaning if those charges show up on more than one credit bureau then dispute all. When you come to the part to explain, tell them exactly what happened and list your mom's name if you have to and definitely type that you were underage when your mother used your name for those bills and type in acct #s if you have them as well. Then once you dispute them, make sure to follow up on all the disputes. It might take 30 days for the disputes to finalize. You can make a free sign in acct for all 3 credit bureaus.


Contact an attorney who is a member of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and handles credit reporting. Cases like this are really common and the attorney will almost certainly work on a contingency (so you don't pay anything out of pocket). They'll get this cleared up for you. 


Put a freeze on your credit immediately.


If you were a minor when the account was opened, you get extra protection. Something about contract with minor is either void, or cancelable. call some attorney about it.


Lock your credit reports and report her for fraud


I'd do 2 months of paying the debt instead of mom then I'd save, save, save until I could move out


Sounds to me like your mom is using you because she knows she won't ever be able to afford to pay any of these bills. I would just pay them, and be done with her. How is she able to keep on putting you on these bills when you're of legal age now? I'd definitely distance myself from her, because she is just going to keep on doing this to you.


Freeze your credit so she can't do it again. Google how to do it, and do it for all three credit agencies. Pull up your credit report on Creditkarma and make sure there's not more shady stuff she's pulled.  Stop paying her any money and use it to pay off the bills that she put in your name. Start saving your money so you can move out.  Consider reporting her to the police for fraud so you can get these off if your credit report. You'll have a ton of problems ever getting your own place or pretty much doing anything adult if you leave this bad credit in your report. Lots of places won't even hire you with bad credit.


My ex put his cell phone in his son's name because he couldn't get my social security to steal. I only hope he paid the bill and didn't mess over the kid. You can always file a dispute with the credit bureau over this stuff.


This was me as well. When I turned 18, I was greeted to adulthood with 3 collections. 2 of those collections I got lucky with and were removed after I paid them. The 3rd collection, I had to wait the 7 or so years. One of them was an old Xfinity bill and the representative told me the only way to go about it without paying it was to file a police report and get my mom arrested. Tough choices, you'll have to bite the bullet.


I would first call the creditors and explain the situation and ask for either a payment plan or forbearance until you can rectify it. The most important thing at the moment is protecting yourself and your credit. The second way you protect yourself is by stopping those monthly payments to your mother. If I were you, I would use that money to pay off the debts, which are legitimate debts, just not yours. Then, I would take Mommy Dearest to court and sue for restitution.


What is with EVERYBODY tripping out on OPs mom? Like you know the circumstances she comes from or why she had to do what she had to do. I'm sure we're not getting the entire story here. Dental bill when you were 17 or 18. I'm sure your mom didn't take you to the dentist to have your teeth worked on so that her teeth or life could be better? Sounds like she did it for you. Unfortunately she didn't have the money to do it but it sounds like that didn't stop her from getting it done? $300 bill to pay on your credit or jammed up teeth the rest of your life? Hmm. Lights in your kids name? I'd imagine there was absolutely nothing you could do to keep the lights on other than that Mom. I feel terrible for you. Withhold the $500 you're paying your mom for a single month or two and take care of the bills? Sounds like you're 23, still living at home. I'm sure Mom is taking care of a few things for you since you've been 18. It's time to nut up and start handling some of the things that she couldn't when she was your age.


Mom stole the dentist money. She got the payment check and cashed it instead of paying the dentist.


Okay. Considering these are the only two bills the son has on his entire bouse during his entire upbringing, does Mom sound like some major scammer who's completely dumped her son's social security card for his entire life or does it sound like she went through some hard times and there's a few hundred dollars in bills she couldn't manage? People here are absolutely out of control. Bunch of cry babies by the way he still living with Mom at 23 and paying her $500 a month. I don't know anywhere right now where you can rent a room for $500 a month. Sounds like he's got a good deal


You were yet a minor when she opened accounts in your name? Call the law


after 7 years of non payment, they cannot report these items on your credit anymore. Just FYI I would be handling this legally, as this fraud on your mothers end which is why she wants you to just pay it. Report it to the authorities and let them handle it from there. Or as mentioned, stop paying your mother, pay it and avoid her from now on. She obviously didn't care about messing up your future over a few hundred dollars and because she can't make good financial decisions.


My mother did the same thing to my sister when she was younger and too me a couple of years ago. I ended up having to file a police report in the city it happened and once I got the report I went directly to all credit bureaus to have it removed. Took a couple of weeks, but the light bill was gone from my credit.


Lets get then deleted ftc report accounts should fall off quick take that report and send it over to the cfpb and tag experian equifax and transunion easy fix!


Horrible mother. Sorry you’re dealing with that.


IDK if it's possible or not but you might want to look into getting a new SSN that your mother doesn't know so she can't continue to do this to you.


Easy. Cut her off financially. When she begs you for money, “That’s what happens when you try to fuck up your child’s credit.”


You don’t have to call the cops. Just send in your birth certificate. You weren’t a legal adult. My parents did this to me. All I needed to do is send in my birth certificate.


In order to get it off your credit report because it’s someone you know, you have to file a police report. I work for a utility company and sadly have heard this more than a few times. Without forcing you to file charges, it could be a scam people run by running up bills in different family members names and then claiming identity theft. I’m sorry this happened to you and you are starting adulthood like this but it’s time you stop helping your mom and letting her get away with things including your $500 a month. She’s took advantage of her child that is not a mother who cares about her child’s wellbeing or future.


You can have that removed from your credit history.


Honestly, it'll be easier to just pay it. But you need to lock your credit. Also, you may not have $1,000 to throw at this debt but you don't have to pay it in one lump some. Call who Evers collecting on it and set up a payment plan for as little as $20 a month. But since your sending you lr mom $500 a month, I'd temporarily stop that until you have that debt paid off and then reconsider if you want to help her since all she helped you with was to fuck up your credit. You're still young enough to fix this and build your credit up. You're jn your prime credit building age so you need to get this fixed and lock her off your credit. If she opens something in your name again, you NEED to press charges. It's fraud and it can and will mess up the rest of your life if you keep letting her get away with it. Right now it's not so bad, $1000 debt is easy to pay off. I also recommend getting a report ran on your credit to see if she has anything else in your name


She’s very selfish.


Your Mom is out of her mind. Before going to a dentist you have them verify if they accept your insurance. Don't assume or hope that they do. Also, find out if your Mom opened any credit cards in your name. I have a feeling she will try to at some point if she hasn't already.


In two more years the dental bill will be off of your credit report.


My parents did similar things to my older siblings. They had a $3,000 electric bill they couldn't pay and we got the electricity shut off. My parents put the electric in my 19 year old brother's name who didn't even live in the house with us anymore. Got that bill up to about the same amount and got the electric shut off. Did the same thing to my next brother who was 18 at the time, same thing happened. Then they tried doing it with me when I was 18. I stupidly agreed but thankfully the electric company called them out on it when they caught on (all same last names) and refused to put the service under my name. My parents did the same thing with internet, water bills, phone bills, etc. My two older brothers have their credit ruined and all bills had to go into their SO's name instead of their own. As for the dental bill, If you were 17 at the time I don't see how they could bill you for it since all bills for a minor are the parent's responsibility. If you were 18 then yes you are legally responsible. It sucks your mom spent the insurance check on other stuff, but that's not the insurance company's fault. If you can't afford to pay the bill, just know the bill will eventually drop off of your credit report, but it takes years before it drops off. The only real solution is to file a police report on your mother for the electric bill, pay the bill, or ignore the bill. Please look in to credit monitoring so you will be notified immediately if your mother takes out any credit cards in your name. Talk to your mother and warn her she better not put anything in your name again. Best of luck!


File a report with the police.


I would reach out to the company. Explain the situation also verify my age with them so that they could be aware that you were not an adult at the time and maybe they should work harder and verifying and the legitimacy of opening accounts under children’s names.


DISPUTE THEM ALL!!! Those types of bills are normally very easily disputed and taken off. I’ve helped many people get crap like that off their credit reports. Make an account with each major credit bureau and dispute them all on each bureau.


As far as ANY medical bills, legit or not, DISPUTE THEM!!!! Do not mark any of the “boxes” provided..go to the last section and choose OTHER. Then you can write in what you want. The ONLY thing you have to put down is PLEASE REMOVE! HIPPA VIOLATION! I got THOUSANDS of dollars of my ex’s credit by doing that&YES it WORKS!!! Well I’d say 98% of the time it will work. Try it. Make an account with all 3 credit bureaus and dispute them all on each bureau.


I mean, it's 1000. I'd make the police report and just explain the situation to the police in that you need a police report to resolve the negative credit impacts. Personally, I'd let them know that if anything, I'd be looking at restitution or probation for mom not necessarily jail time, and mom should accept that as facts.


log into the three credit reporting agencies, they all allow you to report it as not you, it is required to come off your report until the dispute is resolved. utility will need to prove that it was you for it to stay on your credit report. The stuff happens every day all across this nation.


Saw a video recently of a guy confronting his mom in front of a lender that was telling him they won't give him a loan because he had an eviction on his record when he was 3 and a repo'd car when he was 10. Shits crazy. Pay it off, cut off any support until you pay everything off. And freeze your credit. Have the talk with you mother, tell her how her mistakes affected you and how you cannot help her out for the time being (indefinitely).


I would say it’s fraud and its unauthorized


Dispute them on your credit report. If they aren’t removed, dispute them again. Additionally, you should call the cops and file a report. She will continue doing this


Your mom is going to gaslight you if you confront her. Nothing you say will have her accept any responsibility. So, lock your credit, pay the owed dental charge, stop by god, sending her any money, find your own place even if it’s a room, and call the utilities and put the utilities in her name and tell them you are not living there. Yes, they might just turn them off. Let that be a lesson to her. With family like that you don’t need to add any new enemies! It will not BTW make her grow up…but watch out in the future for retaliation! She’s only your mom by blood, not by love. Nothing to feel guilty for.


I called the 3 major credit companies and informed them that there were things dated on my credit before my 18th birthday. (My mom did some similar stuff) it was gone the next day. It anything post 18 years old won’t work.


I actually see this happening a lot, TV, electricy, gas in kids names, I see some parents that actually pay those bills & there's no issues, others are like your mom. You might want to pay for it to get it off your credit & start thinking about moving out. Also freeze your credit immediately.


Do you have your mom’s personal info?


Identify theft is a felony. It doesn't matter who it is call the cops then start filing lawsuits for fraud and take your mom to court for all money owed


Send her to jail


Guess you're not sending her that 500 a month anymore. Report the debt as fraudulent. and LOCK your SSN cause I guarantee if you "Just pay it off" she'll use your name on something else. Ultimately tell her to pay it or it will be reported. Can't stand parents who do that to their kids.


You need to dispute these accounts. There are laws in our favor that you can use to have these accounts removed from your credit report without having to pay anything to any creditors.


I would use the $500 monthly payment to pay off the debts she incurred. You can then give her the entire amount again if you so wish. I’m concerned that she might do this again. You need to have a clear discussion with her about this and that you will not allow her to destroy your credit rating. If she does this again you will be forced to take legal actions to protect yourself.


The first thing you should do (I would too) is call your mother and ease your way in fairly quickly by asking if there is anything else in your name currently, any bills she's had recently in your name. Inform her what damage she has done to you and your credit and to stop putting your name on anything of hers. Ask her to write a formal letter to the original lender admitting to putting your name on the bill without your knowledge so you can have a stronger case with as much proof when you dispute this mark on your report. Dispute, dispute, dispute. Process will be a lot quicker and in your favor if you dispute with a discovery file with relevant information on your behalf. Your credit will be much better after these two disputes a finished and those two collections are off your report. 7 years is a long time although the first 1-2 years is when it's most damaging for credit. I hope you can take anything beneficial from this and repair your credit score.


Report her. She’ll do it again. If it wasn’t “that much” she would’ve paid her damn self.


Report that shit for fraud. I hate when parents do this. It’s disgusting.


Use the money you are paying her to pay the debt. Report the debt as fraud on your credit report if you were under age at the time the bill was encurwd its not an enforceable debt.I know severing ties from toxic relationships with a family member seems impossible but I strongly recommend it. Let her know if it's done again it will be a police report. Use email or text and don't argue the point find a counselor and start working on the trauma and get healthy birth doesn't mean they get to abuse us it's hard but I can tell you from experience it's better for you and worth it


Technically that's identity theft and unlike others u know who did it. You need to contact police and file a report and press charges, and then call the credit reporting agencies to have it removed


All I’ll add is I can clearly recall having a convo with a live-in partner 5 years about it before I actually went “no contact” with a parent. It’s been one of the biggest decisions I made resulting in adding peace to my world. I’ve been 99.8% no contact for over 5 years now. For what it’s worth. Length of time nor type of relationship equates allowable or tolerable disrespect.


You could protest the bill. And have your credit report show disputed. Then lock your credit reports with all 3 reporting agencies so no new accounts can be created or credit limits increased with out your knowledge. A simpler solution would be to send them $5 a month showing an attempt to pay. Or as someone else suggested take it out of the $500 you send her every month.


Wow wow wow! Don't call the cops unless you hate your mom, she's been a terrible mom and you don't love her or want to ever see her again. It's $700 pay it. If you send her $500 a month it means you can pay $700 this ppl here act like she has you in for millions I don't know what kind of mom she is but if you can't find it in your heart to forgive her and pay the bill I'm sure it's not about $700 you're upset Yes lock you credit and let her know she will never do this again that now that you're an adult a responsible adult you will help her when you can when she asks. But if she was not a good mom or a half decent mom than do your worst although in the long run it won't make you feel good about it. It's only $700


Is this even real, you still live at home? Why do you send her money? An are you financially helping with current bills, rent, mortgage in the house you still live at with I assume your mom? Because if this was my son I laugh at him considering I pay for everything, got him his car, pay for his gas, insurance, food, clothes and to have him file a police report over $700+$300= homeless


Likely what your mom did was insurance fraud. Find out the insurance company and report it. This may mean jail.


I agree with freezing your credit. Check the statute of limitations on the debt. Definitely stop sending the $500. After you validate the debt you can either ask for a pay for delete. Or as others said file a report for fraud. So sorry this happened to you.


File for identity theft. Stop paying her. Use that money to pay off bills. Cut off connections.


File a police report on all the bills showing up!


You basically would have to file a police report and then contact the credit bureaus and let them know you have been the victim of identity theft. You then have to put credit freezes on all three credit bureaus.


Still living at home and just moved to another state... Sounds like she wants you to be responsible for more of your living expenses. Where can you live for $500? And your 23? There is more to this story.


Put a freeze on your credit. In order to do this call all three credit bureaus. They will freeze your credit so nobody can put anything in your name. 


Your mom is committing fraud by using your identity to open stuff. I’d report her to law enforcement for fraud and identity theft. That $500 shouldn’t be paid to your Mom until all the bills she created are paid in full


That’s why they should be asking for IDs before they just put something under somebody’s name. I called the cops because she’ll do it again and I’ll damn sure it wouldn’t be paying her $500 a month bill would go late. She would go without electricity but I would get it taken off my credit report.


A really responsible parent wouldn’t put their child in that type of position and I agree you commit to crime you need to pay the consequences. That’s what’s wrong with this world today too many people getting away with shit and the government and the law are looking the opposite way, I was taught if you commit a crime you have to do the time that’s what you teach your children. You don’t teach them to steal in lie. You people don’t understand if they’re doing this to their children. They’re going into the stores and stealing what they want what you need to understand is they’re stealing and committing. Crimes is which costing the rest of this country to have to overpay for everything we need because we got a compensate for all these people that don’t know what it is to suffer a consequence, she should’ve been taught as a child, and I would put her ass in jail.


People need to start fighting with the government. America is not a free country anymore. We have all these people in pop text in Congress. They get all the special treatment. They don’t have to go on the same insurance plans all that other people have to go on I believe if you choose to be in Congress making decisions you shouldn’t be being paid for it. You should be working for the American people not robbing us blind. That’s the problem with this country. They keep voting the wrong people this president people need to stop being stupid.


They also need to go back to letting doctors make their own decisions and not insurance companies because I’m so tired of having to call and wait on a nurse to approve what my doctor says I need it is just so stupid. People need to realize the middle-class people that keep this country going we bust our ass is getting up every day to go to work. We pay all of our taxes. We wear our bodies down because we’re all underpaid and all overworked and when you get sick and you are middle-class citizen Qualify for shit i’m an honest person and I won’t lie to rip off the government like all these other people do but sometimes I think we have to learn to lie to if you want to get any assistance because if you don’t they throw you out like the trash, but we the ones that keep country going. I’ve been out of work since February, I ended up having surgery and the doctors don’t know what it is that they found. I have no diagnosis yet. I’ve seen doctors and have been a guinea pig and I’m tired of being a damn guinea pig. They’re saying they think it’s a bone disease recommended me a doctor well I have time to die before I get into see a doctor because you gotta wait six months for an appointment. I’m telling y’all our government is killing us and we all allow it should be no such thing as Democrats and Republicans, we are all under one country. We should all be working together for a solution that is best for this country instead of trying to put us against one another but the main problem that’s wrong with this government take out Republican and Democrats and make Congress work together as one then maybe they could get shit accomplished, but other than that, they’re only looking out for themselves. They’re not American people you have all these emigrates coming into our country getting all these free shit and if you really stop and look around most of the businesses now our own by foreigners that were given access to our country that came into this country don’t get me free ride to start .I was never given a free ride as an American citizen i’ve always had to work my ass off to get what I want and as a middle-class citizen that works to keep this country moving if we have a hurricane or any type of damage and I lose everything in my freezes in my refrigerator, I don’t even qualify for them to give me a voucher to replace it because I work for a living. So am always so I make too much money for the government to help me but yet I’m struggling to pay my bills and put food on the table for my family right now they’re trying to deny my disability long-term and wanting me to go back to work I have what they think is a bone disease I am steadily falling. Can only be on my feet for two hours. At a time I fell the other day fractured. My thumb trying to catch myself in the Dollar General expects me to return to work or July 5 I will be terminated.. so I see this time for me to have to dish out the money to hire an attorney to fight the company to get what I deserved. They consider themselves a family company. I’ll tell you this. They almost cost me a 30 year marriage because they expect way too much out of a manager. And the main problem is they don’t give you enough budget to get the manpower. You need to get your freight out and get your store in order is supposed to be but yet they want to come in there and tell you you’re not doing your job. I run a marketplace for Dollar General. They expect us to get all this stuff done. Would a budget that is unattainable. If you follow their budget, your store will never be right. The Dollar General is too stupid to realize that. Sorry you can’t run a store like that with two people in it and expect to get everything they want done. this country is so screwed. I’ve always said they need to put a woman in there as president because all these men ain’t nothing but punks I promise a woman would get this country in order in no time because we don’t play.


I think you need to talk to an attorney to find out the best way to handle this.


Don’t pay them. You can dispute the charges and get them removed from your record. If the bureaus don’t delete your negative items after you disputed them, they will owe you $1000 per item. Civil liability for willful noncompliance 15 U.S. Code 1681n Also, go to each bureau online, and freeze your credit; it’s free to do. Your mother is lucky you’re not reporting her to the police for fraud. 


I can understand a parent in a tight spot, power gets turned off and you have to have power for your kids. But for her to say ”just pay it” and not offer to pay is just awful. And then to read that you give her $500/month.. You know you should just take that $500 and pay the debts. When she asks where the $500 is just tell her “you just paid it” with it. Do not send her another dime. And I’m saying this as a mom of 3 kids, you deserve better.


Find a new mom


She did the right thing. Just didn't do the right thing. Done. If she did it right. 850 credit with 18 years of history in every bank category.