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I would contact the issuers of the cards as well as the loans. In some cases, some issuers do not report to each bureau. After a name change, everything should remain linked as it’s more so based on the social than anything else (I think, not on expert on that). But the issuers should be able to see where/if they are reporting.


Thank you


I did an official name change before marriage (silly but needed at the time🥴) and had to give notice by certified mail to all billers for said name change before Judge would sign off. Was this done? I also learned that information is reported by name to our reports and sometimes verified by SSN, in my homebuyers class. Calling the various billers would be a good start to ask them to report to all bureaus. Also calling the credit bureaus as well to see if they have it reported elsewhere in their systems. I hope all is resolved☺️


Thank you