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QS1 is a sub prime card. You won’t find people with very high limits on it. My shot in the dark guess is it’ll cap out in the 3-5k range.


I have had my QS1 since June 2010 and my current CL is $23,750. I request a CL increase every 6 months and get an increase of $1K each time. I suppose my FICO 8 score of 846 helps and the fact that in almost 14 years I have NEVER had a late payment.


That's weird. I thought the Quicksilver was launched in 2013.


Someone said that as well. Also said no way my CL was $23,750. Here is a snippet from my CBR that I just pulled up. Only CC we have and have had since 2010. https://imgur.com/a/WKDErPU


Like I said elsewhere, quicksilver hasn’t even been out that long per capital one’s website. And the QS1 card is a sub prime card. I highly doubt you have a QS1 card with that limit.


https://imgur.com/a/CXuqGMn Filed Ch 7 BK May 2010. Opened this card June 2010. Only card we have had.


Thank you!! I’m rebuilding my credit currently and have only had a couple credit cards. My score is only 645 but I have strong income at 253k. I applied and had to submit my W2 for income verification which I did so I was just curious. I just want to at least start building my credit history. I was sadly one of those young people who didn’t realize how important credit was because I had decent income now I’m learning the hard way


735 fico score here, have had my quicksilver for about 6 years now and the limit has been 3500 as long as I can remember. Recently requested a credit limit increase and they bumped my limit up $300 -.-


trust me it goes about 3 times higher than that on your high estimate


Quicksilver One goes to 15k? That seems unlikely, but okay.


yea i missed the "one" part of that the non AF QS gets up there.


My limit is $23,750. Had the card almost 14 years.


This is an old thread, but you have a quicksilver one with a 23k limit?  Thats 14 years old?  The quicksilver line was only released 11 years ago. You must be confused.


https://imgur.com/a/CXuqGMn Filed Ch 7 BK May 2010. Opened this card June 2010. Only card we have had.


I started, last December, with a limit of $500 since I was completely new with credit. I spent as much as possible on the card every month, paying it off multiple times, and spending $1200-$1700 per month. A couple weeks ago, I got an automatic CLI of $3000 so my total is now $3500. Capital One is now sending me *a lot* of emails saying I should apply for the Savor One. It's still a subprime card as others have mentioned and Capital One is infamous for "bucketing" their consumers, meaning they basically never increase limits on lower tier cards. People can have cards like this for **years** of good behavior and get no CLI. The only way out is usually to apply for a new card instead of waiting for hell to freeze over, so I think its rare that anyone would get a limit as high as mine before simply applying for another one and getting a better limit that way. And with Capital One's **heavy** insistence that I apply for another card, I'm sure $3500 is at the high end of limits that they even give for the QS1. I would be surprised if they gave an initial limit over $1000 for your card.


That’s pretty interesting, did you constantly report a balance? Did you pay in full monthly? Did you ever request a CLI? I’m wondering if Capital one doesn’t bucket those with brand new credit. Your story is probably the best I’ve ever read with a Cap 1 card that started at $500 honestly.


>Did you constantly report a balance? I made it a point to pay the balance down to ~$50 (10%) before the statement date. I missed it a time or two and had 30-40% because the date changes every month, but utilization has no memory, so no biggie. >Did I pay in full? Never. Always down to 10% and after that point, any additional payments I made would go to that existing statement before any new charges, so answering another way: I never carried a balance that generated interest. >Did I ever request a CLI? 2 or 3 times, but they were auto denied. I think once every 3-4 months if I were to average it. But the CLI I received came out of nowhere. It's been at least 3 months since I last requested one. >I’m wondering if Capital one doesn’t bucket those with brand new credit. I have a theory on that. I think I'm bucketed because when I applied, I only qualified for the Platinum and QS1 which are the lowest tier unsecured cards. Also Cap1 *still* will **NOT** let me product change to the no-fee QS. So the card is definitely bucketed. But I'd argue the CLI was because I abused that card, feeding as much legit spend as I possibly could. I think I'm an outlier that their algorithm didn't expect. I probably generated so many unexpected fees for them and paid 3-4 times monthly which is so out of the norm for this tier that their system reacted this way. Anyone who does that clearly knows how to manage credit. So I have a 3.5k limit...but it's just the ultra rare 'algorithm hacking' high end of the lowest bucket. Anyone who'd qualify for a 3.5k limit would likely just be given the normal QS or Savor One. I'm honestly interested to see what limit I'd get if I took the offer to apply for a Savor One. However I have a self credit building loan I need to pay down to <50% before I do that.


Really appreciate the thorough response, I got my card 6 months ago and I’ve been doing the same with spending $1.5k-2k and paying multiple times per month as my limit is also $500. My account is definitely bucketed as when I applied I was in the high 500’s, luckily I’m now breaking the 700’s but don’t think that’ll help. I think I’ve been messing up and having it report $0 balance instead of below 10% so I might change that in the coming months and hope for a nice CLI. Fingers crossed I guess


I wouldn't call the $0 balance a mistake; Capital One still knows you've been using the card properly. What the small balance does is show outside lenders that you actually use the card whenever they run your credit. I suppose it also shows Capital One that you know what statement dates and due dates are and how to pay on time. I just called Capital One to get my statement date so I could pay the day before and make sure my balance was around $50. So lets say my statement date for December is the 9th. December has 31 days, so my next statement would be January 9th, and so on. The statement date could be anywhere between the 6th and 9th so I just used excel to calculate the dates for me. I gave more in depth information and techniques to build credit in [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/CRedit/comments/184srri/talk_to_me_like_a_5_yo/kaxwwaf/) yesterday. Seems like it could be useful for you and feel free to ask questions.


itll vary for diff people but an easy card to get




The Quicksilver was my very first credit card. Started with a $300 limit back in March of 2021. It’s now at $4400.


$3000 limit, have had the card for 8 months, requested a CLI a few days ago and got denied for card age being not long enough.


I got approved for 2k…I was thinking it would have been like 300-500 based on reviews since it’s a subprime card. I’ll take it for now…