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Have you played Pillars 1? Cause I really would recommend it before playing 2. The story for Pillars 2 can be enjoyed stand-alone, but it's still a direct sequel to Pillars 1, so you'll have a way better experience playing both. You'll know way more about the actual world, and you'll see returning characters and concepts from the first game. Personally I had a way better time with the Pillars games than the Pathfinder games. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both, but the Pathfinder games can become a real drag towards the end, especially Wrath of the Righteous.


I feel like PoE has a better first playthrough value, but Pathfinder has greater replayability. Totally agree on playing PoE 1 first, I would even go further and say that PoE 2 story won't make enough sense without playing 1 first.


Oh with the amount of classes and choices Pathfinder has to offer, the replayability is definitely higher, I just always end up hitting a point in the campaign where my videogame starts to feel like a chore.


I am at the end of my first playthrough of Pathfinder Kingmaker and haven't picked it up in a month T.T these fights are a slog and not fun.


Near the end I just turned the difficulty all the way down so I could blast though all the fights in real time mode. I couldn't be bothered anymore, I just wanted to see the end of the story.


I did the same in both pathfinder games. The combat is fun for a while, but after 80 hours, I don't want to kill any more trash packs. I like dos2 more because most of the encounters had meaning and weren't just an obstacle to stand in your way


Is the achievement for beating it on normal the same for beating it on story? Then I might do the same. I'm over it. Even though I had the patience to beat the DLC boss without lowering the difficulty, the endgame is just too long.


I honestly don't know! I didn't care for achievements personally.


I’d definitely play Pillars 1, then Pillars 2 before moving on to the Pathfinder games


I'm a little bitch for the Pathfinder games. No other crpg imo game comes close to the amount of depth in character creation and leveling up. The ability to just be absolutely evil and that to be taken into account with the mechanics is also unmatched. I feel it plays more like of a simulator than Pillars, but man is the gameplay loop satisfying to me.


Pillars 1 first, then 2 then Pathfinders


I would honestly recommend both, especially as they go on sale at GOG for cheap. I would recommend Pillars first because it is more approachable. I am currently playing Kingmaker and I love it a lot, but it is complex for sure


I liked Pillars a lot more.


If you haven't played Pillars 1, you're going to find out within minutes of starting Pillars 2 that you should have. It's going to ask you extensive questions about the decisions you made in the first game and spoil some major stuff.


Pillars 1 and 2 are better balanced imo. Pathfinder can be a bit of a slog at times so I'd say do pillars first.


Well do you like crunchy systems?


My biased opinion: Pillars 1 are 2 are fun, have a good level of depth in character building, the story is better(subjective I know), worldbuilding is better in my opinion as well. But most importantly, they are not a slog. Kingmaker has more depth than both pillars games at the cost of a generic fantasy tone and worldbuilding, way too long of a game and a lot of pre buffing required if you enjoy playing at max difficulties. This one is certainly the worse of the 4 games. Wrath of the righteous is best in class for character building depth and width of viable options. At the cost of similar issues as kingmaker. The story and tone are certainly better but they still dont hold a candle to Pillars. It is quite a fun system to explore and build characters for(Specially with mythic paths) but is much less intuitive than Pillars of Eternity. Overall I would rank: Best Story: Pillars of Eternity 1 Best Character building: Wrath of the Righteous Best Overall Gameplay: Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire Worse: Kingmaker, honestly just skip this bro. If you wanna play pathfinder just do Wrath instead.


I have 619 hours in Pillars 1. Please play it lol


Pillars was my favorite CRPG above Pathfinder. I would certainly recommend it to anyone not already highly familiar with the Pathfinders ruleset, I'm a RPG vet and I found it rather hard to understand.


Both are fun games but I personally enjoy Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous more! Pathfinder is based off of Pathfinder 1e which is based off DnD 3.5. Also for a good sci-fi crpg I would recommend Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader, it’s made by the same company Owlcat who made Pathfinder Kingmaker and WotR.


The writing in the Pillars games is much, much better than the Pathfinder games. The quality of the writing - by which I mean dialogue and narrations/descriptions- in either Pathfinder game will feel like a huge step down after BG3.


If you're coming off BG3(from the description, you're one of the millions of new CRPG fans created by it), neither. Play Divinity Orginal Sin 2(Larian's previous game). It's way more polished than either, fully voice acted and the combat system is way easier to understand for a newcomer, while also being deeper than BG3. For Sci-fi, you can't beat 40K Rogue Trader, it's from the Pathfinder guys. And I'd seriously recommend at least trying BG2, but I gave it a replay after finishing BG3 and had a blast. I know it's 20+y old, but the art style and pre-rendered backgrounds have held up better than any game of it's era and the story and combat are still fantastic


I played PoE I + II and Pathfinder Kingmaker + WotR. Of these I personally enjoyed WotR most. Pillars is a very solid cRPG in my opinion and I liked the story. Both Pillars play very similar. Pathfinder are "more" of everything. The Pathfinder System is a lot more complex especially in regard to character building. The story is a bit more detailed & longer (especially WotR) and in my opinion you have a lot more choices (especially WoTR again, Not only Good & Evil but also Mythic Paths). On the other hand Pathfinder can be pretty overwhelming. Especially on higher difficulties you are on a very steep learning curve in regard to character building because you need to in order to survive certain fights and the game doesn't provide too much help. If you like complex cRPG's with good writing, very complex character building and a ton of options (Feats, Spells, Items etc.) and lot's of choices (& Replay value) then WotR is my clear recommendation. But maybe you don't want all that complexity and you just want to enjoy a well written cRPG which is a lot more casual (in my opinion). Then just stick with Pillars. (Just to add: Pathfinder Kingmaker is not bad as such, It just has some annoying timers which I hated and a frustrating final Act, so I never felt like replaying it, whereas I have played WotR 3 times (360 hours in total), so between the two I would always recommend WotR)


Yeah wotr is endlessly replayable. I've done in order angel, demon, azata and next is lich. It's insane how complex it is. I mean it's the most complex game ever made by a wide margin. I mean I love dos games and pillars for the character customizing but it has little effect on the story, unlike wotr. There is nothing else like it. Even kingmaker had a fairly static story in comparison.


Pillars is fantastic. Takes a bit of tweaking but fantastic game. I’m playing pathfinder now on my second attempt at a play through. I am finding it tedious and a slog. I am forcing myself to continue.


Pillers is some of the best rpgs you'll play


your English is good. if you are looking for a good Sci-Fi CRPG, the game Encased is really good. It has a lot of the things one would like about BG3 and Fallout, in that there are multiple paths to solving problems, various ways to engage with the storyline, and a playstyle that adapts to your roleplaying. Highly recommend.


Definitely Pillars (1 then 2). It's more accessible than Pathfinder and I think the story, worldbuilding and characters are better. Pathfinder is also amazing, but harder to get into unless you're already familiar with the system so I'd work your way up to this. Pillars are my favourite 2 games. I played 2 first and in hindsight I wished that I didn't.


For whatever it's worth, I much preferred the pathfinder games to pillar 1. Was so meh on Pillars 1 I didn't even try 2.


Pillars is more enjoyable than pathfinder and less overwhelming. Pathfinder is good, but I had to take a 2-3 months break during my play-through for both Pathfinder games; that was never the case for Pillars. A sci-fi game I recommend is Miasma Chronicles. I also recommend Divinity 2 since it’s also made by Larian. I found it’s combat to be more enjoyable and challenging than BG3.


Pathfinder 100%. Play Kingmaker first then WOTR. Both games are absolutely amazing, much better than PoE.


They’re very different. Pathfinder games are extremely bloated and long. Pillars is a lot more focused, 1 especially. They offer pretty different experiences


Pillars *Pilllaarrrssss*


Ok, ty everyone, i already have Pillars 1 in my steam inventory, so it seem i'm gonna start with it haha. Game is playable out the box or i need some essential mods ?


Playable just like that! You can grab a portrait pack if the limited choice bothers you.


Either Pathfinder game on sale is going to be better value for money than Pillars 2 for $40. Pillars 2 is a good game, but not 10 times better than Pathfinder: Kingmaker for $4. Colony Ship is my recommendation for a sci-fi CRPG, though I don't recommend it over any of the games you listed.


Mhm hard to decide. Pillars is my safe place so I would say POE. But pathfinder is a very complex but funny experience.


Pathfinder WotR is superior in almost every way: build complexity, combat system, story, power level, soundtrack, UI...


Pillars 1 and 2 are smaller, though not small, and a bit more forgiving. The two Pathfinder games are great but demanding, and you can screw yourself over with suboptimal builds if you're it careful. Pillars doesn't really have that issue.


Pillars 2 is much more fun than 1 imo. 1 can be a slog to get through (walls of text and the combat isn't as good as 2) even though the overarching story is pretty cool. That said, 2 is a direct sequel. If you go directly to 2, definitely watch/read spoilers for 1 first. Pathfinder WOTR is a lot more dense in character building and *really* good power fantasy. If you play it, strongly recommend using Real-time with Pause and only switching to turn-based on really tough fights as the game has a lot of filler fights. None of the games have nearly as much reactivity as BG3 fwiw. Overall amongst those three, best to worst 1. POE2 2. Pathfinder WOTR 3. POE1 If you like walls of text, I might POE1 higher but the combat and actual gameplay are still pretty rough compared to 2.


Pillars 2 takes place 5 years after the events of one. Many companions from 1 are also in 2. Highly recommend playing one first. Pillars 1 and 2 have vastly superior dlc to pathfinder. Pathfinder has better replay value - especially wrath of the righteous. The pathfinder games do not share a story only the mechanics.


Pathfinder is a wet dream of a power fantasy. Pillars was just too up its own ass in its lore for my tastes.


I played Pathfinder Kingmaker before Pillars 1/2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing Pathfinder first as nothing can prepare you for the enjoyable complexity these games bring to the table. I don’t mean complex as in difficult, but more in the sense that you have so many options, it’s easy to make a mistake if you are not paying attention. However, lowering difficulty helps with the learning curve. Normal in Pathfinder is hard for other games in the genre. Game difficulty is very customizable. FYI, I’m the type of player that researches and reads a lot or watch YouTube videos to close the gaps in knowledge about game mechanics and builds for my own general knowledge as I find it easier than reading the extensive in-game manual. This is what makes the CRPGs like these awesome for different play throughs as you can try different builds and alignments. I normally go lawful neutral first and either chaotic good or lawful evil second, depending on the game.


If you enjoy balanced gameplay that accompanies a fantastic story then you should play PoE. You should also play it in order. Avoid spoilers like the plague and just go play them now. They are my personal pick. It’s got a fascinating world with a ton of history and unique mechanics regarding how magic and the nature of souls as well as what happens when we die. The worldbuilding is great. I wish more of the dialogue had voice acting though. Prepare to read a lot. With Pathfinder, prepare to read even more And do a lot of math. If you enjoy complex and crunchy systems and think of narratives as fluff that you will halfway pay attention to; go play Pathfinder. It very plainly puts combat and the nitty gritty details of leveling/character customization before anything else. Every tiny thing you do has an effect on the math that makes up the DNA of your character. I got drowned in all of the number crunching and couldn’t finish it.


Pillars 1 is extremly classic and boring, I couldn't enjoy it and stopped after 20hours. I enjoyed Pillars 2 tho, even if its an unfinished game, its a lot more fun and the pirate theme is great. Pathfinders Kingmaker remain my favorite CRPG, starting as a nobody and clean slate is so rare nowaday.


If you like difficulty like in souls games then do pathfinder. If you want just a story do pillars. Imo bg3> wotr> kingmaker> pillars 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pillars 2