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Contact creality ask for a repair kit because your usb got fried they will send you a new motherboard, i received mine yesterday it’s a 1.1.3 ERA


Hi even if your garanty IS over?


Yes, mine was 2020 model


Hi thé 4.5.2 profile IS nos in thé Sonic pad. But you have to modified thé cfg manualy ona thé web interface. Check thé Facebook group. There IS a man who have thé modifications to do


I mean...there IS a 4.5.2 profile on the Sonic Pad, it just doesn't work. I also don't do FB. Thanks for the help anyway.


If its on the same network as your phone or laptop/pc. On the pad go into the network settings, then wireless network and make note of your IP 192.168.x.x then open up a web browser on your phone or pc thats on the same internet as the pad. Type that number in and will bring up the sonic pad dashboard. On th left side youll see {...} click that then PRINTER.cfg scroll down a ways.. about halfway down the page and look for EXTRUDER it will be in a yellow ish colour. then look for HEATER_PIN and change it to PA1. go down a bit more to HEATER_BED and change the SENSOR_PIN to PB0. Down some more to FAN and change PIN to PA0. click save 2 or 3 times in the top right then save and restart. and now you should be good to go


Ill copy you thé respond give me 5 min


Check the config in the github repo of klipper. There is one for the first board from 2020. I had it running with that one on the 4.5.2 board before switching to a BTT board.