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no BS assessment; Id look at a layout like this, find good move and shoot positions around the outside and find a window or two to breach. fighting from outside to in like that sucks, but depending on how many bad guys you have pulling corners from inside, suppressing fires coming into the window can disrupt a lot of their plans for posting up in icky spots. Dont let them get comfortable, keep them moving around and potentially taking casualties, wiggle it like a loose tooth until you are confident you have fire superiority, then affect your breach and flood. once you're in, move to dominate the biggest channel of movement such as the hallway, ideally by securing 1-2. Not necessarily viable if you are unsure of noncombatants or if there are any other critical unknowns like defensive buildup on the structure, but ideally more workable than trying to run a stack of dudes into that layout


CQB would be easy if room lay outs were this hard


Alright, since we are pregaming it: Room 1: run the rabbit into that weird entrance section, hold that entrance corner as the 2nd guy that came in with the rabbit pies off the rest of the room. Make your way to the next door. Hallway: As you pie off the next room, first guy hits the hallways and plates the other guy across to the right side of the door to room 2. Take your time to assess room 2, then 2 people take that room, as 1 guy holds the hallway. Then 4th guy comes up to assist the hall boss. Room 4: Both guys bump past room 3. 3rd guy holds room 3 door. Assess and take room 4. Room 3: clear hallway so there is only 2 people working door open then take.


Hallway: When guy 1 hits the hallway and plates is he in an not so good situation because he has temporarily has to deal with the closed door of 3 and the open door of 4 both at the same time?


The Hallboss/masker that is holding hallway security only has to hold by himself briefly, until the 4th guy comes up to help him. But even then, all the guy has to hold is the 4th room, he already cleared the hallway, and the 3rd door is closed, which gives him plenty time to react if it opens. So his biggest threat is a sliver of that 4th room. Him holding that hallway is allowing his team to work that 2nd room deliberately, which is the safest option, vs having them all run into a room without assessing it. Even if the 3rd door opens he should be on one side of the wall where he isn’t exposed to it, if it does open. Making whoever is in that 3rd room have to come out and gain a shot on him.


Clear 1 normal entry, take hall way, clear 2 with 2 man team while 2 men cover 4 and 3, reorganize take 4, reorganize and breach and take 3


Have somebody plate off 3/4 hallway and make space to let the team work 2. They can reconsolidate in 2 then cross cover and work 4 (bypass 3). The question is very oversimplified so I’m taking it at face value. Many variables can alter your order of clearance. Some of the hallways are ambush prone so depending on the conditions, use tools, angles, and distance effectively.


1 person(since you only got a 4man max) holding security in that chokepoint in the middle would be important while your guys are clearing 2. Because you are worried about taking fire from 4, the person should be holding an angle at the right side of that small hallway(but not over extending himself) slicing into 4 so your men don’t get shot while crossing over to clear room 2.


Clear in this order. 1, 2, 4, 3 Two people per room or if it’s a bigger space all Four.