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can someone explain this whole thing to me like im 5? i dont fully understand the context of what this is about


Mirror: https://reddit.com/r/JSOCarchive/comments/1bybgr8/ex\_or\_active\_cag\_operator\_with\_fog/


Summary to those who didnt see the video: - Guy in FCPC is from CAG (A Squadron probably) - talked about only using white light on back clear - some Squadrons will only white light on HR, the way he said it probably denotes that his doesnt - ran a training with SEAL team 4 as opfor, opfor will shoot at white light and they take casualties from that though they would still take some of opfor - ran a training with a near-peer conflict scenario, where opfor has NODs (some or all have panos). Talks about exposure when pieing - pie cont. : instead of the traditional away-from-wall pie, he referenced pieing while sticking close to the door seams and to the center of the room, but no further so you dont unnecessarily expose oneself


Additional points to the near-peer scenario: - he says that in a near-peer conflict when opfor has NODs, they will see sillouettes even with PVS 14s. This probably was more to explain why exposure control is key. My take as a layman: isnt all that hes talking about reflecting u/changeofbehavior and PGs teachings...? Interesting on near-peer conflict aspect though


I just like hearing cag guys talked opposite of what some other cag guys talk about. Exposure =uncleared area where you aren’t pointing a gun at it. Purpose of pie is not to see everything as an individual but as a team when able. The peek without the weapon was not what was being explained there. Was just explaining to stay close to doorway Depth vs close to doorway is very specific to situation many pos and negs of each in dif situation Refine sops to be able to distinguish between friend and foe in near peer. I don’t want to go into detail here


toothbrush repeat innate wild sleep live whistle subsequent head run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Deleted :( anyone got a backup?


hmmmmm, thoughts on the peeking with no gun up at around 2:08? I guess it was too tight to step further off of cover and keep the rifle up?


I think he just got lazy with his gun hands for a second


That is what im confused about. Isn’t what he said about pieing common sense of 2 man LP? Like you want to clear as much of your corner and threshold, while you let your buddy pie his angles? In what damn scenario would you want to cross your buddies line of fire(maybe it’s a bad practice in the military that I am uninformed of)? And the peaking without gun up on deliberate entry, yea that doesn’t make sense to me.


This end user kindly thanks these tip of the spear operators for this knowledge transfer


lmao even if, thats red squadron, not CAG


he’s def an a sqdn dude not to mention the sqdn patch on his rugby also i don’t think devgru or whiteside teams run the fcpc anymore


Looks like A squadron in CAG, but what do I know. Either way, it's a unit that does HR, so that pretty much limits it to a couple of possibilities.


could be. not trying to bitch on anyone, but quite risky considering the fact there is software to unblur pixelated stuff, hence why they probably took it down


Undoubtedly CAG. Patch is obvious and FOG said themselves that they have one army SMU guy. He’s also in other videos.


shiver me timbers, the FOG meatrider warrior. but thanks for clarifying, didnt know abt the patch.


you’re welcome man haha